================================================================ Intel(R) Intelligent Storage Acceleration Library Crypto Version ================================================================ ISA-L_crypto is a collection of optimized low-level functions targeting storage applications. ISA-L_crypto includes: * Multi-buffer hashes - run multiple hash jobs together on one core for much better throughput than single-buffer versions. - SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, MD5 * Multi-hash - Get the performance of multi-buffer hashing with a single-buffer interface. * Multi-hash + murmur - run both together. * AES - block ciphers - XTS, GCM, CBC See [ISA-L_crypto for updates.](https://github.com/01org/isa-l_crypto) For non-crypto ISA-L see [isa-l on github.](https://github.com/01org/isa-l) Build Prerequisites =================== ISA-L requires yasm version 1.2.0 or later or nasm v2.11.01 or later. Building with autotools requires autoconf/automake packages. Building ISA-L ============== Autotools --------- To build and install the library with autotools it is usually sufficient to run the following: ./autogen.sh ./configure make sudo make install Other targets include: make check, make tests, make perfs, make ex (examples) and make other. Windows ------- On Windows use nmake to build dll and static lib: nmake -f Makefile.nmake Other targets include: nmake check.