#============================================================================== # Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Daniel James # # Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software # License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at # http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #============================================================================== #!/usr/bin/env bash cd $(dirname $0) cd .. b2 -q || exit 1 cd - find . -name "*.gold" | while read gold_file do flags="--debug" quickbook_file=$(echo $gold_file | sed 's/[.]gold/.quickbook/') html_file=$(echo $gold_file | sed 's/[.]gold/.gold-html/') if [[ $gold_file =~ .*xinclude/.*-alt\.gold ]] then quickbook_file=$(echo $quickbook_file | sed 's/-alt\.quickbook/.quickbook/') flags="$flags --xinclude-base xinclude/sub" elif [[ $gold_file =~ .*xinclude/.*\.gold ]] then flags="$flags --xinclude-base xinclude/../.." fi if [[ $gold_file =~ .*include/filename[-_]path.* ]] then flags="$flags -I include/sub" fi if [[ $gold_file =~ .*command_line_macro.* ]] then flags="$flags -D__macro__=*bold* -D__empty__" fi ../../../dist/bin/quickbook $quickbook_file $flags --output-file $gold_file || echo "*** Error generating boostbook from $quickbook_file" ../../../dist/bin/quickbook $quickbook_file $flags --output-file $html_file --output-format onehtml || echo "*** Error generating html from $quickbook_file" done