path: root/src/jaegertracing/thrift/lib/delphi/src/Thrift.Processor.Multiplex.pas
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diff --git a/src/jaegertracing/thrift/lib/delphi/src/Thrift.Processor.Multiplex.pas b/src/jaegertracing/thrift/lib/delphi/src/Thrift.Processor.Multiplex.pas
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+++ b/src/jaegertracing/thrift/lib/delphi/src/Thrift.Processor.Multiplex.pas
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+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ *)
+unit Thrift.Processor.Multiplex;
+ SysUtils,
+ Generics.Collections,
+ Thrift,
+ Thrift.Protocol,
+ Thrift.Protocol.Multiplex;
+{ TMultiplexedProcessor is a TProcessor allowing a single TServer to provide multiple services.
+ To do so, you instantiate the processor and then register additional processors with it,
+ as shown in the following example:
+ TMultiplexedProcessor processor = new TMultiplexedProcessor();
+ processor.registerProcessor(
+ "Calculator",
+ new Calculator.Processor(new CalculatorHandler()));
+ processor.registerProcessor(
+ "WeatherReport",
+ new WeatherReport.Processor(new WeatherReportHandler()));
+ TServerTransport t = new TServerSocket(9090);
+ TSimpleServer server = new TSimpleServer(processor, t);
+ server.serve();
+ IMultiplexedProcessor = interface( IProcessor)
+ ['{807F9D19-6CF4-4789-840E-93E87A12EB63}']
+ // Register a service with this TMultiplexedProcessor. This allows us
+ // to broker requests to individual services by using the service name
+ // to select them at request time.
+ procedure RegisterProcessor( const serviceName : String; const processor : IProcessor; const asDefault : Boolean = FALSE);
+ end;
+ TMultiplexedProcessorImpl = class( TInterfacedObject, IMultiplexedProcessor, IProcessor)
+ private type
+ // Our goal was to work with any protocol. In order to do that, we needed
+ // to allow them to call readMessageBegin() and get a TMessage in exactly
+ // the standard format, without the service name prepended to
+ TStoredMessageProtocol = class( TProtocolDecorator)
+ private
+ FMessageBegin : TThriftMessage;
+ public
+ constructor Create( const protocol : IProtocol; const aMsgBegin : TThriftMessage);
+ function ReadMessageBegin: TThriftMessage; override;
+ end;
+ private
+ FServiceProcessorMap : TDictionary<String, IProcessor>;
+ FDefaultProcessor : IProcessor;
+ procedure Error( const oprot : IProtocol; const msg : TThriftMessage;
+ extype : TApplicationExceptionSpecializedClass; const etxt : string);
+ public
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ // Register a service with this TMultiplexedProcessorImpl. This allows us
+ // to broker requests to individual services by using the service name
+ // to select them at request time.
+ procedure RegisterProcessor( const serviceName : String; const processor : IProcessor; const asDefault : Boolean = FALSE);
+ { This implementation of process performs the following steps:
+ - Read the beginning of the message.
+ - Extract the service name from the message.
+ - Using the service name to locate the appropriate processor.
+ - Dispatch to the processor, with a decorated instance of TProtocol
+ that allows readMessageBegin() to return the original TMessage.
+ An exception is thrown if the message type is not CALL or ONEWAY
+ or if the service is unknown (or not properly registered).
+ }
+ function Process( const iprot, oprot: IProtocol; const events : IProcessorEvents = nil): Boolean;
+ end;
+constructor TMultiplexedProcessorImpl.TStoredMessageProtocol.Create( const protocol : IProtocol; const aMsgBegin : TThriftMessage);
+ inherited Create( protocol);
+ FMessageBegin := aMsgBegin;
+function TMultiplexedProcessorImpl.TStoredMessageProtocol.ReadMessageBegin: TThriftMessage;
+ result := FMessageBegin;
+constructor TMultiplexedProcessorImpl.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ FServiceProcessorMap := TDictionary<string,IProcessor>.Create;
+destructor TMultiplexedProcessorImpl.Destroy;
+ try
+ FreeAndNil( FServiceProcessorMap);
+ finally
+ inherited Destroy;
+ end;
+procedure TMultiplexedProcessorImpl.RegisterProcessor( const serviceName : String; const processor : IProcessor; const asDefault : Boolean);
+ FServiceProcessorMap.Add( serviceName, processor);
+ if asDefault then begin
+ if FDefaultProcessor = nil
+ then FDefaultProcessor := processor
+ else raise TApplicationExceptionInternalError.Create('Only one default service allowed');
+ end;
+procedure TMultiplexedProcessorImpl.Error( const oprot : IProtocol; const msg : TThriftMessage;
+ extype : TApplicationExceptionSpecializedClass;
+ const etxt : string);
+var appex : TApplicationException;
+ newMsg : TThriftMessage;
+ appex := extype.Create(etxt);
+ try
+ Init( newMsg, msg.Name, TMessageType.Exception, msg.SeqID);
+ oprot.WriteMessageBegin(newMsg);
+ appex.Write(oprot);
+ oprot.WriteMessageEnd();
+ oprot.Transport.Flush();
+ finally
+ appex.Free;
+ end;
+function TMultiplexedProcessorImpl.Process(const iprot, oprot : IProtocol; const events : IProcessorEvents = nil): Boolean;
+var msg, newMsg : TThriftMessage;
+ idx : Integer;
+ sService : string;
+ processor : IProcessor;
+ protocol : IProtocol;
+ ERROR_INVALID_MSGTYPE = 'Message must be "call" or "oneway"';
+ ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_PROT = 'No service name found in "%s". Client is expected to use TMultiplexProtocol.';
+ ERROR_UNKNOWN_SERVICE = 'Service "%s" is not registered with MultiplexedProcessor';
+ // Use the actual underlying protocol (e.g. TBinaryProtocol) to read the message header.
+ // This pulls the message "off the wire", which we'll deal with at the end of this method.
+ msg := iprot.readMessageBegin();
+ if not (msg.Type_ in [TMessageType.Call, TMessageType.Oneway]) then begin
+ Error( oprot, msg,
+ TApplicationExceptionInvalidMessageType,
+ Exit( FALSE);
+ end;
+ // Extract the service name
+ // use FDefaultProcessor as fallback if there is no separator
+ idx := Pos( TMultiplexedProtocol.SEPARATOR, msg.Name);
+ if idx > 0 then begin
+ // Create a new TMessage, something that can be consumed by any TProtocol
+ sService := Copy( msg.Name, 1, idx-1);
+ if not FServiceProcessorMap.TryGetValue( sService, processor)
+ then begin
+ Error( oprot, msg,
+ TApplicationExceptionInternalError,
+ Format(ERROR_UNKNOWN_SERVICE,[sService]));
+ Exit( FALSE);
+ end;
+ // Create a new TMessage, removing the service name
+ Inc( idx, Length(TMultiplexedProtocol.SEPARATOR));
+ Init( newMsg, Copy( msg.Name, idx, MAXINT), msg.Type_, msg.SeqID);
+ end
+ else if FDefaultProcessor <> nil then begin
+ processor := FDefaultProcessor;
+ newMsg := msg; // no need to change
+ end
+ else begin
+ Error( oprot, msg,
+ TApplicationExceptionInvalidProtocol,
+ Format(ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_PROT,[msg.Name]));
+ Exit( FALSE);
+ end;
+ // Dispatch processing to the stored processor
+ protocol := TStoredMessageProtocol.Create( iprot, newMsg);
+ result := processor.process( protocol, oprot, events);