// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) 2013 Cloudwatt * * Author: Loic Dachary * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * */ #include "include/str_map.h" #include "include/str_list.h" #include #include "json_spirit/json_spirit.h" using namespace std; int get_json_str_map( const string &str, ostream &ss, map *str_map, bool fallback_to_plain) { json_spirit::mValue json; try { // try json parsing first json_spirit::read_or_throw(str, json); if (json.type() != json_spirit::obj_type) { ss << str << " must be a JSON object but is of type " << json.type() << " instead"; return -EINVAL; } json_spirit::mObject o = json.get_obj(); for (map::iterator i = o.begin(); i != o.end(); ++i) { (*str_map)[i->first] = i->second.get_str(); } } catch (json_spirit::Error_position &e) { if (fallback_to_plain) { // fallback to key=value format get_str_map(str, str_map, "\t\n "); } else { return -EINVAL; } } return 0; } string trim(const string& str) { return boost::algorithm::trim_copy_if( str, [](unsigned char c) { return std::isspace(c); }); } int get_str_map( const string &str, map *str_map, const char *delims) { list pairs; get_str_list(str, delims, pairs); for (list::iterator i = pairs.begin(); i != pairs.end(); ++i) { size_t equal = i->find('='); if (equal == string::npos) (*str_map)[*i] = string(); else { const string key = trim(i->substr(0, equal)); equal++; const string value = trim(i->substr(equal)); (*str_map)[key] = value; } } return 0; } string get_str_map_value( const map &str_map, const string &key, const string *def_val) { map::const_iterator p = str_map.find(key); // key exists in str_map if (p != str_map.end()) { // but value is empty if (p->second.empty()) return p->first; // and value is not empty return p->second; } // key DNE in str_map and def_val was specified if (def_val != NULL) return *def_val; // key DNE in str_map, no def_val was specified return string(); } string get_str_map_key( const map &str_map, const string &key, const string *fallback_key) { map::const_iterator p = str_map.find(key); if (p != str_map.end()) return p->second; if (fallback_key != NULL) { p = str_map.find(*fallback_key); if (p != str_map.end()) return p->second; } return string(); } // This function's only purpose is to check whether a given map has only // ONE key with an empty value (which would mean that 'get_str_map()' read // a map in the form of 'VALUE', without any KEY/VALUE pairs) and, in such // event, to assign said 'VALUE' to a given 'def_key', such that we end up // with a map of the form "m = { 'def_key' : 'VALUE' }" instead of the // original "m = { 'VALUE' : '' }". int get_conf_str_map_helper( const string &str, ostringstream &oss, map *m, const string &def_key) { int r = get_str_map(str, m); if (r < 0) { return r; } if (r >= 0 && m->size() == 1) { map::iterator p = m->begin(); if (p->second.empty()) { string s = p->first; m->erase(s); (*m)[def_key] = s; } } return r; }