path: root/src/jaegertracing/thrift/test/erl/src/test_thrift_server.erl
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 233 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/jaegertracing/thrift/test/erl/src/test_thrift_server.erl b/src/jaegertracing/thrift/test/erl/src/test_thrift_server.erl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dad8dec93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/jaegertracing/thrift/test/erl/src/test_thrift_server.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+%% Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+%% or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+%% distributed with this work for additional information
+%% regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+%% to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+%% "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+%% with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
+%% under the License.
+-export([start/0, start/1, start_link/2, handle_function/2]).
+-record(options, {port = 9090,
+ server_opts = []}).
+parse_args(Args) -> parse_args(Args, #options{}).
+parse_args([], Opts) ->
+ Opts;
+parse_args([Head | Rest], Opts) ->
+ NewOpts =
+ case Head of
+ "--port=" ++ Port ->
+ case string:to_integer(Port) of
+ {IntPort,_} when is_integer(IntPort) ->
+ Opts#options{port = IntPort};
+ _Else ->
+ erlang:error({bad_arg, Head})
+ end;
+ "--transport=" ++ Trans ->
+ case Trans of
+ "framed" ->
+ Opts#options{server_opts = [{framed, true} | Opts#options.server_opts]};
+ _Else ->
+ Opts
+ end;
+ "--ssl" ->
+ ssl:start(),
+ SslOptions =
+ {ssloptions, [
+ {certfile, "../keys/server.pem"}
+ ,{keyfile, "../keys/server.key"}
+ ]},
+ Opts#options{server_opts = [{ssltransport, true} | [SslOptions | Opts#options.server_opts]]};
+ "--protocol=" ++ Proto ->
+ Opts#options{server_opts = [{protocol, list_to_atom(Proto)} | Opts#options.server_opts]};
+ _Else ->
+ erlang:error({bad_arg, Head})
+ end,
+ parse_args(Rest, NewOpts).
+start() -> start(init:get_plain_arguments()).
+start(Args) ->
+ #options{port = Port, server_opts = ServerOpts} = parse_args(Args),
+ spawn(fun() -> start_link(Port, ServerOpts), receive after infinity -> ok end end).
+start_link(Port, ServerOpts) ->
+ thrift_socket_server:start([{handler, ?MODULE},
+ {service, thrift_test_thrift},
+ {port, Port}] ++
+ ServerOpts).
+handle_function(testVoid, {}) ->
+ io:format("testVoid~n"),
+ ok;
+handle_function(testString, {S}) when is_binary(S) ->
+ io:format("testString: ~p~n", [S]),
+ {reply, S};
+handle_function(testBool, {B}) when is_boolean(B) ->
+ io:format("testBool: ~p~n", [B]),
+ {reply, B};
+handle_function(testByte, {I8}) when is_integer(I8) ->
+ io:format("testByte: ~p~n", [I8]),
+ {reply, I8};
+handle_function(testI32, {I32}) when is_integer(I32) ->
+ io:format("testI32: ~p~n", [I32]),
+ {reply, I32};
+handle_function(testI64, {I64}) when is_integer(I64) ->
+ io:format("testI64: ~p~n", [I64]),
+ {reply, I64};
+handle_function(testDouble, {Double}) when is_float(Double) ->
+ io:format("testDouble: ~p~n", [Double]),
+ {reply, Double};
+handle_function(testBinary, {S}) when is_binary(S) ->
+ io:format("testBinary: ~p~n", [S]),
+ {reply, S};
+ {Struct = #'thrift.test.Xtruct'{string_thing = String,
+ byte_thing = Byte,
+ i32_thing = I32,
+ i64_thing = I64}})
+when is_binary(String),
+ is_integer(Byte),
+ is_integer(I32),
+ is_integer(I64) ->
+ io:format("testStruct: ~p~n", [Struct]),
+ {reply, Struct};
+ {Nest}) when is_record(Nest, 'thrift.test.Xtruct2'),
+ is_record(Nest#'thrift.test.Xtruct2'.struct_thing, 'thrift.test.Xtruct') ->
+ io:format("testNest: ~p~n", [Nest]),
+ {reply, Nest};
+handle_function(testMap, {Map}) ->
+ io:format("testMap: ~p~n", [dict:to_list(Map)]),
+ {reply, Map};
+handle_function(testStringMap, {Map}) ->
+ io:format("testStringMap: ~p~n", [dict:to_list(Map)]),
+ {reply, Map};
+handle_function(testSet, {Set}) ->
+ true = sets:is_set(Set),
+ io:format("testSet: ~p~n", [sets:to_list(Set)]),
+ {reply, Set};
+handle_function(testList, {List}) when is_list(List) ->
+ io:format("testList: ~p~n", [List]),
+ {reply, List};
+handle_function(testEnum, {Enum}) when is_integer(Enum) ->
+ io:format("testEnum: ~p~n", [Enum]),
+ {reply, Enum};
+handle_function(testTypedef, {UserID}) when is_integer(UserID) ->
+ io:format("testTypedef: ~p~n", [UserID]),
+ {reply, UserID};
+handle_function(testMapMap, {Hello}) ->
+ io:format("testMapMap: ~p~n", [Hello]),
+ PosList = [{I, I} || I <- lists:seq(1, 4)],
+ NegList = [{-I, -I} || I <- lists:seq(1, 4)],
+ MapMap = dict:from_list([{4, dict:from_list(PosList)},
+ {-4, dict:from_list(NegList)}]),
+ {reply, MapMap};
+handle_function(testInsanity, {Insanity}) when is_record(Insanity, 'thrift.test.Insanity') ->
+ Hello = #'thrift.test.Xtruct'{string_thing = <<"Hello2">>,
+ byte_thing = 2,
+ i32_thing = 2,
+ i64_thing = 2},
+ Goodbye = #'thrift.test.Xtruct'{string_thing = <<"Goodbye4">>,
+ byte_thing = 4,
+ i32_thing = 4,
+ i64_thing = 4},
+ Crazy = #'thrift.test.Insanity'{
+ userMap = dict:from_list([{?THRIFT_TEST_NUMBERZ_EIGHT, 8}]),
+ xtructs = [Goodbye]
+ },
+ Looney = #'thrift.test.Insanity'{},
+ FirstMap = dict:from_list([{?THRIFT_TEST_NUMBERZ_TWO, Insanity},
+ SecondMap = dict:from_list([{?THRIFT_TEST_NUMBERZ_SIX, Looney}]),
+ Insane = dict:from_list([{1, FirstMap},
+ {2, SecondMap}]),
+ io:format("Return = ~p~n", [Insane]),
+ {reply, Insane};
+handle_function(testMulti, Args = {Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, _Arg3, Arg4, Arg5})
+ when is_integer(Arg0),
+ is_integer(Arg1),
+ is_integer(Arg2),
+ is_integer(Arg4),
+ is_integer(Arg5) ->
+ io:format("testMulti(~p)~n", [Args]),
+ {reply, #'thrift.test.Xtruct'{string_thing = <<"Hello2">>,
+ byte_thing = Arg0,
+ i32_thing = Arg1,
+ i64_thing = Arg2}};
+handle_function(testException, {String}) when is_binary(String) ->
+ io:format("testException(~p)~n", [String]),
+ case String of
+ <<"Xception">> ->
+ throw(#'thrift.test.Xception'{errorCode = 1001,
+ message = String});
+ <<"TException">> ->
+ throw({?TApplicationException_Structure});
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end;
+handle_function(testMultiException, {Arg0, Arg1}) ->
+ io:format("testMultiException(~p, ~p)~n", [Arg0, Arg1]),
+ case Arg0 of
+ <<"Xception">> ->
+ throw(#'thrift.test.Xception'{errorCode = 1001,
+ message = <<"This is an Xception">>});
+ <<"Xception2">> ->
+ throw(#'thrift.test.Xception2'{errorCode = 2002,
+ struct_thing =
+ #'thrift.test.Xtruct'{string_thing = <<"This is an Xception2">>}});
+ _ ->
+ {reply, #'thrift.test.Xtruct'{string_thing = Arg1}}
+ end;
+handle_function(testOneway, {Seconds}) ->
+ io:format("testOneway: ~p~n", [Seconds]),
+ timer:sleep(1000 * Seconds),
+ ok.