path: root/doc/radosgw/vault.rst
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 18:45:59 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 18:45:59 +0000
commit19fcec84d8d7d21e796c7624e521b60d28ee21ed (patch)
tree42d26aa27d1e3f7c0b8bd3fd14e7d7082f5008dc /doc/radosgw/vault.rst
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 16.2.11+ds.upstream/16.2.11+dsupstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 482 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/radosgw/vault.rst b/doc/radosgw/vault.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f3cb8fd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/radosgw/vault.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+HashiCorp Vault Integration
+HashiCorp `Vault`_ can be used as a secure key management service for
+`Server-Side Encryption`_ (SSE-KMS).
+.. ditaa::
+ +---------+ +---------+ +-------+ +-------+
+ | Client | | RadosGW | | Vault | | OSD |
+ +---------+ +---------+ +-------+ +-------+
+ | create secret | | |
+ | key for key ID | | |
+ |-----------------+---------------->| |
+ | | | |
+ | upload object | | |
+ | with key ID | | |
+ |---------------->| request secret | |
+ | | key for key ID | |
+ | |---------------->| |
+ | |<----------------| |
+ | | return secret | |
+ | | key | |
+ | | | |
+ | | encrypt object | |
+ | | with secret key | |
+ | |--------------+ | |
+ | | | | |
+ | |<-------------+ | |
+ | | | |
+ | | store encrypted | |
+ | | object | |
+ | |------------------------------>|
+#. `Vault secrets engines`_
+#. `Vault authentication`_
+#. `Vault namespaces`_
+#. `Create a key in Vault`_
+#. `Configure the Ceph Object Gateway`_
+#. `Upload object`_
+Some examples below use the Vault command line utility to interact with
+Vault. You may need to set the following environment variable with the correct
+address of your Vault server to use this utility::
+ export VAULT_ADDR='https://vault-server-fqdn:8200'
+Vault secrets engines
+Vault provides several secrets engines, which can store, generate, and encrypt
+data. Currently, the Object Gateway supports:
+- `KV secrets engine`_ version 2
+- `Transit engine`_
+KV secrets engine
+The KV secrets engine is used to store arbitrary key/value secrets in Vault. To
+enable the KV engine version 2 in Vault, use the following command::
+ vault secrets enable -path secret kv-v2
+The Object Gateway can be configured to use the KV engine version 2 with the
+following setting::
+ rgw crypt vault secret engine = kv
+Transit secrets engine
+The transit engine handles cryptographic functions on data in-transit. To enable
+it in Vault, use the following command::
+ vault secrets enable transit
+The Object Gateway can be configured to use the transit engine with the
+following setting::
+ rgw crypt vault secret engine = transit
+Vault authentication
+Vault supports several authentication mechanisms. Currently, the Object
+Gateway can be configured to authenticate to Vault using the
+`Token authentication method`_ or a `Vault agent`_.
+Most tokens in Vault have limited lifetimes and powers. The only
+sort of Vault token that does not have a lifetime are root tokens.
+For all other tokens, it is necesary to periodically refresh them,
+either by performing initial authentication, or by renewing the token.
+Ceph does not have any logic to perform either operation.
+The simplest best way to use Vault tokens with ceph is to
+also run the Vault agent and have it refresh the token file.
+When the Vault agent is used in this mode, file system permissions
+can be used to restrict who has the use of tokens.
+Instead of having Vault agent refresh a token file, it can be told
+to act as a proxy server. In this mode, Vault will add a token when
+necessary and add it to requests passed to it before forwarding them on
+to the real server. Vault agent will still handle token renewal just
+as it would when storing a token in the filesystem. In this mode, it
+is necessary to properly secure the network path rgw uses to reach the
+Vault agent, such as having the Vault agent listen only to localhost.
+Token policies for the object gateway
+All Vault tokens have powers as specified by the polices attached
+to that token. Multiple policies may be associated with one
+token. You should only use the policy necessary for your
+When using the kv secret engine with the object gateway::
+ vault policy write rgw-kv-policy -<<EOF
+ path "secret/data/*" {
+ capabilities = ["read"]
+ }
+When using the transit secret engine with the object gateway::
+ vault policy write rgw-transit-policy -<<EOF
+ path "transit/keys/*" {
+ capabilities = [ "create", "update" ]
+ denied_parameters = {"exportable" = [], "allow_plaintext_backup" = [] }
+ }
+ path "transit/keys/*" {
+ capabilities = ["read", "delete"]
+ }
+ path "transit/keys/" {
+ capabilities = ["list"]
+ }
+ path "transit/keys/+/rotate" {
+ capabilities = [ "update" ]
+ }
+ path "transit/*" {
+ capabilities = [ "update" ]
+ }
+If you had previously used an older version of ceph with the
+transit secret engine, you might need the following policy::
+ vault policy write old-rgw-transit-policy -<<EOF
+ path "transit/export/encryption-key/*" {
+ capabilities = ["read"]
+ }
+Token authentication
+.. note: Never use root tokens with ceph in production environments.
+The token authentication method expects a Vault token to be present in a
+plaintext file. The Object Gateway can be configured to use token authentication
+with the following settings::
+ rgw crypt vault auth = token
+ rgw crypt vault token file = /run/.rgw-vault-token
+ rgw crypt vault addr = https://vault-server-fqdn:8200
+Adjust these settinsg to match your configuration.
+For security reasons, the token file must be readable by the Object Gateway
+You might set up vault agent as follows::
+ vault write auth/approle/role/rgw-ap \
+ token_policies=rgw-transit-policy,default \
+ token_max_ttl=60m
+Change the policy here to match your configuration.
+Get the role-id::
+ vault read auth/approle/role/rgw-ap/role-id -format=json | \
+ jq -r .data.role_id
+Store the output in some file, such as /usr/local/etc/vault/.rgw-ap-role-id
+Get the secret-id::
+ vault read auth/approle/role/rgw-ap/role-id -format=json | \
+ jq -r .data.role_id
+Store the output in some file, such as /usr/local/etc/vault/.rgw-ap-secret-id
+Create configuration for the Vault agent, such as::
+ pid_file = "/run/rgw-vault-agent-pid"
+ auto_auth {
+ method "AppRole" {
+ mount_path = "auth/approle"
+ config = {
+ role_id_file_path ="/usr/local/etc/vault/.rgw-ap-role-id"
+ secret_id_file_path ="/usr/local/etc/vault/.rgw-ap-secret-id"
+ remove_secret_id_file_after_reading ="false"
+ }
+ }
+ sink "file" {
+ config = {
+ path = "/run/.rgw-vault-token"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ vault {
+ address = "https://vault-server-fqdn:8200"
+ }
+Then use systemctl or another method of your choice to run
+a persistent daemon with the following arguments::
+ /usr/local/bin/vault agent -config=/usr/local/etc/vault/rgw-agent.hcl
+Once the vault agent is running, the token file should be populated
+with a valid token.
+Vault agent
+The Vault agent is a client daemon that provides authentication to Vault and
+manages token renewal and caching. It typically runs on the same host as the
+Object Gateway. With a Vault agent, it is possible to use other Vault
+authentication mechanism such as AppRole, AWS, Certs, JWT, and Azure.
+The Object Gateway can be configured to use a Vault agent with the following
+ rgw crypt vault auth = agent
+ rgw crypt vault addr =
+You might set up vault agent as follows::
+ vault write auth/approle/role/rgw-ap \
+ token_policies=rgw-transit-policy,default \
+ token_max_ttl=60m
+Change the policy here to match your configuration.
+Get the role-id:
+ vault read auth/approle/role/rgw-ap/role-id -format=json | \
+ jq -r .data.role_id
+Store the output in some file, such as /usr/local/etc/vault/.rgw-ap-role-id
+Get the secret-id:
+ vault read auth/approle/role/rgw-ap/role-id -format=json | \
+ jq -r .data.role_id
+Store the output in some file, such as /usr/local/etc/vault/.rgw-ap-secret-id
+Create configuration for the Vault agent, such as::
+ pid_file = "/run/rgw-vault-agent-pid"
+ auto_auth {
+ method "AppRole" {
+ mount_path = "auth/approle"
+ config = {
+ role_id_file_path ="/usr/local/etc/vault/.rgw-ap-role-id"
+ secret_id_file_path ="/usr/local/etc/vault/.rgw-ap-secret-id"
+ remove_secret_id_file_after_reading ="false"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cache {
+ use_auto_auth_token = true
+ }
+ listener "tcp" {
+ address = ""
+ tls_disable = true
+ }
+ vault {
+ address = "https://vault-server-fqdn:8200"
+ }
+Then use systemctl or another method of your choice to run
+a persistent daemon with the following arguments::
+ /usr/local/bin/vault agent -config=/usr/local/etc/vault/rgw-agent.hcl
+Once the vault agent is running, you should find it listening
+to port 8100 on localhost, and you should be able to interact
+with it using the vault command.
+Vault namespaces
+In the Enterprise version, Vault supports the concept of `namespaces`_, which
+allows centralized management for teams within an organization while ensuring
+that those teams operate within isolated environments known as tenants.
+The Object Gateway can be configured to access Vault within a particular
+namespace using the following configuration setting::
+ rgw crypt vault namespace = tenant1
+Create a key in Vault
+.. note:: Keys for server-side encryption must be 256-bit long and base-64
+ encoded.
+Using the KV engine
+A key for server-side encryption can be created in the KV version 2 engine using
+the command line utility, as in the following example::
+ vault kv put secret/myproject/mybucketkey key=$(openssl rand -base64 32)
+Sample output::
+ ====== Metadata ======
+ Key Value
+ --- -----
+ created_time 2019-08-29T17:01:09.095824999Z
+ deletion_time n/a
+ destroyed false
+ version 1
+Note that in the KV secrets engine, secrets are stored as key-value pairs, and
+the Gateway expects the key name to be ``key``, i.e. the secret must be in the
+form ``key=<secret key>``.
+Using the Transit engine
+Keys created for use with the Transit engine should no longer be marked
+exportable. They can be created with::
+ vault write -f transit/keys/mybucketkey
+The command above creates a keyring, which contains a key of type
+``aes256-gcm96`` by default. To verify that the key was correctly created, use
+the following command::
+ vault read transit/mybucketkey
+Sample output::
+ Key Value
+ --- -----
+ derived false
+ exportable false
+ name mybucketkey
+ type aes256-gcm96
+Configure the Ceph Object Gateway
+Edit the Ceph configuration file to enable Vault as a KMS backend for
+server-side encryption::
+ rgw crypt s3 kms backend = vault
+Choose the Vault authentication method, e.g.::
+ rgw crypt vault auth = token
+ rgw crypt vault token file = /run/.rgw-vault-token
+ rgw crypt vault addr = https://vault-server-fqdn:8200
+ rgw crypt vault auth = agent
+ rgw crypt vault addr = http://localhost:8100
+Choose the secrets engine::
+ rgw crypt vault secret engine = kv
+ rgw crypt vault secret engine = transit
+Optionally, set the Vault namespace where encryption keys will be fetched from::
+ rgw crypt vault namespace = tenant1
+Finally, the URLs where the Gateway will retrieve encryption keys from Vault can
+be restricted by setting a path prefix. For instance, the Gateway can be
+restricted to fetch KV keys as follows::
+ rgw crypt vault prefix = /v1/secret/data
+Or, when using the transit secret engine::
+ rgw crypt vault prefix = /v1/transit
+In the example above, the Gateway would only fetch transit encryption keys under
+You can use custom ssl certs to authenticate with vault with help of
+following options::
+ rgw crypt vault verify ssl = true
+ rgw crypt vault ssl cacert = /etc/ceph/
+ rgw crypt vault ssl clientcert = /etc/ceph/vault.crt
+ rgw crypt vault ssl clientkey = /etc/ceph/vault.key
+where is CA certificate and vault.key/vault.crt are private key and ssl
+ceritificate generated for RGW to access the vault server. It highly recommended to
+set this option true, setting false is very dangerous and need to avoid since this
+runs in very secured enviroments.
+Transit engine compatibility support
+The transit engine has compatibility support for previous
+versions of ceph, which used the transit engine as a simple key store.
+There is a a "compat" option which can be given to the transit
+engine to configure the compatibility support,
+To entirely disable backwards support, use::
+ rgw crypt vault secret engine = transit compat=0
+This will be the default in future verisons. and is safe to use
+for new installs using the current version.
+This is the normal default with the current version::
+ rgw crypt vault secret engine = transit compat=1
+This enables the new engine for newly created objects,
+but still allows the old engine to be used for old objects.
+In order to access old and new objects, the vault token given
+to ceph must have both the old and new transit policies.
+To force use of only the old engine, use::
+ rgw crypt vault secret engine = transit compat=2
+This mode is automatically selected if the vault prefix
+ends in export/encryption-key, which was the previously
+documented setting.
+Upload object
+When uploading an object to the Gateway, provide the SSE key ID in the request.
+As an example, for the kv engine, using the AWS command-line client::
+ aws --endpoint=http://radosgw:8000 s3 cp plaintext.txt s3://mybucket/encrypted.txt --sse=aws:kms --sse-kms-key-id myproject/mybucketkey
+As an example, for the transit engine (new flavor), using the AWS command-line client::
+ aws --endpoint=http://radosgw:8000 s3 cp plaintext.txt s3://mybucket/encrypted.txt --sse=aws:kms --sse-kms-key-id mybucketkey
+The Object Gateway will fetch the key from Vault, encrypt the object and store
+it in the bucket. Any request to download the object will make the Gateway
+automatically retrieve the correspondent key from Vault and decrypt the object.
+Note that the secret will be fetched from Vault using a URL constructed by
+concatenating the base address (``rgw crypt vault addr``), the (optional)
+URL prefix (``rgw crypt vault prefix``), and finally the key ID.
+In the kv engine example above, the Gateway would fetch the secret from::
+ http://vaultserver:8200/v1/secret/data/myproject/mybucketkey
+In the transit engine example above, the Gateway would encrypt the secret using this key::
+ http://vaultserver:8200/v1/transit/mybucketkey
+.. _Server-Side Encryption: ../encryption
+.. _Vault:
+.. _Token authentication method:
+.. _Vault agent:
+.. _KV Secrets engine:
+.. _Transit engine:
+.. _namespaces: