# test mod_md ACMEv2 registrations import re import json import pytest from .md_conf import MDConf from .md_env import MDTestEnv @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not MDTestEnv.has_a2md(), reason="no a2md available") @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not MDTestEnv.has_acme_server(), reason="no ACME test server configured") class TestAcmeAcc: @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='class') def _class_scope(self, env, acme): acme.start(config='default') env.check_acme() env.APACHE_CONF_SRC = "data/test_drive" MDConf(env).install() assert env.apache_restart() == 0 @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='function') def _method_scope(self, env): env.check_acme() env.clear_store() # test case: register a new account, vary length to check base64 encoding @pytest.mark.parametrize("contact", [ "x@not-forbidden.org", "xx@not-forbidden.org", "xxx@not-forbidden.org" ]) def test_md_202_000(self, env, contact): r = env.a2md(["-t", "accepted", "acme", "newreg", contact], raw=True) assert r.exit_code == 0, r m = re.match("registered: (.*)$", r.stdout) assert m, "did not match: {0}".format(r.stdout) acct = m.group(1) print("newreg: %s" % m.group(1)) self._check_account(env, acct, ["mailto:" + contact]) # test case: register a new account without accepting ToS, must fail def test_md_202_000b(self, env): r = env.a2md(["acme", "newreg", "x@not-forbidden.org"], raw=True) assert r.exit_code == 1 m = re.match(".*must agree to terms of service.*", r.stderr) if m is None: # the pebble variant m = re.match(".*account did not agree to the terms of service.*", r.stderr) assert m, "did not match: {0}".format(r.stderr) # test case: respect 'mailto:' prefix in contact url def test_md_202_001(self, env): contact = "mailto:xx@not-forbidden.org" r = env.a2md(["-t", "accepted", "acme", "newreg", contact], raw=True) assert r.exit_code == 0 m = re.match("registered: (.*)$", r.stdout) assert m acct = m.group(1) self._check_account(env, acct, [contact]) # test case: fail on invalid contact url @pytest.mark.parametrize("invalid_contact", [ "mehlto:xxx@not-forbidden.org", "no.at.char", "with blank@test.com", "missing.host@", "@missing.localpart.de", "double..dot@test.com", "double@at@test.com" ]) def test_md_202_002(self, env, invalid_contact): assert env.a2md(["acme", "newreg", invalid_contact]).exit_code == 1 # test case: use contact list def test_md_202_003(self, env): contact = ["xx@not-forbidden.org", "aa@not-forbidden.org"] r = env.a2md(["-t", "accepted", "acme", "newreg"] + contact, raw=True) assert r.exit_code == 0 m = re.match("registered: (.*)$", r.stdout) assert m acct = m.group(1) self._check_account(env, acct, ["mailto:" + contact[0], "mailto:" + contact[1]]) # test case: validate new account def test_md_202_100(self, env): acct = self._prepare_account(env, ["tmp@not-forbidden.org"]) assert env.a2md(["acme", "validate", acct]).exit_code == 0 # test case: fail on non-existing account def test_md_202_101(self, env): assert env.a2md(["acme", "validate", "ACME-localhost-1000"]).exit_code == 1 # test case: report fail on request signing problem def test_md_202_102(self, env): acct = self._prepare_account(env, ["tmp@not-forbidden.org"]) with open(env.path_account(acct)) as f: acctj = json.load(f) acctj['url'] = acctj['url'] + "0" open(env.path_account(acct), "w").write(json.dumps(acctj)) assert env.a2md(["acme", "validate", acct]).exit_code == 1 # test case: register and try delete an account, will fail without persistence def test_md_202_200(self, env): acct = self._prepare_account(env, ["tmp@not-forbidden.org"]) assert env.a2md(["delreg", acct]).exit_code == 1 # test case: register and try delete an account with persistence def test_md_202_201(self, env): acct = self._prepare_account(env, ["tmp@not-forbidden.org"]) assert env.a2md(["acme", "delreg", acct]).exit_code == 0 # check that store is clean r = env.run(["find", env.store_dir]) assert re.match(env.store_dir, r.stdout) # test case: delete a persisted account without specifying url def test_md_202_202(self, env): acct = self._prepare_account(env, ["tmp@not-forbidden.org"]) assert env.run([env.a2md_bin, "-d", env.store_dir, "acme", "delreg", acct]).exit_code == 0 # test case: delete, then validate an account def test_md_202_203(self, env): acct = self._prepare_account(env, ["test014@not-forbidden.org"]) assert env.a2md(["acme", "delreg", acct]).exit_code == 0 # validate on deleted account fails assert env.a2md(["acme", "validate", acct]).exit_code == 1 def _check_account(self, env, acct, contact): with open(env.path_account(acct)) as f: acctj = json.load(f) assert acctj['registration']['contact'] == contact def _prepare_account(self, env, contact): r = env.a2md(["-t", "accepted", "acme", "newreg"] + contact, raw=True) assert r.exit_code == 0 return re.match("registered: (.*)$", r.stdout).group(1)