path: root/src/pybind/mgr/cephadm/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1031 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/pybind/mgr/cephadm/tests/ b/src/pybind/mgr/cephadm/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..57cd12456
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pybind/mgr/cephadm/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,1031 @@
+from textwrap import dedent
+import json
+import yaml
+import pytest
+from unittest.mock import MagicMock, call, patch, ANY
+from cephadm.serve import CephadmServe
+from import MonService, MgrService, MdsService, RgwService, \
+ RbdMirrorService, CrashService, CephadmDaemonDeploySpec
+from import IscsiService
+from import NFSService
+from import OSDService
+from import GrafanaService, AlertmanagerService, PrometheusService, \
+ NodeExporterService
+from import CephadmExporter
+from cephadm.module import CephadmOrchestrator
+from ceph.deployment.service_spec import IscsiServiceSpec, MonitoringSpec, AlertManagerSpec, \
+ ServiceSpec, RGWSpec, GrafanaSpec, SNMPGatewaySpec, IngressSpec, PlacementSpec
+from cephadm.tests.fixtures import with_host, with_service, _run_cephadm
+from orchestrator import OrchestratorError
+from orchestrator._interface import DaemonDescription
+class FakeInventory:
+ def get_addr(self, name: str) -> str:
+ return ''
+class FakeMgr:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.config = ''
+ self.check_mon_command = MagicMock(side_effect=self._check_mon_command)
+ self.mon_command = MagicMock(side_effect=self._check_mon_command)
+ self.template = MagicMock()
+ self.log = MagicMock()
+ self.inventory = FakeInventory()
+ def _check_mon_command(self, cmd_dict, inbuf=None):
+ prefix = cmd_dict.get('prefix')
+ if prefix == 'get-cmd':
+ return 0, self.config, ''
+ if prefix == 'set-cmd':
+ self.config = cmd_dict.get('value')
+ return 0, 'value set', ''
+ return -1, '', 'error'
+ def get_minimal_ceph_conf(self) -> str:
+ return ''
+ def get_mgr_ip(self) -> str:
+ return ''
+class TestCephadmService:
+ def test_set_service_url_on_dashboard(self):
+ # pylint: disable=protected-access
+ mgr = FakeMgr()
+ service_url = 'http://svc:1000'
+ service = GrafanaService(mgr)
+ service._set_service_url_on_dashboard('svc', 'get-cmd', 'set-cmd', service_url)
+ assert mgr.config == service_url
+ # set-cmd should not be called if value doesn't change
+ mgr.check_mon_command.reset_mock()
+ service._set_service_url_on_dashboard('svc', 'get-cmd', 'set-cmd', service_url)
+ mgr.check_mon_command.assert_called_once_with({'prefix': 'get-cmd'})
+ def _get_services(self, mgr):
+ # services:
+ osd_service = OSDService(mgr)
+ nfs_service = NFSService(mgr)
+ mon_service = MonService(mgr)
+ mgr_service = MgrService(mgr)
+ mds_service = MdsService(mgr)
+ rgw_service = RgwService(mgr)
+ rbd_mirror_service = RbdMirrorService(mgr)
+ grafana_service = GrafanaService(mgr)
+ alertmanager_service = AlertmanagerService(mgr)
+ prometheus_service = PrometheusService(mgr)
+ node_exporter_service = NodeExporterService(mgr)
+ crash_service = CrashService(mgr)
+ iscsi_service = IscsiService(mgr)
+ cephadm_exporter_service = CephadmExporter(mgr)
+ cephadm_services = {
+ 'mon': mon_service,
+ 'mgr': mgr_service,
+ 'osd': osd_service,
+ 'mds': mds_service,
+ 'rgw': rgw_service,
+ 'rbd-mirror': rbd_mirror_service,
+ 'nfs': nfs_service,
+ 'grafana': grafana_service,
+ 'alertmanager': alertmanager_service,
+ 'prometheus': prometheus_service,
+ 'node-exporter': node_exporter_service,
+ 'crash': crash_service,
+ 'iscsi': iscsi_service,
+ 'cephadm-exporter': cephadm_exporter_service,
+ }
+ return cephadm_services
+ def test_get_auth_entity(self):
+ mgr = FakeMgr()
+ cephadm_services = self._get_services(mgr)
+ for daemon_type in ['rgw', 'rbd-mirror', 'nfs', "iscsi"]:
+ assert "client.%s.id1" % (daemon_type) == \
+ cephadm_services[daemon_type].get_auth_entity("id1", "host")
+ assert "client.%s.id1" % (daemon_type) == \
+ cephadm_services[daemon_type].get_auth_entity("id1", "")
+ assert "client.%s.id1" % (daemon_type) == \
+ cephadm_services[daemon_type].get_auth_entity("id1")
+ assert "" == \
+ cephadm_services["crash"].get_auth_entity("id1", "host")
+ with pytest.raises(OrchestratorError):
+ cephadm_services["crash"].get_auth_entity("id1", "")
+ cephadm_services["crash"].get_auth_entity("id1")
+ assert "mon." == cephadm_services["mon"].get_auth_entity("id1", "host")
+ assert "mon." == cephadm_services["mon"].get_auth_entity("id1", "")
+ assert "mon." == cephadm_services["mon"].get_auth_entity("id1")
+ assert "mgr.id1" == cephadm_services["mgr"].get_auth_entity("id1", "host")
+ assert "mgr.id1" == cephadm_services["mgr"].get_auth_entity("id1", "")
+ assert "mgr.id1" == cephadm_services["mgr"].get_auth_entity("id1")
+ for daemon_type in ["osd", "mds"]:
+ assert "%s.id1" % daemon_type == \
+ cephadm_services[daemon_type].get_auth_entity("id1", "host")
+ assert "%s.id1" % daemon_type == \
+ cephadm_services[daemon_type].get_auth_entity("id1", "")
+ assert "%s.id1" % daemon_type == \
+ cephadm_services[daemon_type].get_auth_entity("id1")
+ # services based on CephadmService shouldn't have get_auth_entity
+ with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
+ for daemon_type in ['grafana', 'alertmanager', 'prometheus', 'node-exporter', 'cephadm-exporter']:
+ cephadm_services[daemon_type].get_auth_entity("id1", "host")
+ cephadm_services[daemon_type].get_auth_entity("id1", "")
+ cephadm_services[daemon_type].get_auth_entity("id1")
+class TestISCSIService:
+ mgr = FakeMgr()
+ iscsi_service = IscsiService(mgr)
+ iscsi_spec = IscsiServiceSpec(service_type='iscsi', service_id="a")
+ iscsi_spec.daemon_type = "iscsi"
+ iscsi_spec.daemon_id = "a"
+ iscsi_spec.spec = MagicMock()
+ iscsi_spec.spec.daemon_type = "iscsi"
+ iscsi_spec.spec.ssl_cert = ''
+ iscsi_spec.api_user = "user"
+ iscsi_spec.api_password = "password"
+ iscsi_spec.api_port = 5000
+ iscsi_spec.api_secure = False
+ iscsi_spec.ssl_cert = "cert"
+ iscsi_spec.ssl_key = "key"
+ mgr.spec_store = MagicMock()
+ mgr.spec_store.all_specs.get.return_value = iscsi_spec
+ def test_iscsi_client_caps(self):
+ iscsi_daemon_spec = CephadmDaemonDeploySpec(
+ host='host', daemon_id='a', service_name=self.iscsi_spec.service_name())
+ self.iscsi_service.prepare_create(iscsi_daemon_spec)
+ expected_caps = ['mon',
+ 'profile rbd, allow command "osd blocklist", allow command "config-key get" with "key" prefix "iscsi/"',
+ 'mgr', 'allow command "service status"',
+ 'osd', 'allow rwx']
+ expected_call = call({'prefix': 'auth get-or-create',
+ 'entity': 'client.iscsi.a',
+ 'caps': expected_caps})
+ expected_call2 = call({'prefix': 'auth caps',
+ 'entity': 'client.iscsi.a',
+ 'caps': expected_caps})
+ assert expected_call in self.mgr.mon_command.mock_calls
+ assert expected_call2 in self.mgr.mon_command.mock_calls
+ @patch('cephadm.utils.resolve_ip')
+ def test_iscsi_dashboard_config(self, mock_resolve_ip):
+ self.mgr.check_mon_command = MagicMock()
+ self.mgr.check_mon_command.return_value = ('', '{"gateways": {}}', '')
+ # Case 1: use IPV4 address
+ id1 = DaemonDescription(daemon_type='iscsi', hostname="testhost1",
+ daemon_id="a", ip='')
+ daemon_list = [id1]
+ mock_resolve_ip.return_value = ''
+ self.iscsi_service.config_dashboard(daemon_list)
+ dashboard_expected_call = call({'prefix': 'dashboard iscsi-gateway-add',
+ 'name': 'testhost1'},
+ 'http://user:password@')
+ assert dashboard_expected_call in self.mgr.check_mon_command.mock_calls
+ # Case 2: use IPV6 address
+ self.mgr.check_mon_command.reset_mock()
+ id1 = DaemonDescription(daemon_type='iscsi', hostname="testhost1",
+ daemon_id="a", ip='FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210')
+ mock_resolve_ip.return_value = 'FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210'
+ self.iscsi_service.config_dashboard(daemon_list)
+ dashboard_expected_call = call({'prefix': 'dashboard iscsi-gateway-add',
+ 'name': 'testhost1'},
+ 'http://user:password@[FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210]:5000')
+ assert dashboard_expected_call in self.mgr.check_mon_command.mock_calls
+ # Case 3: IPV6 Address . Secure protocol
+ self.mgr.check_mon_command.reset_mock()
+ self.iscsi_spec.api_secure = True
+ self.iscsi_service.config_dashboard(daemon_list)
+ dashboard_expected_call = call({'prefix': 'dashboard iscsi-gateway-add',
+ 'name': 'testhost1'},
+ 'https://user:password@[FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210]:5000')
+ assert dashboard_expected_call in self.mgr.check_mon_command.mock_calls
+class TestMonitoring:
+ def _get_config(self, url: str) -> str:
+ return f"""
+ # This file is generated by cephadm.
+ # See for documentation.
+ global:
+ resolve_timeout: 5m
+ http_config:
+ tls_config:
+ insecure_skip_verify: true
+ route:
+ receiver: 'default'
+ routes:
+ - group_by: ['alertname']
+ group_wait: 10s
+ group_interval: 10s
+ repeat_interval: 1h
+ receiver: 'ceph-dashboard'
+ receivers:
+ - name: 'default'
+ webhook_configs:
+ - name: 'ceph-dashboard'
+ webhook_configs:
+ - url: '{url}/api/prometheus_receiver'
+ """
+ @patch("cephadm.serve.CephadmServe._run_cephadm")
+ @patch("mgr_module.MgrModule.get")
+ def test_alertmanager_config(self, mock_get, _run_cephadm,
+ cephadm_module: CephadmOrchestrator):
+ _run_cephadm.return_value = ('{}', '', 0)
+ mock_get.return_value = {"services": {"dashboard": "http://[::1]:8080"}}
+ with with_host(cephadm_module, 'test'):
+ with with_service(cephadm_module, AlertManagerSpec()):
+ y = dedent(self._get_config('http://localhost:8080')).lstrip()
+ _run_cephadm.assert_called_with(
+ 'test',
+ 'alertmanager.test',
+ 'deploy',
+ [
+ '--name', 'alertmanager.test',
+ '--meta-json', '{"service_name": "alertmanager", "ports": [9093, 9094], "ip": null, "deployed_by": [], "rank": null, "rank_generation": null, "extra_container_args": null}',
+ '--config-json', '-', '--tcp-ports', '9093 9094'
+ ],
+ stdin=json.dumps({"files": {"alertmanager.yml": y}, "peers": []}),
+ image='')
+ @patch("cephadm.serve.CephadmServe._run_cephadm")
+ @patch("mgr_module.MgrModule.get")
+ def test_alertmanager_config_v6(self, mock_get, _run_cephadm,
+ cephadm_module: CephadmOrchestrator):
+ dashboard_url = "http://[2001:db8:4321:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000]:8080"
+ _run_cephadm.return_value = ('{}', '', 0)
+ mock_get.return_value = {"services": {"dashboard": dashboard_url}}
+ with with_host(cephadm_module, 'test'):
+ with with_service(cephadm_module, AlertManagerSpec()):
+ y = dedent(self._get_config(dashboard_url)).lstrip()
+ _run_cephadm.assert_called_with(
+ 'test',
+ 'alertmanager.test',
+ 'deploy',
+ [
+ '--name', 'alertmanager.test',
+ '--meta-json',
+ '{"service_name": "alertmanager", "ports": [9093, 9094], "ip": null, "deployed_by": [], "rank": null, "rank_generation": null, "extra_container_args": null}',
+ '--config-json', '-', '--tcp-ports', '9093 9094'
+ ],
+ stdin=json.dumps({"files": {"alertmanager.yml": y}, "peers": []}),
+ image='')
+ @patch("cephadm.serve.CephadmServe._run_cephadm")
+ @patch("mgr_module.MgrModule.get")
+ @patch("socket.getfqdn")
+ def test_alertmanager_config_v6_fqdn(self, mock_getfqdn, mock_get, _run_cephadm,
+ cephadm_module: CephadmOrchestrator):
+ _run_cephadm.return_value = ('{}', '', 0)
+ mock_getfqdn.return_value = "mgr.test.fqdn"
+ mock_get.return_value = {"services": {
+ "dashboard": "http://[2001:db8:4321:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000]:8080"}}
+ with with_host(cephadm_module, 'test'):
+ with with_service(cephadm_module, AlertManagerSpec()):
+ y = dedent(self._get_config("http://mgr.test.fqdn:8080")).lstrip()
+ _run_cephadm.assert_called_with(
+ 'test',
+ 'alertmanager.test',
+ 'deploy',
+ [
+ '--name', 'alertmanager.test',
+ '--meta-json',
+ '{"service_name": "alertmanager", "ports": [9093, 9094], "ip": null, "deployed_by": [], "rank": null, "rank_generation": null, "extra_container_args": null}',
+ '--config-json', '-', '--tcp-ports', '9093 9094'
+ ],
+ stdin=json.dumps({"files": {"alertmanager.yml": y}, "peers": []}),
+ image='')
+ @patch("cephadm.serve.CephadmServe._run_cephadm")
+ @patch("mgr_module.MgrModule.get")
+ def test_alertmanager_config_v4(self, mock_get, _run_cephadm, cephadm_module: CephadmOrchestrator):
+ dashboard_url = ""
+ _run_cephadm.return_value = ('{}', '', 0)
+ mock_get.return_value = {"services": {"dashboard": dashboard_url}}
+ with with_host(cephadm_module, 'test'):
+ with with_service(cephadm_module, AlertManagerSpec()):
+ y = dedent(self._get_config(dashboard_url)).lstrip()
+ _run_cephadm.assert_called_with(
+ 'test',
+ 'alertmanager.test',
+ 'deploy',
+ [
+ '--name', 'alertmanager.test',
+ '--meta-json', '{"service_name": "alertmanager", "ports": [9093, 9094], "ip": null, "deployed_by": [], "rank": null, "rank_generation": null, "extra_container_args": null}',
+ '--config-json', '-', '--tcp-ports', '9093 9094'
+ ],
+ stdin=json.dumps({"files": {"alertmanager.yml": y}, "peers": []}),
+ image='')
+ @patch("cephadm.serve.CephadmServe._run_cephadm")
+ @patch("mgr_module.MgrModule.get")
+ @patch("socket.getfqdn")
+ def test_alertmanager_config_v4_fqdn(self, mock_getfqdn, mock_get, _run_cephadm,
+ cephadm_module: CephadmOrchestrator):
+ _run_cephadm.return_value = ('{}', '', 0)
+ mock_getfqdn.return_value = "mgr.test.fqdn"
+ mock_get.return_value = {"services": {"dashboard": ""}}
+ with with_host(cephadm_module, 'test'):
+ with with_service(cephadm_module, AlertManagerSpec()):
+ y = dedent(self._get_config("http://mgr.test.fqdn:8080")).lstrip()
+ _run_cephadm.assert_called_with(
+ 'test',
+ 'alertmanager.test',
+ 'deploy',
+ [
+ '--name', 'alertmanager.test',
+ '--meta-json',
+ '{"service_name": "alertmanager", "ports": [9093, 9094], "ip": null, "deployed_by": [], "rank": null, "rank_generation": null, "extra_container_args": null}',
+ '--config-json', '-', '--tcp-ports', '9093 9094'
+ ],
+ stdin=json.dumps({"files": {"alertmanager.yml": y}, "peers": []}),
+ image='')
+ @patch("cephadm.serve.CephadmServe._run_cephadm")
+ def test_prometheus_config(self, _run_cephadm, cephadm_module: CephadmOrchestrator):
+ _run_cephadm.return_value = ('{}', '', 0)
+ with with_host(cephadm_module, 'test'):
+ with with_service(cephadm_module, MonitoringSpec('node-exporter')) as _, \
+ with_service(cephadm_module, MonitoringSpec('prometheus')) as _:
+ y = dedent("""
+ # This file is generated by cephadm.
+ global:
+ scrape_interval: 10s
+ evaluation_interval: 10s
+ rule_files:
+ - /etc/prometheus/alerting/*
+ scrape_configs:
+ - job_name: 'ceph'
+ honor_labels: true
+ static_configs:
+ - targets:
+ - '[::1]:9283'
+ - job_name: 'node'
+ static_configs:
+ - targets: ['[1::4]:9100']
+ labels:
+ instance: 'test'
+ """).lstrip()
+ _run_cephadm.assert_called_with(
+ 'test',
+ 'prometheus.test',
+ 'deploy',
+ [
+ '--name', 'prometheus.test',
+ '--meta-json',
+ '{"service_name": "prometheus", "ports": [9095], "ip": null, "deployed_by": [], "rank": null, "rank_generation": null, "extra_container_args": null}',
+ '--config-json', '-',
+ '--tcp-ports', '9095'
+ ],
+ stdin=json.dumps({"files": {"prometheus.yml": y,
+ "/etc/prometheus/alerting/custom_alerts.yml": ""},
+ 'retention_time': '15d'}),
+ image='')
+ @patch("cephadm.serve.CephadmServe._run_cephadm")
+ @patch("cephadm.module.CephadmOrchestrator.get_mgr_ip", lambda _: '1::4')
+ @patch("", lambda *_: None)
+ def test_grafana_config(self, _run_cephadm, cephadm_module: CephadmOrchestrator):
+ _run_cephadm.return_value = ('{}', '', 0)
+ with with_host(cephadm_module, 'test'):
+ cephadm_module.set_store('test/grafana_crt', 'c')
+ cephadm_module.set_store('test/grafana_key', 'k')
+ with with_service(cephadm_module, MonitoringSpec('prometheus')) as _, \
+ with_service(cephadm_module, GrafanaSpec('grafana')) as _:
+ files = {
+ 'grafana.ini': dedent("""
+ # This file is generated by cephadm.
+ [users]
+ default_theme = light
+ [auth.anonymous]
+ enabled = true
+ org_name = 'Main Org.'
+ org_role = 'Viewer'
+ [server]
+ domain = ''
+ protocol = https
+ cert_file = /etc/grafana/certs/cert_file
+ cert_key = /etc/grafana/certs/cert_key
+ http_port = 3000
+ http_addr =
+ [security]
+ disable_initial_admin_creation = true
+ cookie_secure = true
+ cookie_samesite = none
+ allow_embedding = true""").lstrip(), # noqa: W291
+ 'provisioning/datasources/ceph-dashboard.yml': dedent("""
+ # This file is generated by cephadm.
+ deleteDatasources:
+ - name: 'Dashboard1'
+ orgId: 1
+ datasources:
+ - name: 'Dashboard1'
+ type: 'prometheus'
+ access: 'proxy'
+ orgId: 1
+ url: 'http://[1::4]:9095'
+ basicAuth: false
+ isDefault: true
+ editable: false
+ """).lstrip(),
+ 'certs/cert_file': dedent("""
+ # generated by cephadm
+ c""").lstrip(),
+ 'certs/cert_key': dedent("""
+ # generated by cephadm
+ k""").lstrip(),
+ }
+ _run_cephadm.assert_called_with(
+ 'test',
+ 'grafana.test',
+ 'deploy',
+ [
+ '--name', 'grafana.test',
+ '--meta-json',
+ '{"service_name": "grafana", "ports": [3000], "ip": null, "deployed_by": [], "rank": null, "rank_generation": null, "extra_container_args": null}',
+ '--config-json', '-', '--tcp-ports', '3000'],
+ stdin=json.dumps({"files": files}),
+ image='')
+ @patch("cephadm.serve.CephadmServe._run_cephadm", _run_cephadm('{}'))
+ def test_grafana_initial_admin_pw(self, cephadm_module: CephadmOrchestrator):
+ with with_host(cephadm_module, 'test'):
+ with with_service(cephadm_module, GrafanaSpec(initial_admin_password='secure')):
+ out = cephadm_module.cephadm_services['grafana'].generate_config(
+ CephadmDaemonDeploySpec('test', 'daemon', 'grafana'))
+ assert out == (
+ {
+ 'files':
+ {
+ 'certs/cert_file': ANY,
+ 'certs/cert_key': ANY,
+ 'grafana.ini':
+ '# This file is generated by cephadm.\n'
+ '[users]\n'
+ ' default_theme = light\n'
+ '[auth.anonymous]\n'
+ ' enabled = true\n'
+ " org_name = 'Main Org.'\n"
+ " org_role = 'Viewer'\n"
+ '[server]\n'
+ " domain = ''\n"
+ ' protocol = https\n'
+ ' cert_file = /etc/grafana/certs/cert_file\n'
+ ' cert_key = /etc/grafana/certs/cert_key\n'
+ ' http_port = 3000\n'
+ ' http_addr = \n'
+ '[security]\n'
+ ' admin_user = admin\n'
+ ' admin_password = secure\n'
+ ' cookie_secure = true\n'
+ ' cookie_samesite = none\n'
+ ' allow_embedding = true',
+ 'provisioning/datasources/ceph-dashboard.yml':
+ '# This file is generated by cephadm.\n'
+ 'deleteDatasources:\n'
+ '\n'
+ 'datasources:\n'
+ }
+ },
+ [],
+ )
+ @patch("cephadm.serve.CephadmServe._run_cephadm")
+ def test_monitoring_ports(self, _run_cephadm, cephadm_module: CephadmOrchestrator):
+ _run_cephadm.return_value = ('{}', '', 0)
+ with with_host(cephadm_module, 'test'):
+ yaml_str = """service_type: alertmanager
+service_name: alertmanager
+ count: 1
+ port: 4200
+ yaml_file = yaml.safe_load(yaml_str)
+ spec = ServiceSpec.from_json(yaml_file)
+ with patch("", return_value=({}, [])):
+ with with_service(cephadm_module, spec):
+ CephadmServe(cephadm_module)._check_daemons()
+ _run_cephadm.assert_called_with(
+ 'test', 'alertmanager.test', 'deploy', [
+ '--name', 'alertmanager.test',
+ '--meta-json', '{"service_name": "alertmanager", "ports": [4200, 9094], "ip": null, "deployed_by": [], "rank": null, "rank_generation": null, "extra_container_args": null}',
+ '--config-json', '-',
+ '--tcp-ports', '4200 9094',
+ '--reconfig'
+ ],
+ stdin='{}',
+ image='')
+class TestRGWService:
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+ "frontend, ssl, expected",
+ [
+ ('beast', False, 'beast endpoint=[fd00:fd00:fd00:3000::1]:80'),
+ ('beast', True,
+ 'beast ssl_endpoint=[fd00:fd00:fd00:3000::1]:443 ssl_certificate=config://rgw/cert/'),
+ ('civetweb', False, 'civetweb port=[fd00:fd00:fd00:3000::1]:80'),
+ ('civetweb', True,
+ 'civetweb port=[fd00:fd00:fd00:3000::1]:443s ssl_certificate=config://rgw/cert/'),
+ ]
+ )
+ @patch("cephadm.serve.CephadmServe._run_cephadm", _run_cephadm('{}'))
+ def test_rgw_update(self, frontend, ssl, expected, cephadm_module: CephadmOrchestrator):
+ with with_host(cephadm_module, 'host1'):
+ cephadm_module.cache.update_host_devices_networks(
+ 'host1',
+ dls=cephadm_module.cache.devices['host1'],
+ nets={
+ 'fd00:fd00:fd00:3000::/64': {
+ 'if0': ['fd00:fd00:fd00:3000::1']
+ }
+ })
+ s = RGWSpec(service_id="foo",
+ networks=['fd00:fd00:fd00:3000::/64'],
+ ssl=ssl,
+ rgw_frontend_type=frontend)
+ with with_service(cephadm_module, s) as dds:
+ _, f, _ = cephadm_module.check_mon_command({
+ 'prefix': 'config get',
+ 'who': f'client.{dds[0]}',
+ 'key': 'rgw_frontends',
+ })
+ assert f == expected
+class TestSNMPGateway:
+ @patch("cephadm.serve.CephadmServe._run_cephadm")
+ def test_snmp_v2c_deployment(self, _run_cephadm, cephadm_module: CephadmOrchestrator):
+ _run_cephadm.return_value = ('{}', '', 0)
+ spec = SNMPGatewaySpec(
+ snmp_version='V2c',
+ snmp_destination='',
+ credentials={
+ 'snmp_community': 'public'
+ })
+ config = {
+ "destination": spec.snmp_destination,
+ "snmp_version": spec.snmp_version,
+ "snmp_community": spec.credentials.get('snmp_community')
+ }
+ with with_host(cephadm_module, 'test'):
+ with with_service(cephadm_module, spec):
+ _run_cephadm.assert_called_with(
+ 'test',
+ 'snmp-gateway.test',
+ 'deploy',
+ [
+ '--name', 'snmp-gateway.test',
+ '--meta-json',
+ '{"service_name": "snmp-gateway", "ports": [9464], "ip": null, "deployed_by": [], "rank": null, "rank_generation": null, "extra_container_args": null}',
+ '--config-json', '-',
+ '--tcp-ports', '9464'
+ ],
+ stdin=json.dumps(config),
+ image=''
+ )
+ @patch("cephadm.serve.CephadmServe._run_cephadm")
+ def test_snmp_v2c_with_port(self, _run_cephadm, cephadm_module: CephadmOrchestrator):
+ _run_cephadm.return_value = ('{}', '', 0)
+ spec = SNMPGatewaySpec(
+ snmp_version='V2c',
+ snmp_destination='',
+ credentials={
+ 'snmp_community': 'public'
+ },
+ port=9465)
+ config = {
+ "destination": spec.snmp_destination,
+ "snmp_version": spec.snmp_version,
+ "snmp_community": spec.credentials.get('snmp_community')
+ }
+ with with_host(cephadm_module, 'test'):
+ with with_service(cephadm_module, spec):
+ _run_cephadm.assert_called_with(
+ 'test',
+ 'snmp-gateway.test',
+ 'deploy',
+ [
+ '--name', 'snmp-gateway.test',
+ '--meta-json',
+ '{"service_name": "snmp-gateway", "ports": [9465], "ip": null, "deployed_by": [], "rank": null, "rank_generation": null, "extra_container_args": null}',
+ '--config-json', '-',
+ '--tcp-ports', '9465'
+ ],
+ stdin=json.dumps(config),
+ image=''
+ )
+ @patch("cephadm.serve.CephadmServe._run_cephadm")
+ def test_snmp_v3nopriv_deployment(self, _run_cephadm, cephadm_module: CephadmOrchestrator):
+ _run_cephadm.return_value = ('{}', '', 0)
+ spec = SNMPGatewaySpec(
+ snmp_version='V3',
+ snmp_destination='',
+ engine_id='8000C53F00000000',
+ credentials={
+ 'snmp_v3_auth_username': 'myuser',
+ 'snmp_v3_auth_password': 'mypassword'
+ })
+ config = {
+ 'destination': spec.snmp_destination,
+ 'snmp_version': spec.snmp_version,
+ 'snmp_v3_auth_protocol': 'SHA',
+ 'snmp_v3_auth_username': 'myuser',
+ 'snmp_v3_auth_password': 'mypassword',
+ 'snmp_v3_engine_id': '8000C53F00000000'
+ }
+ with with_host(cephadm_module, 'test'):
+ with with_service(cephadm_module, spec):
+ _run_cephadm.assert_called_with(
+ 'test',
+ 'snmp-gateway.test',
+ 'deploy',
+ [
+ '--name', 'snmp-gateway.test',
+ '--meta-json',
+ '{"service_name": "snmp-gateway", "ports": [9464], "ip": null, "deployed_by": [], "rank": null, "rank_generation": null, "extra_container_args": null}',
+ '--config-json', '-',
+ '--tcp-ports', '9464'
+ ],
+ stdin=json.dumps(config),
+ image=''
+ )
+ @patch("cephadm.serve.CephadmServe._run_cephadm")
+ def test_snmp_v3priv_deployment(self, _run_cephadm, cephadm_module: CephadmOrchestrator):
+ _run_cephadm.return_value = ('{}', '', 0)
+ spec = SNMPGatewaySpec(
+ snmp_version='V3',
+ snmp_destination='',
+ engine_id='8000C53F00000000',
+ auth_protocol='MD5',
+ privacy_protocol='AES',
+ credentials={
+ 'snmp_v3_auth_username': 'myuser',
+ 'snmp_v3_auth_password': 'mypassword',
+ 'snmp_v3_priv_password': 'mysecret',
+ })
+ config = {
+ 'destination': spec.snmp_destination,
+ 'snmp_version': spec.snmp_version,
+ 'snmp_v3_auth_protocol': 'MD5',
+ 'snmp_v3_auth_username': spec.credentials.get('snmp_v3_auth_username'),
+ 'snmp_v3_auth_password': spec.credentials.get('snmp_v3_auth_password'),
+ 'snmp_v3_engine_id': '8000C53F00000000',
+ 'snmp_v3_priv_protocol': spec.privacy_protocol,
+ 'snmp_v3_priv_password': spec.credentials.get('snmp_v3_priv_password'),
+ }
+ with with_host(cephadm_module, 'test'):
+ with with_service(cephadm_module, spec):
+ _run_cephadm.assert_called_with(
+ 'test',
+ 'snmp-gateway.test',
+ 'deploy',
+ [
+ '--name', 'snmp-gateway.test',
+ '--meta-json',
+ '{"service_name": "snmp-gateway", "ports": [9464], "ip": null, "deployed_by": [], "rank": null, "rank_generation": null, "extra_container_args": null}',
+ '--config-json', '-',
+ '--tcp-ports', '9464'
+ ],
+ stdin=json.dumps(config),
+ image=''
+ )
+class TestIngressService:
+ @patch("cephadm.serve.CephadmServe._run_cephadm")
+ def test_ingress_config(self, _run_cephadm, cephadm_module: CephadmOrchestrator):
+ _run_cephadm.return_value = ('{}', '', 0)
+ with with_host(cephadm_module, 'test'):
+ cephadm_module.cache.update_host_devices_networks(
+ 'test',
+ cephadm_module.cache.devices['test'],
+ {
+ '': {
+ 'if0': ['']
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ # the ingress backend
+ s = RGWSpec(service_id="foo", placement=PlacementSpec(count=1),
+ rgw_frontend_type='beast')
+ ispec = IngressSpec(service_type='ingress',
+ service_id='test',
+ backend_service='',
+ frontend_port=8089,
+ monitor_port=8999,
+ monitor_user='admin',
+ monitor_password='12345',
+ keepalived_password='12345',
+ virtual_interface_networks=[''],
+ virtual_ip="")
+ with with_service(cephadm_module, s) as _, with_service(cephadm_module, ispec) as _:
+ # generate the keepalived conf based on the specified spec
+ keepalived_generated_conf = cephadm_module.cephadm_services['ingress'].keepalived_generate_config(
+ CephadmDaemonDeploySpec(host='test', daemon_id='ingress', service_name=ispec.service_name()))
+ keepalived_expected_conf = {
+ 'files':
+ {
+ 'keepalived.conf':
+ '# This file is generated by cephadm.\n'
+ 'vrrp_script check_backend {\n '
+ 'script "/usr/bin/curl http://localhost:8999/health"\n '
+ 'weight -20\n '
+ 'interval 2\n '
+ 'rise 2\n '
+ 'fall 2\n}\n\n'
+ 'vrrp_instance VI_0 {\n '
+ 'state MASTER\n '
+ 'priority 100\n '
+ 'interface if0\n '
+ 'virtual_router_id 50\n '
+ 'advert_int 1\n '
+ 'authentication {\n '
+ 'auth_type PASS\n '
+ 'auth_pass 12345\n '
+ '}\n '
+ 'unicast_src_ip 1::4\n '
+ 'unicast_peer {\n '
+ '}\n '
+ 'virtual_ipaddress {\n '
+ ' dev if0\n '
+ '}\n '
+ 'track_script {\n '
+ 'check_backend\n }\n'
+ '}\n'
+ }
+ }
+ # check keepalived config
+ assert keepalived_generated_conf[0] == keepalived_expected_conf
+ # generate the haproxy conf based on the specified spec
+ haproxy_generated_conf = cephadm_module.cephadm_services['ingress'].haproxy_generate_config(
+ CephadmDaemonDeploySpec(host='test', daemon_id='ingress', service_name=ispec.service_name()))
+ haproxy_expected_conf = {
+ 'files':
+ {
+ 'haproxy.cfg':
+ '# This file is generated by cephadm.'
+ '\nglobal\n log '
+ ' local2\n '
+ 'chroot /var/lib/haproxy\n '
+ 'pidfile /var/lib/haproxy/\n '
+ 'maxconn 8000\n '
+ 'daemon\n '
+ 'stats socket /var/lib/haproxy/stats\n'
+ '\ndefaults\n '
+ 'mode http\n '
+ 'log global\n '
+ 'option httplog\n '
+ 'option dontlognull\n '
+ 'option http-server-close\n '
+ 'option forwardfor except\n '
+ 'option redispatch\n '
+ 'retries 3\n '
+ 'timeout queue 20s\n '
+ 'timeout connect 5s\n '
+ 'timeout http-request 1s\n '
+ 'timeout http-keep-alive 5s\n '
+ 'timeout client 1s\n '
+ 'timeout server 1s\n '
+ 'timeout check 5s\n '
+ 'maxconn 8000\n'
+ '\nfrontend stats\n '
+ 'mode http\n '
+ 'bind\n '
+ 'bind localhost:8999\n '
+ 'stats enable\n '
+ 'stats uri /stats\n '
+ 'stats refresh 10s\n '
+ 'stats auth admin:12345\n '
+ 'http-request use-service prometheus-exporter if { path /metrics }\n '
+ 'monitor-uri /health\n'
+ '\nfrontend frontend\n '
+ 'bind\n '
+ 'default_backend backend\n\n'
+ 'backend backend\n '
+ 'option forwardfor\n '
+ 'balance static-rr\n '
+ 'option httpchk HEAD / HTTP/1.0\n '
+ 'server ' + haproxy_generated_conf[1][0] + ' 1::4:80 check weight 100\n'
+ }
+ }
+ assert haproxy_generated_conf[0] == haproxy_expected_conf
+ @patch("cephadm.serve.CephadmServe._run_cephadm")
+ def test_ingress_config_multi_vips(self, _run_cephadm, cephadm_module: CephadmOrchestrator):
+ _run_cephadm.return_value = ('{}', '', 0)
+ with with_host(cephadm_module, 'test'):
+ cephadm_module.cache.update_host_devices_networks('test', [], {
+ '': {
+ 'if0': ['']
+ }
+ })
+ # Check the ingress with multiple VIPs
+ s = RGWSpec(service_id="foo", placement=PlacementSpec(count=1),
+ rgw_frontend_type='beast')
+ ispec = IngressSpec(service_type='ingress',
+ service_id='test',
+ backend_service='',
+ frontend_port=8089,
+ monitor_port=8999,
+ monitor_user='admin',
+ monitor_password='12345',
+ keepalived_password='12345',
+ virtual_interface_networks=[''],
+ virtual_ips_list=[""])
+ with with_service(cephadm_module, s) as _, with_service(cephadm_module, ispec) as _:
+ # generate the keepalived conf based on the specified spec
+ # Test with only 1 IP on the list, as it will fail with more VIPS but only one host.
+ keepalived_generated_conf = cephadm_module.cephadm_services['ingress'].keepalived_generate_config(
+ CephadmDaemonDeploySpec(host='test', daemon_id='ingress', service_name=ispec.service_name()))
+ keepalived_expected_conf = {
+ 'files':
+ {
+ 'keepalived.conf':
+ '# This file is generated by cephadm.\n'
+ 'vrrp_script check_backend {\n '
+ 'script "/usr/bin/curl http://localhost:8999/health"\n '
+ 'weight -20\n '
+ 'interval 2\n '
+ 'rise 2\n '
+ 'fall 2\n}\n\n'
+ 'vrrp_instance VI_0 {\n '
+ 'state MASTER\n '
+ 'priority 100\n '
+ 'interface if0\n '
+ 'virtual_router_id 50\n '
+ 'advert_int 1\n '
+ 'authentication {\n '
+ 'auth_type PASS\n '
+ 'auth_pass 12345\n '
+ '}\n '
+ 'unicast_src_ip 1::4\n '
+ 'unicast_peer {\n '
+ '}\n '
+ 'virtual_ipaddress {\n '
+ ' dev if0\n '
+ '}\n '
+ 'track_script {\n '
+ 'check_backend\n }\n'
+ '}\n'
+ }
+ }
+ # check keepalived config
+ assert keepalived_generated_conf[0] == keepalived_expected_conf
+ # generate the haproxy conf based on the specified spec
+ haproxy_generated_conf = cephadm_module.cephadm_services['ingress'].haproxy_generate_config(
+ CephadmDaemonDeploySpec(host='test', daemon_id='ingress', service_name=ispec.service_name()))
+ haproxy_expected_conf = {
+ 'files':
+ {
+ 'haproxy.cfg':
+ '# This file is generated by cephadm.'
+ '\nglobal\n log '
+ ' local2\n '
+ 'chroot /var/lib/haproxy\n '
+ 'pidfile /var/lib/haproxy/\n '
+ 'maxconn 8000\n '
+ 'daemon\n '
+ 'stats socket /var/lib/haproxy/stats\n'
+ '\ndefaults\n '
+ 'mode http\n '
+ 'log global\n '
+ 'option httplog\n '
+ 'option dontlognull\n '
+ 'option http-server-close\n '
+ 'option forwardfor except\n '
+ 'option redispatch\n '
+ 'retries 3\n '
+ 'timeout queue 20s\n '
+ 'timeout connect 5s\n '
+ 'timeout http-request 1s\n '
+ 'timeout http-keep-alive 5s\n '
+ 'timeout client 1s\n '
+ 'timeout server 1s\n '
+ 'timeout check 5s\n '
+ 'maxconn 8000\n'
+ '\nfrontend stats\n '
+ 'mode http\n '
+ 'bind *:8999\n '
+ 'bind localhost:8999\n '
+ 'stats enable\n '
+ 'stats uri /stats\n '
+ 'stats refresh 10s\n '
+ 'stats auth admin:12345\n '
+ 'http-request use-service prometheus-exporter if { path /metrics }\n '
+ 'monitor-uri /health\n'
+ '\nfrontend frontend\n '
+ 'bind *:8089\n '
+ 'default_backend backend\n\n'
+ 'backend backend\n '
+ 'option forwardfor\n '
+ 'balance static-rr\n '
+ 'option httpchk HEAD / HTTP/1.0\n '
+ 'server '
+ + haproxy_generated_conf[1][0] + ' 1::4:80 check weight 100\n'
+ }
+ }
+ assert haproxy_generated_conf[0] == haproxy_expected_conf
+class TestCephFsMirror:
+ @patch("cephadm.serve.CephadmServe._run_cephadm")
+ def test_config(self, _run_cephadm, cephadm_module: CephadmOrchestrator):
+ _run_cephadm.return_value = ('{}', '', 0)
+ with with_host(cephadm_module, 'test'):
+ with with_service(cephadm_module, ServiceSpec('cephfs-mirror')):
+ cephadm_module.assert_issued_mon_command({
+ 'prefix': 'mgr module enable',
+ 'module': 'mirroring'
+ })