path: root/src/boost/tools/quickbook/src/bb2html.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/boost/tools/quickbook/src/bb2html.cpp')
1 files changed, 1626 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/boost/tools/quickbook/src/bb2html.cpp b/src/boost/tools/quickbook/src/bb2html.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..44c8e7558
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/boost/tools/quickbook/src/bb2html.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1626 @@
+Copyright (c) 2017 Daniel James
+Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
+License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#include "bb2html.hpp"
+#include <cassert>
+#include <vector>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
+#include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
+#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
+#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/cat.hpp>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/stringize.hpp>
+#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
+#include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>
+#include "boostbook_chunker.hpp"
+#include "files.hpp"
+#include "for.hpp"
+#include "html_printer.hpp"
+#include "path.hpp"
+#include "post_process.hpp"
+#include "stream.hpp"
+#include "utils.hpp"
+#include "xml_parse.hpp"
+namespace quickbook
+ namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
+namespace quickbook
+ namespace detail
+ {
+ struct html_state;
+ struct html_gen;
+ struct docinfo_gen;
+ struct id_info;
+ typedef boost::unordered_map<string_view, id_info> ids_type;
+ typedef void (*node_parser)(html_gen&, xml_element*);
+ typedef boost::unordered_map<quickbook::string_view, node_parser>
+ node_parsers_type;
+ static node_parsers_type node_parsers;
+ struct docinfo_node_parser
+ {
+ typedef void (*parser_type)(docinfo_gen&, xml_element*);
+ enum docinfo_node_category
+ {
+ docinfo_general = 0,
+ docinfo_author
+ };
+ docinfo_node_category category;
+ parser_type parser;
+ };
+ typedef boost::
+ unordered_map<quickbook::string_view, docinfo_node_parser>
+ docinfo_node_pasers_type;
+ static docinfo_node_pasers_type docinfo_node_parsers;
+ void generate_chunked_documentation(
+ chunk*, ids_type const&, html_options const&);
+ void generate_chunks(html_state&, chunk*);
+ void generate_chunk_navigation(html_gen&, chunk*);
+ void generate_inline_chunks(html_gen&, chunk*);
+ void generate_chunk_body(html_gen&, chunk*);
+ void generate_toc_html(html_gen& gen, chunk*);
+ void generate_toc_subtree(
+ html_gen& gen, chunk* page, chunk*, unsigned section_depth);
+ void generate_toc_item_html(html_gen&, xml_element*);
+ void generate_footnotes_html(html_gen&);
+ void number_callouts(html_gen& gen, xml_element* x);
+ void number_calloutlist_children(
+ html_gen& gen, unsigned& count, xml_element* x);
+ void generate_docinfo_html(html_gen&, xml_element*);
+ void generate_tree_html(html_gen&, xml_element*);
+ void generate_children_html(html_gen&, xml_element*);
+ void write_file(
+ html_state&, std::string const& path, std::string const& content);
+ std::string get_link_from_path(
+ html_gen&, quickbook::string_view, quickbook::string_view);
+ std::string relative_path_or_url(html_gen&, path_or_url const&);
+ std::string relative_path_from_fs_paths(
+ fs::path const&, fs::path const&);
+ std::string relative_path_from_url_paths(
+ quickbook::string_view, quickbook::string_view);
+ ids_type get_id_paths(chunk* chunk);
+ void get_id_paths_impl(ids_type&, chunk*);
+ void get_id_paths_impl2(ids_type&, chunk*, xml_element*);
+ void tag(html_gen& gen, quickbook::string_view name, xml_element* x);
+ void tag_start_with_id(
+ html_gen& gen, quickbook::string_view name, xml_element* x);
+ void open_tag_with_id(
+ html_gen& gen, quickbook::string_view name, xml_element* x);
+ void tag_self_close(
+ html_gen& gen, quickbook::string_view name, xml_element* x);
+ void graphics_tag(
+ html_gen& gen,
+ quickbook::string_view path,
+ quickbook::string_view fallback);
+ struct id_info
+ {
+ private:
+ chunk* chunk_;
+ xml_element* element_;
+ public:
+ explicit id_info(chunk* c, xml_element* x) : chunk_(c), element_(x)
+ {
+ assert(c);
+ assert(!x || x->has_attribute("id"));
+ }
+ std::string path() const
+ {
+ std::string p = chunk_->path_;
+ if (element_) {
+ p += '#';
+ p += element_->get_attribute("id");
+ }
+ else if (chunk_->inline_) {
+ p += '#';
+ p += chunk_->id_;
+ }
+ return p;
+ }
+ };
+ struct html_state
+ {
+ ids_type const& ids;
+ html_options const& options;
+ unsigned int error_count;
+ explicit html_state(
+ ids_type const& ids_, html_options const& options_)
+ : ids(ids_), options(options_), error_count(0)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ struct callout_data
+ {
+ quickbook::string_view link_id;
+ unsigned number;
+ };
+ struct chunk_state
+ {
+ std::vector<xml_element*> footnotes;
+ boost::unordered_map<string_view, callout_data> callout_numbers;
+ boost::unordered_set<string_view> fragment_ids;
+ };
+ struct html_gen
+ {
+ html_printer printer;
+ html_state& state;
+ chunk_state& chunk;
+ string_view path;
+ bool in_toc;
+ explicit html_gen(
+ html_state& state_, chunk_state& chunk_, string_view p)
+ : printer()
+ , state(state_)
+ , chunk(chunk_)
+ , path(p)
+ , in_toc(false)
+ {
+ }
+ html_gen(html_gen const& x)
+ : printer()
+ , state(x.state)
+ , chunk(x.chunk)
+ , path(x.path)
+ , in_toc(false)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ struct docinfo_gen
+ {
+ html_gen& gen;
+ std::vector<std::string> copyrights;
+ std::vector<std::string> pubdates;
+ std::vector<std::string> legalnotices;
+ std::vector<std::string> authors;
+ std::vector<std::string> editors;
+ std::vector<std::string> collabs;
+ docinfo_gen(html_gen& gen_) : gen(gen_) {}
+ };
+ int boostbook_to_html(
+ quickbook::string_view source, html_options const& options)
+ {
+ xml_tree tree;
+ try {
+ tree = xml_parse(source);
+ } catch (quickbook::detail::xml_parse_error e) {
+ string_view source_view(source);
+ file_position p = relative_position(source_view.begin(), e.pos);
+ string_view::iterator line_start =
+ e.pos - (p.column < 40 ? p.column - 1 : 39);
+ string_view::iterator line_end =
+ std::find(e.pos, source_view.end(), '\n');
+ if (line_end - e.pos > 80) {
+ line_end = e.pos + 80;
+ }
+ std::string indent;
+ for (auto i = e.pos - line_start; i; --i) {
+ indent += ' ';
+ }
+ ::quickbook::detail::outerr()
+ << "converting boostbook at line " << p.line << " char "
+ << p.column << ": " << e.message << "\n"
+ << string_view(line_start, line_end - line_start) << "\n"
+ << indent << "^"
+ << "\n\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ chunk_tree chunked = chunk_document(tree);
+ // Overwrite paths depending on whether output is chunked or not.
+ // Really want to do something better, e.g. incorporate many section
+ // chunks into their parent.
+ chunked.root()->path_ =
+ path_to_generic(options.home_path.filename());
+ if (options.chunked_output) {
+ inline_sections(chunked.root(), 0);
+ // Create the root directory if necessary for chunked
+ // documentation.
+ fs::path parent = options.home_path.parent_path();
+ if (!parent.empty() && !fs::exists(parent)) {
+ fs::create_directory(parent);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ inline_all(chunked.root());
+ }
+ ids_type ids = get_id_paths(chunked.root());
+ html_state state(ids, options);
+ if (chunked.root()) {
+ generate_chunks(state, chunked.root());
+ }
+ return state.error_count;
+ }
+ void gather_chunk_ids(chunk_state& c_state, xml_element* x)
+ {
+ if (!x) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (x->has_attribute("id")) {
+ c_state.fragment_ids.emplace(x->get_attribute("id"));
+ }
+ for (auto it = x->children(); it; it = it->next()) {
+ gather_chunk_ids(c_state, it);
+ }
+ }
+ void gather_chunk_ids(chunk_state& c_state, chunk* x)
+ {
+ gather_chunk_ids(c_state, x->contents_.root());
+ gather_chunk_ids(c_state, x->title_.root());
+ gather_chunk_ids(c_state, x->info_.root());
+ for (chunk* it = x->children(); it && it->inline_;
+ it = it->next()) {
+ gather_chunk_ids(c_state, it);
+ }
+ }
+ string_view generate_id(
+ chunk_state& c_state,
+ xml_element* x,
+ string_view name,
+ string_view base)
+ {
+ std::string result;
+ result.reserve(base.size() + 2);
+ result.assign(base.begin(), base.end());
+ result += '-';
+ // TODO: Share implementation with id_generation.cpp?
+ for (unsigned count = 1;; ++count) {
+ auto num = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(count);
+ result.reserve(base.size() + 1 + num.size());
+ result.erase(base.size() + 1);
+ result += num;
+ if (c_state.fragment_ids.find(result) ==
+ c_state.fragment_ids.end()) {
+ auto r = x->set_attribute(name, result);
+ c_state.fragment_ids.emplace(r);
+ return r;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void generate_chunks(html_state& state, chunk* x)
+ {
+ chunk_state c_state;
+ gather_chunk_ids(c_state, x);
+ html_gen gen(state, c_state, x->path_);
+ gen.printer.html += "<!DOCTYPE html>\n";
+ open_tag(gen.printer, "html");
+ open_tag(gen.printer, "head");
+ if (state.options.css_path) {
+ tag_start(gen.printer, "link");
+ tag_attribute(gen.printer, "rel", "stylesheet");
+ tag_attribute(gen.printer, "type", "text/css");
+ tag_attribute(
+ gen.printer, "href",
+ relative_path_or_url(gen, state.options.css_path));
+ tag_end_self_close(gen.printer);
+ }
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "head");
+ open_tag(gen.printer, "body");
+ generate_chunk_navigation(gen, x);
+ generate_chunk_body(gen, x);
+ chunk* it = x->children();
+ for (; it && it->inline_; it = it->next()) {
+ generate_inline_chunks(gen, it);
+ }
+ generate_footnotes_html(gen);
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "body");
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "html");
+ write_file(state, x->path_, gen.printer.html);
+ for (; it; it = it->next()) {
+ assert(!it->inline_);
+ generate_chunks(state, it);
+ }
+ }
+ void generate_chunk_navigation(html_gen& gen, chunk* x)
+ {
+ chunk* next = 0;
+ for (chunk* it = x->children(); it; it = it->next()) {
+ if (!it->inline_) {
+ next = it;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!next) {
+ next = x->next();
+ }
+ chunk* prev = x->prev();
+ if (prev) {
+ while (prev->children()) {
+ for (prev = prev->children(); prev->next();
+ prev = prev->next()) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ prev = x->parent();
+ }
+ if (next || prev || x->parent()) {
+ tag_start(gen.printer, "div");
+ tag_attribute(gen.printer, "class", "spirit-nav");
+ tag_end(gen.printer);
+ if (prev) {
+ tag_start(gen.printer, "a");
+ tag_attribute(
+ gen.printer, "href",
+ get_link_from_path(gen, prev->path_, x->path_));
+ tag_attribute(gen.printer, "accesskey", "p");
+ tag_end(gen.printer);
+ graphics_tag(gen, "/prev.png", "prev");
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "a");
+ gen.printer.html += " ";
+ }
+ if (x->parent()) {
+ tag_start(gen.printer, "a");
+ tag_attribute(
+ gen.printer, "href",
+ get_link_from_path(gen, x->parent()->path_, x->path_));
+ tag_attribute(gen.printer, "accesskey", "u");
+ tag_end(gen.printer);
+ graphics_tag(gen, "/up.png", "up");
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "a");
+ gen.printer.html += " ";
+ tag_start(gen.printer, "a");
+ tag_attribute(
+ gen.printer, "href",
+ get_link_from_path(gen, "index.html", x->path_));
+ tag_attribute(gen.printer, "accesskey", "h");
+ tag_end(gen.printer);
+ graphics_tag(gen, "/home.png", "home");
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "a");
+ if (next) {
+ gen.printer.html += " ";
+ }
+ }
+ if (next) {
+ tag_start(gen.printer, "a");
+ tag_attribute(
+ gen.printer, "href",
+ get_link_from_path(gen, next->path_, x->path_));
+ tag_attribute(gen.printer, "accesskey", "n");
+ tag_end(gen.printer);
+ graphics_tag(gen, "/next.png", "next");
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "a");
+ }
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "div");
+ }
+ }
+ void generate_inline_chunks(html_gen& gen, chunk* x)
+ {
+ tag_start(gen.printer, "div");
+ tag_attribute(gen.printer, "id", x->id_);
+ tag_end(gen.printer);
+ generate_chunk_body(gen, x);
+ for (chunk* it = x->children(); it; it = it->next()) {
+ assert(it->inline_);
+ generate_inline_chunks(gen, it);
+ }
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "div");
+ }
+ void generate_chunk_body(html_gen& gen, chunk* x)
+ {
+ gen.chunk.callout_numbers.clear();
+ number_callouts(gen, x->title_.root());
+ number_callouts(gen, x->info_.root());
+ number_callouts(gen, x->contents_.root());
+ generate_tree_html(gen, x->title_.root());
+ generate_docinfo_html(gen, x->info_.root());
+ generate_toc_html(gen, x);
+ generate_tree_html(gen, x->contents_.root());
+ }
+ void generate_toc_html(html_gen& gen, chunk* x)
+ {
+ if (x->children() && x->contents_.root()->name_ != "section") {
+ tag_start(gen.printer, "div");
+ tag_attribute(gen.printer, "class", "toc");
+ tag_end(gen.printer);
+ open_tag(gen.printer, "p");
+ open_tag(gen.printer, "b");
+ gen.printer.html += "Table of contents";
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "b");
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "p");
+ generate_toc_subtree(gen, x, x, 1);
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "div");
+ }
+ }
+ void generate_toc_subtree(
+ html_gen& gen, chunk* page, chunk* x, unsigned section_depth)
+ {
+ if (x != page && section_depth == 0) {
+ bool has_non_section_child = false;
+ for (chunk* it = x->children(); it; it = it->next()) {
+ if (it->contents_.root()->name_ != "section") {
+ has_non_section_child = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!has_non_section_child) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ gen.printer.html += "<ul>";
+ for (chunk* it = x->children(); it; it = it->next()) {
+ auto link = gen.state.ids.find(it->id_);
+ gen.printer.html += "<li>";
+ if (link != gen.state.ids.end()) {
+ gen.printer.html += "<a href=\"";
+ gen.printer.html += encode_string(get_link_from_path(
+ gen, link->second.path(), page->path_));
+ gen.printer.html += "\">";
+ generate_toc_item_html(gen, it->title_.root());
+ gen.printer.html += "</a>";
+ }
+ else {
+ generate_toc_item_html(gen, it->title_.root());
+ }
+ if (it->children()) {
+ generate_toc_subtree(
+ gen, page, it,
+ it->contents_.root()->name_ == "section" &&
+ section_depth > 0
+ ? section_depth - 1
+ : section_depth);
+ }
+ gen.printer.html += "</li>";
+ }
+ gen.printer.html += "</ul>";
+ }
+ void generate_toc_item_html(html_gen& gen, xml_element* x)
+ {
+ if (x) {
+ bool old = gen.in_toc;
+ gen.in_toc = true;
+ generate_children_html(gen, x);
+ gen.in_toc = old;
+ }
+ else {
+ gen.printer.html += "<i>Untitled</i>";
+ }
+ }
+ void generate_footnotes_html(html_gen& gen)
+ {
+ if (!gen.chunk.footnotes.empty()) {
+ tag_start(gen.printer, "div");
+ tag_attribute(gen.printer, "class", "footnotes");
+ tag_end(gen.printer);
+ gen.printer.html += "<br/>";
+ gen.printer.html += "<hr/>";
+ for (std::vector<xml_element*>::iterator it =
+ gen.chunk.footnotes.begin();
+ it != gen.chunk.footnotes.end(); ++it) {
+ auto footnote_id =
+ (*it)->get_attribute("(((footnote-id)))");
+ tag_start(gen.printer, "div");
+ tag_attribute(gen.printer, "id", footnote_id);
+ tag_attribute(gen.printer, "class", "footnote");
+ tag_end(gen.printer);
+ generate_children_html(gen, *it);
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "div");
+ }
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "div");
+ }
+ }
+ void number_callouts(html_gen& gen, xml_element* x)
+ {
+ if (!x) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (x->type_ == xml_element::element_node) {
+ if (x->name_ == "calloutlist") {
+ unsigned count = 0;
+ number_calloutlist_children(gen, count, x);
+ }
+ else if (x->name_ == "co") {
+ if (x->has_attribute("linkends")) {
+ auto linkends = x->get_attribute("linkends");
+ if (!x->has_attribute("id")) {
+ generate_id(gen.chunk, x, "id", linkends);
+ }
+ gen.chunk.callout_numbers[linkends].link_id =
+ x->get_attribute("id");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (xml_element* it = x->children(); it; it = it->next()) {
+ number_callouts(gen, it);
+ }
+ }
+ void number_calloutlist_children(
+ html_gen& gen, unsigned& count, xml_element* x)
+ {
+ for (xml_element* it = x->children(); it; it = it->next()) {
+ if (it->type_ == xml_element::element_node &&
+ it->name_ == "callout") {
+ if (it->has_attribute("id")) {
+ gen.chunk.callout_numbers[it->get_attribute("id")]
+ .number = ++count;
+ }
+ }
+ number_calloutlist_children(gen, count, it);
+ }
+ }
+ void generate_tree_html(html_gen& gen, xml_element* x)
+ {
+ if (!x) {
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (x->type_) {
+ case xml_element::element_text: {
+ gen.printer.html += x->contents_;
+ break;
+ }
+ case xml_element::element_html: {
+ gen.printer.html += x->contents_;
+ break;
+ }
+ case xml_element::element_node: {
+ node_parsers_type::iterator parser =
+ node_parsers.find(x->name_);
+ if (parser != node_parsers.end()) {
+ parser->second(gen, x);
+ }
+ else {
+ quickbook::detail::out()
+ << "Unsupported tag: " << x->name_ << std::endl;
+ generate_children_html(gen, x);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ }
+ void generate_children_html(html_gen& gen, xml_element* x)
+ {
+ for (xml_element* it = x->children(); it; it = it->next()) {
+ generate_tree_html(gen, it);
+ }
+ }
+ void generate_docinfo_html_impl(docinfo_gen& d, xml_element* x)
+ {
+ for (xml_element* it = x->children(); it; it = it->next()) {
+ if (it->type_ == xml_element::element_node) {
+ auto parser = docinfo_node_parsers.find(it->name_);
+ if (parser != docinfo_node_parsers.end()) {
+ parser->second.parser(d, it);
+ }
+ else {
+ quickbook::detail::out()
+ << "Unsupported docinfo tag: " << x->name_
+ << std::endl;
+ generate_docinfo_html_impl(d, it);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void generate_docinfo_html(html_gen& gen, xml_element* x)
+ {
+ if (!x) {
+ return;
+ }
+ docinfo_gen d(gen);
+ generate_docinfo_html_impl(d, x);
+ if (!d.authors.empty() || !d.editors.empty() ||
+ !d.collabs.empty()) {
+ gen.printer.html += "<div class=\"authorgroup\">\n";
+ QUICKBOOK_FOR (auto const& author, d.authors) {
+ gen.printer.html += "<h3 class=\"author\">";
+ gen.printer.html += author;
+ gen.printer.html += "</h3>\n";
+ }
+ QUICKBOOK_FOR (auto const& editor, d.editors) {
+ gen.printer.html += "<h3 class=\"editor\">";
+ gen.printer.html += editor;
+ gen.printer.html += "</h3>\n";
+ }
+ QUICKBOOK_FOR (auto const& collab, d.collabs) {
+ gen.printer.html += "<h3 class=\"collab\">";
+ gen.printer.html += collab;
+ gen.printer.html += "</h3>\n";
+ }
+ gen.printer.html += "</div>\n";
+ }
+ QUICKBOOK_FOR (auto const& copyright, d.copyrights) {
+ gen.printer.html += "<p class=\"copyright\">";
+ gen.printer.html += copyright;
+ gen.printer.html += "</p>";
+ }
+ QUICKBOOK_FOR (auto const& legalnotice, d.legalnotices) {
+ gen.printer.html += "<div class=\"legalnotice\">";
+ gen.printer.html += legalnotice;
+ gen.printer.html += "</div>";
+ }
+ }
+ void write_file(
+ html_state& state,
+ std::string const& generic_path,
+ std::string const& content)
+ {
+ fs::path path = state.options.home_path.parent_path() /
+ generic_to_path(generic_path);
+ std::string html = content;
+ if (state.options.pretty_print) {
+ try {
+ html = post_process(html, -1, -1, true);
+ } catch (quickbook::post_process_failure&) {
+ ::quickbook::detail::outerr(path)
+ << "Post Processing Failed." << std::endl;
+ ++state.error_count;
+ }
+ }
+ fs::path parent = path.parent_path();
+ if (state.options.chunked_output && !parent.empty() &&
+ !fs::exists(parent)) {
+ fs::create_directories(parent);
+ }
+ fs::ofstream fileout(path);
+ if ( {
+ ::quickbook::detail::outerr(path)
+ << "Error opening output file" << std::endl;
+ ++state.error_count;
+ return;
+ }
+ fileout << html;
+ if ( {
+ ::quickbook::detail::outerr(path)
+ << "Error writing to output file" << std::endl;
+ ++state.error_count;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ std::string get_link_from_path(
+ html_gen& gen,
+ quickbook::string_view link,
+ quickbook::string_view path)
+ {
+ if (boost::starts_with(link, "boost:")) {
+ // TODO: Parameterize the boost location, so that it can use
+ // relative paths.
+ string_iterator it = link.begin() + strlen("boost:");
+ if (*it == '/') {
+ ++it;
+ }
+ if (!gen.state.options.boost_root_path) {
+ std::string result =
+ "";
+ result.append(it, link.end());
+ return result;
+ }
+ else {
+ return relative_path_or_url(
+ gen,
+ gen.state.options.boost_root_path /
+ string_view(it, link.end() - it));
+ }
+ }
+ return relative_path_from_url_paths(link, path);
+ }
+ std::string relative_path_or_url(html_gen& gen, path_or_url const& x)
+ {
+ assert(x);
+ if (x.is_url()) {
+ return x.get_url();
+ }
+ else {
+ return relative_path_from_fs_paths(
+ x.get_path(),
+ gen.state.options.home_path.parent_path() /
+ gen.path.to_s());
+ }
+ }
+ // Note: assume that base is a file, not a directory.
+ std::string relative_path_from_fs_paths(
+ fs::path const& p, fs::path const& base)
+ {
+ return path_to_generic(path_difference(base.parent_path(), p));
+ }
+ std::string relative_path_from_url_paths(
+ quickbook::string_view path, quickbook::string_view base)
+ {
+ string_iterator path_it = path.begin();
+ string_iterator base_it = base.begin();
+ string_iterator path_diff_start = path_it;
+ string_iterator base_diff_start = base_it;
+ for (; path_it != path.end() && base_it != base.end() &&
+ *path_it == *base_it;
+ ++path_it, ++base_it) {
+ if (*path_it == '/') {
+ path_diff_start = path_it + 1;
+ base_diff_start = base_it + 1;
+ }
+ else if (*path_it == '#') {
+ return std::string(path_it, path.end());
+ }
+ }
+ if (base_it == base.end() && path_it != path.end() &&
+ *path_it == '#') {
+ return std::string(path_it, path.end());
+ }
+ if (path_it == path.end() &&
+ (base_it == base.end() || *base_it == '#')) {
+ return std::string("#");
+ }
+ auto up_count = std::count(
+ base_diff_start, std::find(base_it, base.end(), '#'), '/');
+ std::string result;
+ for (int i = 0; i < up_count; ++i) {
+ result += "../";
+ }
+ result.append(path_diff_start, path.end());
+ return result;
+ }
+ // get_id_paths
+ ids_type get_id_paths(chunk* chunk)
+ {
+ ids_type ids;
+ if (chunk) {
+ get_id_paths_impl(ids, chunk);
+ }
+ return ids;
+ }
+ void get_id_paths_impl(ids_type& ids, chunk* c)
+ {
+ std::string p = c->path_;
+ if (c->inline_) {
+ p += '#';
+ p += c->id_;
+ }
+ ids.emplace(c->id_, id_info(c, 0));
+ get_id_paths_impl2(ids, c, c->title_.root());
+ get_id_paths_impl2(ids, c, c->info_.root());
+ get_id_paths_impl2(ids, c, c->contents_.root());
+ for (chunk* i = c->children(); i; i = i->next()) {
+ get_id_paths_impl(ids, i);
+ }
+ }
+ void get_id_paths_impl2(ids_type& ids, chunk* c, xml_element* node)
+ {
+ if (!node) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (node->has_attribute("id")) {
+ ids.emplace(node->get_attribute("id"), id_info(c, node));
+ }
+ for (xml_element* i = node->children(); i; i = i->next()) {
+ get_id_paths_impl2(ids, c, i);
+ }
+ }
+ void tag(html_gen& gen, quickbook::string_view name, xml_element* x)
+ {
+ open_tag_with_id(gen, name, x);
+ generate_children_html(gen, x);
+ close_tag(gen.printer, name);
+ }
+ void open_tag_with_id(
+ html_gen& gen, quickbook::string_view name, xml_element* x)
+ {
+ tag_start_with_id(gen, name, x);
+ tag_end(gen.printer);
+ }
+ void tag_self_close(
+ html_gen& gen, quickbook::string_view name, xml_element* x)
+ {
+ tag_start_with_id(gen, name, x);
+ tag_end_self_close(gen.printer);
+ }
+ void graphics_tag(
+ html_gen& gen,
+ quickbook::string_view path,
+ quickbook::string_view fallback)
+ {
+ if (gen.state.options.graphics_path) {
+ tag_start(gen.printer, "img");
+ tag_attribute(
+ gen.printer, "src",
+ relative_path_or_url(
+ gen, gen.state.options.graphics_path / path));
+ tag_attribute(gen.printer, "alt", fallback);
+ tag_end(gen.printer);
+ }
+ else {
+ gen.printer.html.append(fallback.begin(), fallback.end());
+ }
+ }
+ void tag_start_with_id(
+ html_gen& gen, quickbook::string_view name, xml_element* x)
+ {
+ tag_start(gen.printer, name);
+ if (!gen.in_toc) {
+ if (x->has_attribute("id")) {
+ tag_attribute(gen.printer, "id", x->get_attribute("id"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Handle boostbook nodes
+#define NODE_RULE(tag_name, gen, x) \
+ void BOOST_PP_CAT(parser_, tag_name)(html_gen&, xml_element*); \
+ static struct BOOST_PP_CAT(register_parser_type_, tag_name) \
+ { \
+ BOOST_PP_CAT(register_parser_type_, tag_name)() \
+ { \
+ node_parsers.emplace( \
+ BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(tag_name), \
+ &BOOST_PP_CAT(parser_, tag_name)); \
+ } \
+ } BOOST_PP_CAT(register_parser_, tag_name); \
+ void BOOST_PP_CAT(parser_, tag_name)(html_gen & gen, xml_element * x)
+#define DOCINFO_NODE_RULE(tag_name, category, gen, x) \
+ void BOOST_PP_CAT(docinfo_parser_, tag_name)(docinfo_gen&, xml_element*); \
+ static struct BOOST_PP_CAT(register_docinfo_parser_type_, tag_name) \
+ { \
+ BOOST_PP_CAT(register_docinfo_parser_type_, tag_name)() \
+ { \
+ docinfo_node_parser p = { \
+ docinfo_node_parser::category, \
+ &BOOST_PP_CAT(docinfo_parser_, tag_name)}; \
+ docinfo_node_parsers.emplace(BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(tag_name), p); \
+ } \
+ } BOOST_PP_CAT(register_docinfo_parser_, tag_name); \
+ void BOOST_PP_CAT(docinfo_parser_, tag_name)( \
+ docinfo_gen & gen, xml_element * x)
+#define NODE_MAP(tag_name, html_name) \
+ NODE_RULE(tag_name, gen, x) { tag(gen, BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(html_name), x); }
+#define NODE_MAP_CLASS(tag_name, html_name, class_name) \
+ NODE_RULE(tag_name, gen, x) \
+ { \
+ tag_start_with_id(gen, BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(html_name), x); \
+ tag_attribute(gen.printer, "class", BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(class_name)); \
+ tag_end(gen.printer); \
+ generate_children_html(gen, x); \
+ close_tag(gen.printer, BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(html_name)); \
+ }
+ // TODO: For some reason 'hr' generates an empty paragraph?
+ NODE_MAP(simpara, div)
+ NODE_MAP(orderedlist, ol)
+ NODE_MAP(itemizedlist, ul)
+ NODE_MAP(listitem, li)
+ NODE_MAP(blockquote, blockquote)
+ NODE_MAP(quote, q)
+ NODE_MAP(code, code)
+ NODE_MAP(macronname, code)
+ NODE_MAP(classname, code)
+ NODE_MAP_CLASS(programlisting, pre, programlisting)
+ NODE_MAP(literal, tt)
+ NODE_MAP(subscript, sub)
+ NODE_MAP(superscript, sup)
+ NODE_MAP(section, div)
+ NODE_MAP(anchor, span)
+ NODE_MAP(title, h3)
+ NODE_MAP_CLASS(warning, div, warning)
+ NODE_MAP_CLASS(caution, div, caution)
+ NODE_MAP_CLASS(important, div, important)
+ NODE_MAP_CLASS(note, div, note)
+ NODE_MAP_CLASS(tip, div, tip)
+ NODE_MAP_CLASS(replaceable, em, replaceable)
+ NODE_RULE(sidebar, gen, x)
+ {
+ auto role = x->get_attribute("role");
+ tag_start_with_id(gen, "div", x);
+ if (role == "blurb") {
+ tag_attribute(gen.printer, "class", "blurb");
+ }
+ else {
+ tag_attribute(gen.printer, "class", "sidebar");
+ }
+ tag_end(gen.printer);
+ generate_children_html(gen, x);
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "div");
+ }
+ NODE_RULE(sbr, gen, x)
+ {
+ if (!x->children()) {
+ tag_self_close(gen, "br", x);
+ }
+ else {
+ tag(gen, "br", x);
+ }
+ }
+ NODE_RULE(bridgehead, gen, x)
+ {
+ auto renderas = x->get_attribute("renderas");
+ char header[3] = "h3";
+ if (renderas.size() == 5 && boost::starts_with(renderas, "sect")) {
+ char l = renderas[4];
+ if (l >= '1' && l <= '6') {
+ header[1] = l;
+ }
+ }
+ return tag(gen, header, x);
+ }
+ NODE_RULE(ulink, gen, x)
+ {
+ tag_start_with_id(gen, "a", x);
+ // TODO: error if missing?
+ if (x->has_attribute("url")) {
+ tag_attribute(
+ gen.printer, "href",
+ get_link_from_path(gen, x->get_attribute("url"), gen.path));
+ }
+ tag_end(gen.printer);
+ generate_children_html(gen, x);
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "a");
+ }
+ NODE_RULE(link, gen, x)
+ {
+ // TODO: error if missing or not found?
+ auto it = gen.state.ids.end();
+ if (x->has_attribute("linkend")) {
+ it = gen.state.ids.find(x->get_attribute("linkend"));
+ if (it == gen.state.ids.end()) {
+ fs::path docbook("(generated docbook)");
+ detail::outwarn(docbook)
+ << "link not found: " << x->get_attribute("linkend")
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ tag_start_with_id(gen, "a", x);
+ if (it != gen.state.ids.end()) {
+ tag_attribute(
+ gen.printer, "href",
+ relative_path_from_url_paths(it->second.path(), gen.path));
+ }
+ tag_end(gen.printer);
+ generate_children_html(gen, x);
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "a");
+ }
+ NODE_RULE(phrase, gen, x)
+ {
+ auto role = x->get_attribute("role");
+ tag_start_with_id(gen, "span", x);
+ if (!role.empty()) {
+ tag_attribute(gen.printer, "class", role);
+ }
+ tag_end(gen.printer);
+ generate_children_html(gen, x);
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "span");
+ }
+ NODE_RULE(para, gen, x)
+ {
+ auto role = x->get_attribute("role");
+ tag_start_with_id(gen, "p", x);
+ if (!role.empty()) {
+ tag_attribute(gen.printer, "class", role);
+ }
+ tag_end(gen.printer);
+ generate_children_html(gen, x);
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "p");
+ }
+ NODE_RULE(emphasis, gen, x)
+ {
+ auto role = x->get_attribute("role");
+ quickbook::string_view tag_name;
+ quickbook::string_view class_name;
+ if (role.empty()) {
+ tag_name = "em";
+ class_name = "emphasis";
+ }
+ else if (role == "bold" || role == "strong") {
+ tag_name = "strong";
+ class_name = role;
+ }
+ else {
+ class_name = role;
+ }
+ tag_start_with_id(gen, "span", x);
+ if (!class_name.empty()) {
+ tag_attribute(gen.printer, "class", class_name);
+ }
+ tag_end(gen.printer);
+ if (!tag_name.empty()) {
+ open_tag(gen.printer, tag_name);
+ generate_children_html(gen, x);
+ close_tag(gen.printer, tag_name);
+ }
+ else {
+ generate_children_html(gen, x);
+ }
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "span");
+ }
+ NODE_RULE(inlinemediaobject, gen, x)
+ {
+ bool has_image = false;
+ string_view image;
+ // Get image link
+ for (xml_element* i = x->children(); i; i = i->next()) {
+ if (i->type_ == xml_element::element_node &&
+ i->name_ == "imageobject") {
+ for (xml_element* j = i->children(); j; j = j->next()) {
+ if (j->type_ == xml_element::element_node &&
+ j->name_ == "imagedata") {
+ if (j->has_attribute("fileref")) {
+ has_image = true;
+ image = j->get_attribute("fileref");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::string alt;
+ for (xml_element* i = x->children(); i; i = i->next()) {
+ if (i->type_ == xml_element::element_node &&
+ i->name_ == "textobject") {
+ for (xml_element* j = i->children(); j; j = j->next()) {
+ if (j->type_ == xml_element::element_node &&
+ j->name_ == "phrase") {
+ if (j->get_attribute("role") == "alt") {
+ html_gen gen2(gen);
+ generate_tree_html(gen2, j);
+ alt = gen2.printer.html;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: This was in the original php code, not sure why.
+ if (alt.empty()) {
+ alt = "[]";
+ }
+ if (has_image) {
+ tag_start(gen.printer, "span");
+ tag_attribute(gen.printer, "class", "inlinemediaobject");
+ tag_end(gen.printer);
+ tag_start_with_id(gen, "img", x);
+ tag_attribute(
+ gen.printer, "src",
+ get_link_from_path(gen, image, gen.path));
+ tag_attribute(gen.printer, "alt", alt);
+ tag_end_self_close(gen.printer);
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "span");
+ }
+ }
+ NODE_RULE(variablelist, gen, x)
+ {
+ typedef std::vector<std::pair<xml_element*, xml_element*> >
+ items_type;
+ items_type items;
+ for (xml_element* i = x->children(); i; i = i->next()) {
+ if (i && i->type_ == xml_element::element_node) {
+ if (i->name_ == "title") {
+ // TODO: What to do with titles?
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (i->name_ == "varlistentry") {
+ // TODO: What if i has an id?
+ xml_element* term = 0;
+ xml_element* listitem = 0;
+ for (xml_element* j = i->children(); j; j = j->next()) {
+ if (j && j->type_ == xml_element::element_node) {
+ if (j->name_ == "term") {
+ term = j;
+ }
+ else if (j->name_ == "listitem") {
+ listitem = j;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (term && listitem) {
+ items.push_back(std::make_pair(term, listitem));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!items.empty()) {
+ open_tag_with_id(gen, "dl", x);
+ for (items_type::iterator i = items.begin(); i != items.end();
+ ++i) {
+ tag(gen, "dt", i->first);
+ tag(gen, "dd", i->second);
+ }
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "dl");
+ }
+ }
+ void write_table_rows(html_gen& gen, xml_element* x, char const* td_tag)
+ {
+ for (xml_element* i = x->children(); i; i = i->next()) {
+ if (i->type_ == xml_element::element_node &&
+ i->name_ == "row") {
+ open_tag_with_id(gen, "tr", i);
+ for (xml_element* j = i->children(); j; j = j->next()) {
+ if (j->type_ == xml_element::element_node &&
+ j->name_ == "entry") {
+ auto role = x->get_attribute("role");
+ tag_start_with_id(gen, td_tag, j);
+ if (!role.empty()) {
+ tag_attribute(gen.printer, "class", role);
+ }
+ tag_end(gen.printer);
+ generate_children_html(gen, j);
+ close_tag(gen.printer, td_tag);
+ }
+ }
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "tr");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void write_table(html_gen& gen, xml_element* x)
+ {
+ xml_element* title = 0;
+ xml_element* tgroup = 0;
+ xml_element* thead = 0;
+ xml_element* tbody = 0;
+ for (xml_element* i = x->children(); i; i = i->next()) {
+ if (i->type_ == xml_element::element_node &&
+ i->name_ == "title") {
+ title = i;
+ }
+ if (i->type_ == xml_element::element_node &&
+ i->name_ == "tgroup") {
+ tgroup = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!tgroup) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (xml_element* i = tgroup->children(); i; i = i->next()) {
+ if (i->type_ == xml_element::element_node &&
+ i->name_ == "thead") {
+ thead = i;
+ }
+ if (i->type_ == xml_element::element_node &&
+ i->name_ == "tbody") {
+ tbody = i;
+ }
+ }
+ tag_start_with_id(gen, "div", x);
+ tag_attribute(gen.printer, "class", x->name_);
+ tag_end(gen.printer);
+ open_tag(gen.printer, "table");
+ if (title) {
+ tag(gen, "caption", title);
+ }
+ if (thead) {
+ open_tag(gen.printer, "thead");
+ write_table_rows(gen, thead, "th");
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "thead");
+ }
+ if (tbody) {
+ open_tag(gen.printer, "tbody");
+ write_table_rows(gen, tbody, "td");
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "tbody");
+ }
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "table");
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "div");
+ }
+ NODE_RULE(table, gen, x) { write_table(gen, x); }
+ NODE_RULE(informaltable, gen, x) { write_table(gen, x); }
+ NODE_MAP(calloutlist, div)
+ NODE_RULE(callout, gen, x)
+ {
+ boost::unordered_map<string_view, callout_data>::const_iterator
+ data = gen.chunk.callout_numbers.end();
+ auto link = gen.state.ids.end();
+ if (x->has_attribute("id")) {
+ data = gen.chunk.callout_numbers.find(x->get_attribute("id"));
+ }
+ if (data != gen.chunk.callout_numbers.end() &&
+ !data->second.link_id.empty()) {
+ link = gen.state.ids.find(data->second.link_id);
+ }
+ open_tag_with_id(gen, "div", x);
+ if (link != gen.state.ids.end()) {
+ tag_start(gen.printer, "a");
+ tag_attribute(
+ gen.printer, "href", relative_path_from_url_paths(
+ link->second.path(), gen.path));
+ tag_end(gen.printer);
+ }
+ graphics_tag(
+ gen,
+ "/callouts/" +
+ boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(data->second.number) +
+ ".png",
+ "(" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(data->second.number) +
+ ")");
+ if (link != gen.state.ids.end()) {
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "a");
+ }
+ gen.printer.html += " ";
+ generate_children_html(gen, x);
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "div");
+ }
+ NODE_RULE(co, gen, x)
+ {
+ boost::unordered_map<string_view, callout_data>::const_iterator
+ data = gen.chunk.callout_numbers.end();
+ auto link = gen.state.ids.end();
+ if (x->has_attribute("linkends")) {
+ auto linkends = x->get_attribute("linkends");
+ data = gen.chunk.callout_numbers.find(linkends);
+ link = gen.state.ids.find(linkends);
+ }
+ if (link != gen.state.ids.end()) {
+ tag_start(gen.printer, "a");
+ tag_attribute(
+ gen.printer, "href", relative_path_from_url_paths(
+ link->second.path(), gen.path));
+ tag_end(gen.printer);
+ }
+ if (data != gen.chunk.callout_numbers.end()) {
+ graphics_tag(
+ gen,
+ "/callouts/" +
+ boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(data->second.number) +
+ ".png",
+ "(" +
+ boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(data->second.number) +
+ ")");
+ }
+ else {
+ gen.printer.html += "(0)";
+ }
+ if (link != gen.state.ids.end()) {
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "a");
+ }
+ }
+ NODE_RULE(footnote, gen, x)
+ {
+ // TODO: Better id generation....
+ static int footnote_number = 0;
+ ++footnote_number;
+ std::string footnote_label =
+ boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(footnote_number);
+ auto footnote_id =
+ generate_id(gen.chunk, x, "(((footnote-id)))", "footnote");
+ if (!x->has_attribute("id")) {
+ generate_id(gen.chunk, x, "id", "footnote");
+ }
+ tag_start_with_id(gen, "a", x);
+ std::string href = "#";
+ href += footnote_id;
+ tag_attribute(gen.printer, "href", href);
+ tag_end(gen.printer);
+ tag_start(gen.printer, "sup");
+ tag_attribute(gen.printer, "class", "footnote");
+ tag_end(gen.printer);
+ gen.printer.html += "[" + footnote_label + "]";
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "sup");
+ close_tag(gen.printer, "a");
+ // Generate HTML to add to footnote.
+ html_printer printer;
+ tag_start(printer, "a");
+ std::string href2 = "#";
+ href2 += x->get_attribute("id");
+ tag_attribute(printer, "href", href2);
+ tag_end(printer);
+ tag_start(printer, "sup");
+ tag_end(printer);
+ printer.html += "[" + footnote_label + "]";
+ close_tag(printer, "sup");
+ close_tag(printer, "a");
+ printer.html += ' ';
+ xml_tree_builder builder;
+ builder.add_element(xml_element::html_node(printer.html));
+ // Find position to insert.
+ auto pos = x->children();
+ for (; pos && pos->type_ == xml_element::element_text;
+ pos = pos->next()) {
+ if (pos->contents_.find_first_not_of("\t\n ") !=
+ std::string::npos) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!pos) {
+ x->add_first_child(builder.release());
+ }
+ else
+ switch (pos->type_) {
+ case xml_element::element_node:
+ // TODO: Check type of node? Recurse?
+ pos->add_first_child(builder.release());
+ break;
+ default:
+ pos->add_before(builder.release());
+ break;
+ }
+ gen.chunk.footnotes.push_back(x);
+ }
+ std::string docinfo_get_contents(docinfo_gen& d, xml_element* x)
+ {
+ html_gen gen2(d.gen);
+ generate_children_html(gen2, x);
+ return gen2.printer.html;
+ }
+ std::string docinfo_get_author(docinfo_gen& d, xml_element* x)
+ {
+ auto personname = x->get_child("personname");
+ if (personname) {
+ return docinfo_get_author(d, personname);
+ }
+ std::string name;
+ char const* name_parts[] = {"honorific", "firstname", "surname"};
+ std::size_t const length =
+ sizeof(name_parts) / sizeof(name_parts[0]);
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
+ auto child = x->get_child(name_parts[i]);
+ if (child) {
+ if (name.size()) {
+ name += " ";
+ }
+ name += docinfo_get_contents(d, child);
+ }
+ }
+ return name;
+ }
+ // docinfo parsers
+ // No support for:
+ //
+ // graphic, mediaobject
+ // modespec
+ // subjectset, keywordset
+ // itermset, indexterm
+ // abbrev
+ // abstract
+ // address
+ // artpagenums
+ // authorinitials
+ // bibliomisc, biblioset
+ // confgroup
+ // contractnum, contractsponsor
+ // corpname
+ // date
+ // edition
+ // invpartnumber, isbn, issn, issuenum, biblioid
+ // orgname
+ // citebiblioid, citetitle
+ // bibliosource, bibliorelation, bibliocoverage - Dublin core
+ // pagenums
+ // printhistory
+ // productname, productnumber
+ // pubdate ***
+ // publisher, publishername, pubsnumber
+ // releaseinfo
+ // revhistory
+ // seriesvolnums
+ // title, subtitle, titleabbrev - *** extract into parent?
+ // volumenum
+ // personname, honorific, firstname, surname, lineage, othername,
+ // affiliation, authorblurb, contrib - add to authors?
+ DOCINFO_NODE_RULE(copyright, docinfo_general, d, x)
+ {
+ std::vector<xml_element*> years;
+ std::vector<xml_element*> holders;
+ for (auto child = x->children(); child; child = child->next()) {
+ if (child->type_ == xml_element::element_node) {
+ if (child->name_ == "year") {
+ years.push_back(child);
+ }
+ else if (child->name_ == "holder") {
+ holders.push_back(child);
+ }
+ else {
+ quickbook::detail::out()
+ << "Unsupported copyright tag: " << x->name_
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: Format years, e.g. 2005 2006 2007 2010 => 2005-2007, 2010
+ std::string copyright;
+ QUICKBOOK_FOR (auto year, years) {
+ if (!copyright.empty()) {
+ copyright += ", ";
+ }
+ copyright += docinfo_get_contents(d, year);
+ }
+ bool first = true;
+ QUICKBOOK_FOR (auto holder, holders) {
+ if (first) {
+ if (!copyright.empty()) {
+ copyright += " ";
+ }
+ first = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ copyright += ", ";
+ }
+ copyright += docinfo_get_contents(d, holder);
+ }
+ d.copyrights.push_back(copyright);
+ }
+ DOCINFO_NODE_RULE(legalnotice, docinfo_general, d, x)
+ {
+ d.legalnotices.push_back(docinfo_get_contents(d, x));
+ }
+ DOCINFO_NODE_RULE(pubdate, docinfo_general, d, x)
+ {
+ d.pubdates.push_back(docinfo_get_contents(d, x));
+ }
+ DOCINFO_NODE_RULE(authorgroup, docinfo_general, d, x)
+ {
+ // TODO: Check children are docinfo_author
+ generate_docinfo_html_impl(d, x);
+ }
+ DOCINFO_NODE_RULE(author, docinfo_author, d, x)
+ {
+ d.authors.push_back(docinfo_get_author(d, x));
+ }
+ DOCINFO_NODE_RULE(editor, docinfo_author, d, x)
+ {
+ d.editors.push_back(docinfo_get_author(d, x));
+ }
+ DOCINFO_NODE_RULE(collab, docinfo_author, d, x)
+ {
+ // Ignoring affiliation.
+ auto collabname = x->get_child("collabname");
+ if (collabname) {
+ d.collabs.push_back(docinfo_get_contents(d, collabname));
+ }
+ }
+ DOCINFO_NODE_RULE(corpauthor, docinfo_author, d, x)
+ {
+ d.authors.push_back(docinfo_get_contents(d, x));
+ }
+ DOCINFO_NODE_RULE(corpcredit, docinfo_author, d, x)
+ {
+ std::string text = docinfo_get_contents(d, x);
+ string_view class_ = x->get_attribute("class");
+ if (!class_.empty()) {
+ text = class_.to_s() + ": " + text;
+ }
+ d.authors.push_back(text);
+ }
+ DOCINFO_NODE_RULE(othercredit, docinfo_author, d, x)
+ {
+ std::string text = docinfo_get_author(d, x);
+ string_view class_ = x->get_attribute("class");
+ if (!class_.empty()) {
+ text = class_.to_s() + ": " + text;
+ }
+ d.authors.push_back(text);
+ }
+ }