# Boost.GIL Clang-Format This is an _example_ of `.clang-format` file which offers _good enough_ configuration and may be _useful_ when writing code for GIL, not required though. This is **not** a complete configuration! It does not cover all the recommended or preferred ways of formatting the code for GIL. It may be necessary to manually tweak the formatting generated by this `.clang-format` file. For example, there is a bug in clang-format that does not allow spacing and breaking trailing return types properly ([here](http://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/cfe-users/2018-November/001421.html) and [here](https://stackoverflow.com/a/57279663/151641)). More in details can be found in the [brainstorm of .clang-format proposal](https://github.com/boostorg/gil/pull/87). It has been successfully used with clang-format 8 or later. If you wish to use this file with `clang-format`, copy it to the root directory of GIL sources, to `libs/gil/.clang-format`.