/* Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Bash is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Bash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Bash. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include "bashtypes.h" #include "shell.h" #include "builtins.h" #include "common.h" #include "xmalloc.h" #include "bashgetopt.h" typedef struct sort_element { ARRAY_ELEMENT *v; // used when sorting array in-place char *key; // used when sorting assoc array char *value; // points to value of array element or assoc entry double num; // used for numeric sort } sort_element; static int reverse_flag; static int numeric_flag; static int compare(const void *p1, const void *p2) { const sort_element e1 = *(sort_element *) p1; const sort_element e2 = *(sort_element *) p2; if (numeric_flag) { if (reverse_flag) return (e2.num > e1.num) ? 1 : (e2.num < e1.num) ? -1 : 0; else return (e1.num > e2.num) ? 1 : (e1.num < e2.num) ? -1 : 0; } else { if (reverse_flag) return strcoll(e2.value, e1.value); else return strcoll(e1.value, e2.value); } } static int sort_index(SHELL_VAR *dest, SHELL_VAR *source) { HASH_TABLE *hash; BUCKET_CONTENTS *bucket; sort_element *sa; ARRAY *array, *dest_array; ARRAY_ELEMENT *ae; size_t i, j, n; char ibuf[INT_STRLEN_BOUND (intmax_t) + 1]; // used by fmtulong char *key; dest_array = array_cell(dest); if (assoc_p(source)) { hash = assoc_cell(source); n = hash->nentries; sa = xmalloc(n * sizeof(sort_element)); i = 0; for ( j = 0; j < hash->nbuckets; ++j ) { bucket = hash->bucket_array[j]; while ( bucket ) { sa[i].v = NULL; sa[i].key = bucket->key; if ( numeric_flag ) sa[i].num = strtod(bucket->data, NULL); else sa[i].value = bucket->data; i++; bucket = bucket->next; } } } else { array = array_cell(source); n = array_num_elements(array); sa = xmalloc(n * sizeof(sort_element)); i = 0; for (ae = element_forw(array->head); ae != array->head; ae = element_forw(ae)) { sa[i].v = ae; if (numeric_flag) sa[i].num = strtod(element_value(ae), NULL); else sa[i].value = element_value(ae); i++; } } // sanity check if ( i != n ) { builtin_error("%s: corrupt array", source->name); return EXECUTION_FAILURE; } qsort(sa, n, sizeof(sort_element), compare); array_flush(dest_array); for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i ) { if ( assoc_p(source) ) key = sa[i].key; else key = fmtulong((long unsigned)sa[i].v->ind, 10, ibuf, sizeof(ibuf), 0); array_insert(dest_array, i, key); } return EXECUTION_SUCCESS; } static int sort_inplace(SHELL_VAR *var) { size_t i, n; ARRAY *a; ARRAY_ELEMENT *ae; sort_element *sa = 0; a = array_cell(var); n = array_num_elements(a); if ( n == 0 ) return EXECUTION_SUCCESS; sa = xmalloc(n * sizeof(sort_element)); i = 0; for (ae = element_forw(a->head); ae != a->head; ae = element_forw(ae)) { sa[i].v = ae; if (numeric_flag) sa[i].num = strtod(element_value(ae), NULL); else sa[i].value = element_value(ae); i++; } // sanity check if ( i != n ) { builtin_error("%s: corrupt array", var->name); return EXECUTION_FAILURE; } qsort(sa, n, sizeof(sort_element), compare); // for in-place sort, simply "rewire" the array elements sa[0].v->prev = sa[n-1].v->next = a->head; a->head->next = sa[0].v; a->head->prev = sa[n-1].v; a->max_index = n - 1; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { sa[i].v->ind = i; if (i > 0) sa[i].v->prev = sa[i-1].v; if (i < n - 1) sa[i].v->next = sa[i+1].v; } xfree(sa); return EXECUTION_SUCCESS; } int asort_builtin(WORD_LIST *list) { SHELL_VAR *var, *var2; char *word; int opt, ret; int index_flag = 0; numeric_flag = 0; reverse_flag = 0; reset_internal_getopt(); while ((opt = internal_getopt(list, "inr")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'i': index_flag = 1; break; case 'n': numeric_flag = 1; break; case 'r': reverse_flag = 1; break; CASE_HELPOPT; default: builtin_usage(); return (EX_USAGE); } } list = loptend; if (list == 0) { builtin_usage(); return EX_USAGE; } if (legal_identifier (list->word->word) == 0) { sh_invalidid (list->word->word); return EXECUTION_FAILURE; } if ( index_flag ) { if ( list->next == 0 || list->next->next ) { builtin_usage(); return EX_USAGE; } if (legal_identifier (list->next->word->word) == 0) { sh_invalidid (list->next->word->word); return EXECUTION_FAILURE; } var = find_or_make_array_variable(list->word->word, 1); if (var == 0) return EXECUTION_FAILURE; var2 = find_variable(list->next->word->word); if ( !var2 || ( !array_p(var2) && !assoc_p(var2) ) ) { builtin_error("%s: Not an array", list->next->word->word); return EXECUTION_FAILURE; } return sort_index(var, var2); } while (list) { word = list->word->word; var = find_variable(word); list = list->next; if (var == 0 || array_p(var) == 0) { builtin_error("%s: Not an array", word); continue; } if (readonly_p(var) || noassign_p(var)) { if (readonly_p(var)) err_readonly(word); continue; } if ( (ret = sort_inplace(var)) != EXECUTION_SUCCESS ) return ret; } return EXECUTION_SUCCESS; } char *asort_doc[] = { "Sort arrays in-place.", "", "Options:", " -n compare according to string numerical value", " -r reverse the result of comparisons", " -i sort using indices/keys", "", "If -i is supplied, SOURCE is not sorted in-place, but the indices (or keys", "if associative) of SOURCE, after sorting it by its values, are placed as", "values in the indexed array DEST", "", "Associative arrays may not be sorted in-place.", "", "Exit status:", "Return value is zero unless an error happened (like invalid variable name", "or readonly array).", (char *)NULL }; struct builtin asort_struct = { "asort", asort_builtin, BUILTIN_ENABLED, asort_doc, "asort [-nr] array ... or asort [-nr] -i dest source", 0 };