path: root/apt-pkg/deb/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1053 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apt-pkg/deb/ b/apt-pkg/deb/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f47053
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apt-pkg/deb/
@@ -0,0 +1,1053 @@
+// -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*-
+// Description /*{{{*/
+/* ######################################################################
+ Package Cache Generator - Generator for the cache structure.
+ This builds the cache structure from the abstract package list parser.
+ ##################################################################### */
+ /*}}}*/
+// Include Files /*{{{*/
+#include <config.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/algorithms.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/aptconfiguration.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/cachefilter.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/configuration.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/deblistparser.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/error.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/hashes.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/macros.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/pkgcache.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/strutl.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/tagfile-keys.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/tagfile.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <string.h>
+ /*}}}*/
+using std::string;
+using APT::StringView;
+static const debListParser::WordList PrioList[] = {
+ {"required",pkgCache::State::Required},
+ {"important",pkgCache::State::Important},
+ {"standard",pkgCache::State::Standard},
+ {"optional",pkgCache::State::Optional},
+ {"extra",pkgCache::State::Extra},
+ {"", 0}};
+// ListParser::debListParser - Constructor /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* Provide an architecture and only this one and "all" will be accepted
+ in Step(), if no Architecture is given we will accept every arch
+ we would accept in general with checkArchitecture() */
+debListParser::debListParser(FileFd *File) :
+ pkgCacheListParser(), Tags(File)
+ // this dance allows an empty value to override the default
+ if (_config->Exists("pkgCacheGen::ForceEssential"))
+ {
+ forceEssential = _config->FindVector("pkgCacheGen::ForceEssential");
+ if (forceEssential.empty() == false && _config->Find("pkgCacheGen::ForceEssential").empty())
+ forceEssential.emplace_back("apt");
+ }
+ else
+ forceEssential.emplace_back("apt");
+ forceImportant = _config->FindVector("pkgCacheGen::ForceImportant");
+ myArch = _config->Find("APT::Architecture");
+ /*}}}*/
+// ListParser::Package - Return the package name /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* This is to return the name of the package this section describes */
+string debListParser::Package() {
+ string Result = Section.Find(pkgTagSection::Key::Package).to_string();
+ // Normalize mixed case package names to lower case, like dpkg does
+ // See Bug#807012 for details.
+ // Only do this when the package name does not contain a / - as that
+ // indicates that the package name was derived from a filename given
+ // to install or build-dep or similar (Bug#854794)
+ if (likely(Result.find('/') == string::npos))
+ {
+ for (char &c: Result)
+ {
+ char l = tolower_ascii_inline(c);
+ if (unlikely(l != c))
+ c = l;
+ }
+ }
+ if(unlikely(Result.empty() == true))
+ _error->Error("Encountered a section with no Package: header");
+ return Result;
+ /*}}}*/
+// ListParser::Architecture - Return the package arch /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* This will return the Architecture of the package this section describes */
+APT::StringView debListParser::Architecture() {
+ auto const Arch = Section.Find(pkgTagSection::Key::Architecture);
+ return Arch.empty() ? "none" : Arch;
+ /*}}}*/
+// ListParser::ArchitectureAll /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* */
+bool debListParser::ArchitectureAll() {
+ return Section.Find(pkgTagSection::Key::Architecture) == "all";
+ /*}}}*/
+// ListParser::Version - Return the version string /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* This is to return the string describing the version in debian form,
+ epoch:upstream-release. If this returns the blank string then the
+ entry is assumed to only describe package properties */
+APT::StringView debListParser::Version()
+ return Section.Find(pkgTagSection::Key::Version);
+ /*}}}*/
+unsigned char debListParser::ParseMultiArch(bool const showErrors) /*{{{*/
+ unsigned char MA;
+ auto const MultiArch = Section.Find(pkgTagSection::Key::Multi_Arch);
+ if (MultiArch.empty() == true || MultiArch == "no")
+ MA = pkgCache::Version::No;
+ else if (MultiArch == "same") {
+ if (ArchitectureAll() == true)
+ {
+ if (showErrors == true)
+ _error->Warning("Architecture: all package '%s' can't be Multi-Arch: same",
+ Package().c_str());
+ MA = pkgCache::Version::No;
+ }
+ else
+ MA = pkgCache::Version::Same;
+ }
+ else if (MultiArch == "foreign")
+ MA = pkgCache::Version::Foreign;
+ else if (MultiArch == "allowed")
+ MA = pkgCache::Version::Allowed;
+ else
+ {
+ if (showErrors == true)
+ _error->Warning("Unknown Multi-Arch type '%s' for package '%s'",
+ MultiArch.to_string().c_str(), Package().c_str());
+ MA = pkgCache::Version::No;
+ }
+ if (ArchitectureAll() == true)
+ MA |= pkgCache::Version::All;
+ return MA;
+ /*}}}*/
+// ListParser::NewVersion - Fill in the version structure /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* */
+bool debListParser::NewVersion(pkgCache::VerIterator &Ver)
+ const char *Start;
+ const char *Stop;
+ // Parse the section
+ if (Section.Find(pkgTagSection::Key::Section,Start,Stop) == true)
+ {
+ map_stringitem_t const idx = StoreString(pkgCacheGenerator::SECTION, Start, Stop - Start);
+ Ver->Section = idx;
+ }
+ // Parse the source package name
+ pkgCache::GrpIterator G = Ver.ParentPkg().Group();
+ // Setup the defaults
+ Ver->SourcePkgName = G->Name;
+ Ver->SourceVerStr = Ver->VerStr;
+ // Parse the name and version str
+ if (Section.Find(pkgTagSection::Key::Source,Start,Stop) == true)
+ {
+ const char * const Space = static_cast<const char *>(memchr(Start, ' ', Stop - Start));
+ pkgCache::VerIterator V;
+ if (Space != NULL)
+ {
+ const char * const Open = static_cast<const char *>(memchr(Space, '(', Stop - Space));
+ if (likely(Open != NULL))
+ {
+ const char * const Close = static_cast<const char *>(memchr(Open, ')', Stop - Open));
+ if (likely(Close != NULL))
+ {
+ APT::StringView const version(Open + 1, (Close - Open) - 1);
+ if (version != Ver.VerStr())
+ {
+ map_stringitem_t const idx = StoreString(pkgCacheGenerator::VERSIONNUMBER, version);
+ G = Ver.ParentPkg().Group();
+ Ver->SourceVerStr = idx;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Stop = Space;
+ }
+ APT::StringView const pkgname(Start, Stop - Start);
+ // Oh, our group is the wrong one for the source package. Make a new one.
+ if (pkgname != G.Name())
+ {
+ if (not NewGroup(G, pkgname))
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Link into by source package group.
+ Ver->SourcePkgName = G->Name;
+ Ver->NextInSource = G->VersionsInSource;
+ G->VersionsInSource = Ver.MapPointer();
+ Ver->MultiArch = ParseMultiArch(true);
+ // Archive Size
+ Ver->Size = Section.FindULL(pkgTagSection::Key::Size);
+ // Unpacked Size (in K)
+ Ver->InstalledSize = Section.FindULL(pkgTagSection::Key::Installed_Size);
+ Ver->InstalledSize *= 1024;
+ // Priority
+ if (Section.Find(pkgTagSection::Key::Priority,Start,Stop) == true)
+ {
+ if (GrabWord(StringView(Start,Stop-Start),PrioList,Ver->Priority) == false)
+ Ver->Priority = pkgCache::State::Extra;
+ }
+ if (ParseDepends(Ver,pkgTagSection::Key::Pre_Depends,pkgCache::Dep::PreDepends) == false)
+ return false;
+ if (ParseDepends(Ver,pkgTagSection::Key::Depends,pkgCache::Dep::Depends) == false)
+ return false;
+ if (ParseDepends(Ver,pkgTagSection::Key::Conflicts,pkgCache::Dep::Conflicts) == false)
+ return false;
+ if (ParseDepends(Ver,pkgTagSection::Key::Breaks,pkgCache::Dep::DpkgBreaks) == false)
+ return false;
+ if (ParseDepends(Ver,pkgTagSection::Key::Recommends,pkgCache::Dep::Recommends) == false)
+ return false;
+ if (ParseDepends(Ver,pkgTagSection::Key::Suggests,pkgCache::Dep::Suggests) == false)
+ return false;
+ if (ParseDepends(Ver,pkgTagSection::Key::Replaces,pkgCache::Dep::Replaces) == false)
+ return false;
+ if (ParseDepends(Ver,pkgTagSection::Key::Enhances,pkgCache::Dep::Enhances) == false)
+ return false;
+ if (ParseProvides(Ver) == false)
+ return false;
+ if (not APT::KernelAutoRemoveHelper::getUname(Ver.ParentPkg().Name()).empty())
+ {
+ if (not NewProvides(Ver, "$kernel", "any", Ver.VerStr(), pkgCache::Flag::MultiArchImplicit))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ /*}}}*/
+// ListParser::AvailableDescriptionLanguages /*{{{*/
+std::vector<std::string> debListParser::AvailableDescriptionLanguages()
+ std::vector<std::string> avail;
+ static constexpr int prefixLen = 12;
+ char buf[32] = "Description-";
+ if (Section.Exists(pkgTagSection::Key::Description))
+ avail.emplace_back();
+ for (auto const &lang : APT::Configuration::getLanguages(true))
+ {
+ if (unlikely(lang.size() > sizeof(buf) - prefixLen)) {
+ _error->Warning("Ignoring translated description %s", lang.c_str());
+ continue;
+ }
+ memcpy(buf + prefixLen, lang.c_str(), lang.size());
+ if (Section.Exists(StringView(buf, prefixLen + lang.size())) == true)
+ avail.push_back(lang);
+ }
+ return avail;
+ /*}}}*/
+// ListParser::Description_md5 - Return the description_md5 MD5SumValue /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* This is to return the md5 string to allow the check if it is the right
+ description. If no Description-md5 is found in the section it will be
+ calculated.
+ */
+APT::StringView debListParser::Description_md5()
+ StringView const value = Section.Find(pkgTagSection::Key::Description_md5);
+ if (unlikely(value.empty() == true))
+ {
+ StringView const desc = Section.Find(pkgTagSection::Key::Description);
+ if (desc == "\n")
+ return StringView();
+ Hashes md5(Hashes::MD5SUM);
+ md5.Add(, desc.size());
+ md5.Add("\n");
+ MD5Buffer = md5.GetHashString(Hashes::MD5SUM).HashValue();
+ return StringView(MD5Buffer);
+ }
+ else if (likely(value.size() == 32))
+ {
+ return value;
+ }
+ _error->Error("Malformed Description-md5 line; doesn't have the required length (32 != %d) '%.*s'", (int)value.size(), (int)value.length(),;
+ return StringView();
+ /*}}}*/
+// ListParser::UsePackage - Update a package structure /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* This is called to update the package with any new information
+ that might be found in the section */
+bool debListParser::UsePackage(pkgCache::PkgIterator &Pkg,
+ pkgCache::VerIterator &Ver)
+ string const static myArch = _config->Find("APT::Architecture");
+ // Possible values are: "all", "native", "installed" and "none"
+ // The "installed" mode is handled by ParseStatus(), See #544481 and friends.
+ string const static essential = _config->Find("pkgCacheGen::Essential", "all");
+ if (essential == "all" ||
+ (essential == "native" && Pkg->Arch != 0 && myArch == Pkg.Arch()))
+ if (Section.FindFlag(pkgTagSection::Key::Essential,Pkg->Flags,pkgCache::Flag::Essential) == false)
+ return false;
+ if (Section.FindFlag(pkgTagSection::Key::Important,Pkg->Flags,pkgCache::Flag::Important) == false)
+ return false;
+ if (Section.FindFlag(pkgTagSection::Key::Protected, Pkg->Flags, pkgCache::Flag::Important) == false)
+ return false;
+ if (std::find(forceEssential.begin(), forceEssential.end(), Pkg.Name()) != forceEssential.end())
+ {
+ if ((essential == "native" && Pkg->Arch != 0 && myArch == Pkg.Arch()) ||
+ essential == "all")
+ Pkg->Flags |= pkgCache::Flag::Essential | pkgCache::Flag::Important;
+ else
+ Pkg->Flags |= pkgCache::Flag::Important;
+ }
+ else if (std::find(forceImportant.begin(), forceImportant.end(), Pkg.Name()) != forceImportant.end())
+ Pkg->Flags |= pkgCache::Flag::Important;
+ auto phased = Section.FindULL(pkgTagSection::Key::Phased_Update_Percentage, 100);
+ if (phased != 100)
+ {
+ if (not Ver.PhasedUpdatePercentage(phased))
+ _error->Warning("Ignoring invalid Phased-Update-Percentage value");
+ }
+ if (ParseStatus(Pkg,Ver) == false)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ /*}}}*/
+// ListParser::VersionHash - Compute a unique hash for this version /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* */
+uint32_t debListParser::VersionHash()
+ static constexpr pkgTagSection::Key Sections[] ={
+ pkgTagSection::Key::Installed_Size,
+ pkgTagSection::Key::Depends,
+ pkgTagSection::Key::Pre_Depends,
+// pkgTagSection::Key::Suggests,
+// pkgTagSection::Key::Recommends",
+ pkgTagSection::Key::Conflicts,
+ pkgTagSection::Key::Breaks,
+ pkgTagSection::Key::Replaces};
+ unsigned long Result = 5381;
+ for (auto I : Sections)
+ {
+ const char *Start;
+ const char *End;
+ if (Section.Find(I,Start,End) == false)
+ continue;
+ /* Strip out any spaces from the text, this undoes dpkgs reformatting
+ of certain fields. dpkg also has the rather interesting notion of
+ reformatting depends operators < -> <=, so we drop all = from the
+ string to make that not matter. */
+ for (; Start != End; ++Start)
+ {
+ // Strip away 0: epochs from input
+ if (*Start == '0' && Start[1] == ':') {
+ Start++; // Skip the :
+ continue; // Skip the 0
+ }
+ if (isspace_ascii(*Start) != 0 || *Start == '=')
+ continue;
+ Result = 33 * Result + tolower_ascii_unsafe(*Start);
+ }
+ }
+ return Result;
+ /*}}}*/
+// StatusListParser::ParseStatus - Parse the status field /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* Status lines are of the form,
+ Status: want flag status
+ want = unknown, install, hold, deinstall, purge
+ flag = ok, reinstreq
+ status = not-installed, config-files, half-installed, unpacked,
+ half-configured, triggers-awaited, triggers-pending, installed
+ */
+bool debListParser::ParseStatus(pkgCache::PkgIterator &,
+ pkgCache::VerIterator &Ver)
+ // the status file has no info about the download size and
+ // usually this is fine as we will have picked that info up already –
+ // except if we have volatile sources which are parsed after the status file.
+ if (Ver->Size == 0)
+ Ver->Size = Section.FindULL(pkgTagSection::Key::Size);
+ return true;
+bool debStatusListParser::ParseStatus(pkgCache::PkgIterator &Pkg,
+ pkgCache::VerIterator &Ver)
+ const char *Start;
+ const char *Stop;
+ if (Section.Find(pkgTagSection::Key::Status,Start,Stop) == false)
+ return true;
+ // UsePackage() is responsible for setting the flag in the default case
+ bool const static essential = _config->Find("pkgCacheGen::Essential", "") == "installed";
+ if (essential == true &&
+ Section.FindFlag(pkgTagSection::Key::Essential,Pkg->Flags,pkgCache::Flag::Essential) == false)
+ return false;
+ // Isolate the first word
+ const char *I = Start;
+ for(; I < Stop && *I != ' '; I++);
+ if (I >= Stop || *I != ' ')
+ return _error->Error("Malformed Status line");
+ // Process the want field
+ WordList WantList[] = {{"unknown",pkgCache::State::Unknown},
+ {"install",pkgCache::State::Install},
+ {"hold",pkgCache::State::Hold},
+ {"deinstall",pkgCache::State::DeInstall},
+ {"purge",pkgCache::State::Purge},
+ {"", 0}};
+ if (GrabWord(StringView(Start,I-Start),WantList,Pkg->SelectedState) == false)
+ return _error->Error("Malformed 1st word in the Status line");
+ // Isloate the next word
+ I++;
+ Start = I;
+ for(; I < Stop && *I != ' '; I++);
+ if (I >= Stop || *I != ' ')
+ return _error->Error("Malformed status line, no 2nd word");
+ // Process the flag field
+ WordList FlagList[] = {{"ok",pkgCache::State::Ok},
+ {"reinstreq",pkgCache::State::ReInstReq},
+ {"hold",pkgCache::State::HoldInst},
+ {"hold-reinstreq",pkgCache::State::HoldReInstReq},
+ {"", 0}};
+ if (GrabWord(StringView(Start,I-Start),FlagList,Pkg->InstState) == false)
+ return _error->Error("Malformed 2nd word in the Status line");
+ // Isloate the last word
+ I++;
+ Start = I;
+ for(; I < Stop && *I != ' '; I++);
+ if (I != Stop)
+ return _error->Error("Malformed Status line, no 3rd word");
+ // Process the flag field
+ WordList StatusList[] = {{"not-installed",pkgCache::State::NotInstalled},
+ {"config-files",pkgCache::State::ConfigFiles},
+ {"half-installed",pkgCache::State::HalfInstalled},
+ {"unpacked",pkgCache::State::UnPacked},
+ {"half-configured",pkgCache::State::HalfConfigured},
+ {"triggers-awaited",pkgCache::State::TriggersAwaited},
+ {"triggers-pending",pkgCache::State::TriggersPending},
+ {"installed",pkgCache::State::Installed},
+ {"", 0}};
+ if (GrabWord(StringView(Start,I-Start),StatusList,Pkg->CurrentState) == false)
+ return _error->Error("Malformed 3rd word in the Status line");
+ /* A Status line marks the package as indicating the current
+ version as well. Only if it is actually installed.. Otherwise
+ the interesting dpkg handling of the status file creates bogus
+ entries. */
+ if (!(Pkg->CurrentState == pkgCache::State::NotInstalled ||
+ Pkg->CurrentState == pkgCache::State::ConfigFiles))
+ {
+ if (Ver.end() == true)
+ _error->Warning("Encountered status field in a non-version description");
+ else
+ Pkg->CurrentVer = Ver.MapPointer();
+ }
+ return true;
+const char *debListParser::ConvertRelation(const char *I,unsigned int &Op)
+ // Determine the operator
+ switch (*I)
+ {
+ case '<':
+ I++;
+ if (*I == '=')
+ {
+ I++;
+ Op = pkgCache::Dep::LessEq;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*I == '<')
+ {
+ I++;
+ Op = pkgCache::Dep::Less;
+ break;
+ }
+ // < is the same as <= and << is really Cs < for some reason
+ Op = pkgCache::Dep::LessEq;
+ break;
+ case '>':
+ I++;
+ if (*I == '=')
+ {
+ I++;
+ Op = pkgCache::Dep::GreaterEq;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*I == '>')
+ {
+ I++;
+ Op = pkgCache::Dep::Greater;
+ break;
+ }
+ // > is the same as >= and >> is really Cs > for some reason
+ Op = pkgCache::Dep::GreaterEq;
+ break;
+ case '=':
+ Op = pkgCache::Dep::Equals;
+ I++;
+ break;
+ // HACK around bad package definitions
+ default:
+ Op = pkgCache::Dep::Equals;
+ break;
+ }
+ return I;
+ /*}}}*/
+// ListParser::ParseDepends - Parse a dependency element /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* This parses the dependency elements out of a standard string in place,
+ bit by bit. */
+const char *debListParser::ParseDepends(const char *Start,const char *Stop,
+ string &Package,string &Ver,
+ unsigned int &Op, bool const &ParseArchFlags,
+ bool const &StripMultiArch,
+ bool const &ParseRestrictionsList,
+ string const &Arch)
+ StringView PackageView;
+ StringView VerView;
+ auto res = ParseDepends(Start, Stop, PackageView, VerView, Op, (bool)ParseArchFlags,
+ (bool) StripMultiArch, (bool) ParseRestrictionsList, Arch);
+ Package = PackageView.to_string();
+ Ver = VerView.to_string();
+ return res;
+const char *debListParser::ParseDepends(const char *Start, const char *Stop,
+ StringView &Package, StringView &Ver,
+ unsigned int &Op, bool ParseArchFlags,
+ bool StripMultiArch,
+ bool ParseRestrictionsList, string Arch)
+ if (Arch.empty())
+ Arch = _config->Find("APT::Architecture");
+ // Strip off leading space
+ for (;Start != Stop && isspace_ascii(*Start) != 0; ++Start);
+ // Parse off the package name
+ const char *I = Start;
+ for (;I != Stop && isspace_ascii(*I) == 0 && *I != '(' && *I != ')' &&
+ *I != ',' && *I != '|' && *I != '[' && *I != ']' &&
+ *I != '<' && *I != '>'; ++I);
+ // Malformed, no '('
+ if (I != Stop && *I == ')')
+ return 0;
+ if (I == Start)
+ return 0;
+ // Stash the package name
+ Package = StringView(Start, I - Start);
+ // We don't want to confuse library users which can't handle MultiArch
+ if (StripMultiArch == true) {
+ size_t const found = Package.rfind(':');
+ if (found != StringView::npos &&
+ (Package.substr(found) == ":any" ||
+ Package.substr(found) == ":native" ||
+ Package.substr(found +1) == Arch))
+ Package = Package.substr(0,found);
+ }
+ // Skip white space to the '('
+ for (;I != Stop && isspace_ascii(*I) != 0 ; I++);
+ // Parse a version
+ if (I != Stop && *I == '(')
+ {
+ // Skip the '('
+ for (I++; I != Stop && isspace_ascii(*I) != 0 ; I++);
+ if (I + 3 >= Stop)
+ return 0;
+ I = ConvertRelation(I,Op);
+ // Skip whitespace
+ for (;I != Stop && isspace_ascii(*I) != 0; I++);
+ Start = I;
+ I = (const char*) memchr(I, ')', Stop - I);
+ if (I == NULL || Start == I)
+ return 0;
+ // Skip trailing whitespace
+ const char *End = I;
+ for (; End > Start && isspace_ascii(End[-1]); End--);
+ Ver = StringView(Start,End-Start);
+ I++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Ver = StringView();
+ Op = pkgCache::Dep::NoOp;
+ }
+ // Skip whitespace
+ for (;I != Stop && isspace_ascii(*I) != 0; I++);
+ if (unlikely(ParseArchFlags == true))
+ {
+ APT::CacheFilter::PackageArchitectureMatchesSpecification matchesArch(Arch, false);
+ // Parse an architecture
+ if (I != Stop && *I == '[')
+ {
+ ++I;
+ // malformed
+ if (unlikely(I == Stop))
+ return 0;
+ const char *End = I;
+ bool Found = false;
+ bool NegArch = false;
+ while (I != Stop)
+ {
+ // look for whitespace or ending ']'
+ for (;End != Stop && !isspace_ascii(*End) && *End != ']'; ++End);
+ if (unlikely(End == Stop))
+ return 0;
+ if (*I == '!')
+ {
+ NegArch = true;
+ ++I;
+ }
+ std::string const arch(I, End);
+ if (arch.empty() == false && matchesArch(arch.c_str()) == true)
+ {
+ Found = true;
+ if (I[-1] != '!')
+ NegArch = false;
+ // we found a match, so fast-forward to the end of the wildcards
+ for (; End != Stop && *End != ']'; ++End);
+ }
+ if (*End++ == ']') {
+ I = End;
+ break;
+ }
+ I = End;
+ for (;I != Stop && isspace_ascii(*I) != 0; I++);
+ }
+ if (NegArch == true)
+ Found = !Found;
+ if (Found == false)
+ Package = ""; /* not for this arch */
+ }
+ // Skip whitespace
+ for (;I != Stop && isspace_ascii(*I) != 0; I++);
+ }
+ if (unlikely(ParseRestrictionsList == true))
+ {
+ // Parse a restrictions formula which is in disjunctive normal form:
+ // (foo AND bar) OR (blub AND bla)
+ std::vector<string> const profiles = APT::Configuration::getBuildProfiles();
+ // if the next character is a restriction list, then by default the
+ // dependency does not apply and the conditions have to be checked
+ // if the next character is not a restriction list, then by default the
+ // dependency applies
+ bool applies1 = (*I != '<');
+ while (I != Stop)
+ {
+ if (*I != '<')
+ break;
+ ++I;
+ // malformed
+ if (unlikely(I == Stop))
+ return 0;
+ const char *End = I;
+ // if of the prior restriction list is already fulfilled, then
+ // we can just skip to the end of the current list
+ if (applies1) {
+ for (;End != Stop && *End != '>'; ++End);
+ I = ++End;
+ // skip whitespace
+ for (;I != Stop && isspace_ascii(*I) != 0; I++);
+ } else {
+ bool applies2 = true;
+ // all the conditions inside a restriction list have to be
+ // met so once we find one that is not met, we can skip to
+ // the end of this list
+ while (I != Stop)
+ {
+ // look for whitespace or ending '>'
+ // End now points to the character after the current term
+ for (;End != Stop && !isspace_ascii(*End) && *End != '>'; ++End);
+ if (unlikely(End == Stop))
+ return 0;
+ bool NegRestriction = false;
+ if (*I == '!')
+ {
+ NegRestriction = true;
+ ++I;
+ }
+ std::string const restriction(I, End);
+ if (restriction.empty() == false && profiles.empty() == false &&
+ std::find(profiles.begin(), profiles.end(), restriction) != profiles.end())
+ {
+ if (NegRestriction) {
+ applies2 = false;
+ // since one of the terms does not apply we don't have to check the others
+ for (; End != Stop && *End != '>'; ++End);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!NegRestriction) {
+ applies2 = false;
+ // since one of the terms does not apply we don't have to check the others
+ for (; End != Stop && *End != '>'; ++End);
+ }
+ }
+ if (*End++ == '>') {
+ I = End;
+ // skip whitespace
+ for (;I != Stop && isspace_ascii(*I) != 0; I++);
+ break;
+ }
+ I = End;
+ // skip whitespace
+ for (;I != Stop && isspace_ascii(*I) != 0; I++);
+ }
+ if (applies2) {
+ applies1 = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (applies1 == false) {
+ Package = ""; //not for this restriction
+ }
+ }
+ if (I != Stop && *I == '|')
+ Op |= pkgCache::Dep::Or;
+ if (I == Stop || *I == ',' || *I == '|')
+ {
+ if (I != Stop)
+ for (I++; I != Stop && isspace_ascii(*I) != 0; I++);
+ return I;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ /*}}}*/
+// ListParser::ParseDepends - Parse a dependency list /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* This is the higher level depends parser. It takes a tag and generates
+ a complete depends tree for the given version. */
+bool debListParser::ParseDepends(pkgCache::VerIterator &Ver,
+ pkgTagSection::Key Key,unsigned int Type)
+ const char *Start;
+ const char *Stop;
+ if (Section.Find(Key,Start,Stop) == false || Start == Stop)
+ return true;
+ string const pkgArch = Ver.Arch();
+ bool const barbarianArch = not APT::Configuration::checkArchitecture(pkgArch);
+ while (1)
+ {
+ StringView Package;
+ StringView Version;
+ unsigned int Op;
+ Start = ParseDepends(Start, Stop, Package, Version, Op, false, false, false, myArch);
+ if (Start == 0)
+ return _error->Error("Problem parsing dependency %zu of %s:%s=%s", static_cast<size_t>(Key), // TODO
+ Ver.ParentPkg().Name(), Ver.Arch(), Ver.VerStr());
+ size_t const found = Package.rfind(':');
+ if (found == string::npos)
+ {
+ if (NewDepends(Ver,Package,pkgArch,Version,Op,Type) == false)
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (Package.substr(found) == ":any")
+ {
+ if (barbarianArch)
+ {
+ if (not NewDepends(Ver, Package, "any", Version, Op | pkgCache::Dep::Or, Type))
+ return false;
+ if (not NewDepends(Ver, Package.substr(0, found), pkgArch, Version, Op, Type))
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (not NewDepends(Ver, Package, "any", Version, Op, Type))
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Such dependencies are not supposed to be accepted …
+ // … but this is probably the best thing to do anyway
+ if (Package.substr(found + 1) == "native")
+ {
+ std::string const Pkg = Package.substr(0, found).to_string() + ':' + Ver.Cache()->NativeArch();
+ if (NewDepends(Ver, Pkg, "any", Version, Op | pkgCache::Dep::ArchSpecific, Type) == false)
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (NewDepends(Ver, Package, "any", Version, Op | pkgCache::Dep::ArchSpecific, Type) == false)
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (Start == Stop)
+ break;
+ }
+ return true;
+ /*}}}*/
+// ListParser::ParseProvides - Parse the provides list /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* */
+bool debListParser::ParseProvides(pkgCache::VerIterator &Ver)
+ /* it is unlikely, but while parsing dependencies, we might have already
+ picked up multi-arch implicit provides which we do not want to duplicate here */
+ bool hasProvidesAlready = false;
+ std::string const spzName = Ver.ParentPkg().FullName(false);
+ {
+ for (pkgCache::PrvIterator Prv = Ver.ProvidesList(); Prv.end() == false; ++Prv)
+ {
+ if (Prv.IsMultiArchImplicit() == false || (Prv->Flags & pkgCache::Flag::ArchSpecific) == 0)
+ continue;
+ if (spzName != Prv.OwnerPkg().FullName(false))
+ continue;
+ hasProvidesAlready = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ string const Arch = Ver.Arch();
+ bool const barbarianArch = not APT::Configuration::checkArchitecture(Arch);
+ const char *Start;
+ const char *Stop;
+ if (Section.Find(pkgTagSection::Key::Provides,Start,Stop) == true)
+ {
+ StringView Package;
+ StringView Version;
+ unsigned int Op;
+ do
+ {
+ Start = ParseDepends(Start,Stop,Package,Version,Op, false, false, false);
+ const size_t archfound = Package.rfind(':');
+ if (Start == 0)
+ return _error->Error("Problem parsing Provides line of %s:%s=%s", Ver.ParentPkg().Name(), Ver.Arch(), Ver.VerStr());
+ if (unlikely(Op != pkgCache::Dep::NoOp && Op != pkgCache::Dep::Equals)) {
+ _error->Warning("Ignoring non-equal Provides for package %s in %s:%s=%s", Package.to_string().c_str(), Ver.ParentPkg().Name(), Ver.Arch(), Ver.VerStr());
+ } else if (archfound != string::npos) {
+ StringView spzArch = Package.substr(archfound + 1);
+ if (spzArch != "any")
+ {
+ if (NewProvides(Ver, Package.substr(0, archfound), spzArch, Version, pkgCache::Flag::MultiArchImplicit | pkgCache::Flag::ArchSpecific) == false)
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (NewProvides(Ver, Package, "any", Version, pkgCache::Flag::ArchSpecific) == false)
+ return false;
+ } else if ((Ver->MultiArch & pkgCache::Version::Foreign) == pkgCache::Version::Foreign) {
+ if (not barbarianArch)
+ {
+ if (NewProvidesAllArch(Ver, Package, Version, 0) == false)
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (NewProvides(Ver, Package, Arch, Version, 0) == false)
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ if ((Ver->MultiArch & pkgCache::Version::Allowed) == pkgCache::Version::Allowed && not barbarianArch)
+ {
+ if (NewProvides(Ver, Package.to_string().append(":any"), "any", Version, pkgCache::Flag::MultiArchImplicit) == false)
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (NewProvides(Ver, Package, Arch, Version, 0) == false)
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (archfound == std::string::npos)
+ {
+ string spzName = Package.to_string();
+ spzName.push_back(':');
+ spzName.append(Ver.ParentPkg().Arch());
+ pkgCache::PkgIterator const spzPkg = Ver.Cache()->FindPkg(spzName, "any");
+ if (spzPkg.end() == false)
+ {
+ if (NewProvides(Ver, spzName, "any", Version, pkgCache::Flag::MultiArchImplicit | pkgCache::Flag::ArchSpecific) == false)
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (Start != Stop);
+ }
+ if (not barbarianArch)
+ {
+ if ((Ver->MultiArch & pkgCache::Version::Allowed) == pkgCache::Version::Allowed)
+ {
+ string const Package = string(Ver.ParentPkg().Name()).append(":").append("any");
+ if (NewProvides(Ver, Package, "any", Ver.VerStr(), pkgCache::Flag::MultiArchImplicit) == false)
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if ((Ver->MultiArch & pkgCache::Version::Foreign) == pkgCache::Version::Foreign)
+ {
+ if (NewProvidesAllArch(Ver, Ver.ParentPkg().Name(), Ver.VerStr(), pkgCache::Flag::MultiArchImplicit) == false)
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (hasProvidesAlready == false)
+ {
+ pkgCache::PkgIterator const spzPkg = Ver.Cache()->FindPkg(spzName, "any");
+ if (spzPkg.end() == false)
+ {
+ if (NewProvides(Ver, spzName, "any", Ver.VerStr(), pkgCache::Flag::MultiArchImplicit | pkgCache::Flag::ArchSpecific) == false)
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ /*}}}*/
+// ListParser::GrabWord - Matches a word and returns /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* Looks for a word in a list of words - for ParseStatus */
+bool debListParser::GrabWord(StringView Word, WordList const *List, unsigned char &Out)
+ for (unsigned int C = 0; List[C].Str.empty() == false; C++)
+ {
+ if (Word.length() == List[C].Str.length() &&
+ strncasecmp(, List[C], Word.length()) == 0)
+ {
+ Out = List[C].Val;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ /*}}}*/
+// ListParser::Step - Move to the next section in the file /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* This has to be careful to only process the correct architecture */
+bool debListParser::Step()
+ iOffset = Tags.Offset();
+ return Tags.Step(Section);
+ /*}}}*/
+// ListParser::GetPrio - Convert the priority from a string /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* */
+unsigned char debListParser::GetPrio(string Str)
+ unsigned char Out;
+ if (GrabWord(Str,PrioList,Out) == false)
+ Out = pkgCache::State::Extra;
+ return Out;
+ /*}}}*/
+bool debListParser::SameVersion(uint32_t Hash, /*{{{*/
+ pkgCache::VerIterator const &Ver)
+ if (pkgCacheListParser::SameVersion(Hash, Ver) == false)
+ return false;
+ // status file has no (Download)Size, but all others are fair game
+ // status file is parsed last, so the first version we encounter is
+ // probably also the version we have downloaded
+ unsigned long long const Size = Section.FindULL(pkgTagSection::Key::Size);
+ if (Size != 0 && Ver->Size != 0 && Size != Ver->Size)
+ return false;
+ // available everywhere, but easier to check here than to include in VersionHash
+ unsigned char MultiArch = ParseMultiArch(false);
+ if (MultiArch != Ver->MultiArch)
+ return false;
+ // for all practical proposes (we can check): same version
+ return true;
+ /*}}}*/
+debDebFileParser::debDebFileParser(FileFd *File, std::string const &DebFile)
+ : debListParser(File), DebFile(DebFile)
+bool debDebFileParser::UsePackage(pkgCache::PkgIterator &Pkg,
+ pkgCache::VerIterator &Ver)
+ if (not debListParser::UsePackage(Pkg, Ver))
+ return false;
+ // we use the full file path as a provides so that the file is found by its name
+ // using the MultiArchImplicit flag for this is a bit of a stretch
+ return NewProvides(Ver, DebFile, Pkg.Cache()->NativeArch(), Ver.VerStr(), pkgCache::Flag::MultiArchImplicit | pkgCache::Flag::ArchSpecific);
+debListParser::~debListParser() {}