path: root/src/pybind/mgr/snap_schedule/fs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
3 files changed, 889 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/pybind/mgr/snap_schedule/fs/ b/src/pybind/mgr/snap_schedule/fs/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pybind/mgr/snap_schedule/fs/
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index 000000000..773a0694a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pybind/mgr/snap_schedule/fs/
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+Copyright (C) 2020 SUSE
+LGPL2.1. See file COPYING.
+from datetime import datetime, timezone
+import json
+import logging
+import re
+import sqlite3
+from typing import Tuple, Any, List
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# Work around missing datetime.fromisoformat for < python3.7
+SNAP_DB_TS_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'
+ from backports.datetime_fromisoformat import MonkeyPatch
+ MonkeyPatch.patch_fromisoformat()
+except ImportError:
+ log.debug('backports.datetime_fromisoformat not found')
+ # have mypy ignore this line. We use the attribute error to detect if we
+ # have fromisoformat or not
+ ts_parser = datetime.fromisoformat # type: ignore
+ log.debug('found datetime.fromisoformat')
+except AttributeError:
+'Couldn\'t find datetime.fromisoformat, falling back to '
+ f'static timestamp parsing ({SNAP_DB_TS_FORMAT}'))
+ def ts_parser(date_string): # type: ignore
+ try:
+ date = datetime.strptime(date_string, SNAP_DB_TS_FORMAT)
+ return date
+ except ValueError:
+ msg = f'''The date string {date_string} does not match the required format
+ {SNAP_DB_TS_FORMAT}. For more flexibel date parsing upgrade to
+ python3.7 or install
+ log.error(msg)
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+def parse_timestamp(ts):
+ date = ts_parser(ts)
+ # normalize any non utc timezone to utc. If no tzinfo is supplied, assume
+ # its already utc
+ # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ if date.tzinfo is not timezone.utc and date.tzinfo is not None:
+ date = date.astimezone(timezone.utc)
+ return date
+def parse_retention(retention):
+ ret = {}
+ log.debug(f'parse_retention({retention})')
+ matches = re.findall(r'\d+[a-z]', retention)
+ for m in matches:
+ ret[m[-1]] = int(m[0:-1])
+ matches = re.findall(r'\d+[A-Z]', retention)
+ for m in matches:
+ ret[m[-1]] = int(m[0:-1])
+ log.debug(f'parse_retention({retention}) -> {ret}')
+ return ret
+RETENTION_MULTIPLIERS = ['n', 'M', 'h', 'd', 'w', 'm', 'y']
+def dump_retention(retention):
+ ret = ''
+ if mult in retention:
+ ret += str(retention[mult]) + mult
+ return ret
+class Schedule(object):
+ '''
+ Wrapper to work with schedules stored in sqlite
+ '''
+ def __init__(self,
+ path,
+ schedule,
+ fs_name,
+ rel_path,
+ start=None,
+ subvol=None,
+ retention_policy='{}',
+ created=None,
+ first=None,
+ last=None,
+ last_pruned=None,
+ created_count=0,
+ pruned_count=0,
+ active=True,
+ ):
+ self.fs = fs_name
+ self.subvol = subvol
+ self.path = path
+ self.rel_path = rel_path
+ self.schedule = schedule
+ self.retention = json.loads(retention_policy)
+ if start is None:
+ now =
+ self.start = datetime(now.year,
+ now.month,
+ tzinfo=now.tzinfo)
+ else:
+ self.start = parse_timestamp(start)
+ if created is None:
+ self.created =
+ else:
+ self.created = parse_timestamp(created)
+ if first:
+ self.first = parse_timestamp(first)
+ else:
+ self.first = first
+ if last:
+ self.last = parse_timestamp(last)
+ else:
+ self.last = last
+ if last_pruned:
+ self.last_pruned = parse_timestamp(last_pruned)
+ else:
+ self.last_pruned = last_pruned
+ self.created_count = created_count
+ self.pruned_count = pruned_count
+ = bool(active)
+ @classmethod
+ def _from_db_row(cls, table_row, fs):
+ return cls(table_row['path'],
+ table_row['schedule'],
+ fs,
+ table_row['rel_path'],
+ table_row['start'],
+ table_row['subvol'],
+ table_row['retention'],
+ table_row['created'],
+ table_row['first'],
+ table_row['last'],
+ table_row['last_pruned'],
+ table_row['created_count'],
+ table_row['pruned_count'],
+ table_row['active'],
+ )
+ def __str__(self):
+ return f'''{self.path} {self.schedule} {dump_retention(self.retention)}'''
+ def json_list(self):
+ return json.dumps({'path': self.path, 'schedule': self.schedule,
+ 'retention': dump_retention(self.retention)})
+ subvol TEXT,
+ retention TEXT DEFAULT '{}',
+ rel_path TEXT NOT NULL
+ );
+ CREATE TABLE schedules_meta(
+ schedule_id INT,
+ start TEXT NOT NULL,
+ first TEXT,
+ last TEXT,
+ last_pruned TEXT,
+ created TEXT NOT NULL,
+ repeat INT NOT NULL,
+ schedule TEXT NOT NULL,
+ created_count INT DEFAULT 0,
+ pruned_count INT DEFAULT 0,
+ active INT NOT NULL,
+ FOREIGN KEY(schedule_id) REFERENCES schedules(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
+ UNIQUE (schedule_id, start, repeat)
+ );'''
+ s.retention,
+ sm.repeat - (strftime("%s", "now") - strftime("%s", sm.start)) %
+ sm.repeat "until",
+ sm.start, sm.repeat, sm.schedule
+ FROM schedules s
+ INNER JOIN schedules_meta sm ON sm.schedule_id =
+ s.path = ? AND
+ strftime("%s", "now") - strftime("%s", sm.start) > 0 AND
+ = 1
+ ORDER BY until;'''
+ s.path, s.subvol, s.rel_path,,
+ sm.schedule, s.retention, sm.start, sm.first, sm.last,
+ sm.last_pruned, sm.created, sm.created_count, sm.pruned_count
+ FROM schedules s
+ INNER JOIN schedules_meta sm ON sm.schedule_id =
+ WHERE'''
+ @classmethod
+ def get_db_schedules(cls, path, db, fs,
+ schedule=None,
+ start=None,
+ repeat=None):
+ query = cls.GET_SCHEDULES
+ data: Tuple[Any, ...] = (path,)
+ if repeat:
+ query += ' AND sm.repeat = ?'
+ data += (repeat,)
+ if schedule:
+ query += ' AND sm.schedule = ?'
+ data += (schedule,)
+ if start:
+ query += ' AND sm.start = ?'
+ data += (start,)
+ with db:
+ c = db.execute(query, data)
+ return [cls._from_db_row(row, fs) for row in c.fetchall()]
+ @classmethod
+ def list_schedules(cls, path, db, fs, recursive):
+ with db:
+ if recursive:
+ c = db.execute(cls.PROTO_GET_SCHEDULES + ' path LIKE ?',
+ (f'{path}%',))
+ else:
+ c = db.execute(cls.PROTO_GET_SCHEDULES + ' path = ?',
+ (f'{path}',))
+ return [cls._from_db_row(row, fs) for row in c.fetchall()]
+ @classmethod
+ def list_all_schedules(cls,
+ db: sqlite3.Connection,
+ fs: str) -> List['Schedule']:
+ with db:
+ c = db.execute(cls.PROTO_GET_SCHEDULES + " path LIKE '%'")
+ return [cls._from_db_row(row, fs) for row in c.fetchall()]
+ schedules(path, subvol, retention, rel_path)
+ Values(?, ?, ?, ?);'''
+ schedules_meta(schedule_id, start, created, repeat, schedule,
+ active)
+ SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?'''
+ def store_schedule(self, db):
+ sched_id = None
+ with db:
+ try:
+ log.debug(f'schedule with retention {self.retention}')
+ c = db.execute(self.INSERT_SCHEDULE,
+ (self.path,
+ self.subvol,
+ json.dumps(self.retention),
+ self.rel_path,))
+ sched_id = c.lastrowid
+ except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
+ # might be adding another schedule, retrieve sched id
+ log.debug(f'found schedule entry for {self.path}, trying to add meta')
+ c = db.execute('SELECT id FROM schedules where path = ?',
+ (self.path,))
+ sched_id = c.fetchone()[0]
+ pass
+ db.execute(self.INSERT_SCHEDULE_META,
+ (sched_id,
+ self.start.strftime(SNAP_DB_TS_FORMAT),
+ self.created.strftime(SNAP_DB_TS_FORMAT),
+ self.repeat,
+ self.schedule,
+ 1))
+ @classmethod
+ def rm_schedule(cls, db, path, repeat, start):
+ with db:
+ cur = db.execute('SELECT id FROM schedules WHERE path = ?',
+ (path,))
+ row = cur.fetchone()
+ if len(row) == 0:
+'no schedule for {path} found')
+ raise ValueError('SnapSchedule for {} not found'.format(path))
+ id_ = tuple(row)
+ if repeat or start:
+ meta_delete = 'DELETE FROM schedules_meta WHERE schedule_id = ?'
+ delete_param = id_
+ if repeat:
+ meta_delete += ' AND schedule = ?'
+ delete_param += (repeat,)
+ if start:
+ meta_delete += ' AND start = ?'
+ delete_param += (start,)
+ # maybe only delete meta entry
+ log.debug(f'executing {meta_delete}, {delete_param}')
+ res = db.execute(meta_delete + ';', delete_param).rowcount
+ if res < 1:
+ raise ValueError(f'No schedule found for {repeat} {start}')
+ db.execute('COMMIT;')
+ # now check if we have schedules in meta left, if not delete
+ # the schedule as well
+ meta_count = db.execute(
+ 'SELECT COUNT() FROM schedules_meta WHERE schedule_id = ?',
+ id_)
+ if meta_count.fetchone() == (0,):
+ log.debug(
+ f'no more schedules left, cleaning up schedules table')
+ db.execute('DELETE FROM schedules WHERE id = ?;', id_)
+ else:
+ # just delete the schedule CASCADE DELETE takes care of the
+ # rest
+ db.execute('DELETE FROM schedules WHERE id = ?;', id_)
+ GET_RETENTION = '''SELECT retention FROM schedules
+ WHERE path = ?'''
+ SET retention = ?
+ WHERE path = ?'''
+ @classmethod
+ def add_retention(cls, db, path, retention_spec):
+ with db:
+ row = db.execute(cls.GET_RETENTION, (path,)).fetchone()
+ if not row:
+ raise ValueError(f'No schedule found for {path}')
+ retention = parse_retention(retention_spec)
+ if not retention:
+ raise ValueError(f'Retention spec {retention_spec} is invalid')
+ log.debug(f'db result is {tuple(row)}')
+ current = row['retention']
+ current_retention = json.loads(current)
+ for r, v in retention.items():
+ if r in current_retention:
+ raise ValueError((f'Retention for {r} is already present '
+ 'with value {current_retention[r]}. Please remove first'))
+ current_retention.update(retention)
+ db.execute(cls.UPDATE_RETENTION, (json.dumps(current_retention), path))
+ @classmethod
+ def rm_retention(cls, db, path, retention_spec):
+ with db:
+ row = db.execute(cls.GET_RETENTION, (path,)).fetchone()
+ if not row:
+ raise ValueError(f'No schedule found for {path}')
+ retention = parse_retention(retention_spec)
+ current = row['retention']
+ current_retention = json.loads(current)
+ for r, v in retention.items():
+ if r not in current_retention or current_retention[r] != v:
+ raise ValueError((f'Retention for {r}: {v} was not set for {path} '
+ 'can\'t remove'))
+ current_retention.pop(r)
+ db.execute(cls.UPDATE_RETENTION, (json.dumps(current_retention), path))
+ def report(self):
+ return self.report_json()
+ def report_json(self):
+ return json.dumps(dict(self.__dict__),
+ default=lambda o: o.strftime(SNAP_DB_TS_FORMAT))
+ @classmethod
+ def parse_schedule(cls, schedule):
+ return int(schedule[0:-1]), schedule[-1]
+ @property
+ def repeat(self):
+ period, mult = self.parse_schedule(self.schedule)
+ if mult == 'M':
+ return period * 60
+ elif mult == 'h':
+ return period * 60 * 60
+ elif mult == 'd':
+ return period * 60 * 60 * 24
+ elif mult == 'w':
+ return period * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f'schedule multiplier "{mult}" not recognized')
+ UPDATE_LAST = '''UPDATE schedules_meta
+ last = ?,
+ created_count = created_count + 1,
+ first = CASE WHEN first IS NULL THEN ? ELSE first END
+ FROM schedules s
+ WHERE = schedules_meta.schedule_id
+ AND s.path = ?
+ AND schedules_meta.start = ?
+ AND schedules_meta.repeat = ?);'''
+ def update_last(self, time, db):
+ with db:
+ db.execute(self.UPDATE_LAST, (time.strftime(SNAP_DB_TS_FORMAT),
+ time.strftime(SNAP_DB_TS_FORMAT),
+ self.path,
+ self.start.strftime(SNAP_DB_TS_FORMAT),
+ self.repeat))
+ self.created_count += 1
+ self.last = time
+ if not self.first:
+ self.first = time
+ UPDATE_INACTIVE = '''UPDATE schedules_meta
+ active = 0
+ FROM schedules s
+ WHERE = schedules_meta.schedule_id
+ AND s.path = ?
+ AND schedules_meta.start = ?
+ AND schedules_meta.repeat = ?);'''
+ def set_inactive(self, db):
+ with db:
+ log.debug(f'Deactivating schedule ({self.repeat}, {self.start}) on path {self.path}')
+ db.execute(self.UPDATE_INACTIVE, (self.path,
+ self.start.strftime(SNAP_DB_TS_FORMAT),
+ self.repeat))
+ = False
+ UPDATE_ACTIVE = '''UPDATE schedules_meta
+ active = 1
+ FROM schedules s
+ WHERE = schedules_meta.schedule_id
+ AND s.path = ?
+ AND schedules_meta.start = ?
+ AND schedules_meta.repeat = ?);'''
+ def set_active(self, db):
+ with db:
+ log.debug(f'Activating schedule ({self.repeat}, {self.start}) on path {self.path}')
+ db.execute(self.UPDATE_ACTIVE, (self.path,
+ self.start.strftime(SNAP_DB_TS_FORMAT),
+ self.repeat))
+ = True
+ UPDATE_PRUNED = '''UPDATE schedules_meta
+ last_pruned = ?,
+ pruned_count = pruned_count + ?
+ FROM schedules s
+ WHERE = schedules_meta.schedule_id
+ AND s.path = ?
+ AND schedules_meta.start = ?
+ AND schedules_meta.repeat = ?);'''
+ def update_pruned(self, time, db, pruned):
+ with db:
+ db.execute(self.UPDATE_PRUNED, (time.strftime(SNAP_DB_TS_FORMAT), pruned,
+ self.path,
+ self.start.strftime(SNAP_DB_TS_FORMAT),
+ self.repeat))
+ self.pruned_count += pruned
+ self.last_pruned = time
diff --git a/src/pybind/mgr/snap_schedule/fs/ b/src/pybind/mgr/snap_schedule/fs/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dff14966e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pybind/mgr/snap_schedule/fs/
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+Copyright (C) 2020 SUSE
+LGPL2.1. See file COPYING.
+import cephfs
+import rados
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from mgr_util import CephfsClient, open_filesystem, CephfsConnectionException
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from datetime import datetime, timezone
+import logging
+from threading import Timer, Lock
+from typing import cast, Any, Callable, Dict, Iterator, List, Set, Optional, \
+ Tuple, TypeVar, Union, Type
+from types import TracebackType
+import sqlite3
+from .schedule import Schedule, parse_retention
+import traceback
+import errno
+SNAP_SCHEDULE_NAMESPACE = 'cephfs-snap-schedule'
+SNAP_DB_PREFIX = 'snap_db'
+# increment this every time the db schema changes and provide upgrade code
+# scheduled snapshots are tz suffixed
+SNAPSHOT_TS_FORMAT_TZ = '%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S_%Z'
+# for backward compat snapshot name parsing
+SNAPSHOT_TS_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S'
+# length of timestamp format (without tz suffix)
+# e.g.: scheduled-2022-04-19-05_39_00_UTC (len = "2022-04-19-05_39_00")
+SNAPSHOT_PREFIX = 'scheduled'
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def open_ioctx(self, pool):
+ try:
+ if type(pool) is int:
+ with self.mgr.rados.open_ioctx2(pool) as ioctx:
+ ioctx.set_namespace(SNAP_SCHEDULE_NAMESPACE)
+ yield ioctx
+ else:
+ with self.mgr.rados.open_ioctx(pool) as ioctx:
+ ioctx.set_namespace(SNAP_SCHEDULE_NAMESPACE)
+ yield ioctx
+ except rados.ObjectNotFound:
+ log.error("Failed to locate pool {}".format(pool))
+ raise
+def updates_schedule_db(func):
+ def f(self, fs, schedule_or_path, *args):
+ func(self, fs, schedule_or_path, *args)
+ path = schedule_or_path
+ if isinstance(schedule_or_path, Schedule):
+ path = schedule_or_path.path
+ self.refresh_snap_timers(fs, path)
+ return f
+def get_prune_set(candidates, retention):
+ PRUNING_PATTERNS = OrderedDict([
+ # n is for keep last n snapshots, uses the snapshot name timestamp
+ # format for lowest granularity
+ # NOTE: prune set has tz suffix stripped out.
+ # TODO remove M for release
+ ("M", '%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M'),
+ ("h", '%Y-%m-%d-%H'),
+ ("d", '%Y-%m-%d'),
+ ("w", '%G-%V'),
+ ("m", '%Y-%m'),
+ ("y", '%Y'),
+ ])
+ keep = []
+ if not retention:
+'no retention set, assuming n: {MAX_SNAPS_PER_PATH}')
+ retention = {'n': MAX_SNAPS_PER_PATH}
+ for period, date_pattern in PRUNING_PATTERNS.items():
+ log.debug(f'compiling keep set for period {period}')
+ period_count = retention.get(period, 0)
+ if not period_count:
+ continue
+ last = None
+ kept_for_this_period = 0
+ for snap in sorted(candidates, key=lambda x: x[0].d_name,
+ reverse=True):
+ snap_ts = snap[1].strftime(date_pattern)
+ if snap_ts != last:
+ last = snap_ts
+ if snap not in keep:
+ log.debug(f'keeping {snap[0].d_name} due to {period_count}{period}')
+ keep.append(snap)
+ kept_for_this_period += 1
+ if kept_for_this_period == period_count:
+ log.debug(('found enough snapshots for '
+ f'{period_count}{period}'))
+ break
+ if len(keep) > MAX_SNAPS_PER_PATH:
+'Would keep more then {MAX_SNAPS_PER_PATH}, pruning keep set')
+ keep = keep[:MAX_SNAPS_PER_PATH]
+ return candidates - set(keep)
+def snap_name_to_timestamp(scheduled_snap_name: str) -> str:
+ """ extract timestamp from a schedule snapshot with tz suffix stripped out """
+ ts = scheduled_snap_name.lstrip(f'{SNAPSHOT_PREFIX}-')
+class DBInfo():
+ def __init__(self, fs: str, db: sqlite3.Connection):
+ self.fs: str = fs
+ self.lock: Lock = Lock()
+ self.db: sqlite3.Connection = db
+# context manager for serializing db connection usage
+class DBConnectionManager():
+ def __init__(self, info: DBInfo):
+ self.dbinfo: DBInfo = info
+ # using string as return type hint since __future__.annotations is not
+ # available with Python 3.6; its avaialbe starting from Pytohn 3.7
+ def __enter__(self) -> 'DBConnectionManager':
+ log.debug(f'locking db connection for {self.dbinfo.fs}')
+ self.dbinfo.lock.acquire()
+ log.debug(f'locked db connection for {self.dbinfo.fs}')
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self,
+ exception_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
+ exception_value: Optional[BaseException],
+ traceback: Optional[TracebackType]) -> None:
+ log.debug(f'unlocking db connection for {self.dbinfo.fs}')
+ self.dbinfo.lock.release()
+ log.debug(f'unlocked db connection for {self.dbinfo.fs}')
+class SnapSchedClient(CephfsClient):
+ def __init__(self, mgr):
+ super(SnapSchedClient, self).__init__(mgr)
+ # Each db connection is now guarded by a Lock; this is required to
+ # avoid concurrent DB transactions when more than one paths in a
+ # file-system are scheduled at the same interval eg. 1h; without the
+ # lock, there are races to use the same connection, causing nested
+ # transactions to be aborted
+ self.sqlite_connections: Dict[str, DBInfo] = {}
+ self.active_timers: Dict[Tuple[str, str], List[Timer]] = {}
+ self.conn_lock: Lock = Lock() # lock to protect add/lookup db connections
+ # restart old schedules
+ for fs_name in self.get_all_filesystems():
+ with self.get_schedule_db(fs_name) as conn_mgr:
+ db = conn_mgr.dbinfo.db
+ sched_list = Schedule.list_all_schedules(db, fs_name)
+ for sched in sched_list:
+ self.refresh_snap_timers(fs_name, sched.path, db)
+ @property
+ def allow_minute_snaps(self):
+ return self.mgr.get_module_option('allow_m_granularity')
+ @property
+ def dump_on_update(self) -> None:
+ return self.mgr.get_module_option('dump_on_update')
+ def get_schedule_db(self, fs):
+ dbinfo = None
+ self.conn_lock.acquire()
+ if fs not in self.sqlite_connections:
+ db = sqlite3.connect(':memory:', check_same_thread=False)
+ with db:
+ db.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
+ db.execute("PRAGMA FOREIGN_KEYS = 1")
+ pool = self.get_metadata_pool(fs)
+ with open_ioctx(self, pool) as ioctx:
+ try:
+ size, _mtime = ioctx.stat(SNAP_DB_OBJECT_NAME)
+ ddl =,
+ size).decode('utf-8')
+ db.executescript(ddl)
+ except rados.ObjectNotFound:
+ log.debug(f'No schedule DB found in {fs}, creating one.')
+ db.executescript(Schedule.CREATE_TABLES)
+ self.sqlite_connections[fs] = DBInfo(fs, db)
+ dbinfo = self.sqlite_connections[fs]
+ self.conn_lock.release()
+ return DBConnectionManager(dbinfo)
+ def store_schedule_db(self, fs, db):
+ # only store db is it exists, otherwise nothing to do
+ metadata_pool = self.get_metadata_pool(fs)
+ if not metadata_pool:
+ raise CephfsConnectionException(
+ -errno.ENOENT, "Filesystem {} does not exist".format(fs))
+ db_content = []
+ for row in db.iterdump():
+ db_content.append(row)
+ with open_ioctx(self, metadata_pool) as ioctx:
+ ioctx.write_full(SNAP_DB_OBJECT_NAME,
+ '\n'.join(db_content).encode('utf-8'))
+ def _is_allowed_repeat(self, exec_row, path):
+ if Schedule.parse_schedule(exec_row['schedule'])[1] == 'M':
+ if self.allow_minute_snaps:
+ log.debug(f'Minute repeats allowed, scheduling snapshot on path {path}')
+ return True
+ else:
+'Minute repeats disabled, skipping snapshot on path {path}')
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ def fetch_schedules(self, db: sqlite3.Connection, path: str) -> List[sqlite3.Row]:
+ with db:
+ if self.dump_on_update:
+ dump = [line for line in db.iterdump()]
+ dump = "\n".join(dump)
+ log.debug(f"db dump:\n{dump}")
+ cur = db.execute(Schedule.EXEC_QUERY, (path,))
+ all_rows = cur.fetchall()
+ rows = [r for r in all_rows
+ if self._is_allowed_repeat(r, path)][0:1]
+ return rows
+ def refresh_snap_timers(self, fs: str, path: str, olddb: Optional[sqlite3.Connection] = None) -> None:
+ try:
+ log.debug((f'SnapDB on {fs} changed for {path}, '
+ 'updating next Timer'))
+ rows = []
+ # olddb is passed in the case where we land here without a timer
+ # the lock on the db connection has already been taken
+ if olddb:
+ rows = self.fetch_schedules(olddb, path)
+ else:
+ with self.get_schedule_db(fs) as conn_mgr:
+ db = conn_mgr.dbinfo.db
+ rows = self.fetch_schedules(db, path)
+ timers = self.active_timers.get((fs, path), [])
+ for timer in timers:
+ timer.cancel()
+ timers = []
+ for row in rows:
+ log.debug(f'Creating new snapshot timer for {path}')
+ t = Timer(row[1],
+ self.create_scheduled_snapshot,
+ args=[fs, path, row[0], row[2], row[3]])
+ t.start()
+ timers.append(t)
+ log.debug(f'Will snapshot {path} in fs {fs} in {row[1]}s')
+ self.active_timers[(fs, path)] = timers
+ except Exception:
+ self._log_exception('refresh_snap_timers')
+ def _log_exception(self, fct):
+ log.error(f'{fct} raised an exception:')
+ log.error(traceback.format_exc())
+ def create_scheduled_snapshot(self, fs_name, path, retention, start, repeat):
+ log.debug(f'Scheduled snapshot of {path} triggered')
+ with self.get_schedule_db(fs_name) as conn_mgr:
+ db = conn_mgr.dbinfo.db
+ try:
+ try:
+ sched = Schedule.get_db_schedules(path,
+ db,
+ fs_name,
+ repeat=repeat,
+ start=start)[0]
+ time =
+ with open_filesystem(self, fs_name) as fs_handle:
+ snap_ts = time.strftime(SNAPSHOT_TS_FORMAT_TZ)
+ snap_name = f'{path}/.snap/{SNAPSHOT_PREFIX}-{snap_ts}'
+ fs_handle.mkdir(snap_name, 0o755)
+'created scheduled snapshot of {path}')
+ log.debug(f'created scheduled snapshot {snap_name}')
+ sched.update_last(time, db)
+ except cephfs.Error:
+ self._log_exception('create_scheduled_snapshot: '
+ 'unexpected exception; '
+ f'deactivating schedule fs:"{fs_name}" '
+ f'path:"{path}" repeat:"{repeat}" '
+ f'retention:"{retention}"')
+ sched.set_inactive(db)
+ except Exception:
+ # catch all exceptions cause otherwise we'll never know since this
+ # is running in a thread
+ self._log_exception('create_scheduled_snapshot')
+ finally:
+ self.refresh_snap_timers(fs_name, path, db)
+ self.prune_snapshots(sched, db)
+ self.store_schedule_db(fs_name, db)
+ def prune_snapshots(self, sched, db):
+ try:
+ log.debug('Pruning snapshots')
+ ret = sched.retention
+ path = sched.path
+ prune_candidates = set()
+ time =
+ with open_filesystem(self, sched.fs) as fs_handle:
+ with fs_handle.opendir(f'{path}/.snap') as d_handle:
+ dir_ = fs_handle.readdir(d_handle)
+ while dir_:
+ if dir_.d_name.decode('utf-8').startswith(f'{SNAPSHOT_PREFIX}-'):
+ log.debug(f'add {dir_.d_name} to pruning')
+ ts = datetime.strptime(
+ snap_name_to_timestamp(dir_.d_name.decode('utf-8')), SNAPSHOT_TS_FORMAT)
+ prune_candidates.add((dir_, ts))
+ else:
+ log.debug(f'skipping dir entry {dir_.d_name}')
+ dir_ = fs_handle.readdir(d_handle)
+ to_prune = get_prune_set(prune_candidates, ret)
+ for k in to_prune:
+ dirname = k[0].d_name.decode('utf-8')
+ log.debug(f'rmdir on {dirname}')
+ fs_handle.rmdir(f'{path}/.snap/{dirname}')
+ if to_prune:
+ sched.update_pruned(time, db, len(to_prune))
+ except Exception:
+ self._log_exception('prune_snapshots')
+ def get_snap_schedules(self, fs: str, path: str) -> List[Schedule]:
+ with self.get_schedule_db(fs) as conn_mgr:
+ db = conn_mgr.dbinfo.db
+ return Schedule.get_db_schedules(path, db, fs)
+ def list_snap_schedules(self,
+ fs: str,
+ path: str,
+ recursive: bool) -> List[Schedule]:
+ with self.get_schedule_db(fs) as conn_mgr:
+ db = conn_mgr.dbinfo.db
+ return Schedule.list_schedules(path, db, fs, recursive)
+ @updates_schedule_db
+ # TODO improve interface
+ def store_snap_schedule(self, fs, path_, args):
+ sched = Schedule(*args)
+ log.debug(f'repeat is {sched.repeat}')
+ if sched.parse_schedule(sched.schedule)[1] == 'M' and not self.allow_minute_snaps:
+ log.error('not allowed')
+ raise ValueError('no minute snaps allowed')
+ log.debug(f'attempting to add schedule {sched}')
+ with self.get_schedule_db(fs) as conn_mgr:
+ db = conn_mgr.dbinfo.db
+ sched.store_schedule(db)
+ self.store_schedule_db(sched.fs, db)
+ @updates_schedule_db
+ def rm_snap_schedule(self,
+ fs: str, path: str,
+ schedule: Optional[str],
+ start: Optional[str]) -> None:
+ with self.get_schedule_db(fs) as conn_mgr:
+ db = conn_mgr.dbinfo.db
+ Schedule.rm_schedule(db, path, schedule, start)
+ self.store_schedule_db(fs, db)
+ @updates_schedule_db
+ def add_retention_spec(self,
+ fs,
+ path,
+ retention_spec_or_period,
+ retention_count):
+ retention_spec = retention_spec_or_period
+ if retention_count:
+ retention_spec = retention_count + retention_spec
+ with self.get_schedule_db(fs) as conn_mgr:
+ db = conn_mgr.dbinfo.db
+ Schedule.add_retention(db, path, retention_spec)
+ self.store_schedule_db(fs, db)
+ @updates_schedule_db
+ def rm_retention_spec(self,
+ fs,
+ path,
+ retention_spec_or_period,
+ retention_count):
+ retention_spec = retention_spec_or_period
+ if retention_count:
+ retention_spec = retention_count + retention_spec
+ with self.get_schedule_db(fs) as conn_mgr:
+ db = conn_mgr.dbinfo.db
+ Schedule.rm_retention(db, path, retention_spec)
+ self.store_schedule_db(fs, db)
+ @updates_schedule_db
+ def activate_snap_schedule(self,
+ fs: str,
+ path: str,
+ schedule: Optional[str],
+ start: Optional[str]) -> None:
+ with self.get_schedule_db(fs) as conn_mgr:
+ db = conn_mgr.dbinfo.db
+ schedules = Schedule.get_db_schedules(path, db, fs,
+ schedule=schedule,
+ start=start)
+ for s in schedules:
+ s.set_active(db)
+ self.store_schedule_db(fs, db)
+ @updates_schedule_db
+ def deactivate_snap_schedule(self,
+ fs: str, path: str,
+ schedule: Optional[str],
+ start: Optional[str]) -> None:
+ with self.get_schedule_db(fs) as conn_mgr:
+ db = conn_mgr.dbinfo.db
+ schedules = Schedule.get_db_schedules(path, db, fs,
+ schedule=schedule,
+ start=start)
+ for s in schedules:
+ s.set_inactive(db)
+ self.store_schedule_db(fs, db)