path: root/src/jaegertracing/thrift/lib/rs/test/src/bin/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/jaegertracing/thrift/lib/rs/test/src/bin/')
1 files changed, 313 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/jaegertracing/thrift/lib/rs/test/src/bin/ b/src/jaegertracing/thrift/lib/rs/test/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..73801eaf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/jaegertracing/thrift/lib/rs/test/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+extern crate clap;
+extern crate kitchen_sink;
+extern crate thrift;
+use thrift::protocol::{
+ TBinaryInputProtocolFactory, TBinaryOutputProtocolFactory, TCompactInputProtocolFactory,
+ TCompactOutputProtocolFactory, TInputProtocolFactory, TOutputProtocolFactory,
+use thrift::server::TServer;
+use thrift::transport::{
+ TFramedReadTransportFactory, TFramedWriteTransportFactory, TReadTransportFactory,
+ TWriteTransportFactory,
+use kitchen_sink::base_one::Noodle;
+use kitchen_sink::base_two::{
+ BrothType, Napkin, NapkinServiceSyncHandler, Ramen, RamenServiceSyncHandler,
+use kitchen_sink::midlayer::{
+ Dessert, Meal, MealServiceSyncHandler, MealServiceSyncProcessor, Pie,
+use kitchen_sink::recursive;
+use kitchen_sink::ultimate::FullMealAndDrinksServiceSyncHandler;
+use kitchen_sink::ultimate::{
+ Drink, FullMeal, FullMealAndDrinks, FullMealAndDrinksServiceSyncProcessor,
+ FullMealServiceSyncHandler,
+fn main() {
+ match run() {
+ Ok(()) => println!("kitchen sink server completed successfully"),
+ Err(e) => {
+ println!("kitchen sink server failed with error {:?}", e);
+ std::process::exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+fn run() -> thrift::Result<()> {
+ let matches = clap_app!(rust_kitchen_sink_server =>
+ (version: "0.1.0")
+ (author: "Apache Thrift Developers <>")
+ (about: "Thrift Rust kitchen sink test server")
+ (@arg port: --port +takes_value "port on which the test server listens")
+ (@arg protocol: --protocol +takes_value "Thrift protocol implementation to use (\"binary\", \"compact\")")
+ (@arg service: --service +takes_value "Service type to contact (\"part\", \"full\", \"recursive\")")
+ )
+ .get_matches();
+ let port = value_t!(matches, "port", u16).unwrap_or(9090);
+ let protocol = matches.value_of("protocol").unwrap_or("compact");
+ let service = matches.value_of("service").unwrap_or("part");
+ let listen_address = format!("{}", port);
+ println!("binding to {}", listen_address);
+ let r_transport_factory = TFramedReadTransportFactory::new();
+ let w_transport_factory = TFramedWriteTransportFactory::new();
+ let (i_protocol_factory, o_protocol_factory): (
+ Box<TInputProtocolFactory>,
+ Box<TOutputProtocolFactory>,
+ ) = match &*protocol {
+ "binary" => (
+ Box::new(TBinaryInputProtocolFactory::new()),
+ Box::new(TBinaryOutputProtocolFactory::new()),
+ ),
+ "compact" => (
+ Box::new(TCompactInputProtocolFactory::new()),
+ Box::new(TCompactOutputProtocolFactory::new()),
+ ),
+ unknown => {
+ return Err(format!("unsupported transport type {}", unknown).into());
+ }
+ };
+ // FIXME: should processor be boxed as well?
+ //
+ // [sigh] I hate Rust generics implementation
+ //
+ // I would have preferred to build a server here, return it, and then do
+ // the common listen-and-handle stuff, but since the server doesn't have a
+ // common type (because each match arm instantiates a server with a
+ // different processor) this isn't possible.
+ //
+ // Since what I'm doing is uncommon I'm just going to duplicate the code
+ match &*service {
+ "part" => run_meal_server(
+ &listen_address,
+ r_transport_factory,
+ i_protocol_factory,
+ w_transport_factory,
+ o_protocol_factory,
+ ),
+ "full" => run_full_meal_server(
+ &listen_address,
+ r_transport_factory,
+ i_protocol_factory,
+ w_transport_factory,
+ o_protocol_factory,
+ ),
+ "recursive" => run_recursive_server(
+ &listen_address,
+ r_transport_factory,
+ i_protocol_factory,
+ w_transport_factory,
+ o_protocol_factory,
+ ),
+ unknown => Err(format!("unsupported service type {}", unknown).into()),
+ }
+fn run_meal_server<RTF, IPF, WTF, OPF>(
+ listen_address: &str,
+ r_transport_factory: RTF,
+ i_protocol_factory: IPF,
+ w_transport_factory: WTF,
+ o_protocol_factory: OPF,
+) -> thrift::Result<()>
+ RTF: TReadTransportFactory + 'static,
+ IPF: TInputProtocolFactory + 'static,
+ WTF: TWriteTransportFactory + 'static,
+ OPF: TOutputProtocolFactory + 'static,
+ let processor = MealServiceSyncProcessor::new(PartHandler {});
+ let mut server = TServer::new(
+ r_transport_factory,
+ i_protocol_factory,
+ w_transport_factory,
+ o_protocol_factory,
+ processor,
+ 1,
+ );
+ server.listen(listen_address)
+fn run_full_meal_server<RTF, IPF, WTF, OPF>(
+ listen_address: &str,
+ r_transport_factory: RTF,
+ i_protocol_factory: IPF,
+ w_transport_factory: WTF,
+ o_protocol_factory: OPF,
+) -> thrift::Result<()>
+ RTF: TReadTransportFactory + 'static,
+ IPF: TInputProtocolFactory + 'static,
+ WTF: TWriteTransportFactory + 'static,
+ OPF: TOutputProtocolFactory + 'static,
+ let processor = FullMealAndDrinksServiceSyncProcessor::new(FullHandler {});
+ let mut server = TServer::new(
+ r_transport_factory,
+ i_protocol_factory,
+ w_transport_factory,
+ o_protocol_factory,
+ processor,
+ 1,
+ );
+ server.listen(listen_address)
+struct PartHandler;
+impl MealServiceSyncHandler for PartHandler {
+ fn handle_meal(&self) -> thrift::Result<Meal> {
+ println!("part: handling meal call");
+ Ok(meal())
+ }
+impl RamenServiceSyncHandler for PartHandler {
+ fn handle_ramen(&self, _: i32) -> thrift::Result<Ramen> {
+ println!("part: handling ramen call");
+ Ok(ramen())
+ }
+impl NapkinServiceSyncHandler for PartHandler {
+ fn handle_napkin(&self) -> thrift::Result<Napkin> {
+ println!("part: handling napkin call");
+ Ok(napkin())
+ }
+// full service
+struct FullHandler;
+impl FullMealAndDrinksServiceSyncHandler for FullHandler {
+ fn handle_full_meal_and_drinks(&self) -> thrift::Result<FullMealAndDrinks> {
+ println!("full_meal_and_drinks: handling full meal and drinks call");
+ Ok(FullMealAndDrinks::new(full_meal(), Drink::CanadianWhisky))
+ }
+ fn handle_best_pie(&self) -> thrift::Result<Pie> {
+ println!("full_meal_and_drinks: handling pie call");
+ Ok(Pie::MississippiMud) // I prefer Pie::Pumpkin, but I have to check that casing works
+ }
+impl FullMealServiceSyncHandler for FullHandler {
+ fn handle_full_meal(&self) -> thrift::Result<FullMeal> {
+ println!("full: handling full meal call");
+ Ok(full_meal())
+ }
+impl MealServiceSyncHandler for FullHandler {
+ fn handle_meal(&self) -> thrift::Result<Meal> {
+ println!("full: handling meal call");
+ Ok(meal())
+ }
+impl RamenServiceSyncHandler for FullHandler {
+ fn handle_ramen(&self, _: i32) -> thrift::Result<Ramen> {
+ println!("full: handling ramen call");
+ Ok(ramen())
+ }
+impl NapkinServiceSyncHandler for FullHandler {
+ fn handle_napkin(&self) -> thrift::Result<Napkin> {
+ println!("full: handling napkin call");
+ Ok(napkin())
+ }
+fn full_meal() -> FullMeal {
+ FullMeal::new(meal(), Dessert::Port("Graham's Tawny".to_owned()))
+fn meal() -> Meal {
+ Meal::new(noodle(), ramen())
+fn noodle() -> Noodle {
+ Noodle::new("spelt".to_owned(), 100)
+fn ramen() -> Ramen {
+ Ramen::new("Mr Ramen".to_owned(), 72, BrothType::Miso)
+fn napkin() -> Napkin {
+ Napkin {}
+fn run_recursive_server<RTF, IPF, WTF, OPF>(
+ listen_address: &str,
+ r_transport_factory: RTF,
+ i_protocol_factory: IPF,
+ w_transport_factory: WTF,
+ o_protocol_factory: OPF,
+) -> thrift::Result<()>
+ RTF: TReadTransportFactory + 'static,
+ IPF: TInputProtocolFactory + 'static,
+ WTF: TWriteTransportFactory + 'static,
+ OPF: TOutputProtocolFactory + 'static,
+ let processor = recursive::TestServiceSyncProcessor::new(RecursiveTestServerHandler {});
+ let mut server = TServer::new(
+ r_transport_factory,
+ i_protocol_factory,
+ w_transport_factory,
+ o_protocol_factory,
+ processor,
+ 1,
+ );
+ server.listen(listen_address)
+struct RecursiveTestServerHandler;
+impl recursive::TestServiceSyncHandler for RecursiveTestServerHandler {
+ fn handle_echo_tree(&self, tree: recursive::RecTree) -> thrift::Result<recursive::RecTree> {
+ println!("{:?}", tree);
+ Ok(tree)
+ }
+ fn handle_echo_list(&self, lst: recursive::RecList) -> thrift::Result<recursive::RecList> {
+ println!("{:?}", lst);
+ Ok(lst)
+ }
+ fn handle_echo_co_rec(&self, item: recursive::CoRec) -> thrift::Result<recursive::CoRec> {
+ println!("{:?}", item);
+ Ok(item)
+ }