# we don't ship thse thirdparty libs here, afaics. # license.txt is outdated but fixing it causes the same error # come up for the patch, so... ceph source: license-problem-json-evil src/rapidjson/license.txt # pybind js source is in src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/frontend/src ceph source: source-is-missing src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/frontend/dist/*.js # regression test file is actually shipped with source and build files ceph source: source-contains-prebuilt-ms-help-file src/boost/tools/boost_install/test/iostreams/zlib-1.2.11/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib.chm ceph source: source-contains-prebuilt-ms-help-file src/boost/libs/beast/test/extern/zlib-1.2.11/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib.chm