// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) Intel Corporation. * All rights reserved. * * Author: Anjaneya Chagam * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. See file COPYING. * */ #include "common/EventTrace.h" #include "common/TracepointProvider.h" #include "messages/MOSDOpReply.h" #ifdef WITH_LTTNG #define TRACEPOINT_DEFINE #define TRACEPOINT_PROBE_DYNAMIC_LINKAGE #include "tracing/eventtrace.h" #undef TRACEPOINT_PROBE_DYNAMIC_LINKAGE #undef TRACEPOINT_DEFINE #else #define tracepoint(...) #endif TracepointProvider::Traits event_tracepoint_traits("libeventtrace_tp.so", "event_tracing"); bool EventTrace::tpinit = false; void EventTrace::init_tp(CephContext *_ctx) { if (unlikely(!_ctx)) return; if (unlikely(!tpinit)) { TracepointProvider::initialize(_ctx); tpinit = true; } } void EventTrace::set_message_attrs(const Message *m, string& oid, string& context, bool incl_oid) { // arg1 = oid, arg2 = message type, arg3 = source!source_addr!tid!sequence if (m && (m->get_type() == CEPH_MSG_OSD_OP || m->get_type() == CEPH_MSG_OSD_OPREPLY)) { if (incl_oid) { if (m->get_type() == CEPH_MSG_OSD_OP) oid = ((MOSDOp *)m)->get_oid().name; else oid = ((MOSDOpReply *)m)->get_oid().name; } ostringstream buf; buf << m->get_source() << "!" << m->get_source_addr() << "!" << m->get_tid() << "!" << m->get_seq() << "!" << m->get_type(); context = buf.str(); } } EventTrace::EventTrace(CephContext *_ctx, const char *_file, const char *_func, int _line) : ctx(_ctx), file(_file), func(_func), line(_line) { if (unlikely(!ctx)) return; last_ts = ceph_clock_now(); init_tp(ctx); lsubdout(ctx, eventtrace, LOG_LEVEL) << "ENTRY (" << func << ") " << file << ":" << line << dendl; tracepoint(eventtrace, func_enter, file.c_str(), func.c_str(), line); } EventTrace::~EventTrace() { if (unlikely(!ctx)) return; lsubdout(ctx, eventtrace, LOG_LEVEL) << "EXIT (" << func << ") " << file << dendl; tracepoint(eventtrace, func_exit, file.c_str(), func.c_str()); } void EventTrace::log_event_latency(const char *event) { utime_t now = ceph_clock_now(); double usecs = (now.to_nsec()-last_ts.to_nsec())/1000; OID_ELAPSED("", usecs, event); last_ts = now; } void EventTrace::trace_oid_event(const char *oid, const char *event, const char *context, const char *file, const char *func, int line) { if (unlikely(!g_ceph_context)) return; init_tp(g_ceph_context); tracepoint(eventtrace, oid_event, oid, event, context, file, func, line); } void EventTrace::trace_oid_event(const Message *m, const char *event, const char *file, const char *func, int line, bool incl_oid) { string oid, context; set_message_attrs(m, oid, context, incl_oid); trace_oid_event(oid.c_str(), event, context.c_str(), file, func, line); } void EventTrace::trace_oid_elapsed(const char *oid, const char *event, const char *context, double elapsed, const char *file, const char *func, int line) { if (unlikely(!g_ceph_context)) return; init_tp(g_ceph_context); tracepoint(eventtrace, oid_elapsed, oid, event, context, elapsed, file, func, line); } void EventTrace::trace_oid_elapsed(const Message *m, const char *event, double elapsed, const char *file, const char *func, int line, bool incl_oid) { string oid, context; set_message_attrs(m, oid, context, incl_oid); trace_oid_elapsed(oid.c_str(), event, context.c_str(), elapsed, file, func, line); }