/* arrayfunc.h -- declarations for miscellaneous array functions in arrayfunc.c */ /* Copyright (C) 2001-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GNU Bash, the Bourne Again SHell. Bash is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Bash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Bash. If not, see . */ #if !defined (_ARRAYFUNC_H_) #define _ARRAYFUNC_H_ /* Must include variables.h before including this file. */ /* An object to encapsulate the state of an array element. It can describe an array assignment A[KEY]=VALUE or a[IND]=VALUE depending on TYPE, or for passing array subscript references around, where VALUE would be ${a[IND]} or ${A[KEY]}. This is not dependent on ARRAY_VARS so we can use it in function parameters. */ /* values for `type' field */ #define ARRAY_INVALID -1 #define ARRAY_SCALAR 0 #define ARRAY_INDEXED 1 #define ARRAY_ASSOC 2 /* KEY will contain allocated memory if called through the assign_array_element code path because of how assoc_insert works. */ typedef struct element_state { short type; /* assoc or indexed, says which fields are valid */ short subtype; /* `*', `@', or something else */ arrayind_t ind; char *key; /* can be allocated memory */ char *value; } array_eltstate_t; #if defined (ARRAY_VARS) /* This variable means to not expand associative array subscripts more than once, when performing variable expansion. */ extern int assoc_expand_once; /* The analog for indexed array subscripts */ extern int array_expand_once; /* Flags for array_value_internal and callers array_value/get_array_value; also used by array_variable_name and array_variable_part. */ #define AV_ALLOWALL 0x001 /* treat a[@] like $@ and a[*] like $* */ #define AV_QUOTED 0x002 #define AV_USEIND 0x004 #define AV_USEVAL 0x008 /* XXX - should move this */ #define AV_ASSIGNRHS 0x010 /* no splitting, special case ${a[@]} */ #define AV_NOEXPAND 0x020 /* don't run assoc subscripts through word expansion */ #define AV_ONEWORD 0x040 /* not used yet */ #define AV_ATSTARKEYS 0x080 /* accept a[@] and a[*] but use them as keys, not special values */ /* Flags for valid_array_reference. Value 1 is reserved for skipsubscript(). Also used by unbind_array_element, which is currently the only function that uses VA_ALLOWALL. */ #define VA_NOEXPAND 0x001 #define VA_ONEWORD 0x002 #define VA_ALLOWALL 0x004 /* allow @ to mean all elements of the array */ extern SHELL_VAR *convert_var_to_array PARAMS((SHELL_VAR *)); extern SHELL_VAR *convert_var_to_assoc PARAMS((SHELL_VAR *)); extern char *make_array_variable_value PARAMS((SHELL_VAR *, arrayind_t, char *, char *, int)); extern SHELL_VAR *bind_array_variable PARAMS((char *, arrayind_t, char *, int)); extern SHELL_VAR *bind_array_element PARAMS((SHELL_VAR *, arrayind_t, char *, int)); extern SHELL_VAR *assign_array_element PARAMS((char *, char *, int, array_eltstate_t *)); extern SHELL_VAR *bind_assoc_variable PARAMS((SHELL_VAR *, char *, char *, char *, int)); extern SHELL_VAR *find_or_make_array_variable PARAMS((char *, int)); extern SHELL_VAR *assign_array_from_string PARAMS((char *, char *, int)); extern SHELL_VAR *assign_array_var_from_word_list PARAMS((SHELL_VAR *, WORD_LIST *, int)); extern WORD_LIST *expand_compound_array_assignment PARAMS((SHELL_VAR *, char *, int)); extern void assign_compound_array_list PARAMS((SHELL_VAR *, WORD_LIST *, int)); extern SHELL_VAR *assign_array_var_from_string PARAMS((SHELL_VAR *, char *, int)); extern char *expand_and_quote_assoc_word PARAMS((char *, int)); extern void quote_compound_array_list PARAMS((WORD_LIST *, int)); extern int kvpair_assignment_p PARAMS((WORD_LIST *)); extern char *expand_and_quote_kvpair_word PARAMS((char *)); extern int unbind_array_element PARAMS((SHELL_VAR *, char *, int)); extern int skipsubscript PARAMS((const char *, int, int)); extern void print_array_assignment PARAMS((SHELL_VAR *, int)); extern void print_assoc_assignment PARAMS((SHELL_VAR *, int)); extern arrayind_t array_expand_index PARAMS((SHELL_VAR *, char *, int, int)); extern int valid_array_reference PARAMS((const char *, int)); extern int tokenize_array_reference PARAMS((char *, int, char **)); extern char *array_value PARAMS((const char *, int, int, array_eltstate_t *)); extern char *get_array_value PARAMS((const char *, int, array_eltstate_t *)); extern char *array_keys PARAMS((char *, int, int)); extern char *array_variable_name PARAMS((const char *, int, char **, int *)); extern SHELL_VAR *array_variable_part PARAMS((const char *, int, char **, int *)); extern void init_eltstate (array_eltstate_t *); extern void flush_eltstate (array_eltstate_t *); #else #define AV_ALLOWALL 0 #define AV_QUOTED 0 #define AV_USEIND 0 #define AV_USEVAL 0 #define AV_ASSIGNRHS 0 #define AV_NOEXPAND 0 #define AV_ONEWORD 0 #define AV_ATSTARKEYS 0 #define VA_NOEXPAND 0 #define VA_ONEWORD 0 #define VA_ALLOWALL 0 #endif #endif /* !_ARRAYFUNC_H_ */