""" This file is used only by systemd units that are passing their instance suffix as arguments to this script so that it can parse the suffix into arguments that ``ceph-volume `` can consume """ import os import sys import time import logging from ceph_volume import log, process from ceph_volume.exceptions import SuffixParsingError def parse_subcommand(string): subcommand = string.split('-', 1)[0] if not subcommand: raise SuffixParsingError('subcommand', string) return subcommand def parse_extra_data(string): # get the subcommand to split on that sub_command = parse_subcommand(string) # the split will leave data with a dash, so remove that data = string.split(sub_command)[-1] if not data: raise SuffixParsingError('data', string) return data.lstrip('-') def parse_osd_id(string): osd_id = string.split('-', 1)[0] if not osd_id: raise SuffixParsingError('OSD id', string) if osd_id.isdigit(): return osd_id raise SuffixParsingError('OSD id', string) def parse_osd_uuid(string): osd_id = '%s-' % parse_osd_id(string) osd_subcommand = '-%s' % parse_subcommand(string) # remove the id first trimmed_suffix = string.split(osd_id)[-1] # now remove the sub command osd_uuid = trimmed_suffix.split(osd_subcommand)[0] if not osd_uuid: raise SuffixParsingError('OSD uuid', string) return osd_uuid def main(args=None): """ Main entry point for the ``ceph-volume-systemd`` executable. ``args`` are optional for easier testing of arguments. Expected input is similar to:: ['/path/to/ceph-volume-systemd', '-'] For example:: [ '/usr/bin/ceph-volume-systemd', 'lvm-0-8715BEB4-15C5-49DE-BA6F-401086EC7B41' ] The first part of the argument is the only interesting bit, which contains the metadata needed to proxy the call to ``ceph-volume`` itself. Reusing the example, the proxy call to ``ceph-volume`` would look like:: ceph-volume lvm trigger 0-8715BEB4-15C5-49DE-BA6F-401086EC7B41 That means that ``lvm`` is used as the subcommand and it is **expected** that a ``trigger`` sub-commmand will be present to make sense of the extra piece of the string. """ log.setup(name='ceph-volume-systemd.log', log_path='/var/log/ceph/ceph-volume-systemd.log') logger = logging.getLogger('systemd') args = args if args is not None else sys.argv try: suffix = args[-1] except IndexError: raise RuntimeError('no arguments supplied') sub_command = parse_subcommand(suffix) extra_data = parse_extra_data(suffix) logger.info('raw systemd input received: %s', suffix) logger.info('parsed sub-command: %s, extra data: %s', sub_command, extra_data) command = ['ceph-volume', sub_command, 'trigger', extra_data] tries = int(os.environ.get('CEPH_VOLUME_SYSTEMD_TRIES', 30)) interval = int(os.environ.get('CEPH_VOLUME_SYSTEMD_INTERVAL', 5)) while tries > 0: try: # don't log any output to the terminal, just rely on stderr/stdout # going to logging process.run(command, terminal_logging=False) logger.info('successfully triggered activation for: %s', extra_data) break except RuntimeError as error: logger.warning(error) logger.warning('failed activating OSD, retries left: %s', tries) tries -= 1 time.sleep(interval)