path: root/test/interactive-helper/
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 09:00:48 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 09:00:48 +0000
commit851b6a097165af4d51c0db01b5e05256e5006896 (patch)
tree5f7c388ec894a7806c49a99f3bdb605d0b299a7c /test/interactive-helper/
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 2.6.1.upstream/2.6.1upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1091 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/interactive-helper/ b/test/interactive-helper/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4f8d95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/interactive-helper/
@@ -0,0 +1,1091 @@
+#include <config.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/cmndline.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/configuration.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/error.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/fileutl.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/strutl.h>
+#include "teestream.h"
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <regex.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <array>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <list>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <thread>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <vector>
+static std::string HTMLEncode(std::string encode) /*{{{*/
+ constexpr std::array<std::array<char const *,2>,6> htmlencode = {{
+ {{ "&", "&amp;" }},
+ {{ "<", "&lt;" }},
+ {{ ">", "&gt;" }},
+ {{ "\"", "&quot;" }},
+ {{ "'", "&#x27;" }},
+ {{ "/", "&#x2F;" }},
+ }};
+ for (auto &&h: htmlencode)
+ encode = SubstVar(encode, h[0], h[1]);
+ return encode;
+ /*}}}*/
+static std::string httpcodeToStr(int const httpcode) /*{{{*/
+ switch (httpcode)
+ {
+ // Informational 1xx
+ case 100: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::100", "100 Continue");
+ case 101: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::101", "101 Switching Protocols");
+ // Successful 2xx
+ case 200: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::200", "200 OK");
+ case 201: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::201", "201 Created");
+ case 202: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::202", "202 Accepted");
+ case 203: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::203", "203 Non-Authoritative Information");
+ case 204: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::204", "204 No Content");
+ case 205: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::205", "205 Reset Content");
+ case 206: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::206", "206 Partial Content");
+ // Redirections 3xx
+ case 300: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::300", "300 Multiple Choices");
+ case 301: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::301", "301 Moved Permanently");
+ case 302: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::302", "302 Found");
+ case 303: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::303", "303 See Other");
+ case 304: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::304", "304 Not Modified");
+ case 305: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::305", "305 Use Proxy");
+ case 307: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::307", "307 Temporary Redirect");
+ case 308: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::308", "308 Permanent Redirect");
+ // Client errors 4xx
+ case 400: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::400", "400 Bad Request");
+ case 401: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::401", "401 Unauthorized");
+ case 402: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::402", "402 Payment Required");
+ case 403: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::403", "403 Forbidden");
+ case 404: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::404", "404 Not Found");
+ case 405: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::405", "405 Method Not Allowed");
+ case 406: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::406", "406 Not Acceptable");
+ case 407: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::407", "407 Proxy Authentication Required");
+ case 408: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::408", "408 Request Time-out");
+ case 409: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::409", "409 Conflict");
+ case 410: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::410", "410 Gone");
+ case 411: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::411", "411 Length Required");
+ case 412: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::412", "412 Precondition Failed");
+ case 413: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::413", "413 Request Entity Too Large");
+ case 414: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::414", "414 Request-URI Too Large");
+ case 415: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::415", "415 Unsupported Media Type");
+ case 416: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::416", "416 Requested range not satisfiable");
+ case 417: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::417", "417 Expectation Failed");
+ case 418: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::418", "418 I'm a teapot");
+ // Server error 5xx
+ case 500: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::500", "500 Internal Server Error");
+ case 501: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::501", "501 Not Implemented");
+ case 502: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::502", "502 Bad Gateway");
+ case 503: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::503", "503 Service Unavailable");
+ case 504: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::504", "504 Gateway Time-out");
+ case 505: return _config->Find("aptwebserver::httpcode::505", "505 HTTP Version not supported");
+ }
+ std::string codeconf, code;
+ strprintf(codeconf, "aptwebserver::httpcode::%i", httpcode);
+ strprintf(code, "%i Unknown HTTP code", httpcode);
+ return _config->Find(codeconf, code);
+ /*}}}*/
+static bool chunkedTransferEncoding(std::list<std::string> const &headers)/*{{{*/
+ if (std::find(headers.begin(), headers.end(), "Transfer-Encoding: chunked") != headers.end())
+ return true;
+ if (_config->FindB("aptwebserver::chunked-transfer-encoding", false) == true)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ /*}}}*/
+static bool contentTypeSet(std::list<std::string> const &headers) /*{{{*/
+ return std::any_of(headers.begin(), headers.end(), [](std::string const &h) { return APT::String::Startswith(h, "Content-Type:"); });
+ /*}}}*/
+// contentTypeFromExtension /*{{{*/
+static std::string contentTypeFromExtension(std::string const &ext)
+ auto t = _config->Find(std::string("aptwebserver::content-type::by-extension::").append(ext));
+ if (APT::String::Startswith(t, "text/"))
+ return t.append("; charset=utf-8");
+ return t;
+ /*}}}*/
+static void addFileHeaders(std::list<std::string> &headers, FileFd &data)/*{{{*/
+ if (chunkedTransferEncoding(headers) == false)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream contentlength;
+ contentlength << "Content-Length: " << data.FileSize();
+ headers.push_back(contentlength.str());
+ }
+ if (_config->FindB("aptwebserver::support::last-modified", true) == true)
+ {
+ std::string lastmodified("Last-Modified: ");
+ lastmodified.append(TimeRFC1123(data.ModificationTime(), false));
+ headers.push_back(lastmodified);
+ }
+ if (_config->FindB("aptwebserver::content-type::guess", true) &&
+ data.FileSize() != 0 &&
+ contentTypeSet(headers) == false)
+ {
+ std::string const name = data.Name();
+ std::string ext = flExtension(name);
+ if (name.empty() == false && ext.empty() == false && name != ext)
+ {
+ std::transform(ext.begin(), ext.end(), ext.begin(), ::tolower);
+ auto const type = contentTypeFromExtension(ext);
+ if (type.empty() == false)
+ headers.push_back(std::string("Content-Type: ").append(type));
+ }
+ }
+ /*}}}*/
+static void addDataHeaders(std::list<std::string> &headers, std::string &data)/*{{{*/
+ if (chunkedTransferEncoding(headers) == false)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream contentlength;
+ contentlength << "Content-Length: " << data.size();
+ headers.push_back(contentlength.str());
+ }
+ /*}}}*/
+static bool sendHead(std::ostream &log, int const client, int const httpcode, std::list<std::string> &headers)/*{{{*/
+ std::string response("HTTP/1.1 ");
+ response.append(httpcodeToStr(httpcode));
+ headers.push_front(response);
+ _config->Set("APTWebserver::Last-Status-Code", httpcode);
+ std::stringstream buffer;
+ auto const empties = _config->FindVector("aptwebserver::empty-response-header");
+ for (auto const &e: empties)
+ buffer << e << ":" << std::endl;
+ _config->Dump(buffer, "aptwebserver::response-header", "%t: %v%n", false);
+ std::vector<std::string> addheaders = VectorizeString(buffer.str(), '\n');
+ for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator h = addheaders.begin(); h != addheaders.end(); ++h)
+ headers.push_back(*h);
+ std::string date("Date: ");
+ date.append(TimeRFC1123(time(NULL), false));
+ headers.push_back(date);
+ if (chunkedTransferEncoding(headers) == true)
+ headers.push_back("Transfer-Encoding: chunked");
+ log << ">>> RESPONSE to " << client << " >>>" << std::endl;
+ bool Success = true;
+ for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator h = headers.begin();
+ Success == true && h != headers.end(); ++h)
+ {
+ Success &= FileFd::Write(client, h->c_str(), h->size());
+ if (Success == true)
+ Success &= FileFd::Write(client, "\r\n", 2);
+ log << *h << std::endl;
+ }
+ if (Success == true)
+ Success &= FileFd::Write(client, "\r\n", 2);
+ log << "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<" << std::endl;
+ return Success;
+ /*}}}*/
+static bool sendFile(int const client, std::list<std::string> const &headers, FileFd &data)/*{{{*/
+ bool Success = true;
+ bool const chunked = chunkedTransferEncoding(headers);
+ char buffer[500];
+ unsigned long long actual = 0;
+ while ((Success &= data.Read(buffer, sizeof(buffer), &actual)) == true)
+ {
+ if (actual == 0)
+ break;
+ if (chunked == true)
+ {
+ std::string size;
+ strprintf(size, "%llX\r\n", actual);
+ Success &= FileFd::Write(client, size.c_str(), size.size());
+ Success &= FileFd::Write(client, buffer, actual);
+ Success &= FileFd::Write(client, "\r\n", strlen("\r\n"));
+ }
+ else
+ Success &= FileFd::Write(client, buffer, actual);
+ }
+ if (chunked == true)
+ {
+ char const * const finish = "0\r\n\r\n";
+ Success &= FileFd::Write(client, finish, strlen(finish));
+ }
+ if (Success == false)
+ std::cerr << "SENDFILE:" << (chunked ? " CHUNKED" : "") << " READ/WRITE ERROR to " << client << std::endl;
+ return Success;
+ /*}}}*/
+static bool sendData(int const client, std::list<std::string> const &headers, std::string const &data)/*{{{*/
+ if (chunkedTransferEncoding(headers) == true)
+ {
+ unsigned long long const ullsize = data.length();
+ std::string size;
+ strprintf(size, "%llX\r\n", ullsize);
+ char const * const finish = "\r\n0\r\n\r\n";
+ if (FileFd::Write(client, size.c_str(), size.length()) == false ||
+ FileFd::Write(client, data.c_str(), ullsize) == false ||
+ FileFd::Write(client, finish, strlen(finish)) == false)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "SENDDATA: CHUNK WRITE ERROR to " << client << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (FileFd::Write(client, data.c_str(), data.size()) == false)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "SENDDATA: WRITE ERROR to " << client << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ /*}}}*/
+static void sendError(std::ostream &log, int const client, int const httpcode, std::string const &request,/*{{{*/
+ bool const content, std::string const &error, std::list<std::string> &headers)
+ auto const quotedCode = HTMLEncode(httpcodeToStr(httpcode));
+ std::string response("<!doctype html><html><head><title>");
+ response.append(quotedCode).append("</title><meta charset=\"utf-8\" /></head>");
+ response.append("<body><h1>").append(quotedCode).append("</h1>");
+ if (httpcode != 200)
+ response.append("<p><em>Error</em>: ");
+ else
+ response.append("<p><em>Success</em>: ");
+ if (error.empty() == false)
+ response.append(HTMLEncode(error));
+ else
+ response.append(quotedCode);
+ if (httpcode != 200)
+ response.append("</p>This error is a result of the request: <pre>");
+ else
+ response.append("The successfully executed operation was requested by: <pre>");
+ response.append(HTMLEncode(request)).append("</pre></body></html>");
+ if (httpcode != 200)
+ {
+ if (_config->FindB("aptwebserver::closeOnError", false) == true)
+ headers.push_back("Connection: close");
+ }
+ addDataHeaders(headers, response);
+ if (contentTypeSet(headers) == false)
+ headers.push_back("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
+ sendHead(log, client, httpcode, headers);
+ if (content == true)
+ sendData(client, headers, response);
+static void sendSuccess(std::ostream &log, int const client, std::string const &request,
+ bool const content, std::string const &error, std::list<std::string> &headers)
+ sendError(log, client, 200, request, content, error, headers);
+ /*}}}*/
+static void sendRedirect(std::ostream &log, int const client, int const httpcode,/*{{{*/
+ std::string const &uri, std::string const &request, bool content)
+ std::list<std::string> headers;
+ auto const quotedCode = HTMLEncode(httpcodeToStr(httpcode));
+ std::string response("<!doctype html><html><head><title>");
+ response.append(quotedCode).append("</title><meta charset=\"utf-8\" /></head>");
+ response.append("<body><h1>").append(quotedCode).append("</h1");
+ response.append("<p>You should be redirected to <em>").append(HTMLEncode(uri)).append("</em></p>");
+ response.append("This page is a result of the request: <pre>");
+ response.append(HTMLEncode(request)).append("</pre></body></html>");
+ addDataHeaders(headers, response);
+ std::string location("Location: ");
+ if (strncmp(uri.c_str(), "http://", 7) != 0 && strncmp(uri.c_str(), "https://", 8) != 0)
+ {
+ std::string const host = LookupTag(request, "Host");
+ unsigned int const httpsport = _config->FindI("aptwebserver::port::https", 4433);
+ std::string hosthttpsport;
+ strprintf(hosthttpsport, ":%u", httpsport);
+ if (host.find(hosthttpsport) != std::string::npos)
+ location.append("https://");
+ else
+ location.append("http://");
+ location.append(host).append("/");
+ if (strncmp("/home/", uri.c_str(), strlen("/home/")) == 0 && uri.find("/public_html/") != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ std::string homeuri = SubstVar(uri, "/home/", "~");
+ homeuri = SubstVar(homeuri, "/public_html/", "/");
+ location.append(homeuri);
+ }
+ else
+ location.append(uri);
+ }
+ else
+ location.append(uri);
+ headers.push_back(location);
+ if (contentTypeSet(headers) == false)
+ headers.push_back("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
+ sendHead(log, client, httpcode, headers);
+ if (content == true)
+ sendData(client, headers, response);
+ /*}}}*/
+static int filter_hidden_files(const struct dirent *a) /*{{{*/
+ if (a->d_name[0] == '.')
+ return 0;
+ // if we have the d_type check that only files and dirs will be included
+ if (a->d_type != DT_UNKNOWN &&
+ a->d_type != DT_REG &&
+ a->d_type != DT_LNK && // this includes links to regular files
+ a->d_type != DT_DIR)
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+static int grouped_alpha_case_sort(const struct dirent **a, const struct dirent **b) {
+ if ((*a)->d_type == DT_DIR && (*b)->d_type == DT_DIR);
+ else if ((*a)->d_type == DT_DIR && (*b)->d_type == DT_REG)
+ return -1;
+ else if ((*b)->d_type == DT_DIR && (*a)->d_type == DT_REG)
+ return 1;
+ else
+ {
+ struct stat f_prop; //File's property
+ stat((*a)->d_name, &f_prop);
+ int const amode = f_prop.st_mode;
+ stat((*b)->d_name, &f_prop);
+ int const bmode = f_prop.st_mode;
+ if (S_ISDIR(amode) && S_ISDIR(bmode));
+ else if (S_ISDIR(amode))
+ return -1;
+ else if (S_ISDIR(bmode))
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return strcasecmp((*a)->d_name, (*b)->d_name);
+ /*}}}*/
+static void sendDirectoryListing(std::ostream &log, int const client, std::string const &dir,/*{{{*/
+ std::string const &request, bool content, std::list<std::string> &headers)
+ struct dirent **namelist;
+ int const counter = scandir(dir.c_str(), &namelist, filter_hidden_files, grouped_alpha_case_sort);
+ if (counter == -1)
+ {
+ sendError(log, client, 500, request, content, "scandir failed", headers);
+ return;
+ }
+ std::ostringstream listing;
+ std::string const quotedDir = HTMLEncode(dir);
+ listing << "<!doctype html><html><head><title>Index of " << quotedDir << "</title><meta charset=\"utf-8\" />"
+ << "<style type=\"text/css\"><!-- td {padding: 0.02em 0.5em 0.02em 0.5em;}"
+ << "tr:nth-child(even){background-color:#dfdfdf;}"
+ << "h1, td:nth-child(3){text-align:center;}"
+ << "table {margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;} --></style>"
+ << "</head>" << std::endl
+ << "<body><h1>Index of " << quotedDir << "</h1>" << std::endl
+ << "<table><tr><th>#</th><th>Name</th><th>Size</th><th>Last-Modified</th></tr>" << std::endl;
+ if (dir != "./")
+ listing << "<tr><td>d</td><td><a href=\"..\">Parent Directory</a></td><td>-</td><td>-</td></tr>";
+ for (int i = 0; i < counter; ++i) {
+ struct stat fs;
+ std::string filename(dir);
+ filename.append("/").append(namelist[i]->d_name);
+ stat(filename.c_str(), &fs);
+ std::string const quotedHref = QuoteString(namelist[i]->d_name, "\"\\/#?");
+ std::string const quotedName = HTMLEncode(namelist[i]->d_name);
+ bool const isDir = S_ISDIR(fs.st_mode);
+ listing << "<tr><td>" << (isDir ? 'd' : 'f') << "</td>"
+ << "<td><a href=\"./" << quotedHref << (isDir ? "/" : "") <<"\">" << quotedName << "</a></td>"
+ << "<td>" << (isDir ? "-" : SizeToStr(fs.st_size).append("B")) << "</td>"
+ << "<td>" << TimeRFC1123(fs.st_mtime, true) << "</td></tr>\n";
+ }
+ listing << "</table></body></html>" << std::endl;
+ if (contentTypeSet(headers) == false)
+ headers.push_back("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
+ std::string response(listing.str());
+ addDataHeaders(headers, response);
+ sendHead(log, client, 200, headers);
+ if (content == true)
+ sendData(client, headers, response);
+ /*}}}*/
+static bool parseFirstLine(std::ostream &log, int const client, std::string const &request,/*{{{*/
+ std::string &filename, std::string &params, bool &sendContent,
+ bool &closeConnection, std::list<std::string> &headers)
+ if (strncmp(request.c_str(), "HEAD ", 5) == 0)
+ sendContent = false;
+ if (strncmp(request.c_str(), "GET ", 4) != 0)
+ {
+ sendError(log, client, 501, request, true, "", headers);
+ return false;
+ }
+ size_t const lineend = request.find('\n');
+ size_t filestart = request.find(' ');
+ for (; request[filestart] == ' '; ++filestart);
+ size_t fileend = request.rfind(' ', lineend);
+ if (lineend == std::string::npos || filestart == std::string::npos ||
+ fileend == std::string::npos || filestart == fileend)
+ {
+ sendError(log, client, 500, request, sendContent, "Filename can't be extracted", headers);
+ return false;
+ }
+ size_t httpstart = fileend;
+ for (; request[httpstart] == ' '; ++httpstart);
+ if (strncmp(request.c_str() + httpstart, "HTTP/1.1\r", 9) == 0)
+ closeConnection = strcasecmp(LookupTag(request, "Connection", "Keep-Alive").c_str(), "Keep-Alive") != 0;
+ else if (strncmp(request.c_str() + httpstart, "HTTP/1.0\r", 9) == 0)
+ closeConnection = strcasecmp(LookupTag(request, "Connection", "Keep-Alive").c_str(), "close") == 0;
+ else
+ {
+ sendError(log, client, 500, request, sendContent, "Not an HTTP/1.{0,1} request", headers);
+ return false;
+ }
+ filename = request.substr(filestart, fileend - filestart);
+ if (filename.find(' ') != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ sendError(log, client, 500, request, sendContent, "Filename contains an unencoded space", headers);
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::string host = LookupTag(request, "Host", "");
+ if (host.empty() == true)
+ {
+ // RFC 2616 §14.23 requires Host
+ sendError(log, client, 400, request, sendContent, "Host header is required", headers);
+ return false;
+ }
+ host = "http://" + host;
+ // Proxies require absolute uris, so this is a simple proxy-fake option
+ std::string const absolute = _config->Find("aptwebserver::request::absolute", "uri,path");
+ if (strncmp(host.c_str(), filename.c_str(), host.length()) == 0 && APT::String::Startswith(filename, "/_config/") == false)
+ {
+ if (absolute.find("uri") == std::string::npos)
+ {
+ sendError(log, client, 400, request, sendContent, "Request is absoluteURI, but configured to not accept that", headers);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // strip the host from the request to make it an absolute path
+ filename.erase(0, host.length());
+ std::string const authConf = _config->Find("aptwebserver::proxy-authorization", "");
+ std::string auth = LookupTag(request, "Proxy-Authorization", "");
+ if (authConf.empty() != auth.empty())
+ {
+ if (auth.empty())
+ sendError(log, client, 407, request, sendContent, "Proxy requires authentication", headers);
+ else
+ sendError(log, client, 407, request, sendContent, "Client wants to authenticate to proxy, but proxy doesn't need it", headers);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (authConf.empty() == false)
+ {
+ char const * const basic = "Basic ";
+ if (strncmp(auth.c_str(), basic, strlen(basic)) == 0)
+ {
+ auth.erase(0, strlen(basic));
+ if (auth != authConf)
+ {
+ sendError(log, client, 407, request, sendContent, "Proxy-Authentication doesn't match", headers);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::list<std::string> headers;
+ headers.push_back("Proxy-Authenticate: Basic");
+ sendError(log, client, 407, request, sendContent, "Unsupported Proxy-Authentication Scheme", headers);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (absolute.find("path") == std::string::npos && APT::String::Startswith(filename, "/_config/") == false)
+ {
+ sendError(log, client, 400, request, sendContent, "Request is absolutePath, but configured to not accept that", headers);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (APT::String::Startswith(filename, "/_config/") == false)
+ {
+ std::string const authConf = _config->Find("aptwebserver::authorization", "");
+ std::string auth = LookupTag(request, "Authorization", "");
+ if (authConf.empty() != auth.empty())
+ {
+ if (auth.empty())
+ sendError(log, client, 401, request, sendContent, "Server requires authentication", headers);
+ else
+ sendError(log, client, 401, request, sendContent, "Client wants to authenticate to server, but server doesn't need it", headers);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (authConf.empty() == false)
+ {
+ char const * const basic = "Basic ";
+ if (strncmp(auth.c_str(), basic, strlen(basic)) == 0)
+ {
+ auth.erase(0, strlen(basic));
+ if (auth != authConf)
+ {
+ sendError(log, client, 401, request, sendContent, "Authentication doesn't match", headers);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ headers.push_back("WWW-Authenticate: Basic");
+ sendError(log, client, 401, request, sendContent, "Unsupported Authentication Scheme", headers);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ size_t paramspos = filename.find('?');
+ if (paramspos != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ params = filename.substr(paramspos + 1);
+ filename.erase(paramspos);
+ }
+ else if (APT::String::Startswith(filename, "/_config/"))
+ {
+ filename.erase(0, 1);
+ return true;
+ }
+ filename = DeQuoteString(filename);
+ // this is not a secure server, but at least prevent the obvious …
+ if (filename.empty() == true || filename[0] != '/' ||
+ strncmp(filename.c_str(), "//", 2) == 0 ||
+ filename.find_first_of("\r\n\t\f\v") != std::string::npos ||
+ filename.find("/../") != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ std::list<std::string> headers;
+ sendError(log, client, 400, request, sendContent, "Filename contains illegal character (sequence)", headers);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // nuke the first character which is a / as we assured above
+ filename.erase(0, 1);
+ if (filename.empty() == true)
+ filename = "./";
+ // support ~user/ uris to refer to /home/user/public_html/ as a kind-of special directory
+ else if (filename[0] == '~')
+ {
+ // /home/user is actually not entirely correct, but good enough for now
+ size_t dashpos = filename.find('/');
+ if (dashpos != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ std::string home = filename.substr(1, filename.find('/') - 1);
+ std::string pubhtml = filename.substr(filename.find('/') + 1);
+ filename = "/home/" + home + "/public_html/" + pubhtml;
+ }
+ else
+ filename = "/home/" + filename.substr(1) + "/public_html/";
+ }
+ // if no filename is given, but a valid directory see if we can use an index or
+ // have to resort to a autogenerated directory listing later on
+ if (DirectoryExists(filename) == true)
+ {
+ std::string const directoryIndex = _config->Find("aptwebserver::directoryindex");
+ if (directoryIndex.empty() == false && directoryIndex == flNotDir(directoryIndex) &&
+ RealFileExists(filename + directoryIndex) == true)
+ filename += directoryIndex;
+ }
+ return true;
+ /*}}}*/
+static bool handleOnTheFlyReconfiguration(std::ostream &log, int const client,/*{{{*/
+ std::string const &request, std::vector<std::string> const &EncodedParts, std::list<std::string> &headers)
+ size_t const pcount = EncodedParts.size();
+ std::vector<std::string> parts(pcount);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pcount; ++i)
+ parts[i] = DeQuoteString(EncodedParts[i]);
+ if (pcount == 4 && parts[1] == "set")
+ {
+ _config->Set(parts[2], parts[3]);
+ sendSuccess(log, client, request, true, "Option '" + parts[2] + "' was set to '" + parts[3] + "'!", headers);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (pcount == 4 && parts[1] == "find")
+ {
+ std::string response = _config->Find(parts[2], parts[3]);
+ addDataHeaders(headers, response);
+ if (contentTypeSet(headers) == false)
+ headers.push_back("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8");
+ sendHead(log, client, 200, headers);
+ sendData(client, headers, response);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (pcount == 3 && parts[1] == "find")
+ {
+ if (_config->Exists(parts[2]) == true)
+ {
+ std::string response = _config->Find(parts[2]);
+ addDataHeaders(headers, response);
+ if (contentTypeSet(headers) == false)
+ headers.push_back("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8");
+ sendHead(log, client, 200, headers);
+ sendData(client, headers, response);
+ return true;
+ }
+ sendError(log, client, 404, request, true, "Requested Configuration option doesn't exist", headers);
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (pcount == 3 && parts[1] == "clear")
+ {
+ _config->Clear(parts[2]);
+ sendSuccess(log, client, request, true, "Option '" + parts[2] + "' was cleared.", headers);
+ return true;
+ }
+ sendError(log, client, 400, request, true, "Unknown on-the-fly configuration request", headers);
+ return false;
+ /*}}}*/
+static void * handleClient(int const client, size_t const id) /*{{{*/
+ auto logfilepath = _config->FindFile("aptwebserver::logfiles");
+ if (logfilepath.empty() == false)
+ strprintf(logfilepath, "%s.client-%lu.log", logfilepath.c_str(), id);
+ else
+ logfilepath = "/dev/null";
+ std::ofstream logfile(logfilepath);
+ basic_teeostream<char> log(std::clog, logfile);
+ log << "ACCEPT client " << client << std::endl;
+ bool closeConnection = false;
+ while (closeConnection == false)
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> messages;
+ if (ReadMessages(client, messages) == false)
+ break;
+ std::list<std::string> headers;
+ for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator m = messages.begin();
+ m != messages.end() && closeConnection == false; ++m) {
+ // if we announced a closing in previous response, do the close now
+ if (std::find(headers.begin(), headers.end(), std::string("Connection: close")) != headers.end())
+ {
+ closeConnection = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ headers.clear();
+ log << ">>> REQUEST from " << client << " >>>" << std::endl << *m
+ << std::endl << "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<" << std::endl;
+ std::string filename;
+ std::string params;
+ bool sendContent = true;
+ if (parseFirstLine(log, client, *m, filename, params, sendContent, closeConnection, headers) == false)
+ continue;
+ // special webserver command request
+ if (filename.length() > 1 && filename[0] == '_')
+ {
+ auto const parts = VectorizeString(filename, '/');
+ if (parts[0] == "_config")
+ {
+ handleOnTheFlyReconfiguration(log, client, *m, parts, headers);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // string replacements in the requested filename
+ ::Configuration::Item const *Replaces = _config->Tree("aptwebserver::redirect::replace");
+ if (Replaces != NULL)
+ {
+ std::string redirect = "/" + filename;
+ for (::Configuration::Item *I = Replaces->Child; I != NULL; I = I->Next)
+ redirect = SubstVar(redirect, I->Tag, I->Value);
+ if (redirect.empty() == false && redirect[0] == '/')
+ redirect.erase(0,1);
+ if (redirect != filename)
+ {
+ sendRedirect(log, client, _config->FindI("aptwebserver::redirect::httpcode", 301), redirect, *m, sendContent);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ ::Configuration::Item const *Overwrite = _config->Tree("aptwebserver::overwrite");
+ if (Overwrite != NULL)
+ {
+ for (::Configuration::Item *I = Overwrite->Child; I != NULL; I = I->Next)
+ {
+ regex_t *pattern = new regex_t;
+ int const res = regcomp(pattern, I->Tag.c_str(), REG_EXTENDED | REG_ICASE | REG_NOSUB);
+ if (res != 0)
+ {
+ char error[300];
+ regerror(res, pattern, error, sizeof(error));
+ sendError(log, client, 500, *m, sendContent, error, headers);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (regexec(pattern, filename.c_str(), 0, 0, 0) == 0)
+ {
+ filename = _config->Find("aptwebserver::overwrite::" + I->Tag + "::filename", flNotDir(filename));
+ if (filename.find("/") == std::string::npos)
+ {
+ auto directory = _config->Find("aptwebserver::overwrite::" + I->Tag + "::directory", flNotFile(filename));
+ filename = flCombine(directory, filename);
+ }
+ if (filename.empty() == false && filename[0] == '/')
+ filename.erase(0,1);
+ if (filename.empty())
+ filename = "./";
+ regfree(pattern);
+ break;
+ }
+ regfree(pattern);
+ }
+ }
+ // automatic retry can be tested with this
+ {
+ int failrequests = _config->FindI("aptwebserver::failrequest::" + filename, 0);
+ if (failrequests != 0)
+ {
+ --failrequests;
+ _config->Set(("aptwebserver::failrequest::" + filename).c_str(), failrequests);
+ sendError(log, client, _config->FindI("aptwebserver::failrequest", 400), *m, sendContent, "Server is configured to fail this file.", headers);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // deal with the request
+ unsigned int const httpsport = _config->FindI("aptwebserver::port::https", 4433);
+ std::string hosthttpsport;
+ strprintf(hosthttpsport, ":%u", httpsport);
+ if (_config->FindB("aptwebserver::support::http", true) == false &&
+ LookupTag(*m, "Host").find(hosthttpsport) == std::string::npos)
+ {
+ sendError(log, client, 400, *m, sendContent, "HTTP disabled, all requests must be HTTPS", headers);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (RealFileExists(filename) == true)
+ {
+ FileFd data(filename, FileFd::ReadOnly);
+ std::string condition = LookupTag(*m, "If-Modified-Since", "");
+ if (_config->FindB("aptwebserver::support::modified-since", true) == true && condition.empty() == false)
+ {
+ time_t cache;
+ if (RFC1123StrToTime(condition, cache) == true &&
+ cache >= data.ModificationTime())
+ {
+ sendHead(log, client, 304, headers);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (_config->FindB("aptwebserver::support::range", true) == true)
+ condition = LookupTag(*m, "Range", "");
+ else
+ condition.clear();
+ if (condition.empty() == false && strncmp(condition.c_str(), "bytes=", 6) == 0)
+ {
+ std::string ranges = ',' + _config->Find("aptwebserver::response-header::Accept-Ranges") + ',';
+ ranges.erase(std::remove(ranges.begin(), ranges.end(), ' '), ranges.end());
+ if (ranges.find(",bytes,") == std::string::npos)
+ {
+ // we handle it as an error here because we are a test server - a real one should just ignore it
+ sendError(log, client, 400, *m, sendContent, "Client does range requests we don't support", headers);
+ continue;
+ }
+ time_t cache;
+ std::string ifrange;
+ if (_config->FindB("aptwebserver::support::if-range", true) == true)
+ ifrange = LookupTag(*m, "If-Range", "");
+ bool validrange = (ifrange.empty() == true ||
+ (RFC1123StrToTime(ifrange, cache) == true &&
+ cache == data.ModificationTime()));
+ // FIXME: support multiple byte-ranges (APT clients do not do this)
+ if (condition.find(',') == std::string::npos)
+ {
+ size_t start = 6;
+ unsigned long long filestart = strtoull(condition.c_str() + start, NULL, 10);
+ // FIXME: no support for last-byte-pos being not the end of the file (APT clients do not do this)
+ size_t dash = condition.find('-') + 1;
+ unsigned long long fileend = strtoull(condition.c_str() + dash, NULL, 10);
+ unsigned long long filesize = data.FileSize();
+ if ((fileend == 0 || (fileend == filesize && fileend >= filestart)) &&
+ validrange == true)
+ {
+ if (filesize > filestart)
+ {
+ data.Skip(filestart);
+ // make sure to send content-range before conent-length
+ // as regression test for LP: #1445239
+ std::ostringstream contentrange;
+ contentrange << "Content-Range: bytes " << filestart << "-"
+ << filesize - 1 << "/" << filesize;
+ headers.push_back(contentrange.str());
+ std::ostringstream contentlength;
+ contentlength << "Content-Length: " << (filesize - filestart);
+ headers.push_back(contentlength.str());
+ sendHead(log, client, 206, headers);
+ if (sendContent == true)
+ sendFile(client, headers, data);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (_config->FindB("aptwebserver::support::content-range", true) == true)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream contentrange;
+ contentrange << "Content-Range: bytes */" << filesize;
+ headers.push_back(contentrange.str());
+ }
+ sendError(log, client, 416, *m, sendContent, "", headers);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ addFileHeaders(headers, data);
+ sendHead(log, client, 200, headers);
+ if (sendContent == true)
+ sendFile(client, headers, data);
+ }
+ else if (DirectoryExists(filename) == true)
+ {
+ if (filename[filename.length()-1] == '/')
+ sendDirectoryListing(log, client, filename, *m, sendContent, headers);
+ else
+ sendRedirect(log, client, 301, filename.append("/"), *m, sendContent);
+ }
+ else
+ sendError(log, client, 404, *m, sendContent, "", headers);
+ }
+ // if we announced a closing in the last response, do the close now
+ if (std::find(headers.begin(), headers.end(), std::string("Connection: close")) != headers.end())
+ closeConnection = true;
+ if (_error->PendingError() == true)
+ break;
+ _error->DumpErrors(std::cerr);
+ }
+ _error->DumpErrors(std::cerr);
+ close(client);
+ log << "CLOSE client " << client << std::endl;
+ return NULL;
+ /*}}}*/
+static void loadMimeTypesFile(std::string const &filename) /*{{{*/
+ if (FileExists(filename) == false)
+ return;
+ std::string line;
+ FileFd mimetypes(filename, FileFd::ReadOnly);
+ while (mimetypes.ReadLine(line))
+ {
+ if (line.empty() || line[0] == '#' || line.find_first_not_of(" \t\r") == std::string::npos)
+ continue;
+ std::transform(line.begin(), line.end(), line.begin(), [](char const c) { return c == ' ' ? '\t' : c; });
+ auto l = VectorizeString(line, '\t');
+ l.erase(std::remove_if(l.begin(), l.end(), [](std::string const &f) { return f.empty(); }), l.end());
+ if (l.size() < 2)
+ continue;
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < l.size(); ++i)
+ if (l[i].empty() == false)
+ _config->CndSet(std::string("aptwebserver::content-type::by-extension::").append(l[i]).c_str(), l[0]);
+ }
+ /*}}}*/
+int main(int const argc, const char * argv[])
+ CommandLine::Args Args[] = {
+ {'p', "port", "aptwebserver::port", CommandLine::HasArg},
+ {0, "request-absolute", "aptwebserver::request::absolute", CommandLine::HasArg},
+ {0, "authorization", "aptwebserver::authorization", CommandLine::HasArg},
+ {0, "proxy-authorization", "aptwebserver::proxy-authorization", CommandLine::HasArg},
+ {0, "logfiles", "aptwebserver::logfiles", CommandLine::HasArg},
+ {'c',"config-file",0,CommandLine::ConfigFile},
+ {'o',"option",0,CommandLine::ArbItem},
+ {0,0,0,0}
+ };
+ CommandLine CmdL(Args, _config);
+ if(CmdL.Parse(argc,argv) == false)
+ {
+ _error->DumpErrors();
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (_config->FindB("aptwebserver::content-type::mime.types", true))
+ {
+ if (_config->FindB("aptwebserver::content-type::mime.types::apt", true))
+ loadMimeTypesFile("/etc/apt/mime.types");
+ if (_config->FindB("aptwebserver::content-type::mime.types::home", true))
+ {
+ auto const home = getenv("HOME");
+ if (home != nullptr)
+ loadMimeTypesFile(flCombine(home, ".mime.types"));
+ }
+ if (_config->FindB("aptwebserver::content-type::mime.types::etc", true))
+ loadMimeTypesFile("/etc/mime.types");
+ }
+ // create socket, bind and listen to it {{{
+ // ignore SIGPIPE, this can happen on write() if the socket closes connection
+ signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
+ // ignore worker processes exiting, as we don't want to cause them to stay
+ // around as zombies because we're busy.
+ signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN);
+ int sock = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+ if(sock < 0)
+ {
+ _error->Errno("aptwerbserver", "Couldn't create socket");
+ _error->DumpErrors(std::cerr);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ int port = _config->FindI("aptwebserver::port", 8080);
+ // ensure that we accept all connections: v4 or v6
+ int const iponly = 0;
+ setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, &iponly, sizeof(iponly));
+ // to not linger on an address
+ int const enable = 1;
+ setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &enable, sizeof(enable));
+ struct sockaddr_in6 locAddr;
+ memset(&locAddr, 0, sizeof(locAddr));
+ locAddr.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
+ locAddr.sin6_port = htons(port);
+ locAddr.sin6_addr = in6addr_any;
+ if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr*) &locAddr, sizeof(locAddr)) < 0)
+ {
+ _error->Errno("aptwerbserver", "Couldn't bind");
+ _error->DumpErrors(std::cerr);
+ return 2;
+ }
+ if (port == 0)
+ {
+ struct sockaddr_in6 addr;
+ socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(sockaddr_in6);
+ if (getsockname(sock, (struct sockaddr*) &addr, &addrlen) != 0)
+ _error->Errno("getsockname", "Could not get chosen port number");
+ else
+ port = ntohs(addr.sin6_port);
+ }
+ std::string const portfilename = _config->Find("aptwebserver::portfile", "");
+ if (portfilename.empty() == false)
+ {
+ FileFd portfile(portfilename, FileFd::WriteOnly | FileFd::Create | FileFd::Empty);
+ std::string portcontent;
+ strprintf(portcontent, "%d", port);
+ portfile.Write(portcontent.c_str(), portcontent.size());
+ portfile.Sync();
+ }
+ _config->Set("aptwebserver::port::http", port);
+ FileFd pidfile;
+ if (_config->FindB("aptwebserver::fork", false) == true)
+ {
+ std::string const pidfilename = _config->Find("aptwebserver::pidfile", "");
+ int const pidfilefd = GetLock(pidfilename);
+ if (pidfilefd < 0 || pidfile.OpenDescriptor(pidfilefd, FileFd::WriteOnly) == false)
+ {
+ _error->Errno("aptwebserver", "Couldn't acquire lock on pidfile '%s'", pidfilename.c_str());
+ _error->DumpErrors(std::cerr);
+ return 3;
+ }
+ pid_t child = fork();
+ if (child < 0)
+ {
+ _error->Errno("aptwebserver", "Forking failed");
+ _error->DumpErrors(std::cerr);
+ return 4;
+ }
+ else if (child != 0)
+ {
+ // successfully forked: ready to serve!
+ std::string pidcontent;
+ strprintf(pidcontent, "%d", child);
+ pidfile.Write(pidcontent.c_str(), pidcontent.size());
+ pidfile.Sync();
+ if (_error->PendingError() == true)
+ {
+ _error->DumpErrors(std::cerr);
+ return 5;
+ }
+ std::cout << "Successfully forked as " << child << std::endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ std::clog << "Serving ANY file on port: " << port << std::endl;
+ int const workers = _config->FindI("aptwebserver::workers", SOMAXCONN);
+ std::cerr << "WORKERS: " << workers << std::endl;
+ listen(sock, workers);
+ /*}}}*/
+ _config->CndSet("aptwebserver::response-header::Server", "APT webserver");
+ _config->CndSet("aptwebserver::response-header::Accept-Ranges", "bytes");
+ _config->CndSet("aptwebserver::directoryindex", "index.html");
+ APT::Configuration::getCompressors();
+ size_t id = 0;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ int client = accept(sock, NULL, NULL);
+ if (client == -1)
+ {
+ if (errno == EINTR)
+ continue;
+ _error->Errno("accept", "Couldn't accept client on socket %d", sock);
+ _error->DumpErrors(std::cerr);
+ return 6;
+ }
+ std::thread t(handleClient, client, ++id);
+ t.detach();
+ }
+ pidfile.Close();
+ return 0;