#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright (c) 2013 No Face Press, LLC # License http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License # # This script builds and packages a Windows release. # It requires ActiveState Perl to use and is intended # to be run from the its directory under the # VS Developer Command Prompt. # Create a Zip file use Archive::Zip qw( :ERROR_CODES :CONSTANTS ); my $zip = Archive::Zip->new(); my $src = ".."; sub getCivetwebVersion { print "Fetching CivetWeb version...\n"; open HEADER, "${src}/include/civetweb.h"; while (
) { if (m/define\s+CIVETWEB_VERSION\s+"(.+)"/) { close HEADER; return $1; } } close HEADER; return "UNKNOWN_VERSION"; } my $CIVETWEB_VERSION = getCivetwebVersion(); my $basename = "civetweb-$CIVETWEB_VERSION"; my $dir = "${basename}"; sub build32() { print "\nBuilding Win32 Release version...\n"; system("msbuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=Win32 civetweb.sln"); } sub build64() { print "\nBuilding x64 Release version...\n"; system("msbuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64 civetweb.sln"); } sub writeArchive() { my $archive = "${basename}-win.zip"; print "Creating archive $archive ...\n"; $zip->addDirectory("${dir}/"); $zip->addFile( "${src}/LICENSE.md", "${dir}/LICENSE.md" ); $zip->addFile( "${src}/README.md", "${dir}/README.md" ); $zip->addFile( "${src}/resources/systray.ico", "${dir}/systray.ico" ); $zip->addFile( "${src}/resources/civetweb_64x64.png", "${dir}/civetweb_64x64.png" ); $zip->addFile( "${src}/resources/itworks.html", "${dir}/index.html" ); $zip->addFile( "${src}/VS2012/Release/Win32/civetweb_lua.exe", "${dir}/civetweb32.exe" ); $zip->addFile( "${src}/VS2012/Release/x64/civetweb_lua.exe", "${dir}/civetweb64.exe" ); unless ( $zip->writeToFileNamed($archive) == AZ_OK ) { die 'write error'; } } build32(); build64(); writeArchive(); exit 0;