path: root/src/spdk/test/ftl/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/spdk/test/ftl/')
1 files changed, 99 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/spdk/test/ftl/ b/src/spdk/test/ftl/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7b6b0ef05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/spdk/test/ftl/
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+testdir=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0))
+rootdir=$(readlink -f $testdir/../..)
+source $rootdir/test/common/
+source $testdir/
+mount_dir=$(mktemp -d)
+while getopts ':u:c:' opt; do
+ case $opt in
+ u) uuid=$OPTARG ;;
+ c) nv_cache=$OPTARG ;;
+ ?) echo "Usage: $0 [-u UUID] [-c NV_CACHE_PCI_BDF] OCSSD_PCI_BDF" && exit 1 ;;
+ esac
+shift $((OPTIND - 1))
+num_group=$(get_num_group $device)
+num_pu=$(get_num_pu $device)
+pu_count=$((num_group * num_pu))
+restore_kill() {
+ if mount | grep $mount_dir; then
+ umount $mount_dir
+ fi
+ rm -rf $mount_dir
+ rm -f $testdir/testfile.md5
+ rm -f $testdir/testfile2.md5
+ rm -f $testdir/config/ftl.json
+ killprocess $svcpid
+ rmmod nbd || true
+trap "restore_kill; exit 1" SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT
+"$SPDK_BIN_DIR/spdk_tgt" --json <(gen_ftl_nvme_conf) &
+# Wait until spdk_tgt starts
+waitforlisten $svcpid
+if [ -n "$nv_cache" ]; then
+ nvc_bdev=$(create_nv_cache_bdev nvc0 $device $nv_cache $pu_count)
+$rpc_py bdev_nvme_attach_controller -b nvme0 -a $device -t pcie
+$rpc_py bdev_ocssd_create -c nvme0 -b nvme0n1 -n 1
+ftl_construct_args="bdev_ftl_create -b ftl0 -d nvme0n1"
+[ -n "$uuid" ] && ftl_construct_args+=" -u $uuid"
+[ -n "$nv_cache" ] && ftl_construct_args+=" -c $nvc_bdev"
+$rpc_py $ftl_construct_args
+# Load the nbd driver
+modprobe nbd
+$rpc_py nbd_start_disk ftl0 /dev/nbd0
+waitfornbd nbd0
+$rpc_py save_config > $testdir/config/ftl.json
+# Prepare the disk by creating ext4 fs and putting a file on it
+make_filesystem ext4 /dev/nbd0
+mount /dev/nbd0 $mount_dir
+dd if=/dev/urandom of=$mount_dir/testfile bs=4K count=256K
+mount -o remount /dev/nbd0 $mount_dir
+md5sum $mount_dir/testfile > $testdir/testfile.md5
+# Kill bdev service and start it again
+umount $mount_dir
+killprocess $svcpid
+"$SPDK_BIN_DIR/spdk_tgt" --json <(gen_ftl_nvme_conf) -L ftl_init &
+# Wait until spdk_tgt starts
+waitforlisten $svcpid
+$rpc_py load_config < $testdir/config/ftl.json
+waitfornbd nbd0
+mount /dev/nbd0 $mount_dir
+# Write second file, to make sure writer thread has restored properly
+dd if=/dev/urandom of=$mount_dir/testfile2 bs=4K count=256K
+md5sum $mount_dir/testfile2 > $testdir/testfile2.md5
+# Make sure second file will be read from disk
+echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
+# Check both files have proper data
+md5sum -c $testdir/testfile.md5
+md5sum -c $testdir/testfile2.md5