// // Boost.Pointer Container // // Copyright Thorsten Ottosen 2003-2005. Use, modification and // distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version // 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // // For more information, see http://www.boost.org/libs/ptr_container/ // #include "test_data.hpp" #include #include #include using namespace boost; using namespace std; typedef shared_ptr PolyPtr; struct PolyPtrOps { void operator()( const PolyPtr& a ) { a->foo(); } }; struct less_than { bool operator()( const PolyPtr& l, const PolyPtr& r ) const { return *l < *r; } bool operator()( const Base* l, const Base* r ) const { return *l < *r; } }; struct greater_than { bool operator()( const PolyPtr& l, const PolyPtr& r ) const { return *l > *r; } bool operator()( const Base* l, const Base* r ) const { return *l > *r; } }; struct data_less_than { bool operator()( const PolyPtr& l, const PolyPtr& r ) const { return l->data_less_than(*r); } bool operator()( const Base* l, const Base* r ) const { return l->data_less_than(*r); } }; struct data_less_than2 { bool operator()( const PolyPtr& l, const PolyPtr& r ) const { return l->data_less_than2(*r); } bool operator()( const Base* l, const Base* r ) const { return l->data_less_than2(*r); } }; void test_speed() { enum { size = 50000 }; vector svec; ptr_vector pvec; { progress_timer timer; for( int i = 0; i < size; ++i ) svec.push_back( PolyPtr( new Derived ) ); cout << "\n shared_ptr call new: "; } { progress_timer timer; for( int i = 0; i < size; ++i ) pvec.push_back( new Derived ); cout << "\n smart container call new: "; } { progress_timer timer; for_each( svec.begin(), svec.end(), PolyPtrOps() ); cout << "\n shared_ptr call foo(): "; } { progress_timer timer; for_each( pvec.begin(), pvec.end(), mem_fun_ref( &Base::foo ) ); cout << "\n smart container call foo(): "; } { progress_timer timer; sort( svec.begin(), svec.end(), less_than() ); cout << "\n shared_ptr call sort(): "; } { progress_timer timer; sort( pvec.ptr_begin(), pvec.ptr_end(), less_than() ); cout << "\n smart container call sort(): "; } { progress_timer timer; sort( svec.begin(), svec.end(), greater_than() ); cout << "\n shared_ptr call sort() #2: "; } { progress_timer timer; sort( pvec.ptr_begin(), pvec.ptr_end(), greater_than() ); cout << "\n smart container call sort() #2: "; } { progress_timer timer; sort( svec.begin(), svec.end(), data_less_than() ); cout << "\n shared_ptr call sort() #3: "; } { progress_timer timer; sort( pvec.ptr_begin(), pvec.ptr_end(), data_less_than() ); cout << "\n smart container call sort() #3: "; } { progress_timer timer; sort( svec.begin(), svec.end(), data_less_than2() ); cout << "\n shared_ptr call sort() #4: "; } { progress_timer timer; sort( pvec.ptr_begin(), pvec.ptr_end(), data_less_than2() ); cout << "\n smart container call sort() #4: "; } vector copy1; for( ptr_vector::ptr_iterator i = pvec.ptr_begin(); i != pvec.ptr_end(); ++ i ) copy1.push_back( *i ); sort( pvec.ptr_begin(), pvec.ptr_end() ); vector copy2; for( ptr_vector::ptr_iterator i = pvec.ptr_begin(); i != pvec.ptr_end(); ++ i ) copy2.push_back( *i ); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < copy1.size(); ++i ) { bool found = false; for( int j = 0; j < copy1.size(); ++ j ) if( copy1[i] == copy2[j] ) found = true; if( !found ) cout << copy1[i] << endl; } BOOST_REQUIRE( pvec.size() == size ); cout << endl; } #include using boost::unit_test::test_suite; test_suite* init_unit_test_suite( int argc, char* argv[] ) { test_suite* test = BOOST_TEST_SUITE( "Pointer Container Test Suite" ); test->add( BOOST_TEST_CASE( &test_speed ) ); return test; }