[article Anchor Test [quickbook 1.7] ] [section Anchors] [#a1] A paragraph containing several anchors. [#a2] We want to make sure they appear in the correct place. [#a3] [heading This heading shouldn't pick up the previous anchor] [#a4] [heading This heading should pick up the previous anchor] [#a5] [heading And this one] [#a6][heading Also this one] [#a7][h3 Finally this] [#a8] [endsect] [#a9] [section Section Anchor] [#a10][section Nested Section] [endsect] [/ This anchor is invalid, I'm not sure what to do with it] [#a11] [endsect] [#a12][?__not_defined__ #a13] [section Conditional Section Anchor] [endsect] [section Lists] [#a14] * Item 1 * Item 2 * Nested List [#a15] * Nested Item 1 * Nested Item 2 * [#a16] Nested Item 3 * Item 3 [endsect] [section Anchors in templates] [template anchor1[][#t1]] [template para[] Text content] [anchor1] Some text. [#t2] [para] [endsect] [section Anchors in syntax highlighted code] int ``[#s1]``main() {} [endsect] [section Nested anchors] [table Table with anchors [[Heading]] [[[#table1]Cell 1]] [[[#table2] Cell 2]] [[Cell 3[#table3]]] ] [endsect] [section:templates Anchors with templates] [template a1 anchor1] [template a2 anchor2] [#[a1]] [#[a2]] [template anchor[name] [#x[name]y]] [anchor 1] [anchor 12] [endsect] [/ templates]