# test mod_md notify support import os import time import pytest from .md_conf import MDConf, MDConf from .md_env import MDTestEnv @pytest.mark.skipif(condition=not MDTestEnv.has_acme_server(), reason="no ACME test server configured") class TestNotify: notify_cmd = None notify_log = None domain = None @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='class') def _class_scope(self, env, acme): acme.start(config='default') env.check_acme() env.clear_store() @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='function') def _method_scope(self, env, request): self.domain = env.get_request_domain(request) self.notify_cmd = os.path.join(env.test_dir, "../modules/md/notify.py") self.notify_log = os.path.join(env.gen_dir, "notify.log") if os.path.isfile(self.notify_log): os.remove(self.notify_log) def configure_httpd(self, env, domain, add_lines=""): conf = MDConf(env) conf.add(add_lines) conf.add_md([domain]) conf.add_vhost(domain) conf.install() return domain # test: invalid notify cmd, check error def test_md_900_001(self, env): command = "blablabla" args = "" self.configure_httpd(env, self.domain, f""" MDNotifyCmd {command} {args} """) assert env.apache_restart() == 0 assert env.await_error(self.domain) stat = env.get_md_status(self.domain) assert stat["renewal"]["last"]["problem"] == "urn:org:apache:httpd:log:AH10108:" # test: valid notify cmd that fails, check error def test_md_900_002(self, env): command = "%s/notifail.py" % env.test_dir args = "" self.configure_httpd(env, self.domain, f""" MDNotifyCmd {command} {args} """) assert env.apache_restart() == 0 assert env.await_error(self.domain) stat = env.get_md_status(self.domain) assert stat["renewal"]["last"]["problem"] == "urn:org:apache:httpd:log:AH10108:" # test: valid notify that logs to file def test_md_900_010(self, env): command = self.notify_cmd args = self.notify_log self.configure_httpd(env, self.domain, f""" MDNotifyCmd {command} {args} """) assert env.apache_restart() == 0 assert env.await_completion([self.domain], restart=False) time.sleep(1) stat = env.get_md_status(self.domain) assert stat["renewal"]["last"]["status"] == 0 time.sleep(1) nlines = open(self.notify_log).readlines() assert 1 == len(nlines) assert ("['%s', '%s', '%s']" % (command, args, self.domain)) == nlines[0].strip() # test: signup with working notify cmd and see that it is called with the # configured extra arguments def test_md_900_011(self, env): command = self.notify_cmd args = self.notify_log extra_arg = "test_900_011_extra" self.configure_httpd(env, self.domain, f""" MDNotifyCmd {command} {args} {extra_arg} """) assert env.apache_restart() == 0 assert env.await_completion([self.domain], restart=False) time.sleep(1) stat = env.get_md_status(self.domain) assert stat["renewal"]["last"]["status"] == 0 nlines = open(self.notify_log).readlines() assert ("['%s', '%s', '%s', '%s']" % (command, args, extra_arg, self.domain)) == nlines[0].strip() # test: signup with working notify cmd for 2 MD and expect it to be called twice def test_md_900_012(self, env): md1 = "a-" + self.domain domains1 = [md1, "www." + md1] md2 = "b-" + self.domain domains2 = [md2, "www." + md2] command = self.notify_cmd args = self.notify_log conf = MDConf(env) conf.add(f"MDNotifyCmd {command} {args}") conf.add_md(domains1) conf.add_md(domains2) conf.add_vhost(domains1) conf.add_vhost(domains2) conf.install() assert env.apache_restart() == 0 assert env.await_completion([md1, md2], restart=False) time.sleep(1) stat = env.get_md_status(md1) assert stat["renewal"]["last"]["status"] == 0 stat = env.get_md_status(md2) assert stat["renewal"]["last"]["status"] == 0 nlines = open(args).readlines() assert 2 == len(nlines)