#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2014 Steven Watanabe # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) # This tests the GLOB rule. import os import BoostBuild def test_glob(files, glob, expected, setup=""): t = BoostBuild.Tester(["-ffile.jam"], pass_toolset=0) t.write("file.jam", setup + """ for local p in [ SORT %s ] { ECHO $(p) ; } UPDATE ; """ % glob) for f in files: t.write(f, "") # convert / into \ on windows expected = [os.path.join(*p.split("/")) for p in expected] expected.sort() t.run_build_system(stdout="\n".join(expected + [""])) t.cleanup() # one or both arguments empty test_glob([], "[ GLOB : ]", []) test_glob([], "[ GLOB . : ]", []) test_glob([], "[ GLOB : * ]", []) # a single result test_glob([], "[ GLOB . : * ]", ["./file.jam"]) # * can match any number of characters test_glob([], "[ GLOB . : file*.jam ]", ["./file.jam"]) test_glob([], "[ GLOB . : f*am ]", ["./file.jam"]) # ? should match a single character, but not more than one test_glob([], "[ GLOB . : fi?e.?am ]", ["./file.jam"]) test_glob([], "[ GLOB . : fi?.jam ]", []) # [abc-fh-j] matches a set of characters test_glob([], '[ GLOB . : "[f][i][l][e].jam" ]', ["./file.jam"]) test_glob([], '[ GLOB . : "[fghau][^usdrwe][k-o][^f-s].jam" ]', ["./file.jam"]) # \x matches x test_glob([], "[ GLOB . : \\f\\i\\l\\e.jam ]", ["./file.jam"]) # multiple results test_glob(["test.txt"], "[ GLOB . : * ]", ["./file.jam", "./test.txt"]) # directories test_glob(["dir1/dir2/test.txt"], "[ GLOB dir1 : * ]", ["dir1/dir2"]); # non-existent directory test_glob([], "[ GLOB dir1 : * ] ", []) # multiple directories and patterns test_glob(["dir1/file1.txt", "dir2/file1.txt", "dir2/file2.txt"], "[ GLOB dir1 dir2 : file1* file2* ]", ["dir1/file1.txt", "dir2/file1.txt", "dir2/file2.txt"]) # The directory can contain . and .. test_glob(["dir/test.txt"], "[ GLOB dir/. : test.txt ]", ["dir/./test.txt"]) test_glob(["dir/test.txt"], "[ GLOB dir/.. : file.jam ]", ["dir/../file.jam"]) # On case insensitive filesystems, the result should # be normalized. It should NOT be downcased. test_glob(["TEST.TXT"], "[ GLOB . : TEST.TXT ]", ["./TEST.TXT"]) case_insensitive = (os.path.normcase("FILE") == "file") if case_insensitive: test_glob(["TEST.TXT"], "[ GLOB . : test.txt ]", ["./TEST.TXT"]) # This used to fail because the caching routines incorrectly # reported that . and .. do not exist. test_glob(["D1/D2/TEST.TXT"], "[ GLOB D1/./D2 : test.txt ]", ["D1/./D2/TEST.TXT"]) test_glob(["D1/TEST.TXT", "TEST.TXT"], "[ GLOB D1/../D1 : test.txt ]", ["D1/../D1/TEST.TXT"]) # This also failed because directories that were first found # by GLOB were recorded as non-existent. test_glob(["D1/D2/TEST.TXT"], "[ GLOB d1/d2 : test.txt ]", ["D1/D2/TEST.TXT"], "GLOB . : * ;")