path: root/src/boost/tools/auto_index/src/auto_index.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/boost/tools/auto_index/src/auto_index.cpp')
1 files changed, 783 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/boost/tools/auto_index/src/auto_index.cpp b/src/boost/tools/auto_index/src/auto_index.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8d5db201
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/boost/tools/auto_index/src/auto_index.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,783 @@
+// Copyright 2008 John Maddock
+// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+// Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
+// or copy at
+#include <set>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <boost/array.hpp>
+#include <boost/exception/all.hpp>
+#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
+#include "auto_index.hpp"
+std::string infile, outfile, prefix, last_primary, last_secondary, last_tertiary;
+std::set<index_info> index_terms;
+std::set<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > found_terms;
+bool no_duplicates = false;
+bool verbose = false;
+bool use_section_names = true;
+index_entry_set index_entries;
+boost::tiny_xml::element_list indexes;
+std::list<id_rewrite_rule> id_rewrite_list;
+bool internal_indexes = false;
+std::string internal_index_type = "section";
+boost::regex debug;
+file_scanner_set_type file_scanner_set;
+int help()
+ std::cout << "Please refer to the documentation for the correct command line syntax" << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+void eat_block(std::string& result, std::istream & is)
+ //
+ // everything until we get to a closing '>':
+ //
+ char c;
+ while(is.get(c) && c != '>')
+ {
+ result += c;
+ if(c == '\\')
+ {
+ is.get(c);
+ result += c;
+ }
+ }
+ result += c;
+std::string get_header(std::istream & is)
+ //
+ // We need to get any leading <? and <! elements:
+ //
+ std::string result;
+ is >> std::ws;
+ if(is.get() != '<')
+ throw std::runtime_error("Invalid leading markup in XML file found");
+ char c = is.peek();
+ while((c == '?') || (c == '!'))
+ {
+ std::string temp;
+ std::getline(is, temp, '>');
+ result += '<' + temp + '>';
+ is >> std::ws;
+ if(is.get() != '<')
+ throw std::runtime_error("Invalid leading markup in XML file found");
+ c = is.peek();
+ result += '\n';
+ }
+ return result;
+// Find attribute named "name" in node "node":
+const std::string* find_attr(boost::tiny_xml::element_ptr node, const char* name)
+ for(boost::tiny_xml::attribute_list::const_iterator i = node->attributes.begin();
+ i != node->attributes.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(i->name == name)
+ return &(i->value);
+ }
+ return 0;
+// Get the ID of the current block scope, basically
+// move up the XML tree until we find a valid ID:
+const std::string* get_current_block_id(node_id const* id)
+ while((id->id == 0) && (id->prev))
+ id = id->prev;
+ if(!id->id)
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error("Current XML block has no enclosing ID: XML is not valid Boostbook?"));
+ return id->id;
+// Get the title of the current block scope, basically
+// move up the XML tree until we find a valid title:
+const std::string& get_current_block_title(title_info const* id)
+ while((id->title.size() == 0) && (id->prev))
+ id = id->prev;
+ return id->title;
+// Get all the content under this node, with any inline XML
+// stripped out:
+std::string get_consolidated_content(boost::tiny_xml::element_ptr node)
+ std::string result(node->content);
+ for(boost::tiny_xml::element_list::const_iterator i = node->elements.begin();
+ i != node->elements.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ result += " ";
+ result += get_consolidated_content(*i);
+ }
+ static const boost::regex e("(^[[:space:]]+)|([[:space:]]+)|([[:space:]]+$)");
+ return regex_replace(result, e, "(?2 )", boost::regex_constants::format_all);
+// Rewrite a title based on any rewrite rules we may have:
+std::string rewrite_title(const std::string& title, const std::string& id)
+ for(std::list<id_rewrite_rule>::const_iterator i = id_rewrite_list.begin(); i != id_rewrite_list.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(i->base_on_id)
+ {
+ if(regex_match(id, i->id))
+ return i->new_name;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(regex_match(title, i->id))
+ return regex_replace(title, i->id, i->new_name);
+ }
+ }
+ return title;
+struct string_cmp
+ bool operator()(const char* a, const char* b)const
+ {
+ return std::strcmp(a, b) < 0;
+ }
+// Discover whether this node can contain a <title> or not, if not
+// we don't want to link to it, or the XSL HTML stylesheets may do strange
+// things, and at least emit copious messages. See
+bool can_contain_title(const char* name)
+ static const boost::array<const char*, 103> names =
+ { {
+ "abstract", "appendix", "appendixinfo", "article", "articleinfo", "authorblurb", "bibliodiv", "biblioentry", "bibliography",
+ "bibliographyinfo", "bibliolist", "bibliomixed", "bibliomset", "biblioset", "blockinfo", "blockquote", "book", "bookinfo",
+ "calloutlist", "caution", "chapter", "chapterinfo", "colophon", "constraintdef", "dedication", "equation", "example", "figure",
+ "formalpara", "glossary", "glossaryinfo", "glossdiv", "glosslist", "important", "index", "indexdiv", "indexinfo", "itemizedlist",
+ "legalnotice", "lot", "msg", "msgexplan", "msgmain", "msgrel", "msgset", "msgsub", "note", "objectinfo", "orderedlist", "part",
+ "partinfo", "partintro", "personblurb", "preface", "prefaceinfo", "procedure", "productionset", "qandadiv", "qandaset",
+ "refentryinfo", "reference", "referenceinfo", "refsect1", "refsect1info", "refsect2", "refsect2info", "refsect3", "refsect3info",
+ "refsection", "refsectioninfo", "refsynopsisdiv", "refsynopsisdivinfo", "sect1", "sect1info", "sect2", "sect2info", "sect3",
+ "sect3info", "sect4", "sect4info", "sect5", "sect5info", "section", "sectioninfo", "segmentedlist", "set", "setindex",
+ "setindexinfo", "setinfo", "sidebar", "sidebarinfo", "simplesect", "step", "table", "task", "taskprerequisites",
+ "taskrelated", "tasksummary", "tip", "toc", "variablelist", "warning", "refentry"
+ } };
+ static std::set<const char*, string_cmp> permitted;
+ if(permitted.empty())
+ permitted.insert(names.begin(), names.end());
+ return 0 != permitted.count(name);
+// Determine whether this node can contain an indexterm or not:
+bool can_contain_indexterm(const char* name)
+ static const boost::array<const char*, 257> names =
+ { {
+ "abbrev", "accel", "ackno", "acronym", "action", "answer", "appendix", "appendixinfo", "application",
+ "article", "articleinfo", "artpagenums", "attribution", "authorinitials", "bibliocoverage", "bibliodiv",
+ "biblioentry", "bibliography", "bibliographyinfo", "biblioid", "bibliomisc", "bibliomixed", "bibliomset",
+ "bibliorelation", "biblioset", "bibliosource", "blockinfo", "blockquote", "bookinfo", "bridgehead", "callout",
+ "caution", "chapter", "chapterinfo", "citation", "citebiblioid", "citetitle", "city", "classname", "classsynopsisinfo",
+ "code", "collabname", "command", "computeroutput", "confdates", "confnum", "confsponsor", "conftitle", "constant",
+ "constraintdef", "contractnum", "contractsponsor", "contrib", "corpauthor", "corpcredit", "corpname", "country",
+ "database", "date", "dedication", "edition", "email", "emphasis", "entry", "envar", "errorcode", "errorname", "errortext",
+ "errortype", "example", "exceptionname", "fax", "figure", "filename", "firstname", "firstterm", "foreignphrase",
+ "formalpara", "funcparams", "funcsynopsisinfo", "function", "glossary", "glossaryinfo", "glossdef", "glossdiv",
+ "glossentry", "glosssee", "glossseealso", "glossterm", "guibutton", "guiicon", "guilabel", "guimenu", "guimenuitem",
+ "guisubmenu", "hardware", "highlights", "holder", "honorific", "important", "index", "indexinfo", "informalexample",
+ "informalfigure", "initializer", "interface", "interfacename", "invpartnumber", "isbn", "issn", "issuenum", "itemizedlist",
+ "itermset", "jobtitle", "keycap", "keycode", "keysym", "label", "legalnotice", "lineage", "lineannotation",
+ /*"link", */"listitem", "literal", "literallayout", "lotentry", "manvolnum", "markup", "medialabel", "member",
+ "methodname", "modespec", "modifier", "mousebutton", "msgaud", "msgexplan", "msglevel", "msgorig", "msgtext", "note",
+ "objectinfo", "olink", "option", "optional", "orderedlist", "orgdiv", "orgname", "otheraddr", "othername", "package",
+ "pagenums", "para", "parameter", "partinfo", "partintro", "phone", "phrase", "pob", "postcode", "preface", "prefaceinfo",
+ "procedure", "productname", "productnumber", "programlisting", "prompt", "property", "pubdate", "publishername",
+ "pubsnumber", "qandadiv", "qandaset", "question", "quote", "refentry", "refentryinfo", "refentrytitle", "referenceinfo",
+ "refmeta", "refmiscinfo", "refpurpose", "refsect1", "refsect1info", "refsect2", "refsect2info", "refsect3", "refsect3info",
+ "refsection", "refsectioninfo", "refsynopsisdiv", "refsynopsisdivinfo", "releaseinfo", "remark", "returnvalue",
+ "revdescription", "revnumber", "revremark", "screen", "screeninfo", "sect1", "sect1info", "sect2", "sect2info", "sect3",
+ "sect3info", "sect4", "sect4info", "sect5", "sect5info", "section", "sectioninfo", "seg", "segtitle", "seriesvolnums",
+ "setindex", "setindexinfo", "setinfo", "sgmltag", "shortaffil", "sidebar", "sidebarinfo", "simpara", "simplesect",
+ "state", "step", "street", "structfield", "structname", "subtitle", "surname", "symbol", "synopsis", "systemitem",
+ "table", "task", "taskprerequisites", "taskrelated", "tasksummary", "td", "term", "termdef", "th", "tip", /*"title",*/
+ "titleabbrev", "tocback", "tocentry", "tocfront", "token", "type", "ulink", "uri", "userinput", "variablelist",
+ "varname", "volumenum", "warning", "wordasword", "year"
+ } };
+ static std::set<const char*, string_cmp> permitted;
+ if(permitted.empty())
+ permitted.insert(names.begin(), names.end());
+ return 0 != permitted.count(name);
+// Decide whether to flatten this node for searching purposes:
+bool should_flatten_node(const char* name)
+ //
+ // The list of nodes to flatten is basically the list of elements that
+ // can appear inside a <section> - see
+ // In other words basically anything at the level of a paragraph/table/listing etc.
+ //
+ static const boost::array<const char*, 57> names =
+ { {
+ "title", "subtitle", "titleabbrev",
+ "toc", "lot", "glossary", "bibliography",
+ /*"calloutlist", "glosslist", "bibliolist", "itemizedlist", "orderedlist",
+ "segmentedlist", "simplelist", "variablelist",*/ "caution", "important", "note",
+ "tip", "warning", "literallayout", "programlisting", "programlistingco",
+ "screen", "screenco", "screenshot", "synopsis", "cmdsynopsis", "funcsynopsis",
+ "classsynopsis", "fieldsynopsis", "constructorsynopsis",
+ "destructorsynopsis", "methodsynopsis", "formalpara", "para", "simpara",
+ "address", "blockquote", "graphic", "graphicco", "mediaobject",
+ "mediaobjectco", "informalequation", "informalexample", "informalfigure",
+ "informaltable", "equation", "example", "figure", "table", "msgset", "procedure",
+ "sidebar", "qandaset", "task", "productionset", "constraintdef", "anchor",
+ "bridgehead", "remark", "highlights", "abstract", "authorblurb", "epigraph"
+ /*"biblioentry", "bibliomixed", "callout", "glossentry", "listitem", "seg", "seglistitem", "member",
+ "term", */
+ } };
+ static std::set<const char*, string_cmp> terminals;
+ if(terminals.empty())
+ terminals.insert(names.begin(), names.end());
+ return 0 != terminals.count(name);
+std::string unescape_xml(const std::string& s)
+ boost::regex e("&(?:(quot)|(amp)|(apos)|(lt)|(gt));");
+ return regex_replace(s, e, "(?1\")(?2&)(?3\')(?4<)(?5>)", boost::regex_constants::format_all);
+// Exception classes to propagate processing instruction info:
+struct ignore_section{};
+struct ignore_block{};
+// Check if we're in a section (or chapter etc) or not:
+bool is_section(const std::string& name)
+ static const boost::array<const char*, 19> data =
+ {{
+ "dedication", "toc", "lot", "glossary", "bibliography", "preface", "chapter",
+ "reference", "part", "article", "appendix", "index", "setindex", "colophon",
+ "sect1", "refentry", "simplesect", "section", "partintro"
+ }};
+ std::set<std::string> names;
+ if(names.empty())
+ names.insert(data.begin(), data.end());
+ return 0 != names.count(name);
+// Check if we're in a block/paragraph or not:
+bool is_block(const std::string& name)
+ static const boost::array<const char*, 58> data =
+ {{
+ "calloutlist", "glosslist", "bibliolist", "itemizedlist", "orderedlist",
+ "segmentedlist", "simplelist", "variablelist", "caution", "important", "note",
+ "tip", "warning", "literallayout", "programlisting", "programlistingco",
+ "screen", "screenco", "screenshot", "synopsis", "cmdsynopsis", "funcsynopsis",
+ "classsynopsis", "fieldsynopsis", "constructorsynopsis",
+ "destructorsynopsis", "methodsynopsis", "formalpara", "para", "simpara",
+ "address", "blockquote", "graphic", "graphicco", "mediaobject",
+ "mediaobjectco", "informalequation", "informalexample", "informalfigure",
+ "informaltable", "equation", "example", "figure", "table", "msgset", "procedure",
+ "sidebar", "qandaset", "task", "productionset", "constraintdef", "anchor",
+ "bridgehead", "remark", "highlights", "abstract", "authorblurb", "epigraph"
+ }};
+ std::set<std::string> names;
+ if(names.empty())
+ names.insert(data.begin(), data.end());
+ return 0 != names.count(name);
+// Helper proc to recurse through children:
+void process_node(boost::tiny_xml::element_ptr node, node_id* prev, title_info* pt, bool seen);
+bool recurse_through_children(boost::tiny_xml::element_ptr node, node_id* id, title_info* pt, bool seen)
+ try
+ {
+ for(boost::tiny_xml::element_list::const_iterator i = node->elements.begin();
+ i != node->elements.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ process_node(*i, id, pt, seen);
+ }
+ }
+ catch(const ignore_section&)
+ {
+ if(is_section(node->name))
+ return false;
+ else
+ throw;
+ }
+ catch(const ignore_block&)
+ {
+ if(is_block(node->name) || is_section(node->name))
+ return false;
+ else
+ throw;
+ }
+ return true;
+// This does most of the work: process the node pointed to, and any children
+// that it may have:
+void process_node(boost::tiny_xml::element_ptr node, node_id* prev, title_info* pt, bool seen = false)
+ //
+ // Store the current ID and title as nested scoped objects:
+ //
+ node_id id = { 0, prev };
+ if(can_contain_title(node->name.c_str()))
+ {
+ // Only set the ID to link to if the block can contain a title, see
+ // can_contain_title above for rationale.
+ = find_attr(node, "id");
+ }
+ title_info title = { "", pt};
+ bool flatten = should_flatten_node(node->name.c_str());
+ if(node->name.size() && node->name[0] == '?')
+ {
+ if(node->name == "?BoostAutoIndex")
+ {
+ if(node->content == "IgnoreSection")
+ {
+ throw ignore_section();
+ }
+ else if(node->content == "IgnoreBlock")
+ {
+ throw ignore_block();
+ }
+ }
+ return; // Ignore processing instructions
+ }
+ else if((node->name == "title") && (id.prev->id))
+ {
+ //
+ // This actually sets the title of the enclosing scope,
+ // not this tag itself:
+ //
+ title.prev->title = get_consolidated_content(node);
+ if(verbose)
+ std::cout << "Indexing section: " << title.prev->title << std::endl;
+ }
+ else if((node->name == "refentrytitle") && (id.prev->prev->id))
+ {
+ //
+ // This actually sets the title of the enclosing refentry scope,
+ // not this tag itself:
+ //
+ title.prev->prev->title = get_consolidated_content(node);
+ if(verbose)
+ std::cout << "Indexing refentry: " << title.prev->prev->title << std::endl;
+ }
+ if(node->name == "anchor")
+ {
+ if(node->parent.lock()->name == "title")
+ {
+ // We have a title with a nested anchor ID, change the ID of our parents parent to match:
+ id.prev->prev->id =;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(node->name == "index")
+ {
+ // Keep track of all the indexes we see:
+ indexes.push_back(node);
+ if(node->parent.lock()->name == "para")
+ node->parent.lock()->name = "";
+ }
+ else if(node->name == "primary")
+ {
+ last_primary = get_consolidated_content(node);
+ }
+ else if(node->name == "secondary")
+ {
+ last_secondary = get_consolidated_content(node);
+ }
+ else if(node->name == "tertiary")
+ {
+ last_tertiary = get_consolidated_content(node);
+ }
+ else if((node->name == "see") && internal_indexes)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "WARNING: <see> in XML source will be ignored for the index generation" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else if((node->name == "seealso") && internal_indexes)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "WARNING: <seealso> in XML source will be ignored for the index generation" << std::endl;
+ }
+ std::string flattenned_text;
+ const std::string* ptext;
+ if(flatten)
+ {
+ flattenned_text = unescape_xml(get_consolidated_content(node));
+ ptext = &flattenned_text;
+ //
+ // Recurse through children here if we're going to flatten the text, that way we see any processing instructions first:
+ //
+ if(!recurse_through_children(node, &id, &title, flatten || seen))
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ptext = &(node->content);
+ }
+ //
+ // Search content for items: we only search if the content is not empty,
+ // and the content is not whitespace alone, and we haven't already searched this
+ // text in one of our parent nodes that got flattened.
+ //
+ static const boost::regex space_re("[[:space:]]+");
+ if(!seen && ptext->size() && !regex_match(*ptext, space_re))
+ {
+ // Save block ID and title in case we find some hits:
+ const std::string* pid = get_current_block_id(&id);
+ const std::string& rtitle = get_current_block_title(&title);
+ const std::string simple_title = rewrite_title(rtitle, *pid);
+ // Scan for each index term:
+ for(std::set<index_info>::const_iterator i = index_terms.begin();
+ i != index_terms.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(regex_search(*ptext, i->search_text))
+ {
+ //
+ // We need to check to see if this term has already been indexed
+ // in this zone, in order to prevent duplicate entries, also check
+ // that any constrait placed on the term's ID is satisfied:
+ //
+ std::pair<std::string, std::string> item_index(*pid, i->term);
+ if(((no_duplicates == false) || (0 == found_terms.count(item_index)))
+ && (i->search_id.empty() || regex_match(*pid, i->search_id)))
+ {
+ // We have something to index!
+ found_terms.insert(item_index);
+ if(!debug.empty() && (regex_match(i->term, debug) || regex_match(rtitle, debug) || regex_match(simple_title, debug)))
+ {
+ std::cout << "Debug term found, in block with ID: " << *pid << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Current section title is: " << rtitle << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "The main index entry will be : " << simple_title << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "The indexed term is: " << i->term << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "The search regex is: " << i->search_text << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "The section constraint is: " << i->search_id << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "The index type for this entry is: " << i->category << std::endl;
+ }
+ if(use_section_names && (simple_title != i->term))
+ {
+ //
+ // First off insert index entry with primary term
+ // consisting of the section title, and secondary term the
+ // actual index term, this gets skipped if the title and index
+ // term are the same:
+ //
+ if(internal_indexes == false)
+ {
+ // Insert an <indexterm> into the XML:
+ boost::tiny_xml::element_ptr p(new boost::tiny_xml::element());
+ p->name = "indexterm";
+ boost::tiny_xml::element_ptr prim(new boost::tiny_xml::element());
+ prim->name = "primary";
+ prim->elements.push_front(boost::tiny_xml::element_ptr(new boost::tiny_xml::element()));
+ prim->elements.front()->content = simple_title;
+ p->elements.push_front(prim);
+ boost::tiny_xml::element_ptr sec(new boost::tiny_xml::element());
+ sec->name = "secondary";
+ sec->elements.push_front(boost::tiny_xml::element_ptr(new boost::tiny_xml::element()));
+ sec->elements.front()->content = i->term;
+ p->elements.push_back(sec);
+ try{
+ // Insert the Indexterm:
+ boost::tiny_xml::element_ptr parent(node->parent);
+ while(!can_contain_indexterm(parent->name.c_str()))
+ parent = parent->parent.lock();
+ parent->elements.push_front(p);
+ }
+ catch(const std::exception&)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Unable to find location to insert <indexterm>" << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // Track the entry in our internal index:
+ index_entry_ptr item1(new index_entry(simple_title));
+ index_entry_ptr item2(new index_entry(i->term, *pid));
+ index_entry_set::iterator pos = index_entries.insert(item1).first;
+ (**pos).sub_keys.insert(item2);
+ }
+ //
+ // Now insert another index entry with the index term
+ // as the primary key, and the section title as the
+ // secondary key, this one gets assigned to the
+ // appropriate index category if there is one:
+ //
+ bool preferred_term = false;
+ if(internal_indexes == false)
+ {
+ // Insert <indexterm> into the XML:
+ boost::tiny_xml::element_ptr p2(new boost::tiny_xml::element());
+ p2->name = "indexterm";
+ if(i->category.size())
+ {
+ p2->attributes.push_back(boost::tiny_xml::attribute("type", i->category));
+ }
+ boost::tiny_xml::element_ptr prim2(new boost::tiny_xml::element());
+ prim2->name = "primary";
+ prim2->elements.push_front(boost::tiny_xml::element_ptr(new boost::tiny_xml::element()));
+ prim2->elements.front()->content = i->term;
+ p2->elements.push_front(prim2);
+ boost::tiny_xml::element_ptr sec2(new boost::tiny_xml::element());
+ sec2->name = "secondary";
+ sec2->elements.push_front(boost::tiny_xml::element_ptr(new boost::tiny_xml::element()));
+ sec2->elements.front()->content = rtitle;
+ p2->elements.push_back(sec2);
+ try{
+ // Insert the Indexterm:
+ boost::tiny_xml::element_ptr parent(node->parent);
+ while(!can_contain_indexterm(parent->name.c_str()))
+ {
+ // If the search text was found in a title then make it a preferred term:
+ if(parent->name == "title")
+ preferred_term = true;
+ parent = parent->parent.lock();
+ }
+ if(preferred_term)
+ {
+ boost::tiny_xml::attribute a("significance", "preferred");
+ p2->attributes.push_back(a);
+ }
+ parent->elements.push_front(p2);
+ }
+ catch(const std::exception&)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Unable to find location to insert <indexterm>" << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // Track the entry in our internal index:
+ try{
+ // figure out if it's preferred or not:
+ boost::tiny_xml::element_ptr parent(node->parent);
+ while(!can_contain_indexterm(parent->name.c_str()))
+ {
+ // If the search text was found in a title then make it a preferred term:
+ if(parent->name == "title")
+ {
+ preferred_term = true;
+ }
+ parent = parent->parent.lock();
+ if(!parent)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ catch(const std::exception&){}
+ index_entry_ptr item3(new index_entry(i->term));
+ if(i->category.size())
+ item3->category = i->category;
+ index_entry_ptr item4(new index_entry(rtitle, *pid));
+ item4->preferred = preferred_term;
+ index_entry_set::iterator pos = index_entries.insert(item3).first;
+ (**pos).sub_keys.insert(item4);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Recurse through children, if not done already:
+ //
+ if(!flatten)
+ recurse_through_children(node, &id, &title, flatten || seen);
+ //
+ // Process manual index entries last of all:
+ //
+ if(node->name == "indexterm")
+ {
+ // Track the entry in our internal index:
+ const std::string* pid = get_current_block_id(&id);
+ const std::string* attr = find_attr(node, "type");
+ const std::string& rtitle = get_current_block_title(&title);
+ const std::string simple_title = rewrite_title(rtitle, *pid);
+ index_entry_ptr item1(new index_entry(last_primary, "", attr ? *attr : ""));
+ index_entry_set* parent = &((*index_entries.insert(item1).first)->sub_keys);
+ if(last_secondary.size())
+ {
+ item1.reset(new index_entry(last_secondary, "", attr ? *attr : ""));
+ parent = &((*parent->insert(item1).first)->sub_keys);
+ }
+ if(last_tertiary.size())
+ {
+ item1.reset(new index_entry(last_tertiary, "", attr ? *attr : ""));
+ parent = &((*parent->insert(item1).first)->sub_keys);
+ }
+ item1.reset(new index_entry(simple_title, *pid, attr ? *attr : ""));
+ parent->insert(item1);
+ last_primary = "";
+ last_secondary = "";
+ last_tertiary = "";
+ }
+void process_nodes(boost::tiny_xml::element_ptr node)
+ node_id id = { 0, };
+ title_info t = { "", 0 };
+ process_node(node, &id, &t);
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ try{
+ namespace po = boost::program_options;
+ po::options_description desc("AutoIndex Allowed Options");
+ desc.add_options()
+ ("help", "Print help message")
+ ("in", po::value<std::string>(), "Set the input XML file.")
+ ("out", po::value<std::string>(), "Set output input XML file.")
+ ("scan", po::value<std::string>(), "Scan the specified file for terms to try and index.")
+ ("script", po::value<std::string>(), "Specifies the script file to use.")
+ ("no-duplicates", "Prevents duplicate index entries within the same section.")
+ ("no-section-names", "Suppresses use of section names as index entries.")
+ ("internal-index", "Causes AutoIndex to generate the index itself, rather than relying on the XSL stylesheets.")
+ ("verbose", "Turns on verbose mode.")
+ ("prefix", po::value<std::string>(), "Sets the prefix to be prepended to all file names and paths in the script file.")
+ ("index-type", po::value<std::string>(), "Sets the XML container type to use the index.")
+ ;
+ po::variables_map vm;
+ po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);
+ po::notify(vm);
+ //
+ // Process arguments:
+ //
+ if(vm.count("help"))
+ {
+ std::cout << desc;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(vm.count("in"))
+ {
+ infile = vm["in"].as<std::string>();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cerr << "No input XML file specified" << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if(vm.count("out"))
+ {
+ outfile = vm["out"].as<std::string>();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cerr << "No output XML file specified" << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if(vm.count("verbose"))
+ {
+ verbose = true;
+ }
+ if(vm.count("prefix"))
+ {
+ prefix = vm["prefix"].as<std::string>();
+ }
+ if(vm.count("scan"))
+ {
+ std::string f = vm["scan"].as<std::string>();
+ if(!exists(boost::filesystem::path(f)))
+ throw std::runtime_error("Error the file requested for scanning does not exist: " + f);
+ scan_file(f);
+ }
+ if(vm.count("script"))
+ {
+ process_script(vm["script"].as<std::string>());
+ }
+ if(vm.count("no-duplicates"))
+ {
+ no_duplicates = true;
+ }
+ if(vm.count("no-section-names"))
+ {
+ use_section_names = false;
+ }
+ if(vm.count("internal-index"))
+ {
+ internal_indexes = true;
+ }
+ if(vm.count("index-type"))
+ {
+ internal_index_type = vm["index-type"].as<std::string>();
+ }
+ std::ifstream is(infile.c_str());
+ if((0 == is.peek()) || !is.good())
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Unable to open XML data file " << argv[1] << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ //
+ // We need to skip any leading <? and <! elements:
+ //
+ std::string header = get_header(is);
+ boost::tiny_xml::element_ptr xml = boost::tiny_xml::parse(is, "");
+ is.close();
+ std::cout << "Indexing " << index_terms.size() << " terms..." << std::endl;
+ process_nodes(xml);
+ if(internal_indexes)
+ generate_indexes();
+ std::ofstream os(outfile.c_str());
+ os << header << std::endl;
+ boost::tiny_xml::write(*xml, os);
+ std::cout << index_entries.size() << " Index entries were created." << std::endl;
+ }
+ catch(boost::exception& e)
+ {
+ std::cerr << diagnostic_information(e);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ catch(const std::exception& e)
+ {
+ std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ catch(const std::string& s)
+ {
+ std::cerr << s << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;