############################################################################ # © 2012,2014 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ############################################################################ # Locate an BOLT implementation. # # Defines the following variables: # # BOLT_FOUND - Found an Bolt imlementation # # Also defines the library variables below as normal # variables. # # BOLT_LIBRARIES - These contain debug/optimized keywords when a debugging library is found # BOLT_INCLUDE_DIRS - All relevant Bolt include directories # # Accepts the following variables as input: # # BOLT_ROOT - (as a CMake or environment variable) # The root directory of an BOLT installation # # FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIB64_PATHS - Global property that controls whether FindBOLT should search for # 64bit or 32bit libs # #----------------------- # Example Usage: # # find_package(BOLT REQUIRED) # include_directories(${BOLT_INCLUDE_DIRS}) # # add_executable(foo foo.cc) # target_link_libraries(foo ${BOLT_LIBRARIES}) # #----------------------- # This module helps to use BOLT_FIND_COMPONENTS, BOLT_FIND_REQUIRED, BOLT_FIND_QUIETLY include( FindPackageHandleStandardArgs ) # Search for 64bit libs if FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIB64_PATHS is set to true in the global environment, 32bit libs else get_property( LIB64 GLOBAL PROPERTY FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIB64_PATHS ) # Debug print statements #message( "BOLT_LIBRARY_PATH_SUFFIXES: ${BOLT_LIBRARY_PATH_SUFFIXES}" ) #message( "ENV{BOLT_ROOT}: $ENV{BOLT_ROOT}" ) #message( "BOLT_FIND_COMPONENTS: ${BOLT_FIND_COMPONENTS}" ) #message( "BOLT_FIND_REQUIRED: ${BOLT_FIND_REQUIRED}" ) # Set the component to find if the user does not specify explicitely if( NOT BOLT_FIND_COMPONENTS ) set( BOLT_FIND_COMPONENTS CL ) endif( ) if(WIN32) if( MSVC_VERSION VERSION_LESS 1600 ) set( myMSVCVer "vc90" ) elseif( MSVC_VERSION VERSION_LESS 1700 ) set( myMSVCVer "vc100" ) elseif( MSVC_VERSION VERSION_LESS 1800 ) set( myMSVCVer "vc110" ) else() set( myMSVCVer "vc120" ) endif( ) else() set( myMSVCVer "gcc" ) endif() if(WIN32) set( BoltLibName "clBolt.runtime.${myMSVCVer}") set( LIB_EXT "lib") else() set( BoltLibName "libclBolt.runtime.${myMSVCVer}") set( LIB_EXT "a") endif() # Eventually, Bolt may support multiple backends, but for now it only supports CL list( FIND BOLT_FIND_COMPONENTS CL find_CL ) if( NOT find_CL EQUAL -1 ) set( BOLT_LIBNAME_BASE ${BoltLibName} ) endif( ) if( NOT find_CL EQUAL -1 ) # Find and set the location of main BOLT static lib file find_library( BOLT_LIBRARY_STATIC_RELEASE NAMES ${BOLT_LIBNAME_BASE}.${LIB_EXT} HINTS ${BOLT_ROOT} ENV BOLT_ROOT DOC "BOLT static library path" PATH_SUFFIXES lib ) mark_as_advanced( BOLT_LIBRARY_STATIC_RELEASE ) # Find and set the location of main BOLT static lib file find_library( BOLT_LIBRARY_STATIC_DEBUG NAMES ${BOLT_LIBNAME_BASE}.debug.${LIB_EXT} HINTS ${BOLT_ROOT} ENV BOLT_ROOT DOC "BOLT static library path" PATH_SUFFIXES lib ) mark_as_advanced( BOLT_LIBRARY_STATIC_DEBUG ) if( BOLT_LIBRARY_STATIC_RELEASE ) set( BOLT_LIBRARY_STATIC optimized ${BOLT_LIBRARY_STATIC_RELEASE} ) else( ) set( BOLT_LIBRARY_STATIC "" ) message( "${BOLT_LIBNAME_BASE}.${LIB_EXT}: Release static bolt library not found" ) endif( ) if( BOLT_LIBRARY_STATIC_DEBUG ) set( BOLT_LIBRARY_STATIC ${BOLT_LIBRARY_STATIC} debug ${BOLT_LIBRARY_STATIC_DEBUG} ) else( ) message( "${BOLT_LIBNAME_BASE}.debug.${LIB_EXT}: Debug static bolt library not found" ) endif( ) find_path( BOLT_INCLUDE_DIRS NAMES bolt/cl/bolt.h HINTS ${BOLT_ROOT} ENV BOLT_ROOT DOC "BOLT header file path" PATH_SUFFIXES include ) mark_as_advanced( BOLT_INCLUDE_DIRS ) FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS( BOLT DEFAULT_MSG BOLT_LIBRARY_STATIC BOLT_INCLUDE_DIRS ) endif( ) if( BOLT_FOUND ) list( APPEND BOLT_LIBRARIES ${BOLT_LIBRARY_STATIC} ) else( ) if( NOT BOLT_FIND_QUIETLY ) message( WARNING "FindBOLT could not find the BOLT library" ) message( STATUS "Did you remember to set the BOLT_ROOT environment variable?" ) endif( ) endif()