:orphan: ================================= Proposed Next Steps for ECBackend ================================= PARITY-DELTA-WRITE ------------------ RMW operations current require 4 network hops (2 round trips). In principle, for some codes, we can reduce this to 3 by sending the update to the replicas holding the data blocks and having them compute a delta to forward onto the parity blocks. The primary reads the current values of the "W" blocks and then uses the new values of the "W" blocks to compute parity-deltas for each of the parity blocks. The W blocks and the parity delta-blocks are sent to their respective shards. The choice of whether to use a read-modify-write or a parity-delta-write is complex policy issue that is TBD in the details and is likely to be heavily dependent on the computational costs associated with a parity-delta vs. a regular parity-generation operation. However, it is believed that the parity-delta scheme is likely to be the preferred choice, when available. The internal interface to the erasure coding library plug-ins needs to be extended to support the ability to query if parity-delta computation is possible for a selected algorithm as well as an interface to the actual parity-delta computation algorithm when available. Stripe Cache ------------ It may be a good idea to extend the current ExtentCache usage to cache some data past when the pinning operation releases it. One application pattern that is important to optimize is the small block sequential write operation (think of the journal of a journaling file system or a database transaction log). Regardless of the chosen redundancy algorithm, it is advantageous for the primary to retain/buffer recently read/written portions of a stripe in order to reduce network traffic. The dynamic contents of this cache may be used in the determination of whether a read-modify-write or a parity-delta-write is performed. The sizing of this cache is TBD, but we should plan on allowing at least a few full stripes per active client. Limiting the cache occupancy on a per-client basis will reduce the noisy neighbor problem. Recovery and Rollback Details ============================= Implementing a Rollback-able Prepare Operation ---------------------------------------------- The prepare operation is implemented at each OSD through a simulation of a versioning or copy-on-write capability for modifying a portion of an object. When a prepare operation is performed, the new data is written into a temporary object. The PG log for the operation will contain a reference to the temporary object so that it can be located for recovery purposes as well as a record of all of the shards which are involved in the operation. In order to avoid fragmentation (and hence, future read performance), creation of the temporary object needs special attention. The name of the temporary object affects its location within the KV store. Right now its unclear whether it's desirable for the name to locate near the base object or whether a separate subset of keyspace should be used for temporary objects. Sam believes that colocation with the base object is preferred (he suggests using the generation counter of the ghobject for temporaries). Whereas Allen believes that using a separate subset of keyspace is desirable since these keys are ephemeral and we don't want to actually colocate them with the base object keys. Perhaps some modeling here can help resolve this issue. The data of the temporary object wants to be located as close to the data of the base object as possible. This may be best performed by adding a new ObjectStore creation primitive that takes the base object as an additional parameter that is a hint to the allocator. Sam: I think that the short lived thing may be a red herring. We'll be updating the donor and primary objects atomically, so it seems like we'd want them adjacent in the key space, regardless of the donor's lifecycle. The apply operation moves the data from the temporary object into the correct position within the base object and deletes the associated temporary object. This operation is done using a specialized ObjectStore primitive. In the current ObjectStore interface, this can be done using the clonerange function followed by a delete, but can be done more efficiently with a specialized move primitive. Implementation of the specialized primitive on FileStore can be done by copying the data. Some file systems have extensions that might also be able to implement this operation (like a defrag API that swaps chunks between files). It is expected that NewStore will be able to support this efficiently and natively (It has been noted that this sequence requires that temporary object allocations, which tend to be small, be efficiently converted into blocks for main objects and that blocks that were formerly inside of main objects must be reusable with minimal overhead) The prepare and apply operations can be separated arbitrarily in time. If a read operation accesses an object that has been altered by a prepare operation (but without a corresponding apply operation) it must return the data after the prepare operation. This is done by creating an in-memory database of objects which have had a prepare operation without a corresponding apply operation. All read operations must consult this in-memory data structure in order to get the correct data. It should explicitly recognized that it is likely that there will be multiple prepare operations against a single base object and the code must handle this case correctly. This code is implemented as a layer between ObjectStore and all existing readers. Annoyingly, we'll want to trash this state when the interval changes, so the first thing that needs to happen after activation is that the primary and replicas apply up to last_update so that the empty cache will be correct. During peering, it is now obvious that an unapplied prepare operation can easily be rolled back simply by deleting the associated temporary object and removing that entry from the in-memory data structure. Partial Application Peering/Recovery modifications -------------------------------------------------- Some writes will be small enough to not require updating all of the shards holding data blocks. For write amplification minization reasons, it would be best to avoid writing to those shards at all, and delay even sending the log entries until the next write which actually hits that shard. The delaying (buffering) of the transmission of the prepare and apply operations for witnessing OSDs creates new situations that peering must handle. In particular the logic for determining the authoritative last_update value (and hence the selection of the OSD which has the authoritative log) must be modified to account for the valid but missing (i.e., delayed/buffered) pglog entries to which the authoritative OSD was only a witness to. Because a partial write might complete without persisting a log entry on every replica, we have to do a bit more work to determine an authoritative last_update. The constraint (as with a replicated PG) is that last_update >= the most recent log entry for which a commit was sent to the client (call this actual_last_update). Secondarily, we want last_update to be as small as possible since any log entry past actual_last_update (we do not apply a log entry until we have sent the commit to the client) must be able to be rolled back. Thus, the smaller a last_update we choose, the less recovery will need to happen (we can always roll back, but rolling a replica forward may require an object rebuild). Thus, we will set last_update to 1 before the oldest log entry we can prove cannot have been committed. In current master, this is simply the last_update of the shortest log from that interval (because that log did not persist any entry past that point -- a precondition for sending a commit to the client). For this design, we must consider the possibility that any log is missing at its head log entries in which it did not participate. Thus, we must determine the most recent interval in which we went active (essentially, this is what find_best_info currently does). We then pull the log from each live osd from that interval back to the minimum last_update among them. Then, we extend all logs from the authoritative interval until each hits an entry in which it should have participated, but did not record. The shortest of these extended logs must therefore contain any log entry for which we sent a commit to the client -- and the last entry gives us our last_update. Deep scrub support ------------------ The simple answer here is probably our best bet. EC pools can't use the omap namespace at all right now. The simplest solution would be to take a prefix of the omap space and pack N M byte L bit checksums into each key/value. The prefixing seems like a sensible precaution against eventually wanting to store something else in the omap space. It seems like any write will need to read at least the blocks containing the modified range. However, with a code able to compute parity deltas, we may not need to read a whole stripe. Even without that, we don't want to have to write to blocks not participating in the write. Thus, each shard should store checksums only for itself. It seems like you'd be able to store checksums for all shards on the parity blocks, but there may not be distinguished parity blocks which are modified on all writes (LRC or shec provide two examples). L should probably have a fixed number of options (16, 32, 64?) and be configurable per-pool at pool creation. N, M should be likewise be configurable at pool creation with sensible defaults. We need to handle online upgrade. I think the right answer is that the first overwrite to an object with an append only checksum removes the append only checksum and writes in whatever stripe checksums actually got written. The next deep scrub then writes out the full checksum omap entries. RADOS Client Acknowledgement Generation Optimization ==================================================== Now that the recovery scheme is understood, we can discuss the generation of the RADOS operation acknowledgement (ACK) by the primary ("sufficient" from above). It is NOT required that the primary wait for all shards to complete their respective prepare operations. Using our example where the RADOS operations writes only "W" chunks of the stripe, the primary will generate and send W+M prepare operations (possibly including a send-to-self). The primary need only wait for enough shards to be written to ensure recovery of the data, Thus after writing W + M chunks you can afford the lost of M chunks. Hence the primary can generate the RADOS ACK after W+M-M => W of those prepare operations are completed. Inconsistent object_info_t versions =================================== A natural consequence of only writing the blocks which actually changed is that we don't want to update the object_info_t of the objects which didn't. I actually think it would pose a problem to do so: pg ghobject namespaces are generally large, and unless the osd is seeing a bunch of overwrites on a small set of objects, I'd expect each write to be far enough apart in the backing ghobject_t->data mapping to each constitute a random metadata update. Thus, we have to accept that not every shard will have the current version in its object_info_t. We can't even bound how old the version on a particular shard will happen to be. In particular, the primary does not necessarily have the current version. One could argue that the parity shards would always have the current version, but not every code necessarily has designated parity shards which see every write (certainly LRC, iirc shec, and even with a more pedestrian code, it might be desirable to rotate the shards based on object hash). Even if you chose to designate a shard as witnessing all writes, the pg might be degraded with that particular shard missing. This is a bit tricky, currently reads and writes implicitly return the most recent version of the object written. On reads, we'd have to read K shards to answer that question. We can get around that by adding a "don't tell me the current version" flag. Writes are more problematic: we need an object_info from the most recent write in order to form the new object_info and log_entry. A truly terrifying option would be to eliminate version and prior_version entirely from the object_info_t. There are a few specific purposes it serves: #. On OSD startup, we prime the missing set by scanning backwards from last_update to last_complete comparing the stored object's object_info_t to the version of most recent log entry. #. During backfill, we compare versions between primary and target to avoid some pushes. We use it elsewhere as well #. While pushing and pulling objects, we verify the version. #. We return it on reads and writes and allow the librados user to assert it atomically on writesto allow the user to deal with write races (used extensively by rbd). Case (3) isn't actually essential, just convenient. Oh well. (4) is more annoying. Writes are easy since we know the version. Reads are tricky because we may not need to read from all of the replicas. Simplest solution is to add a flag to rados operations to just not return the user version on read. We can also just not support the user version assert on ec for now (I think? Only user is rgw bucket indices iirc, and those will always be on replicated because they use omap). We can avoid (1) by maintaining the missing set explicitly. It's already possible for there to be a missing object without a corresponding log entry (Consider the case where the most recent write is to an object which has not been updated in weeks. If that write becomes divergent, the written object needs to be marked missing based on the prior_version which is not in the log.) THe PGLog already has a way of handling those edge cases (see divergent_priors). We'd simply expand that to contain the entire missing set and maintain it atomically with the log and the objects. This isn't really an unreasonable option, the additional keys would be fewer than the existing log keys + divergent_priors and aren't updated in the fast write path anyway. The second case is a bit trickier. It's really an optimization for the case where a pg became not in the acting set long enough for the logs to no longer overlap but not long enough for the PG to have healed and removed the old copy. Unfortunately, this describes the case where a node was taken down for maintenance with noout set. It's probably not acceptable to re-backfill the whole OSD in such a case, so we need to be able to quickly determine whether a particular shard is up to date given a valid acting set of other shards. Let ordinary writes which do not change the object size not touch the object_info at all. That means that the object_info version won't match the pg log entry version. Include in the pg_log_entry_t the current object_info version as well as which shards participated (as mentioned above). In addition to the object_info_t attr, record on each shard s a vector recording for each other shard s' the most recent write which spanned both s and s'. Operationally, we maintain an attr on each shard containing that vector. A write touching S updates the version stamp entry for each shard in S on each shard in S's attribute (and leaves the rest alone). If we have a valid acting set during backfill, we must have a witness of every write which completed -- so taking the max of each entry over all of the acting set shards must give us the current version for each shard. During recovery, we set the attribute on the recovery target to that max vector (Question: with LRC, we may not need to touch much of the acting set to recover a particular shard -- can we just use the max of the shards we used to recovery, or do we need to grab the version vector from the rest of the acting set as well? I'm not sure, not a big deal anyway, I think). The above lets us perform blind writes without knowing the current object version (log entry version, that is) while still allowing us to avoid backfilling up to date objects. The only catch is that our backfill scans will can all replicas, not just the primary and the backfill targets. It would be worth adding into scrub the ability to check the consistency of the gathered version vectors -- probably by just taking 3 random valid subsets and verifying that they generate the same authoritative version vector. Implementation Strategy ======================= It goes without saying that it would be unwise to attempt to do all of this in one massive PR. It's also not a good idea to merge code which isn't being tested. To that end, it's worth thinking a bit about which bits can be tested on their own (perhaps with a bit of temporary scaffolding). We can implement the overwrite friendly checksumming scheme easily enough with the current implementation. We'll want to enable it on a per-pool basis (probably using a flag which we'll later repurpose for actual overwrite support). We can enable it in some of the ec thrashing tests in the suite. We can also add a simple test validating the behavior of turning it on for an existing ec pool (later, we'll want to be able to convert append-only ec pools to overwrite ec pools, so that test will simply be expanded as we go). The flag should be gated by the experimental feature flag since we won't want to support this as a valid configuration -- testing only. We need to upgrade append only ones in place during deep scrub. Similarly, we can implement the unstable extent cache with the current implementation, it even lets us cut out the readable ack the replicas send to the primary after the commit which lets it release the lock. Same deal, implement, gate with experimental flag, add to some of the automated tests. I don't really see a reason not to use the same flag as above. We can certainly implement the move-range primitive with unit tests before there are any users. Adding coverage to the existing objectstore tests would suffice here. Explicit missing set can be implemented now, same deal as above -- might as well even use the same feature bit. The TPC protocol outlined above can actually be implemented an append only EC pool. Same deal as above, can even use the same feature bit. The RADOS flag to suppress the read op user version return can be implemented immediately. Mostly just needs unit tests. The version vector problem is an interesting one. For append only EC pools, it would be pointless since all writes increase the size and therefore update the object_info. We could do it for replicated pools though. It's a bit silly since all "shards" see all writes, but it would still let us implement and partially test the augmented backfill code as well as the extra pg log entry fields -- this depends on the explicit pg log entry branch having already merged. It's not entirely clear to me that this one is worth doing separately. It's enough code that I'd really prefer to get it done independently, but it's also a fair amount of scaffolding that will be later discarded. PGLog entries need to be able to record the participants and log comparison needs to be modified to extend logs with entries they wouldn't have witnessed. This logic should be abstracted behind PGLog so it can be unittested -- that would let us test it somewhat before the actual ec overwrites code merges. Whatever needs to happen to the ec plugin interface can probably be done independently of the rest of this (pending resolution of questions below). The actual nuts and bolts of performing the ec overwrite it seems to me can't be productively tested (and therefore implemented) until the above are complete, so best to get all of the supporting code in first. Open Questions ============== Is there a code we should be using that would let us compute a parity delta without rereading and reencoding the full stripe? If so, is it the kind of thing we need to design for now, or can it be reasonably put off? What needs to happen to the EC plugin interface?