path: root/src/spdk/test/vhost/migration/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/spdk/test/vhost/migration/')
1 files changed, 218 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/spdk/test/vhost/migration/ b/src/spdk/test/vhost/migration/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b8f06a8d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/spdk/test/vhost/migration/
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+source $rootdir/test/nvmf/
+source $testdir/autotest.config
+log_file="/root/$(basename ${job_file%%.*}).log"
+if [ -z "$MGMT_TARGET_IP" ]; then
+ error "No IP address of target is given"
+if [ -z "$MGMT_INITIATOR_IP" ]; then
+ error "No IP address of initiator is given"
+if [ -z "$RDMA_TARGET_IP" ]; then
+ error "No IP address of targets RDMA capable NIC is given"
+if [ -z "$RDMA_INITIATOR_IP" ]; then
+ error "No IP address of initiators RDMA capable NIC is given"
+function ssh_remote() {
+ local ssh_cmd="sshpass -p root ssh \
+ -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null \
+ -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
+ -o ControlMaster=auto \
+ -o User=root \
+ $1"
+ shift
+ $ssh_cmd "$@"
+function wait_for_remote() {
+ local timeout=40
+ set +x
+ while [[ ! -f $share_dir/DONE ]]; do
+ echo -n "."
+ if ((timeout-- == 0)); then
+ error "timeout while waiting for FIO!"
+ fi
+ sleep 1
+ done
+ set -x
+ rm -f $share_dir/DONE
+function check_rdma_connection() {
+ local nic_name
+ nic_name=$(ip -4 -o addr show to $RDMA_TARGET_IP up | cut -d' ' -f2)
+ if [[ -z $nic_name ]]; then
+ error "There is no NIC with IP address $RDMA_TARGET_IP configured"
+ fi
+ if ! ls /sys/class/infiniband/*/device/net/$nic_name &> /dev/null; then
+ error "$nic_name with IP $RDMA_TARGET_IP is not a RDMA capable NIC"
+ fi
+function host1_cleanup_nvmf() {
+ notice "Shutting down nvmf_tgt on local server"
+ if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then
+ pkill --signal $1 -F $nvmf_dir/
+ else
+ pkill -F $nvmf_dir/
+ fi
+ rm -f $nvmf_dir/
+function host1_cleanup_vhost() {
+ trap 'host1_cleanup_nvmf SIGKILL; error_exit "${FUNCNAME}" "${LINENO}"' INT ERR EXIT
+ notice "Shutting down VM $incoming_vm"
+ vm_kill $incoming_vm
+ notice "Removing bdev & controller from vhost on local server"
+ $rpc_0 bdev_nvme_detach_controller Nvme0
+ $rpc_0 vhost_delete_controller $incoming_vm_ctrlr
+ notice "Shutting down vhost app"
+ vhost_kill 0
+ host1_cleanup_nvmf
+function host1_start_nvmf() {
+ nvmf_dir="$TEST_DIR/nvmf_tgt"
+ rpc_nvmf="$rootdir/scripts/ -s $nvmf_dir/nvmf_rpc.sock"
+ notice "Starting nvmf_tgt instance on local server"
+ mkdir -p $nvmf_dir
+ rm -rf "${nvmf_dir:?}/"*
+ trap 'host1_cleanup_nvmf SIGKILL; error_exit "${FUNCNAME}" "${LINENO}"' INT ERR EXIT
+ $SPDK_BIN_DIR/nvmf_tgt -s 512 -m 0xF -r $nvmf_dir/nvmf_rpc.sock --wait-for-rpc &
+ nvmf_tgt_pid=$!
+ echo $nvmf_tgt_pid > $nvmf_dir/
+ waitforlisten "$nvmf_tgt_pid" "$nvmf_dir/nvmf_rpc.sock"
+ $rpc_nvmf framework_start_init
+ $rpc_nvmf nvmf_create_transport -t RDMA -u 8192
+ $rootdir/scripts/ --json | $rpc_nvmf load_subsystem_config
+ $rpc_nvmf nvmf_create_subsystem -a -s SPDK01
+ $rpc_nvmf nvmf_subsystem_add_ns Nvme0n1
+ $rpc_nvmf nvmf_subsystem_add_listener -t rdma -a $RDMA_TARGET_IP -s 4420
+function host1_start_vhost() {
+ rpc_0="$rootdir/scripts/ -s $(get_vhost_dir 0)/rpc.sock"
+ notice "Starting vhost0 instance on local server"
+ trap 'host1_cleanup_vhost; error_exit "${FUNCNAME}" "${LINENO}"' INT ERR EXIT
+ vhost_run 0 "-u"
+ $rpc_0 bdev_nvme_attach_controller -b Nvme0 -t rdma -f ipv4 -a $RDMA_TARGET_IP -s 4420 -n ""
+ $rpc_0 vhost_create_scsi_controller $incoming_vm_ctrlr
+ $rpc_0 vhost_scsi_controller_add_target $incoming_vm_ctrlr 0 Nvme0n1
+ vm_setup --os="$share_dir/migration.qcow2" --force=$incoming_vm --disk-type=spdk_vhost_scsi --disks=VhostScsi0 \
+ --migrate-to=$target_vm --memory=512 --queue_num=1
+ # TODO: Fix loop calculating cpu_num in
+ # We need -smp 1 and -queue_num 1 for this test to work, and this loop
+ # in some cases calculates wrong cpu_num.
+ sed -i "s#smp 2#smp 1#g" $VM_BASE_DIR/$incoming_vm/
+ vm_run $incoming_vm
+ vm_wait_for_boot 300 $incoming_vm
+function cleanup_share() {
+ set +e
+ notice "Cleaning up share directory on remote and local server"
+ ssh_remote $MGMT_INITIATOR_IP "umount $VM_BASE_DIR"
+ ssh_remote $MGMT_INITIATOR_IP "umount $share_dir; rm -f $share_dir/* rm -rf $spdk_repo_share_dir"
+ rm -f $share_dir/migration.qcow2
+ rm -f $share_dir/spdk.tar.gz
+ set -e
+function host_1_create_share() {
+ notice "Creating share directory on local server to re-use on remote"
+ mkdir -p $share_dir
+ mkdir -p $VM_BASE_DIR # This dir would've been created later but we need it now
+ rm -rf $share_dir/spdk.tar.gz $share_dir/spdk || true
+ cp $os_image $share_dir/migration.qcow2
+ tar --exclude="*.o" --exclude="*.d" --exclude="*.git" -C $rootdir -zcf $share_dir/spdk.tar.gz .
+function host_2_create_share() {
+ # Copy & compile the sources for later use on remote server.
+ ssh_remote $MGMT_INITIATOR_IP "uname -a"
+ ssh_remote $MGMT_INITIATOR_IP "mkdir -p $share_dir"
+ ssh_remote $MGMT_INITIATOR_IP "mkdir -p $spdk_repo_share_dir"
+ ssh_remote $MGMT_INITIATOR_IP "mkdir -p $VM_BASE_DIR"
+ ssh_remote $MGMT_INITIATOR_IP "sshfs -o\
+ ssh_command=\"ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ControlMaster=auto\
+ ssh_remote $MGMT_INITIATOR_IP "sshfs -o\
+ ssh_command=\"ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ControlMaster=auto\
+ -i $SPDK_VHOST_SSH_KEY_FILE\" root@$MGMT_TARGET_IP:$share_dir $share_dir"
+ ssh_remote $MGMT_INITIATOR_IP "mkdir -p $spdk_repo_share_dir/spdk"
+ ssh_remote $MGMT_INITIATOR_IP "tar -zxf $share_dir/spdk.tar.gz -C $spdk_repo_share_dir/spdk --strip-components=1"
+ ssh_remote $MGMT_INITIATOR_IP "cd $spdk_repo_share_dir/spdk; make clean; ./configure --with-rdma --enable-debug; make -j40"
+function host_2_start_vhost() {
+ ssh_remote $MGMT_INITIATOR_IP "nohup $spdk_repo_share_dir/spdk/test/vhost/migration/\
+ --test-cases=3b --os=$share_dir/migration.qcow2\
+ --rdma-tgt-ip=$RDMA_TARGET_IP &>$share_dir/output.log &"
+ notice "Waiting for remote to be done with vhost & VM setup..."
+ wait_for_remote
+function setup_share() {
+ trap 'cleanup_share; error_exit "${FUNCNAME}" "${LINENO}"' INT ERR EXIT
+ host_1_create_share
+ host_2_create_share
+function migration_tc3() {
+ check_rdma_connection
+ setup_share
+ host1_start_nvmf
+ host1_start_vhost
+ host_2_start_vhost
+ # Do migration
+ notice "Starting fio on local VM"
+ vm_check_scsi_location $incoming_vm
+ run_fio $fio_bin --job-file="$job_file" --no-wait-for-fio --local --vm="${incoming_vm}$(printf ':/dev/%s' $SCSI_DISK)"
+ sleep 5
+ if ! is_fio_running $incoming_vm; then
+ vm_exec $incoming_vm "cat $log_file"
+ error "Fio not running on local VM before starting migration!"
+ fi
+ vm_migrate $incoming_vm $RDMA_INITIATOR_IP
+ sleep 1
+ # Verify migration on remote host and clean up vhost
+ ssh_remote $MGMT_INITIATOR_IP "pkill -CONT -F $TEST_DIR/"
+ notice "Waiting for remote to finish FIO on VM and clean up..."
+ wait_for_remote
+ # Clean up local stuff
+ host1_cleanup_vhost
+ cleanup_share