path: root/src/dmclock/sim/src/simulate.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/dmclock/sim/src/simulate.h')
1 files changed, 448 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/dmclock/sim/src/simulate.h b/src/dmclock/sim/src/simulate.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..44a09ca31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dmclock/sim/src/simulate.h
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
+// vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * Author: J. Eric Ivancich <>
+ *
+ * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version
+ * 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. See file
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <map>
+#include <random>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <string>
+namespace crimson {
+ namespace qos_simulation {
+ template<typename ServerId, typename ClientId, typename TS, typename TC>
+ class Simulation {
+ public:
+ using TimePoint = std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock>;
+ protected:
+ using ClientMap = std::map<ClientId,TC*>;
+ using ServerMap = std::map<ServerId,TS*>;
+ unsigned server_count = 0;
+ unsigned client_count = 0;
+ ServerMap servers;
+ ClientMap clients;
+ std::vector<ServerId> server_ids;
+ TimePoint early_time;
+ TimePoint servers_created_time;
+ TimePoint clients_created_time;
+ TimePoint clients_finished_time;
+ TimePoint late_time;
+ std::default_random_engine prng;
+ bool has_run = false;
+ public:
+ double fmt_tp(const TimePoint& t) {
+ auto c = t.time_since_epoch().count();
+ return uint64_t(c / 1000000.0 + 0.5) % 100000 / 1000.0;
+ }
+ TimePoint now() {
+ return std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ }
+ using ClientBasedServerSelectFunc =
+ std::function<const ServerId&(uint64_t, uint16_t)>;
+ using ClientFilter = std::function<bool(const ClientId&)>;
+ using ServerFilter = std::function<bool(const ServerId&)>;
+ using ServerDataOutF =
+ std::function<void(std::ostream& out,
+ Simulation* sim, ServerFilter,
+ int header_w, int data_w, int data_prec)>;
+ using ClientDataOutF =
+ std::function<void(std::ostream& out,
+ Simulation* sim, ClientFilter,
+ int header_w, int data_w, int data_prec)>;
+ Simulation() :
+ early_time(now()),
+ prng(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count())
+ {
+ // empty
+ }
+ ~Simulation() {
+ for (auto c : clients) {
+ TC* cp = c.second;
+ delete cp;
+ }
+ for (auto s : servers) {
+ delete s.second;
+ }
+ }
+ unsigned get_client_count() const { return client_count; }
+ unsigned get_server_count() const { return server_count; }
+ TC& get_client(ClientId id) { return *clients[id]; }
+ TS& get_server(ServerId id) { return *servers[id]; }
+ const ServerId& get_server_id(std::size_t index) const {
+ return server_ids[index];
+ }
+ void add_servers(unsigned count,
+ std::function<TS*(ServerId)> create_server_f) {
+ unsigned i = server_count;
+ // increment server_count before creating servers since they
+ // will start running immediately and may use the server_count
+ // value; NB: this could still be an issue if servers are
+ // added with multiple add_servers calls; consider using a
+ // separate start function after all servers (and clients?)
+ // have been added
+ server_count += count;
+ for (; i < server_count; ++i) {
+ server_ids.push_back(i);
+ servers[i] = create_server_f(i);
+ }
+ servers_created_time = now();
+ }
+ void add_clients(unsigned count,
+ std::function<TC*(ClientId)> create_client_f) {
+ unsigned i = client_count;
+ // increment client_count before creating clients since they
+ // will start running immediately and may use the client_count
+ // value (e.g., in the server selection function); NB: this could
+ // still be an issue if clients are added with multiple
+ // add_clients calls; consider using a separate start function
+ // after all clients have been added
+ client_count += count;
+ for (; i < client_count; ++i) {
+ clients[i] = create_client_f(i);
+ }
+ clients_created_time = now();
+ }
+ void run() {
+ assert(server_count > 0);
+ assert(client_count > 0);
+ std::cout << "simulation started" << std::endl;
+ // clients are now running; wait for all to finish
+ for (auto const &i : clients) {
+ i.second->wait_until_done();
+ }
+ late_time = clients_finished_time = now();
+ std::cout << "simulation completed in " <<
+ std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(clients_finished_time - servers_created_time).count() <<
+ " millisecs" << std::endl;
+ has_run = true;
+ } // run
+ void display_stats(std::ostream& out,
+ ServerDataOutF server_out_f, ClientDataOutF client_out_f,
+ ServerFilter server_filter =
+ [] (const ServerId&) { return true; },
+ ClientFilter client_filter =
+ [] (const ClientId&) { return true; },
+ int head_w = 12, int data_w = 7, int data_prec = 2) {
+ assert(has_run);
+ // skip first 2 secondsd of data
+ const std::chrono::seconds skip_amount(0);
+ // calculate in groups of 5 seconds
+ const std::chrono::seconds measure_unit(2);
+ // unit to output reports in
+ const std::chrono::seconds report_unit(1);
+ // compute and display stats
+ TimePoint earliest_start = late_time;
+ TimePoint latest_start = early_time;
+ TimePoint earliest_finish = late_time;
+ TimePoint latest_finish = early_time;
+ for (auto const &c : clients) {
+ auto start = c.second->get_op_times().front();
+ auto end = c.second->get_op_times().back();
+ if (start < earliest_start) { earliest_start = start; }
+ if (start > latest_start) { latest_start = start; }
+ if (end < earliest_finish) { earliest_finish = end; }
+ if (end > latest_finish) { latest_finish = end; }
+ }
+ double ops_factor =
+ std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<double>>(measure_unit) /
+ std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<double>>(report_unit);
+ const auto start_edge = clients_created_time + skip_amount;
+ std::map<ClientId,std::vector<double>> ops_data;
+ for (auto const &c : clients) {
+ auto it = c.second->get_op_times().begin();
+ const auto end = c.second->get_op_times().end();
+ while (it != end && *it < start_edge) { ++it; }
+ for (auto time_edge = start_edge + measure_unit;
+ time_edge <= latest_finish + measure_unit;
+ time_edge += measure_unit) {
+ int count = 0;
+ for (; it != end && *it < time_edge; ++count, ++it) { /* empty */ }
+ double ops_per_second = double(count) / ops_factor;
+ ops_data[c.first].push_back(ops_per_second);
+ }
+ }
+ out << "==== Client Data ====" << std::endl;
+ out << std::setw(head_w) << "client:";
+ for (auto const &c : clients) {
+ if (!client_filter(c.first)) continue;
+ out << " " << std::setw(data_w) << c.first;
+ }
+ out << std::setw(data_w) << "total" << std::endl;
+ {
+ bool has_data;
+ size_t i = 0;
+ do {
+ std::string line_header = "t_" + std::to_string(i) + ":";
+ out << std::setw(head_w) << line_header;
+ has_data = false;
+ double total = 0.0;
+ for (auto const &c : clients) {
+ double data = 0.0;
+ if (i < ops_data[c.first].size()) {
+ data = ops_data[c.first][i];
+ has_data = true;
+ }
+ total += data;
+ if (!client_filter(c.first)) continue;
+ out << " " << std::setw(data_w) << std::setprecision(data_prec) <<
+ std::fixed << data;
+ }
+ out << " " << std::setw(data_w) << std::setprecision(data_prec) <<
+ std::fixed << total << std::endl;
+ ++i;
+ } while(has_data);
+ }
+ client_out_f(out, this, client_filter, head_w, data_w, data_prec);
+ display_client_internal_stats<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(out,
+ "nanoseconds");
+ out << std::endl << "==== Server Data ====" << std::endl;
+ out << std::setw(head_w) << "server:";
+ for (auto const &s : servers) {
+ if (!server_filter(s.first)) continue;
+ out << " " << std::setw(data_w) << s.first;
+ }
+ out << " " << std::setw(data_w) << "total" << std::endl;
+ server_out_f(out, this, server_filter, head_w, data_w, data_prec);
+ display_server_internal_stats<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(out,
+ "nanoseconds");
+ // clean up clients then servers
+ for (auto i = clients.begin(); i != clients.end(); ++i) {
+ delete i->second;
+ i->second = nullptr;
+ }
+ for (auto i = servers.begin(); i != servers.end(); ++i) {
+ delete i->second;
+ i->second = nullptr;
+ }
+ } // display_stats
+ template<typename T>
+ void display_server_internal_stats(std::ostream& out,
+ const std::string& time_unit) {
+ T add_request_time(0);
+ T request_complete_time(0);
+ uint32_t add_request_count = 0;
+ uint32_t request_complete_count = 0;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < get_server_count(); ++i) {
+ const auto& server = get_server(i);
+ const auto& is = server.get_internal_stats();
+ add_request_time +=
+ std::chrono::duration_cast<T>(is.add_request_time);
+ request_complete_time +=
+ std::chrono::duration_cast<T>(is.request_complete_time);
+ add_request_count += is.add_request_count;
+ request_complete_count += is.request_complete_count;
+ }
+ double add_request_time_per_unit =
+ double(add_request_time.count()) / add_request_count ;
+ out << "total time to add requests: " <<
+ std::fixed << add_request_time.count() << " " << time_unit <<
+ ";" << std::endl <<
+ " count: " << add_request_count << ";" << std::endl <<
+ " average: " << add_request_time_per_unit <<
+ " " << time_unit << " per request/response" << std::endl;
+ double request_complete_time_unit =
+ double(request_complete_time.count()) / request_complete_count ;
+ out << "total time to note requests complete: " << std::fixed <<
+ request_complete_time.count() << " " << time_unit << ";" <<
+ std::endl <<
+ " count: " << request_complete_count << ";" << std::endl <<
+ " average: " << request_complete_time_unit <<
+ " " << time_unit << " per request/response" << std::endl;
+ out << std::endl;
+ assert(add_request_count == request_complete_count);
+ out << "server timing for QOS algorithm: " <<
+ add_request_time_per_unit + request_complete_time_unit <<
+ " " << time_unit << " per request/response" << std::endl;
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ void display_client_internal_stats(std::ostream& out,
+ const std::string& time_unit) {
+ T track_resp_time(0);
+ T get_req_params_time(0);
+ uint32_t track_resp_count = 0;
+ uint32_t get_req_params_count = 0;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < get_client_count(); ++i) {
+ const auto& client = get_client(i);
+ const auto& is = client.get_internal_stats();
+ track_resp_time +=
+ std::chrono::duration_cast<T>(is.track_resp_time);
+ get_req_params_time +=
+ std::chrono::duration_cast<T>(is.get_req_params_time);
+ track_resp_count += is.track_resp_count;
+ get_req_params_count += is.get_req_params_count;
+ }
+ double track_resp_time_unit =
+ double(track_resp_time.count()) / track_resp_count;
+ out << "total time to track responses: " <<
+ std::fixed << track_resp_time.count() << " " << time_unit << ";" <<
+ std::endl <<
+ " count: " << track_resp_count << ";" << std::endl <<
+ " average: " << track_resp_time_unit << " " << time_unit <<
+ " per request/response" << std::endl;
+ double get_req_params_time_unit =
+ double(get_req_params_time.count()) / get_req_params_count;
+ out << "total time to get request parameters: " <<
+ std::fixed << get_req_params_time.count() << " " << time_unit <<
+ ";" << std::endl <<
+ " count: " << get_req_params_count << ";" << std::endl <<
+ " average: " << get_req_params_time_unit << " " << time_unit <<
+ " per request/response" << std::endl;
+ out << std::endl;
+ assert(track_resp_count == get_req_params_count);
+ out << "client timing for QOS algorithm: " <<
+ track_resp_time_unit + get_req_params_time_unit << " " <<
+ time_unit << " per request/response" << std::endl;
+ }
+ // **** server selection functions ****
+ const ServerId& server_select_alternate(uint64_t seed,
+ uint16_t client_idx) {
+ size_t index = (client_idx + seed) % server_count;
+ return server_ids[index];
+ }
+ // returns a lambda using the range specified as servers_per (client)
+ ClientBasedServerSelectFunc
+ make_server_select_alt_range(uint16_t servers_per) {
+ return [servers_per,this](uint64_t seed, uint16_t client_idx)
+ -> const ServerId& {
+ double factor = double(server_count) / client_count;
+ size_t offset = seed % servers_per;
+ size_t index = (size_t(0.5 + client_idx * factor) + offset) % server_count;
+ return server_ids[index];
+ };
+ }
+ // function to choose a server randomly
+ const ServerId& server_select_random(uint64_t seed, uint16_t client_idx) {
+ size_t index = prng() % server_count;
+ return server_ids[index];
+ }
+ // function to choose a server randomly
+ ClientBasedServerSelectFunc
+ make_server_select_ran_range(uint16_t servers_per) {
+ return [servers_per,this](uint64_t seed, uint16_t client_idx)
+ -> const ServerId& {
+ double factor = double(server_count) / client_count;
+ size_t offset = prng() % servers_per;
+ size_t index = (size_t(0.5 + client_idx * factor) + offset) % server_count;
+ return server_ids[index];
+ };
+ }
+ // function to always choose the first server
+ const ServerId& server_select_0(uint64_t seed, uint16_t client_idx) {
+ return server_ids[0];
+ }
+ }; // class Simulation
+ }; // namespace qos_simulation
+}; // namespace crimson