# Copyright 2003 Dave Abrahams # Copyright 2002, 2003 Rene Rivera # Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004 Vladimir Prus # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) # Various container classes. # Base for container objects. This lets us construct recursive structures. That # is containers with containers in them, specifically so we can tell literal # values from node values. # class node { rule __init__ ( value ? # Optional value to set node to initially. ) { self.value = $(value) ; } # Set the value of this node, passing nothing will clear it. # rule set ( value * ) { self.value = $(value) ; } # Get the value of this node. # rule get ( ) { return $(self.value) ; } } # A simple vector. Interface mimics the C++ std::vector and std::list, with the # exception that indices are one (1) based to follow Jam standard. # # TODO: Possibly add assertion checks. # class vector : node { import numbers ; import utility ; import sequence ; rule __init__ ( values * # Initial contents of vector. ) { node.__init__ ; self.value = $(values) ; } # Get the value of the first element. # rule front ( ) { return $(self.value[1]) ; } # Get the value of the last element. # rule back ( ) { return $(self.value[-1]) ; } # Get the value of the element at the given index, one based. Access to # elements of recursive structures is supported directly. Specifying # additional index values recursively accesses the elements as containers. # For example: [ $(v).at 1 : 2 ] would retrieve the second element of our # first element, assuming the first element is a container. # rule at ( index # The element index, one based. : * # Additional indices to access recursively. ) { local r = $(self.value[$(index)]) ; if $(2) { r = [ $(r).at $(2) : $(3) : $(4) : $(5) : $(6) : $(7) : $(8) : $(9) ] ; } return $(r) ; } # Get the value contained in the given element. This has the same # functionality and interface as "at" but in addition gets the value of the # referenced element, assuming it is a "node". # rule get-at ( index # The element index, one based. : * # Additional indices to access recursively. ) { local r = $(self.value[$(index)]) ; if $(2) { r = [ $(r).at $(2) : $(3) : $(4) : $(5) : $(6) : $(7) : $(8) : $(9) ] ; } return [ $(r).get ] ; } # Insert the given value into the front of the vector pushing the rest of # the elements back. # rule push-front ( value # Value to become first element. ) { self.value = $(value) $(self.value) ; } # Remove the front element from the vector. Does not return the value. No # effect if vector is empty. # rule pop-front ( ) { self.value = $(self.value[2-]) ; } # Add the given value at the end of the vector. # rule push-back ( value # Value to become back element. ) { self.value += $(value) ; } # Remove the back element from the vector. Does not return the value. No # effect if vector is empty. # rule pop-back ( ) { self.value = $(self.value[1--2]) ; } # Insert the given value at the given index, one based. The values at and to # the right of the index are pushed back to make room for the new value. # If the index is passed the end of the vector the element is added to the # end. # rule insert ( index # The index to insert at, one based. : value # The value to insert. ) { local left = $(self.value[1-$(index)]) ; local right = $(self.value[$(index)-]) ; if $(right)-is-not-empty { left = $(left[1--2]) ; } self.value = $(left) $(value) $(right) ; } # Remove one or more elements from the vector. The range is inclusive, and # not specifying an end is equivalent to the [start, start] range. # rule erase ( start # Index of first element to remove. end ? # Optional, index of last element to remove. ) { end ?= $(start) ; local left = $(self.value[1-$(start)]) ; left = $(left[1--2]) ; local right = $(self.value[$(end)-]) ; right = $(right[2-]) ; self.value = $(left) $(right) ; } # Remove all elements from the vector. # rule clear ( ) { self.value = ; } # The number of elements in the vector. # rule size ( ) { return [ sequence.length $(self.value) ] ; } # Returns "true" if there are NO elements in the vector, empty otherwise. # rule empty ( ) { if ! $(self.value)-is-not-empty { return true ; } } # Returns the textual representation of content. # rule str ( ) { return "[" [ sequence.transform utility.str : $(self.value) ] "]" ; } # Sorts the vector inplace, calling 'utility.less' for comparisons. # rule sort ( ) { self.value = [ sequence.insertion-sort $(self.value) : utility.less ] ; } # Returns true if content is equal to the content of other vector. Uses # 'utility.equal' for comparison. # rule equal ( another ) { local mismatch ; local size = [ size ] ; if $(size) = [ $(another).size ] { for local i in [ numbers.range 1 $(size) ] { if ! [ utility.equal [ at $(i) ] [ $(another).at $(i) ] ] { mismatch = true ; } } } else { mismatch = true ; } if ! $(mismatch) { return true ; } } } rule __test__ ( ) { import assert ; import "class" : new ; local v1 = [ new vector ] ; assert.true $(v1).equal $(v1) ; assert.true $(v1).empty ; assert.result 0 : $(v1).size ; assert.result "[" "]" : $(v1).str ; $(v1).push-back b ; $(v1).push-front a ; assert.result "[" a b "]" : $(v1).str ; assert.result a : $(v1).front ; assert.result b : $(v1).back ; $(v1).insert 2 : d ; $(v1).insert 2 : c ; $(v1).insert 4 : f ; $(v1).insert 4 : e ; $(v1).pop-back ; assert.result 5 : $(v1).size ; assert.result d : $(v1).at 3 ; $(v1).pop-front ; assert.result c : $(v1).front ; assert.false $(v1).empty ; $(v1).erase 3 4 ; assert.result 2 : $(v1).size ; local v2 = [ new vector q w e r t y ] ; assert.result 6 : $(v2).size ; $(v1).push-back $(v2) ; assert.result 3 : $(v1).size ; local v2-alias = [ $(v1).back ] ; assert.result e : $(v2-alias).at 3 ; $(v1).clear ; assert.true $(v1).empty ; assert.false $(v2-alias).empty ; $(v2).pop-back ; assert.result t : $(v2-alias).back ; local v3 = [ new vector ] ; $(v3).push-back [ new vector 1 2 3 4 5 ] ; $(v3).push-back [ new vector a b c ] ; assert.result "[" "[" 1 2 3 4 5 "]" "[" a b c "]" "]" : $(v3).str ; $(v3).push-back [ new vector [ new vector x y z ] [ new vector 7 8 9 ] ] ; assert.result 1 : $(v3).at 1 : 1 ; assert.result b : $(v3).at 2 : 2 ; assert.result a b c : $(v3).get-at 2 ; assert.result 7 8 9 : $(v3).get-at 3 : 2 ; local v4 = [ new vector 4 3 6 ] ; $(v4).sort ; assert.result 3 4 6 : $(v4).get ; assert.false $(v4).equal $(v3) ; local v5 = [ new vector 3 4 6 ] ; assert.true $(v4).equal $(v5) ; # Check that vectors of different sizes are considered non-equal. $(v5).pop-back ; assert.false $(v4).equal $(v5) ; local v6 = [ new vector [ new vector 1 2 3 ] ] ; assert.true $(v6).equal [ new vector [ new vector 1 2 3 ] ] ; local v7 = [ new vector 111 222 333 ] ; assert.true $(v7).equal $(v7) ; $(v7).insert 4 : 444 ; assert.result 111 222 333 444 : $(v7).get ; $(v7).insert 999 : xxx ; assert.result 111 222 333 444 xxx : $(v7).get ; local v8 = [ new vector "" "" "" ] ; assert.true $(v8).equal $(v8) ; assert.false $(v8).empty ; assert.result 3 : $(v8).size ; assert.result "" : $(v8).at 1 ; assert.result "" : $(v8).at 2 ; assert.result "" : $(v8).at 3 ; assert.result : $(v8).at 4 ; $(v8).insert 2 : 222 ; assert.result 4 : $(v8).size ; assert.result "" 222 "" "" : $(v8).get ; $(v8).insert 999 : "" ; assert.result 5 : $(v8).size ; assert.result "" 222 "" "" "" : $(v8).get ; $(v8).insert 999 : xxx ; assert.result 6 : $(v8).size ; assert.result "" 222 "" "" "" xxx : $(v8).get ; # Regression test for a bug causing vector.equal to compare only the first # and the last element in the given vectors. local v9 = [ new vector 111 xxx 222 ] ; local v10 = [ new vector 111 yyy 222 ] ; assert.false $(v9).equal $(v10) ; }