// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) 2015 Red Hat * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. See file COPYING. * */ #include "include/rados/librados.hpp" #include "mds/CInode.h" #include "cls_cephfs_client.h" using ceph::bufferlist; using ceph::decode; #define XATTR_CEILING "scan_ceiling" #define XATTR_MAX_MTIME "scan_max_mtime" #define XATTR_MAX_SIZE "scan_max_size" int ClsCephFSClient::accumulate_inode_metadata( librados::IoCtx &ctx, inodeno_t inode_no, const uint64_t obj_index, const uint64_t obj_size, const time_t mtime) { AccumulateArgs args( obj_index, obj_size, mtime, XATTR_CEILING, XATTR_MAX_MTIME, XATTR_MAX_SIZE); // Generate 0th object name, where we will accumulate sizes/mtimes object_t zeroth_object = InodeStore::get_object_name(inode_no, frag_t(), ""); // Construct a librados operation invoking our class method librados::ObjectReadOperation op; bufferlist inbl; args.encode(inbl); op.exec("cephfs", "accumulate_inode_metadata", inbl); // Execute op bufferlist outbl; return ctx.operate(zeroth_object.name, &op, &outbl); } int ClsCephFSClient::delete_inode_accumulate_result( librados::IoCtx &ctx, const std::string &oid) { librados::ObjectWriteOperation op; // Remove xattrs from object // op.rmxattr(XATTR_CEILING); op.rmxattr(XATTR_MAX_SIZE); op.rmxattr(XATTR_MAX_MTIME); return (ctx.operate(oid, &op)); } int ClsCephFSClient::fetch_inode_accumulate_result( librados::IoCtx &ctx, const std::string &oid, inode_backtrace_t *backtrace, file_layout_t *layout, AccumulateResult *result) { ceph_assert(backtrace != NULL); ceph_assert(result != NULL); librados::ObjectReadOperation op; int scan_ceiling_r = 0; bufferlist scan_ceiling_bl; op.getxattr(XATTR_CEILING, &scan_ceiling_bl, &scan_ceiling_r); int scan_max_size_r = 0; bufferlist scan_max_size_bl; op.getxattr(XATTR_MAX_SIZE, &scan_max_size_bl, &scan_max_size_r); int scan_max_mtime_r = 0; bufferlist scan_max_mtime_bl; op.getxattr(XATTR_MAX_MTIME, &scan_max_mtime_bl, &scan_max_mtime_r); int parent_r = 0; bufferlist parent_bl; op.getxattr("parent", &parent_bl, &parent_r); op.set_op_flags2(librados::OP_FAILOK); int layout_r = 0; bufferlist layout_bl; op.getxattr("layout", &layout_bl, &layout_r); op.set_op_flags2(librados::OP_FAILOK); bufferlist op_bl; int r = ctx.operate(oid, &op, &op_bl); if (r < 0) { return r; } // Load scan_ceiling try { auto scan_ceiling_bl_iter = scan_ceiling_bl.cbegin(); ObjCeiling ceiling; ceiling.decode(scan_ceiling_bl_iter); result->ceiling_obj_index = ceiling.id; result->ceiling_obj_size = ceiling.size; } catch (const ceph::buffer::error &err) { //dout(4) << "Invalid size attr on '" << oid << "'" << dendl; return -EINVAL; } // Load scan_max_size try { auto scan_max_size_bl_iter = scan_max_size_bl.cbegin(); decode(result->max_obj_size, scan_max_size_bl_iter); } catch (const ceph::buffer::error &err) { //dout(4) << "Invalid size attr on '" << oid << "'" << dendl; return -EINVAL; } // Load scan_max_mtime try { auto scan_max_mtime_bl_iter = scan_max_mtime_bl.cbegin(); decode(result->max_mtime, scan_max_mtime_bl_iter); } catch (const ceph::buffer::error &err) { //dout(4) << "Invalid size attr on '" << oid << "'" << dendl; return -EINVAL; } // Deserialize backtrace if (parent_bl.length()) { try { auto q = parent_bl.cbegin(); backtrace->decode(q); } catch (ceph::buffer::error &e) { //dout(4) << "Corrupt backtrace on '" << oid << "': " << e << dendl; return -EINVAL; } } // Deserialize layout if (layout_bl.length()) { try { auto q = layout_bl.cbegin(); decode(*layout, q); } catch (ceph::buffer::error &e) { return -EINVAL; } } return 0; } void ClsCephFSClient::build_tag_filter( const std::string &scrub_tag, bufferlist *out_bl) { ceph_assert(out_bl != NULL); // Leading part of bl is un-versioned string naming the filter encode(std::string("cephfs.inode_tag"), *out_bl); // Filter-specific part of the bl: in our case this is a versioned structure InodeTagFilterArgs args; args.scrub_tag = scrub_tag; args.encode(*out_bl); }