path: root/src/common/async/completion.h
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1 files changed, 320 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/common/async/completion.h b/src/common/async/completion.h
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index 000000000..6af9109d5
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+++ b/src/common/async/completion.h
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+// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
+// vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
+ * Ceph - scalable distributed file system
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat
+ *
+ * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation. See file COPYING.
+ *
+ */
+#include <memory>
+#include "bind_handler.h"
+#include "forward_handler.h"
+namespace ceph::async {
+ * Abstract completion handler interface for use with boost::asio.
+ *
+ * Memory management is performed using the Handler's 'associated allocator',
+ * which carries the additional requirement that its memory be released before
+ * the Handler is invoked. This allows memory allocated for one asynchronous
+ * operation to be reused in its continuation. Because of this requirement, any
+ * calls to invoke the completion must first release ownership of it. To enforce
+ * this, the static functions defer()/dispatch()/post() take the completion by
+ * rvalue-reference to std::unique_ptr<Completion>, i.e. std::move(completion).
+ *
+ * Handlers may also have an 'associated executor', so the calls to defer(),
+ * dispatch(), and post() are forwarded to that executor. If there is no
+ * associated executor (which is generally the case unless one was bound with
+ * boost::asio::bind_executor()), the executor passed to Completion::create()
+ * is used as a default.
+ *
+ * Example use:
+ *
+ * // declare a Completion type with Signature = void(int, string)
+ * using MyCompletion = ceph::async::Completion<void(int, string)>;
+ *
+ * // create a completion with the given callback:
+ * std::unique_ptr<MyCompletion> c;
+ * c = MyCompletion::create(ex, [] (int a, const string& b) {});
+ *
+ * // bind arguments to the callback and post to its associated executor:
+ * MyCompletion::post(std::move(c), 5, "hello");
+ *
+ *
+ * Additional user data may be stored along with the Completion to take
+ * advantage of the handler allocator optimization. This is accomplished by
+ * specifying its type in the template parameter T. For example, the type
+ * Completion<void(), int> contains a public member variable 'int user_data'.
+ * Any additional arguments to Completion::create() will be forwarded to type
+ * T's constructor.
+ *
+ * If the AsBase<T> type tag is used, as in Completion<void(), AsBase<T>>,
+ * the Completion will inherit from T instead of declaring it as a member
+ * variable.
+ *
+ * When invoking the completion handler via defer(), dispatch(), or post(),
+ * care must be taken when passing arguments that refer to user data, because
+ * its memory is destroyed prior to invocation. In such cases, the user data
+ * should be moved/copied out of the Completion first.
+ */
+template <typename Signature, typename T = void>
+class Completion;
+/// type tag for UserData
+template <typename T> struct AsBase {};
+namespace detail {
+/// optional user data to be stored with the Completion
+template <typename T>
+struct UserData {
+ T user_data;
+ template <typename ...Args>
+ UserData(Args&& ...args)
+ : user_data(std::forward<Args>(args)...)
+ {}
+// AsBase specialization inherits from T
+template <typename T>
+struct UserData<AsBase<T>> : public T {
+ template <typename ...Args>
+ UserData(Args&& ...args)
+ : T(std::forward<Args>(args)...)
+ {}
+// void specialization
+template <>
+class UserData<void> {};
+} // namespace detail
+// template specialization to pull the Signature's args apart
+template <typename T, typename ...Args>
+class Completion<void(Args...), T> : public detail::UserData<T> {
+ protected:
+ // internal interfaces for type-erasure on the Handler/Executor. uses
+ // tuple<Args...> to provide perfect forwarding because you can't make
+ // virtual function templates
+ virtual void destroy_defer(std::tuple<Args...>&& args) = 0;
+ virtual void destroy_dispatch(std::tuple<Args...>&& args) = 0;
+ virtual void destroy_post(std::tuple<Args...>&& args) = 0;
+ virtual void destroy() = 0;
+ // constructor is protected, use create(). any constructor arguments are
+ // forwarded to UserData
+ template <typename ...TArgs>
+ Completion(TArgs&& ...args)
+ : detail::UserData<T>(std::forward<TArgs>(args)...)
+ {}
+ public:
+ virtual ~Completion() = default;
+ // use the virtual destroy() interface on delete. this allows the derived
+ // class to manage its memory using Handler allocators, without having to use
+ // a custom Deleter for std::unique_ptr<>
+ static void operator delete(void *p) {
+ static_cast<Completion*>(p)->destroy();
+ }
+ /// completion factory function that uses the handler's associated allocator.
+ /// any additional arguments are forwared to T's constructor
+ template <typename Executor1, typename Handler, typename ...TArgs>
+ static std::unique_ptr<Completion>
+ create(const Executor1& ex1, Handler&& handler, TArgs&& ...args);
+ /// take ownership of the completion, bind any arguments to the completion
+ /// handler, then defer() it on its associated executor
+ template <typename ...Args2>
+ static void defer(std::unique_ptr<Completion>&& c, Args2&&...args);
+ /// take ownership of the completion, bind any arguments to the completion
+ /// handler, then dispatch() it on its associated executor
+ template <typename ...Args2>
+ static void dispatch(std::unique_ptr<Completion>&& c, Args2&&...args);
+ /// take ownership of the completion, bind any arguments to the completion
+ /// handler, then post() it to its associated executor
+ template <typename ...Args2>
+ static void post(std::unique_ptr<Completion>&& c, Args2&&...args);
+namespace detail {
+// concrete Completion that knows how to invoke the completion handler. this
+// observes all of the 'Requirements on asynchronous operations' specified by
+// the C++ Networking TS
+template <typename Executor1, typename Handler, typename T, typename ...Args>
+class CompletionImpl final : public Completion<void(Args...), T> {
+ // use Handler's associated executor (or Executor1 by default) for callbacks
+ using Executor2 = boost::asio::associated_executor_t<Handler, Executor1>;
+ // maintain work on both executors
+ using Work1 = boost::asio::executor_work_guard<Executor1>;
+ using Work2 = boost::asio::executor_work_guard<Executor2>;
+ std::pair<Work1, Work2> work;
+ Handler handler;
+ // use Handler's associated allocator
+ using Alloc2 = boost::asio::associated_allocator_t<Handler>;
+ using Traits2 = std::allocator_traits<Alloc2>;
+ using RebindAlloc2 = typename Traits2::template rebind_alloc<CompletionImpl>;
+ using RebindTraits2 = std::allocator_traits<RebindAlloc2>;
+ // placement new for the handler allocator
+ static void* operator new(size_t, RebindAlloc2 alloc2) {
+ return RebindTraits2::allocate(alloc2, 1);
+ }
+ // placement delete for when the constructor throws during placement new
+ static void operator delete(void *p, RebindAlloc2 alloc2) {
+ RebindTraits2::deallocate(alloc2, static_cast<CompletionImpl*>(p), 1);
+ }
+ static auto bind_and_forward(Handler&& h, std::tuple<Args...>&& args) {
+ return forward_handler(CompletionHandler{std::move(h), std::move(args)});
+ }
+ void destroy_defer(std::tuple<Args...>&& args) override {
+ auto w = std::move(work);
+ auto f = bind_and_forward(std::move(handler), std::move(args));
+ RebindAlloc2 alloc2 = boost::asio::get_associated_allocator(handler);
+ RebindTraits2::destroy(alloc2, this);
+ RebindTraits2::deallocate(alloc2, this, 1);
+ w.second.get_executor().defer(std::move(f), alloc2);
+ }
+ void destroy_dispatch(std::tuple<Args...>&& args) override {
+ auto w = std::move(work);
+ auto f = bind_and_forward(std::move(handler), std::move(args));
+ RebindAlloc2 alloc2 = boost::asio::get_associated_allocator(handler);
+ RebindTraits2::destroy(alloc2, this);
+ RebindTraits2::deallocate(alloc2, this, 1);
+ w.second.get_executor().dispatch(std::move(f), alloc2);
+ }
+ void destroy_post(std::tuple<Args...>&& args) override {
+ auto w = std::move(work);
+ auto f = bind_and_forward(std::move(handler), std::move(args));
+ RebindAlloc2 alloc2 = boost::asio::get_associated_allocator(handler);
+ RebindTraits2::destroy(alloc2, this);
+ RebindTraits2::deallocate(alloc2, this, 1);
+ w.second.get_executor().post(std::move(f), alloc2);
+ }
+ void destroy() override {
+ RebindAlloc2 alloc2 = boost::asio::get_associated_allocator(handler);
+ RebindTraits2::destroy(alloc2, this);
+ RebindTraits2::deallocate(alloc2, this, 1);
+ }
+ // constructor is private, use create(). extra constructor arguments are
+ // forwarded to UserData
+ template <typename ...TArgs>
+ CompletionImpl(const Executor1& ex1, Handler&& handler, TArgs&& ...args)
+ : Completion<void(Args...), T>(std::forward<TArgs>(args)...),
+ work(ex1, boost::asio::make_work_guard(handler, ex1)),
+ handler(std::move(handler))
+ {}
+ public:
+ template <typename ...TArgs>
+ static auto create(const Executor1& ex, Handler&& handler, TArgs&& ...args) {
+ auto alloc2 = boost::asio::get_associated_allocator(handler);
+ using Ptr = std::unique_ptr<CompletionImpl>;
+ return Ptr{new (alloc2) CompletionImpl(ex, std::move(handler),
+ std::forward<TArgs>(args)...)};
+ }
+ static void operator delete(void *p) {
+ static_cast<CompletionImpl*>(p)->destroy();
+ }
+} // namespace detail
+template <typename T, typename ...Args>
+template <typename Executor1, typename Handler, typename ...TArgs>
+std::unique_ptr<Completion<void(Args...), T>>
+Completion<void(Args...), T>::create(const Executor1& ex,
+ Handler&& handler, TArgs&& ...args)
+ using Impl = detail::CompletionImpl<Executor1, Handler, T, Args...>;
+ return Impl::create(ex, std::forward<Handler>(handler),
+ std::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
+template <typename T, typename ...Args>
+template <typename ...Args2>
+void Completion<void(Args...), T>::defer(std::unique_ptr<Completion>&& ptr,
+ Args2&& ...args)
+ auto c = ptr.release();
+ c->destroy_defer(std::make_tuple(std::forward<Args2>(args)...));
+template <typename T, typename ...Args>
+template <typename ...Args2>
+void Completion<void(Args...), T>::dispatch(std::unique_ptr<Completion>&& ptr,
+ Args2&& ...args)
+ auto c = ptr.release();
+ c->destroy_dispatch(std::make_tuple(std::forward<Args2>(args)...));
+template <typename T, typename ...Args>
+template <typename ...Args2>
+void Completion<void(Args...), T>::post(std::unique_ptr<Completion>&& ptr,
+ Args2&& ...args)
+ auto c = ptr.release();
+ c->destroy_post(std::make_tuple(std::forward<Args2>(args)...));
+/// completion factory function that uses the handler's associated allocator.
+/// any additional arguments are forwared to T's constructor
+template <typename Signature, typename T, typename Executor1,
+ typename Handler, typename ...TArgs>
+std::unique_ptr<Completion<Signature, T>>
+create_completion(const Executor1& ex, Handler&& handler, TArgs&& ...args)
+ return Completion<Signature, T>::create(ex, std::forward<Handler>(handler),
+ std::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
+/// take ownership of the completion, bind any arguments to the completion
+/// handler, then defer() it on its associated executor
+template <typename Signature, typename T, typename ...Args>
+void defer(std::unique_ptr<Completion<Signature, T>>&& ptr, Args&& ...args)
+ Completion<Signature, T>::defer(std::move(ptr), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+/// take ownership of the completion, bind any arguments to the completion
+/// handler, then dispatch() it on its associated executor
+template <typename Signature, typename T, typename ...Args>
+void dispatch(std::unique_ptr<Completion<Signature, T>>&& ptr, Args&& ...args)
+ Completion<Signature, T>::dispatch(std::move(ptr), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+/// take ownership of the completion, bind any arguments to the completion
+/// handler, then post() it to its associated executor
+template <typename Signature, typename T, typename ...Args>
+void post(std::unique_ptr<Completion<Signature, T>>&& ptr, Args&& ...args)
+ Completion<Signature, T>::post(std::move(ptr), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+} // namespace ceph::async