# ceph-volume functional test suite This test suite is based on vagrant and is normally run via Jenkins on github PRs. With a functioning Vagrant installation these test can also be run locally (tested with vagrant's libvirt provider). ## Vagrant with libvirt By default the tests make assumption on the network segments to use (public and cluster network), as well as the libvirt storage pool and uri. In an unused vagrant setup these defaults should be fine. If you prefer to explicitly configure the storage pool and libvirt uri, create a file `$ceph_repo/src/ceph-volume/ceph_volume/tests/functional/global_vagrant_variables.yml` with content as follows: ``` yaml libvirt_uri: qemu:///system libvirt_storage_pool: 'vagrant-ceph-nvme' ``` Adjust the values as needed. After this descend into a test directory (e.g. `$ceph_repo/src/ceph-volume/ceph_volume/tests/functional/lvm` and run `tox -vre centos7-bluestore-create -- --provider=libvirt` to execute the tests in `$ceph_repo/src/ceph-volume/ceph_volume/tests/functional/lvm/centos7/bluestore/create/`