import errno import json import logging import os import re from io import StringIO from textwrap import dedent from import CommandFailedError from teuthology.orchestra import run from teuthology.contextutil import MaxWhileTries from tasks.cephfs.mount import CephFSMount log = logging.getLogger(__name__) UMOUNT_TIMEOUT = 300 class KernelMount(CephFSMount): def __init__(self, ctx, test_dir, client_id, client_remote, client_keyring_path=None, hostfs_mntpt=None, cephfs_name=None, cephfs_mntpt=None, brxnet=None, config={}): super(KernelMount, self).__init__(ctx=ctx, test_dir=test_dir, client_id=client_id, client_remote=client_remote, client_keyring_path=client_keyring_path, hostfs_mntpt=hostfs_mntpt, cephfs_name=cephfs_name, cephfs_mntpt=cephfs_mntpt, brxnet=brxnet) self.rbytes = config.get('rbytes', False) self.inst = None self.addr = None def mount(self, mntopts=[], createfs=True, check_status=True, **kwargs): self.update_attrs(**kwargs) self.assert_and_log_minimum_mount_details() self.setup_netns() # TODO: don't call setupfs() from within mount(), since it's # absurd. The proper order should be: create FS first and then # call mount(). if createfs: self.setupfs(name=self.cephfs_name) if not self.cephfs_mntpt: self.cephfs_mntpt = '/' stderr = StringIO() try:['mkdir', '-p', self.hostfs_mntpt], timeout=(5*60), stderr=stderr) except CommandFailedError: if 'file exists' not in stderr.getvalue().lower(): raise retval = self._run_mount_cmd(mntopts, check_status) if retval: return retval stderr = StringIO() try: args=['sudo', 'chmod', '1777', self.hostfs_mntpt], stderr=stderr, timeout=(5*60)) except CommandFailedError: # the client does not have write permissions in the caps it holds # for the Ceph FS that was just mounted. if 'permission denied' in stderr.getvalue().lower(): pass self.mounted = True def _run_mount_cmd(self, mntopts, check_status): opts = 'norequire_active_mds' if self.client_id: opts += ',name=' + self.client_id if self.client_keyring_path and self.client_id: opts += ',secret=' + self.get_key_from_keyfile() if self.config_path: opts += ',conf=' + self.config_path if self.cephfs_name: opts += ",mds_namespace=" + self.cephfs_name if self.rbytes: opts += ",rbytes" else: opts += ",norbytes" if mntopts: opts += ',' + ','.join(mntopts) mount_dev = ':' + self.cephfs_mntpt prefix = ['sudo', 'adjust-ulimits', 'ceph-coverage', self.test_dir + '/archive/coverage', 'nsenter', '--net=/var/run/netns/{0}'.format(self.netns_name)] cmdargs = prefix + ['/bin/mount', '-t', 'ceph', mount_dev, self.hostfs_mntpt, '-v', '-o', opts] mountcmd_stdout, mountcmd_stderr = StringIO(), StringIO() try:, timeout=(30*60), stdout=mountcmd_stdout, stderr=mountcmd_stderr) except CommandFailedError as e:'mount command failed') if check_status: raise else: return (e, mountcmd_stdout.getvalue(), mountcmd_stderr.getvalue())'mount command passed') def umount(self, force=False): if not self.is_mounted(): self.cleanup() return log.debug('Unmounting client client.{id}...'.format(id=self.client_id)) try: cmd=['sudo', 'umount', self.hostfs_mntpt] if force: cmd.append('-f'), timeout=(15*60), omit_sudo=False) except Exception as e: args=['sudo', run.Raw('PATH=/usr/sbin:$PATH'), 'lsof', run.Raw(';'), 'ps', 'auxf'], timeout=(15*60), omit_sudo=False) raise e self.mounted = False self.cleanup() def umount_wait(self, force=False, require_clean=False, timeout=900): """ Unlike the fuse client, the kernel client's umount is immediate """ if not self.is_mounted(): self.cleanup() return try: self.umount(force) except (CommandFailedError, MaxWhileTries): if not force: raise # force delete the netns and umount['sudo', 'umount', '-f', '-l', self.mountpoint], timeout=(15*60), omit_sudo=False) self.mounted = False self.cleanup() def wait_until_mounted(self): """ Unlike the fuse client, the kernel client is up and running as soon as the initial mount() function returns. """ assert self.mounted def teardown(self): super(KernelMount, self).teardown() if self.mounted: self.umount() def _get_debug_dir(self): """ Get the debugfs folder for this mount """ cluster_name = 'ceph' fsid = self.ctx.ceph[cluster_name].fsid global_id = self._get_global_id() return os.path.join("/sys/kernel/debug/ceph/", f"{fsid}.client{global_id}") def read_debug_file(self, filename): """ Read the debug file "filename", return None if the file doesn't exist. """ path = os.path.join(self._get_debug_dir(), filename) stdout = StringIO() stderr = StringIO() try: self.run_shell_payload(f"sudo dd if={path}", timeout=(5 * 60), stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) return stdout.getvalue() except CommandFailedError: if 'no such file or directory' in stderr.getvalue().lower(): return errno.ENOENT elif 'not a directory' in stderr.getvalue().lower(): return errno.ENOTDIR elif 'permission denied' in stderr.getvalue().lower(): return errno.EACCES raise def _get_global_id(self): try: p = self.run_shell_payload("getfattr --only-values -n ceph.client_id .", stdout=StringIO()) v = p.stdout.getvalue() prefix = "client" assert v.startswith(prefix) return int(v[len(prefix):]) except CommandFailedError: # Probably this fallback can be deleted in a few releases when the kernel xattr is widely available. log.debug("Falling back to messy global_id lookup via /sys...") pyscript = dedent(""" import glob import os import json def get_id_to_dir(): result = {} for dir in glob.glob("/sys/kernel/debug/ceph/*"): mds_sessions_lines = open(os.path.join(dir, "mds_sessions")).readlines() global_id = mds_sessions_lines[0].split()[1].strip('"') client_id = mds_sessions_lines[1].split()[1].strip('"') result[client_id] = global_id return result print(json.dumps(get_id_to_dir())) """) output =[ 'sudo', 'python3', '-c', pyscript ], timeout=(5*60)) client_id_to_global_id = json.loads(output) try: return client_id_to_global_id[self.client_id] except KeyError: log.error("Client id '{0}' debug dir not found (clients seen were: {1})".format( self.client_id, ",".join(client_id_to_global_id.keys()) )) raise def get_global_id(self): """ Look up the CephFS client ID for this mount, using debugfs. """ assert self.mounted return self._get_global_id() @property def _global_addr(self): if self.addr is not None: return self.addr # The first line of the "status" file's output will be something # like: # "instance: client.4297 (0)" # What we need here is only the string "" status = self.read_debug_file("status") if status is None: return None instance = re.findall(r'instance:.*', status)[0] self.addr = instance.split()[2].split(')')[1] return self.addr; @property def _global_inst(self): if self.inst is not None: return self.inst client_gid = "client%d" % self.get_global_id() self.inst = " ".join([client_gid, self._global_addr]) return self.inst def get_global_inst(self): """ Look up the CephFS client instance for this mount """ return self._global_inst def get_global_addr(self): """ Look up the CephFS client addr for this mount """ return self._global_addr def get_osd_epoch(self): """ Return 2-tuple of osd_epoch, osd_epoch_barrier """ osd_map = self.read_debug_file("osdmap") assert osd_map lines = osd_map.split("\n") first_line_tokens = lines[0].split() epoch, barrier = int(first_line_tokens[1]), int(first_line_tokens[3]) return epoch, barrier def get_op_read_count(self): stdout = StringIO() stderr = StringIO() try: path = os.path.join(self._get_debug_dir(), "metrics/size") self.run_shell(f"sudo stat {path}", stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, cwd=None) buf = self.read_debug_file("metrics/size") except CommandFailedError: if 'no such file or directory' in stderr.getvalue().lower() \ or 'not a directory' in stderr.getvalue().lower(): try: path = os.path.join(self._get_debug_dir(), "metrics") self.run_shell(f"sudo stat {path}", stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, cwd=None) buf = self.read_debug_file("metrics") except CommandFailedError: return errno.ENOENT else: return 0 return int(re.findall(r'read.*', buf)[0].split()[1])