./dstack.tests: line 19: pushd: /tmp/xxx-notthere: No such file or directory ./dstack.tests: line 22: pushd: no other directory ./dstack.tests: line 23: popd: directory stack empty ./dstack.tests: line 26: pushd: -m: invalid number pushd: usage: pushd [-n] [+N | -N | dir] ./dstack.tests: line 27: popd: -m: invalid number popd: usage: popd [-n] [+N | -N] ./dstack.tests: line 28: dirs: -m: invalid number dirs: usage: dirs [-clpv] [+N] [-N] ./dstack.tests: line 29: dirs: 7: invalid option dirs: usage: dirs [-clpv] [+N] [-N] / ok /usr / /usr / /usr / /usr / /usr / / /usr / /etc /usr / /etc /usr / /etc /usr / 0 /etc 1 /usr 2 / /usr /etc / /etc /usr / /tmp /etc /usr / /tmp /tmp /usr /usr ./dstack.tests: line 71: dirs: 9: directory stack index out of range ./dstack.tests: line 71: dirs: 9: directory stack index out of range ./dstack.tests: line 72: pushd: +9: directory stack index out of range ./dstack.tests: line 72: pushd: -9: directory stack index out of range ./dstack.tests: line 73: popd: +9: directory stack index out of range ./dstack.tests: line 73: popd: -9: directory stack index out of range /tmp /etc / /tmp /etc / /tmp /etc / /tmp /usr /etc / /tmp /tmp /usr /etc / /tmp /usr /etc / /tmp /tmp /bin /etc / /tmp /tmp /bin / /tmp /bin / /tmp /bin / /tmp /bin /bin