.. _issue-tracker: Issue Tracker ============= See `Redmine Issue Tracker`_ for a brief introduction to the Ceph Issue Tracker. Ceph developers use the issue tracker to 1. keep track of issues - bugs, fix requests, feature requests, backport requests, etc. 2. communicate with other developers and keep them informed as work on the issues progresses. Issue tracker conventions ------------------------- When you start working on an existing issue, it's nice to let the other developers know this - to avoid duplication of labor. Typically, this is done by changing the :code:`Assignee` field (to yourself) and changing the :code:`Status` to *In progress*. Newcomers to the Ceph community typically do not have sufficient privileges to update these fields, however: they can simply update the issue with a brief note. .. table:: Meanings of some commonly used statuses ================ =========================================== Status Meaning ================ =========================================== New Initial status In Progress Somebody is working on it Need Review Pull request is open with a fix Pending Backport Fix has been merged, backport(s) pending Resolved Fix and backports (if any) have been merged ================ =========================================== .. _Redmine issue tracker: https://tracker.ceph.com