## Prometheus Monitoring Mixin for Ceph A set of Grafana dashboards and Prometheus alerts for Ceph. All the Grafana dashboards are already generated in the `dashboards_out` directory and alerts in the `prometheus_alerts.yml` file. You can use the Grafana dashboards and alerts with Jsonnet like any other prometheus mixin. You can find more resources about mixins in general on [monitoring.mixins.dev](https://monitoring.mixins.dev/). ### Grafana dashboards for Ceph In `dashboards_out` you can find a collection of [Grafana](https://grafana.com/grafana) dashboards for Ceph Monitoring. These dashboards are based on metrics collected from [prometheus](https://prometheus.io/) scraping the [prometheus mgr plugin](http://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/mgr/prometheus/) and the [node_exporter (0.17.0)](https://github.com/prometheus/node_exporter). ##### Recommended versions: -grafana 8.3.5 -grafana-piechart-panel 1.6.2 -grafana-status-panel 1.0.11 #### Requirements - [Status Panel](https://grafana.com/plugins/vonage-status-panel) installed on your Grafana instance - [Pie Chart Panel](https://grafana.com/grafana/plugins/grafana-piechart-panel/) installed on your Grafana instance ### Prometheus alerts In `prometheus_alerts.libsonnet` you'll find a set of Prometheus alert rules that should provide a decent set of default alerts for a Ceph cluster. After building them with jsonnet put this file in place according to your Prometheus configuration (wherever the `rules` configuration stanza points). ### Multi-cluster support Ceph-mixin supports dashboards and alerts across multiple clusters. To enable this feature you need to configure the following in `config.libsonnnet`: ``` showMultiCluster: true, clusterLabel: '', ``` ##### Recommended versions: -prometheus v2.33.4 #### SNMP Ceph provides a MIB (CEPH-PROMETHEUS-ALERT-MIB.txt) to support sending Prometheus alerts to an SNMP management platform. The translation from Prometheus alert to SNMP trap requires the Prometheus alert to contain an OID that maps to a definition within the MIB. When making changes to the Prometheus alert rules file, developers should include any necessary changes to the MIB. ##### Recommended: -alertmanager 0.16.2 ### Building from Jsonnet - Install [jsonnet](https://jsonnet.org/) (at least v0.18.0) - By installing the package `jsonnet` in most of the distro and `golang-github-google-jsonnet` in fedora - Install [jsonnet-bundler](https://github.com/jsonnet-bundler/jsonnet-bundler) To rebuild all the generated files, you can run `tox -egrafonnet-fix`. The jsonnet code located in this directory depends on some Jsonnet third party libraries. To update those libraries you can run `jb update` and then update the generated files using `tox -egrafonnet-fix`. ##### Any upgrade or downgrade to different major versions of the recommended tools mentioned above is not supported.