========================================= Cloning the Ceph Source Code Repository ========================================= To clone a Ceph branch of the Ceph source code, go to `github Ceph Repository`_, select a branch (``main`` by default), and click the **Download ZIP** button. .. _github Ceph Repository: https://github.com/ceph/ceph To clone the entire git repository, :ref:`install ` and configure ``git``. .. _install-git: Install Git =========== To install ``git`` on Debian/Ubuntu, run the following command: .. prompt:: bash $ sudo apt-get install git To install ``git`` on CentOS/RHEL, run the following command: .. prompt:: bash $ sudo yum install git You must have a ``github`` account. If you do not have a ``github`` account, go to `github.com`_ and register. Follow the directions for setting up git at `Set Up Git`_. .. _github.com: https://github.com .. _Set Up Git: https://help.github.com/linux-set-up-git Add SSH Keys (Optional) ======================= To commit code to Ceph or to clone the respository by using SSH (``git@github.com:ceph/ceph.git``), you must generate SSH keys for github. .. tip:: If you want only to clone the repository, you can use ``git clone --recursive https://github.com/ceph/ceph.git`` without generating SSH keys. To generate SSH keys for ``github``, run the following command: .. prompt:: bash $ ssh-keygen To print the SSH key that you just generated and that you will add to your ``github`` account, use the ``cat`` command. (The following example assumes you used the default file path.): .. prompt:: bash $ cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub Copy the public key. Go to your ``github`` account, click "Account Settings" (represented by the 'tools' icon), and click "SSH Keys" on the left side navbar. Click "Add SSH key" in the "SSH Keys" list, enter a name for the key, paste the key you generated, and press the "Add key" button. Clone the Source ================ To clone the Ceph source code repository, run the following command: .. prompt:: bash $ git clone --recursive https://github.com/ceph/ceph.git After ``git clone`` has run, you should have a full copy of the Ceph repository. .. tip:: Make sure you maintain the latest copies of the submodules included in the repository. Running ``git status`` will tell you whether the submodules are out of date. See :ref:`update-submodules` for more information. .. prompt:: bash $ cd ceph git status .. _update-submodules: Updating Submodules ------------------- #. Determine whether your submodules are out of date: .. prompt:: bash $ git status A. If your submodules are up to date If your submodules are up to date, the following console output will appear: :: On branch main Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'. nothing to commit, working tree clean If you see this console output, then your submodules are up to date. You do not need this procedure. B. If your submodules are not up to date If your submodules are not up to date, you will see a message that includes a list of "untracked files". The example here shows such a list, which was generated from a real situation in which the submodules were no longer current. Your list of files will not be the same as this list of files, but this list is provided as an example. If in your case any untracked files are listed, then you should continue to the next step of this procedure. :: On branch main Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'. Untracked files: (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed) src/pybind/cephfs/build/ src/pybind/cephfs/cephfs.c src/pybind/cephfs/cephfs.egg-info/ src/pybind/rados/build/ src/pybind/rados/rados.c src/pybind/rados/rados.egg-info/ src/pybind/rbd/build/ src/pybind/rbd/rbd.c src/pybind/rbd/rbd.egg-info/ src/pybind/rgw/build/ src/pybind/rgw/rgw.c src/pybind/rgw/rgw.egg-info/ nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track) #. If your submodules are out of date, run the following commands: .. prompt:: bash $ git submodule update --force --init --recursive git clean -fdx git submodule foreach git clean -fdx If you still have problems with a submodule directory, use ``rm -rf [directory name]`` to remove the directory. Then run ``git submodule update --init --recursive`` again. #. Run ``git status`` again: .. prompt:: bash $ git status Your submodules are up to date if you see the following message: :: On branch main Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'. nothing to commit, working tree clean Choose a Branch =============== Once you clone the source code and submodules, your Ceph repository will be on the ``main`` branch by default, which is the unstable development branch. You may choose other branches too. - ``main``: The unstable development branch. - ``stable-release-name``: The name of the stable, `Active Releases`_. e.g. ``Pacific`` - ``next``: The release candidate branch. :: git checkout main .. _Active Releases: https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/releases/#active-releases