;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Copyright(c) 2011-2016 Intel Corporation All rights reserved. ; ; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ; are met: ; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ; the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ; distribution. ; * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its ; contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived ; from this software without specific prior written permission. ; ; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ; "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ; LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ; A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ; OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ; SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ; LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ; DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ; THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ; (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ; OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; XTS encrypt function with 256-bit AES ; input keys are not aligned ; keys are expanded in parallel with the tweak encryption ; plaintext and ciphertext are not aligned ; second key is stored in the stack as aligned to 16 Bytes ; first key is required only once, no need for storage of this key %include "reg_sizes.asm" default rel %define TW rsp ; store 8 tweak values %define keys rsp + 16*8 ; store 15 expanded keys %ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__, win64 %define _xmm rsp + 16*23 ; store xmm6:xmm15 %endif %ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__, elf64 %define _gpr rsp + 16*23 ; store rbx %define VARIABLE_OFFSET 16*8 + 16*15 + 8*1 ; VARIABLE_OFFSET has to be an odd multiple of 8 %else %define _gpr rsp + 16*33 ; store rdi, rsi, rbx %define VARIABLE_OFFSET 16*8 + 16*15 + 16*10 + 8*3 ; VARIABLE_OFFSET has to be an odd multiple of 8 %endif %define GHASH_POLY 0x87 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;void XTS_AES_256_enc_sse( ; UINT8 *k2, // key used for tweaking, 16*2 bytes ; UINT8 *k1, // key used for "ECB" encryption, 16*2 bytes ; UINT8 *TW_initial, // initial tweak value, 16 bytes ; UINT64 N, // sector size, in bytes ; const UINT8 *pt, // plaintext sector input data ; UINT8 *ct); // ciphertext sector output data ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; arguments for input parameters %ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__, elf64 %xdefine ptr_key2 rdi %xdefine ptr_key1 rsi %xdefine T_val rdx %xdefine N_val rcx %xdefine ptr_plaintext r8 %xdefine ptr_ciphertext r9 %else %xdefine ptr_key2 rcx %xdefine ptr_key1 rdx %xdefine T_val r8 %xdefine N_val r9 %xdefine ptr_plaintext r10; [rsp + VARIABLE_OFFSET + 8*5] %xdefine ptr_ciphertext r11; [rsp + VARIABLE_OFFSET + 8*6] %endif ; arguments for temp parameters %ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__, elf64 %define tmp1 rdi %define target_ptr_val rsi %define ghash_poly_8b r10 %define ghash_poly_8b_temp r11 %else %define tmp1 rcx %define target_ptr_val rdx %define ghash_poly_8b rdi %define ghash_poly_8b_temp rsi %endif %define twtempl rax ; global temp registers used for tweak computation %define twtemph rbx ; produce the key for the next round ; raw_key is the output of aeskeygenassist instruction ; round_key value before this key_expansion_128 macro is current round key ; round_key value after this key_expansion_128 macro is next round key ; 2 macros will be used for key generation in a flip-flopped fashion %macro key_expansion_256_flip 3 %define %%xraw_key %1 %define %%xtmp %2 %define %%xround_key %3 pshufd %%xraw_key, %%xraw_key, 11111111b shufps %%xtmp, %%xround_key, 00010000b pxor %%xround_key, %%xtmp shufps %%xtmp, %%xround_key, 10001100b pxor %%xround_key, %%xtmp pxor %%xround_key, %%xraw_key %endmacro %macro key_expansion_256_flop 3 %define %%xraw_key %1 %define %%xtmp %2 %define %%xround_key %3 pshufd %%xraw_key, %%xraw_key, 10101010b shufps %%xtmp, %%xround_key, 00010000b pxor %%xround_key, %%xtmp shufps %%xtmp, %%xround_key, 10001100b pxor %%xround_key, %%xtmp pxor %%xround_key, %%xraw_key %endmacro ; macro to encrypt the tweak value in parallel with key generation of both keys %macro encrypt_T 10 %define %%xkey2 %1 %define %%xkey2_2 %2 %define %%xstate_tweak %3 %define %%xkey1 %4 %define %%xkey1_2 %5 %define %%xraw_key %6 %define %%xtmp %7 %define %%ptr_key2 %8 %define %%ptr_key1 %9 %define %%ptr_expanded_keys %10 movdqu %%xkey2, [%%ptr_key2] pxor %%xstate_tweak, %%xkey2 ; ARK for tweak encryption movdqu %%xkey1, [%%ptr_key1] movdqa [%%ptr_expanded_keys+16*0], %%xkey1 movdqu %%xkey2_2, [%%ptr_key2 + 16*1] aesenc %%xstate_tweak, %%xkey2_2 ; round 1 for tweak encryption movdqu %%xkey1_2, [%%ptr_key1 + 16*1] movdqa [%%ptr_expanded_keys+16*1], %%xkey1_2 aeskeygenassist %%xraw_key, %%xkey2_2, 0x1 ; Generating round key 2 for key2 key_expansion_256_flip %%xraw_key, %%xtmp, %%xkey2 aeskeygenassist %%xraw_key, %%xkey1_2, 0x1 ; Generating round key 2 for key1 key_expansion_256_flip %%xraw_key, %%xtmp, %%xkey1 aesenc %%xstate_tweak, %%xkey2 ; round 2 for tweak encryption movdqa [%%ptr_expanded_keys+16*2], %%xkey1 aeskeygenassist %%xraw_key, %%xkey2, 0x1 ; Generating round key 3 for key2 key_expansion_256_flop %%xraw_key, %%xtmp, %%xkey2_2 aeskeygenassist %%xraw_key, %%xkey1, 0x1 ; Generating round key 3 for key1 key_expansion_256_flop %%xraw_key, %%xtmp, %%xkey1_2 aesenc %%xstate_tweak, %%xkey2_2 ; round 3 for tweak encryption movdqa [%%ptr_expanded_keys+16*3], %%xkey1_2 aeskeygenassist %%xraw_key, %%xkey2_2, 0x2 ; Generating round key 4 for key2 key_expansion_256_flip %%xraw_key, %%xtmp, %%xkey2 aeskeygenassist %%xraw_key, %%xkey1_2, 0x2 ; Generating round key 4 for key1 key_expansion_256_flip %%xraw_key, %%xtmp, %%xkey1 aesenc %%xstate_tweak, %%xkey2 ; round 4 for tweak encryption movdqa [%%ptr_expanded_keys+16*4], %%xkey1 aeskeygenassist %%xraw_key, %%xkey2, 0x2 ; Generating round key 5 for key2 key_expansion_256_flop %%xraw_key, %%xtmp, %%xkey2_2 aeskeygenassist %%xraw_key, %%xkey1, 0x2 ; Generating round key 5 for key1 key_expansion_256_flop %%xraw_key, %%xtmp, %%xkey1_2 aesenc %%xstate_tweak, %%xkey2_2 ; round 5 for tweak encryption movdqa [%%ptr_expanded_keys+16*5], %%xkey1_2 aeskeygenassist %%xraw_key, %%xkey2_2, 0x4 ; Generating round key 6 for key2 key_expansion_256_flip %%xraw_key, %%xtmp, %%xkey2 aeskeygenassist %%xraw_key, %%xkey1_2, 0x4 ; Generating round key 6 for key1 key_expansion_256_flip %%xraw_key, %%xtmp, %%xkey1 aesenc %%xstate_tweak, %%xkey2 ; round 6 for tweak encryption movdqa [%%ptr_expanded_keys+16*6], %%xkey1 aeskeygenassist %%xraw_key, %%xkey2, 0x4 ; Generating round key 7 for key2 key_expansion_256_flop %%xraw_key, %%xtmp, %%xkey2_2 aeskeygenassist %%xraw_key, %%xkey1, 0x4 ; Generating round key 7 for key1 key_expansion_256_flop %%xraw_key, %%xtmp, %%xkey1_2 aesenc %%xstate_tweak, %%xkey2_2 ; round 7 for tweak encryption movdqa [%%ptr_expanded_keys+16*7], %%xkey1_2 aeskeygenassist %%xraw_key, %%xkey2_2, 0x8 ; Generating round key 8 for key2 key_expansion_256_flip %%xraw_key, %%xtmp, %%xkey2 aeskeygenassist %%xraw_key, %%xkey1_2, 0x8 ; Generating round key 8 for key1 key_expansion_256_flip %%xraw_key, %%xtmp, %%xkey1 aesenc %%xstate_tweak, %%xkey2 ; round 8 for tweak encryption movdqa [%%ptr_expanded_keys+16*8], %%xkey1 aeskeygenassist %%xraw_key, %%xkey2, 0x8 ; Generating round key 9 for key2 key_expansion_256_flop %%xraw_key, %%xtmp, %%xkey2_2 aeskeygenassist %%xraw_key, %%xkey1, 0x8 ; Generating round key 9 for key1 key_expansion_256_flop %%xraw_key, %%xtmp, %%xkey1_2 aesenc %%xstate_tweak, %%xkey2_2 ; round 9 for tweak encryption movdqa [%%ptr_expanded_keys+16*9], %%xkey1_2 aeskeygenassist %%xraw_key, %%xkey2_2, 0x10 ; Generating round key 10 for key2 key_expansion_256_flip %%xraw_key, %%xtmp, %%xkey2 aeskeygenassist %%xraw_key, %%xkey1_2, 0x10 ; Generating round key 10 for key1 key_expansion_256_flip %%xraw_key, %%xtmp, %%xkey1 aesenc %%xstate_tweak, %%xkey2 ; round 10 for tweak encryption movdqa [%%ptr_expanded_keys+16*10], %%xkey1 aeskeygenassist %%xraw_key, %%xkey2, 0x10 ; Generating round key 11 for key2 key_expansion_256_flop %%xraw_key, %%xtmp, %%xkey2_2 aeskeygenassist %%xraw_key, %%xkey1, 0x10 ; Generating round key 11 for key1 key_expansion_256_flop %%xraw_key, %%xtmp, %%xkey1_2 aesenc %%xstate_tweak, %%xkey2_2 ; round 11 for tweak encryption movdqa [%%ptr_expanded_keys+16*11], %%xkey1_2 aeskeygenassist %%xraw_key, %%xkey2_2, 0x20 ; Generating round key 12 for key2 key_expansion_256_flip %%xraw_key, %%xtmp, %%xkey2 aeskeygenassist %%xraw_key, %%xkey1_2, 0x20 ; Generating round key 12 for key1 key_expansion_256_flip %%xraw_key, %%xtmp, %%xkey1 aesenc %%xstate_tweak, %%xkey2 ; round 12 for tweak encryption movdqa [%%ptr_expanded_keys+16*12], %%xkey1 aeskeygenassist %%xraw_key, %%xkey2, 0x20 ; Generating round key 13 for key2 key_expansion_256_flop %%xraw_key, %%xtmp, %%xkey2_2 aeskeygenassist %%xraw_key, %%xkey1, 0x20 ; Generating round key 13 for key1 key_expansion_256_flop %%xraw_key, %%xtmp, %%xkey1_2 aesenc %%xstate_tweak, %%xkey2_2 ; round 13 for tweak encryption movdqa [%%ptr_expanded_keys+16*13], %%xkey1_2 aeskeygenassist %%xraw_key, %%xkey2_2, 0x40 ; Generating round key 14 for key2 key_expansion_256_flip %%xraw_key, %%xtmp, %%xkey2 aeskeygenassist %%xraw_key, %%xkey1_2, 0x40 ; Generating round key 14 for key1 key_expansion_256_flip %%xraw_key, %%xtmp, %%xkey1 aesenclast %%xstate_tweak, %%xkey2 ; round 14 for tweak encryption movdqa [%%ptr_expanded_keys+16*14], %%xkey1 movdqa [TW], %%xstate_tweak ; Store the encrypted Tweak value %endmacro ; generate initial tweak values ; load initial plaintext values %macro initialize 16 %define %%ST1 %1 ; state 1 %define %%ST2 %2 ; state 2 %define %%ST3 %3 ; state 3 %define %%ST4 %4 ; state 4 %define %%ST5 %5 ; state 5 %define %%ST6 %6 ; state 6 %define %%ST7 %7 ; state 7 %define %%ST8 %8 ; state 8 %define %%TW1 %9 ; tweak 1 %define %%TW2 %10 ; tweak 2 %define %%TW3 %11 ; tweak 3 %define %%TW4 %12 ; tweak 4 %define %%TW5 %13 ; tweak 5 %define %%TW6 %14 ; tweak 6 %define %%TW7 %15 ; tweak 7 %define %%num_initial_blocks %16 ; generate next Tweak values movdqa %%TW1, [TW+16*0] mov twtempl, [TW+8*0] mov twtemph, [TW+8*1] movdqu %%ST1, [ptr_plaintext+16*0] %if (%%num_initial_blocks>=2) xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp shl twtempl, 1 adc twtemph, twtemph cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp mov [TW+8*2], twtempl mov [TW+8*3], twtemph; movdqa %%TW2, [TW+16*1] movdqu %%ST2, [ptr_plaintext+16*1] %endif %if (%%num_initial_blocks>=3) xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp shl twtempl, 1 adc twtemph, twtemph cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp mov [TW+8*4], twtempl mov [TW+8*5], twtemph; movdqa %%TW3, [TW+16*2] movdqu %%ST3, [ptr_plaintext+16*2] %endif %if (%%num_initial_blocks>=4) xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp shl twtempl, 1 adc twtemph, twtemph cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp mov [TW+8*6], twtempl mov [TW+8*7], twtemph; movdqa %%TW4, [TW+16*3] movdqu %%ST4, [ptr_plaintext+16*3] %endif %if (%%num_initial_blocks>=5) xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp shl twtempl, 1 adc twtemph, twtemph cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp mov [TW+8*8], twtempl mov [TW+8*9], twtemph; movdqa %%TW5, [TW+16*4] movdqu %%ST5, [ptr_plaintext+16*4] %endif %if (%%num_initial_blocks>=6) xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp shl twtempl, 1 adc twtemph, twtemph cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp mov [TW+8*10], twtempl mov [TW+8*11], twtemph; movdqa %%TW6, [TW+16*5] movdqu %%ST6, [ptr_plaintext+16*5] %endif %if (%%num_initial_blocks>=7) xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp shl twtempl, 1 adc twtemph, twtemph cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp mov [TW+8*12], twtempl mov [TW+8*13], twtemph; movdqa %%TW7, [TW+16*6] movdqu %%ST7, [ptr_plaintext+16*6] %endif %endmacro ; encrypt initial blocks of AES ; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 blocks are encrypted ; next 8 Tweak values are generated %macro encrypt_initial 18 %define %%ST1 %1 ; state 1 %define %%ST2 %2 ; state 2 %define %%ST3 %3 ; state 3 %define %%ST4 %4 ; state 4 %define %%ST5 %5 ; state 5 %define %%ST6 %6 ; state 6 %define %%ST7 %7 ; state 7 %define %%ST8 %8 ; state 8 %define %%TW1 %9 ; tweak 1 %define %%TW2 %10 ; tweak 2 %define %%TW3 %11 ; tweak 3 %define %%TW4 %12 ; tweak 4 %define %%TW5 %13 ; tweak 5 %define %%TW6 %14 ; tweak 6 %define %%TW7 %15 ; tweak 7 %define %%T0 %16 ; Temp register %define %%num_blocks %17 ; %%num_blocks blocks encrypted ; %%num_blocks can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 %define %%lt128 %18 ; less than 128 bytes ; xor Tweak value pxor %%ST1, %%TW1 %if (%%num_blocks>=2) pxor %%ST2, %%TW2 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=3) pxor %%ST3, %%TW3 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=4) pxor %%ST4, %%TW4 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=5) pxor %%ST5, %%TW5 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=6) pxor %%ST6, %%TW6 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=7) pxor %%ST7, %%TW7 %endif ; ARK movdqa %%T0, [keys] pxor %%ST1, %%T0 %if (%%num_blocks>=2) pxor %%ST2, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=3) pxor %%ST3, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=4) pxor %%ST4, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=5) pxor %%ST5, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=6) pxor %%ST6, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=7) pxor %%ST7, %%T0 %endif %if (0 == %%lt128) xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp shl twtempl, 1 adc twtemph, twtemph %endif ; round 1 movdqa %%T0, [keys + 16*1] aesenc %%ST1, %%T0 %if (%%num_blocks>=2) aesenc %%ST2, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=3) aesenc %%ST3, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=4) aesenc %%ST4, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=5) aesenc %%ST5, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=6) aesenc %%ST6, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=7) aesenc %%ST7, %%T0 %endif %if (0 == %%lt128) cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp mov [TW + 8*0], twtempl ; next Tweak1 generated mov [TW + 8*1], twtemph xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp %endif ; round 2 movdqa %%T0, [keys + 16*2] aesenc %%ST1, %%T0 %if (%%num_blocks>=2) aesenc %%ST2, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=3) aesenc %%ST3, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=4) aesenc %%ST4, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=5) aesenc %%ST5, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=6) aesenc %%ST6, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=7) aesenc %%ST7, %%T0 %endif %if (0 == %%lt128) shl twtempl, 1 adc twtemph, twtemph cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp mov [TW + 8*2], twtempl ; next Tweak2 generated %endif ; round 3 movdqa %%T0, [keys + 16*3] aesenc %%ST1, %%T0 %if (%%num_blocks>=2) aesenc %%ST2, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=3) aesenc %%ST3, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=4) aesenc %%ST4, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=5) aesenc %%ST5, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=6) aesenc %%ST6, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=7) aesenc %%ST7, %%T0 %endif %if (0 == %%lt128) mov [TW + 8*3], twtemph xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp shl twtempl, 1 adc twtemph, twtemph cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b %endif ; round 4 movdqa %%T0, [keys + 16*4] aesenc %%ST1, %%T0 %if (%%num_blocks>=2) aesenc %%ST2, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=3) aesenc %%ST3, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=4) aesenc %%ST4, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=5) aesenc %%ST5, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=6) aesenc %%ST6, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=7) aesenc %%ST7, %%T0 %endif %if (0 == %%lt128) xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp mov [TW + 8*4], twtempl ; next Tweak3 generated mov [TW + 8*5], twtemph xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp shl twtempl, 1 %endif ; round 5 movdqa %%T0, [keys + 16*5] aesenc %%ST1, %%T0 %if (%%num_blocks>=2) aesenc %%ST2, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=3) aesenc %%ST3, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=4) aesenc %%ST4, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=5) aesenc %%ST5, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=6) aesenc %%ST6, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=7) aesenc %%ST7, %%T0 %endif %if (0 == %%lt128) adc twtemph, twtemph cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp mov [TW + 8*6], twtempl ; next Tweak4 generated mov [TW + 8*7], twtemph %endif ; round 6 movdqa %%T0, [keys + 16*6] aesenc %%ST1, %%T0 %if (%%num_blocks>=2) aesenc %%ST2, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=3) aesenc %%ST3, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=4) aesenc %%ST4, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=5) aesenc %%ST5, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=6) aesenc %%ST6, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=7) aesenc %%ST7, %%T0 %endif %if (0 == %%lt128) xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp shl twtempl, 1 adc twtemph, twtemph cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp mov [TW + 8*8], twtempl ; next Tweak5 generated mov [TW + 8*9], twtemph %endif ; round 7 movdqa %%T0, [keys + 16*7] aesenc %%ST1, %%T0 %if (%%num_blocks>=2) aesenc %%ST2, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=3) aesenc %%ST3, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=4) aesenc %%ST4, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=5) aesenc %%ST5, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=6) aesenc %%ST6, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=7) aesenc %%ST7, %%T0 %endif %if (0 == %%lt128) xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp shl twtempl, 1 adc twtemph, twtemph cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp mov [TW + 8*10], twtempl ; next Tweak6 generated mov [TW + 8*11], twtemph %endif ; round 8 movdqa %%T0, [keys + 16*8] aesenc %%ST1, %%T0 %if (%%num_blocks>=2) aesenc %%ST2, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=3) aesenc %%ST3, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=4) aesenc %%ST4, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=5) aesenc %%ST5, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=6) aesenc %%ST6, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=7) aesenc %%ST7, %%T0 %endif %if (0 == %%lt128) xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp shl twtempl, 1 adc twtemph, twtemph cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp mov [TW + 8*12], twtempl ; next Tweak7 generated mov [TW + 8*13], twtemph %endif ; round 9 movdqa %%T0, [keys + 16*9] aesenc %%ST1, %%T0 %if (%%num_blocks>=2) aesenc %%ST2, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=3) aesenc %%ST3, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=4) aesenc %%ST4, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=5) aesenc %%ST5, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=6) aesenc %%ST6, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=7) aesenc %%ST7, %%T0 %endif %if (0 == %%lt128) xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp shl twtempl, 1 adc twtemph, twtemph cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp mov [TW + 8*14], twtempl ; next Tweak8 generated mov [TW + 8*15], twtemph %endif ; round 10 movdqa %%T0, [keys + 16*10] aesenc %%ST1, %%T0 %if (%%num_blocks>=2) aesenc %%ST2, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=3) aesenc %%ST3, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=4) aesenc %%ST4, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=5) aesenc %%ST5, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=6) aesenc %%ST6, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=7) aesenc %%ST7, %%T0 %endif ; round 11 movdqa %%T0, [keys + 16*11] aesenc %%ST1, %%T0 %if (%%num_blocks>=2) aesenc %%ST2, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=3) aesenc %%ST3, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=4) aesenc %%ST4, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=5) aesenc %%ST5, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=6) aesenc %%ST6, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=7) aesenc %%ST7, %%T0 %endif ; round 12 movdqa %%T0, [keys + 16*12] aesenc %%ST1, %%T0 %if (%%num_blocks>=2) aesenc %%ST2, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=3) aesenc %%ST3, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=4) aesenc %%ST4, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=5) aesenc %%ST5, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=6) aesenc %%ST6, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=7) aesenc %%ST7, %%T0 %endif ; round 13 movdqa %%T0, [keys + 16*13] aesenc %%ST1, %%T0 %if (%%num_blocks>=2) aesenc %%ST2, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=3) aesenc %%ST3, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=4) aesenc %%ST4, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=5) aesenc %%ST5, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=6) aesenc %%ST6, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=7) aesenc %%ST7, %%T0 %endif ; round 14 movdqa %%T0, [keys + 16*14] aesenclast %%ST1, %%T0 %if (%%num_blocks>=2) aesenclast %%ST2, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=3) aesenclast %%ST3, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=4) aesenclast %%ST4, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=5) aesenclast %%ST5, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=6) aesenclast %%ST6, %%T0 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=7) aesenclast %%ST7, %%T0 %endif ; xor Tweak values pxor %%ST1, %%TW1 %if (%%num_blocks>=2) pxor %%ST2, %%TW2 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=3) pxor %%ST3, %%TW3 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=4) pxor %%ST4, %%TW4 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=5) pxor %%ST5, %%TW5 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=6) pxor %%ST6, %%TW6 %endif %if (%%num_blocks>=7) pxor %%ST7, %%TW7 %endif %if (0 == %%lt128) ; load next Tweak values movdqa %%TW1, [TW + 16*0] movdqa %%TW2, [TW + 16*1] movdqa %%TW3, [TW + 16*2] movdqa %%TW4, [TW + 16*3] movdqa %%TW5, [TW + 16*4] movdqa %%TW6, [TW + 16*5] movdqa %%TW7, [TW + 16*6] %endif %endmacro ; Encrypt 8 blocks in parallel ; generate next 8 tweak values %macro encrypt_by_eight 18 %define %%ST1 %1 ; state 1 %define %%ST2 %2 ; state 2 %define %%ST3 %3 ; state 3 %define %%ST4 %4 ; state 4 %define %%ST5 %5 ; state 5 %define %%ST6 %6 ; state 6 %define %%ST7 %7 ; state 7 %define %%ST8 %8 ; state 8 %define %%TW1 %9 ; tweak 1 %define %%TW2 %10 ; tweak 2 %define %%TW3 %11 ; tweak 3 %define %%TW4 %12 ; tweak 4 %define %%TW5 %13 ; tweak 5 %define %%TW6 %14 ; tweak 6 %define %%TW7 %15 ; tweak 7 %define %%TW8 %16 ; tweak 8 %define %%T0 %17 ; Temp register %define %%last_eight %18 ; xor Tweak values pxor %%ST1, %%TW1 pxor %%ST2, %%TW2 pxor %%ST3, %%TW3 pxor %%ST4, %%TW4 pxor %%ST5, %%TW5 pxor %%ST6, %%TW6 pxor %%ST7, %%TW7 pxor %%ST8, %%TW8 ; ARK movdqa %%T0, [keys] pxor %%ST1, %%T0 pxor %%ST2, %%T0 pxor %%ST3, %%T0 pxor %%ST4, %%T0 pxor %%ST5, %%T0 pxor %%ST6, %%T0 pxor %%ST7, %%T0 pxor %%ST8, %%T0 %if (0 == %%last_eight) xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp shl twtempl, 1 adc twtemph, twtemph cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b %endif ; round 1 movdqa %%T0, [keys + 16*1] aesenc %%ST1, %%T0 aesenc %%ST2, %%T0 aesenc %%ST3, %%T0 aesenc %%ST4, %%T0 aesenc %%ST5, %%T0 aesenc %%ST6, %%T0 aesenc %%ST7, %%T0 aesenc %%ST8, %%T0 %if (0 == %%last_eight) xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp mov [TW + 8*0], twtempl mov [TW + 8*1], twtemph xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp %endif ; round 2 movdqa %%T0, [keys + 16*2] aesenc %%ST1, %%T0 aesenc %%ST2, %%T0 aesenc %%ST3, %%T0 aesenc %%ST4, %%T0 aesenc %%ST5, %%T0 aesenc %%ST6, %%T0 aesenc %%ST7, %%T0 aesenc %%ST8, %%T0 %if (0 == %%last_eight) shl twtempl, 1 adc twtemph, twtemph cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp %endif ; round 3 movdqa %%T0, [keys + 16*3] aesenc %%ST1, %%T0 aesenc %%ST2, %%T0 aesenc %%ST3, %%T0 aesenc %%ST4, %%T0 aesenc %%ST5, %%T0 aesenc %%ST6, %%T0 aesenc %%ST7, %%T0 aesenc %%ST8, %%T0 %if (0 == %%last_eight) mov [TW + 8*2], twtempl mov [TW + 8*3], twtemph xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp shl twtempl, 1 %endif ; round 4 movdqa %%T0, [keys + 16*4] aesenc %%ST1, %%T0 aesenc %%ST2, %%T0 aesenc %%ST3, %%T0 aesenc %%ST4, %%T0 aesenc %%ST5, %%T0 aesenc %%ST6, %%T0 aesenc %%ST7, %%T0 aesenc %%ST8, %%T0 %if (0 == %%last_eight) adc twtemph, twtemph cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp mov [TW + 8*4], twtempl %endif ; round 5 movdqa %%T0, [keys + 16*5] aesenc %%ST1, %%T0 aesenc %%ST2, %%T0 aesenc %%ST3, %%T0 aesenc %%ST4, %%T0 aesenc %%ST5, %%T0 aesenc %%ST6, %%T0 aesenc %%ST7, %%T0 aesenc %%ST8, %%T0 %if (0 == %%last_eight) mov [TW + 8*5], twtemph xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp shl twtempl, 1 adc twtemph, twtemph %endif ; round 6 movdqa %%T0, [keys + 16*6] aesenc %%ST1, %%T0 aesenc %%ST2, %%T0 aesenc %%ST3, %%T0 aesenc %%ST4, %%T0 aesenc %%ST5, %%T0 aesenc %%ST6, %%T0 aesenc %%ST7, %%T0 aesenc %%ST8, %%T0 %if (0 == %%last_eight) cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp mov [TW + 8*6], twtempl mov [TW + 8*7], twtemph %endif ; round 7 movdqa %%T0, [keys + 16*7] aesenc %%ST1, %%T0 aesenc %%ST2, %%T0 aesenc %%ST3, %%T0 aesenc %%ST4, %%T0 aesenc %%ST5, %%T0 aesenc %%ST6, %%T0 aesenc %%ST7, %%T0 aesenc %%ST8, %%T0 %if (0 == %%last_eight) xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp shl twtempl, 1 adc twtemph, twtemph cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b %endif ; round 8 movdqa %%T0, [keys + 16*8] aesenc %%ST1, %%T0 aesenc %%ST2, %%T0 aesenc %%ST3, %%T0 aesenc %%ST4, %%T0 aesenc %%ST5, %%T0 aesenc %%ST6, %%T0 aesenc %%ST7, %%T0 aesenc %%ST8, %%T0 %if (0 == %%last_eight) xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp mov [TW + 8*8], twtempl mov [TW + 8*9], twtemph xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp %endif ; round 9 movdqa %%T0, [keys + 16*9] aesenc %%ST1, %%T0 aesenc %%ST2, %%T0 aesenc %%ST3, %%T0 aesenc %%ST4, %%T0 aesenc %%ST5, %%T0 aesenc %%ST6, %%T0 aesenc %%ST7, %%T0 aesenc %%ST8, %%T0 %if (0 == %%last_eight) shl twtempl, 1 adc twtemph, twtemph cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp %endif ; round 10 movdqa %%T0, [keys + 16*10] aesenc %%ST1, %%T0 aesenc %%ST2, %%T0 aesenc %%ST3, %%T0 aesenc %%ST4, %%T0 aesenc %%ST5, %%T0 aesenc %%ST6, %%T0 aesenc %%ST7, %%T0 aesenc %%ST8, %%T0 %if (0 == %%last_eight) mov [TW + 8*10], twtempl mov [TW + 8*11], twtemph xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp shl twtempl, 1 %endif ; round 11 movdqa %%T0, [keys + 16*11] aesenc %%ST1, %%T0 aesenc %%ST2, %%T0 aesenc %%ST3, %%T0 aesenc %%ST4, %%T0 aesenc %%ST5, %%T0 aesenc %%ST6, %%T0 aesenc %%ST7, %%T0 aesenc %%ST8, %%T0 %if (0 == %%last_eight) adc twtemph, twtemph cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp mov [TW + 8*12], twtempl %endif ; round 12 movdqa %%T0, [keys + 16*12] aesenc %%ST1, %%T0 aesenc %%ST2, %%T0 aesenc %%ST3, %%T0 aesenc %%ST4, %%T0 aesenc %%ST5, %%T0 aesenc %%ST6, %%T0 aesenc %%ST7, %%T0 aesenc %%ST8, %%T0 %if (0 == %%last_eight) mov [TW + 8*13], twtemph xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp shl twtempl, 1 adc twtemph, twtemph %endif ; round 13 movdqa %%T0, [keys + 16*13] aesenc %%ST1, %%T0 aesenc %%ST2, %%T0 aesenc %%ST3, %%T0 aesenc %%ST4, %%T0 aesenc %%ST5, %%T0 aesenc %%ST6, %%T0 aesenc %%ST7, %%T0 aesenc %%ST8, %%T0 %if (0 == %%last_eight) cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp ; mov [TW + 8*14], twtempl ; mov [TW + 8*15], twtemph %endif ; round 14 movdqa %%T0, [keys + 16*14] aesenclast %%ST1, %%T0 aesenclast %%ST2, %%T0 aesenclast %%ST3, %%T0 aesenclast %%ST4, %%T0 aesenclast %%ST5, %%T0 aesenclast %%ST6, %%T0 aesenclast %%ST7, %%T0 aesenclast %%ST8, %%T0 ; xor Tweak values pxor %%ST1, %%TW1 pxor %%ST2, %%TW2 pxor %%ST3, %%TW3 pxor %%ST4, %%TW4 pxor %%ST5, %%TW5 pxor %%ST6, %%TW6 pxor %%ST7, %%TW7 pxor %%ST8, %%TW8 mov [TW + 8*14], twtempl mov [TW + 8*15], twtemph ; load next Tweak values movdqa %%TW1, [TW + 16*0] movdqa %%TW2, [TW + 16*1] movdqa %%TW3, [TW + 16*2] movdqa %%TW4, [TW + 16*3] movdqa %%TW5, [TW + 16*4] movdqa %%TW6, [TW + 16*5] movdqa %%TW7, [TW + 16*6] %endmacro section .text global XTS_AES_256_enc_sse:function XTS_AES_256_enc_sse: sub rsp, VARIABLE_OFFSET mov [_gpr + 8*0], rbx %ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__, win64 mov [_gpr + 8*1], rdi mov [_gpr + 8*2], rsi movdqa [_xmm + 16*0], xmm6 movdqa [_xmm + 16*1], xmm7 movdqa [_xmm + 16*2], xmm8 movdqa [_xmm + 16*3], xmm9 movdqa [_xmm + 16*4], xmm10 movdqa [_xmm + 16*5], xmm11 movdqa [_xmm + 16*6], xmm12 movdqa [_xmm + 16*7], xmm13 movdqa [_xmm + 16*8], xmm14 movdqa [_xmm + 16*9], xmm15 %endif mov ghash_poly_8b, GHASH_POLY ; load 0x87 to ghash_poly_8b movdqu xmm1, [T_val] ; read initial Tweak value pxor xmm4, xmm4 ; for key expansion encrypt_T xmm0, xmm5, xmm1, xmm2, xmm6, xmm3, xmm4, ptr_key2, ptr_key1, keys %ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__, win64 mov ptr_plaintext, [rsp + VARIABLE_OFFSET + 8*5] ; plaintext pointer mov ptr_ciphertext, [rsp + VARIABLE_OFFSET + 8*6] ; ciphertext pointer %endif mov target_ptr_val, N_val and target_ptr_val, -16 ; target_ptr_val = target_ptr_val - (target_ptr_val mod 16) sub target_ptr_val, 128 ; adjust target_ptr_val because last 4 blocks will not be stitched with Tweak calculations jl _less_than_128_bytes add target_ptr_val, ptr_ciphertext mov tmp1, N_val and tmp1, (7 << 4) jz _initial_num_blocks_is_0 cmp tmp1, (4 << 4) je _initial_num_blocks_is_4 cmp tmp1, (6 << 4) je _initial_num_blocks_is_6 cmp tmp1, (5 << 4) je _initial_num_blocks_is_5 cmp tmp1, (3 << 4) je _initial_num_blocks_is_3 cmp tmp1, (2 << 4) je _initial_num_blocks_is_2 cmp tmp1, (1 << 4) je _initial_num_blocks_is_1 _initial_num_blocks_is_7: initialize xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, 7 add ptr_plaintext, 16*7 encrypt_initial xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, xmm0, 7, 0 ; store ciphertext movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*0], xmm1 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*1], xmm2 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*2], xmm3 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*3], xmm4 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*4], xmm5 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*5], xmm6 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*6], xmm7 add ptr_ciphertext, 16*7 cmp ptr_ciphertext, target_ptr_val je _last_eight jmp _main_loop _initial_num_blocks_is_6: initialize xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, 6 add ptr_plaintext, 16*6 encrypt_initial xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, xmm0, 6, 0 ; store ciphertext movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*0], xmm1 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*1], xmm2 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*2], xmm3 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*3], xmm4 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*4], xmm5 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*5], xmm6 add ptr_ciphertext, 16*6 cmp ptr_ciphertext, target_ptr_val je _last_eight jmp _main_loop _initial_num_blocks_is_5: initialize xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, 5 add ptr_plaintext, 16*5 encrypt_initial xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, xmm0, 5, 0 ; store ciphertext movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*0], xmm1 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*1], xmm2 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*2], xmm3 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*3], xmm4 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*4], xmm5 add ptr_ciphertext, 16*5 cmp ptr_ciphertext, target_ptr_val je _last_eight jmp _main_loop _initial_num_blocks_is_4: initialize xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, 4 add ptr_plaintext, 16*4 encrypt_initial xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, xmm0, 4, 0 ; store ciphertext movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*0], xmm1 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*1], xmm2 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*2], xmm3 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*3], xmm4 add ptr_ciphertext, 16*4 cmp ptr_ciphertext, target_ptr_val je _last_eight jmp _main_loop _initial_num_blocks_is_3: initialize xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, 3 add ptr_plaintext, 16*3 encrypt_initial xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, xmm0, 3, 0 ; store ciphertext movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*0], xmm1 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*1], xmm2 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*2], xmm3 add ptr_ciphertext, 16*3 cmp ptr_ciphertext, target_ptr_val je _last_eight jmp _main_loop _initial_num_blocks_is_2: initialize xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, 2 add ptr_plaintext, 16*2 encrypt_initial xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, xmm0, 2, 0 ; store ciphertext movdqu [ptr_ciphertext], xmm1 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16], xmm2 add ptr_ciphertext, 16*2 cmp ptr_ciphertext, target_ptr_val je _last_eight jmp _main_loop _initial_num_blocks_is_1: initialize xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, 1 add ptr_plaintext, 16*1 encrypt_initial xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, xmm0, 1, 0 ; store ciphertext movdqu [ptr_ciphertext], xmm1 add ptr_ciphertext, 16 cmp ptr_ciphertext, target_ptr_val je _last_eight jmp _main_loop _initial_num_blocks_is_0: mov twtempl, [TW+8*0] mov twtemph, [TW+8*1] movdqa xmm9, [TW+16*0] xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp shl twtempl, 1 adc twtemph, twtemph cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp mov [TW+8*2], twtempl mov [TW+8*3], twtemph movdqa xmm10, [TW+16*1] xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp shl twtempl, 1 adc twtemph, twtemph cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp mov [TW+8*4], twtempl mov [TW+8*5], twtemph movdqa xmm11, [TW+16*2] xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp shl twtempl, 1 adc twtemph, twtemph cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp mov [TW+8*6], twtempl mov [TW+8*7], twtemph movdqa xmm12, [TW+16*3] xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp shl twtempl, 1 adc twtemph, twtemph cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp mov [TW+8*8], twtempl mov [TW+8*9], twtemph movdqa xmm13, [TW+16*4] xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp shl twtempl, 1 adc twtemph, twtemph cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp mov [TW+8*10], twtempl mov [TW+8*11], twtemph movdqa xmm14, [TW+16*5] xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp shl twtempl, 1 adc twtemph, twtemph cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp mov [TW+8*12], twtempl mov [TW+8*13], twtemph movdqa xmm15, [TW+16*6] xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp shl twtempl, 1 adc twtemph, twtemph cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp mov [TW+8*14], twtempl mov [TW+8*15], twtemph ;movdqa xmm16, [TW+16*7] cmp ptr_ciphertext, target_ptr_val je _last_eight _main_loop: ; load plaintext movdqu xmm1, [ptr_plaintext+16*0] movdqu xmm2, [ptr_plaintext+16*1] movdqu xmm3, [ptr_plaintext+16*2] movdqu xmm4, [ptr_plaintext+16*3] movdqu xmm5, [ptr_plaintext+16*4] movdqu xmm6, [ptr_plaintext+16*5] movdqu xmm7, [ptr_plaintext+16*6] movdqu xmm8, [ptr_plaintext+16*7] add ptr_plaintext, 128 encrypt_by_eight xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, [TW+16*7], xmm0, 0 ; store ciphertext movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*0], xmm1 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*1], xmm2 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*2], xmm3 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*3], xmm4 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*4], xmm5 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*5], xmm6 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*6], xmm7 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*7], xmm8 add ptr_ciphertext, 128 cmp ptr_ciphertext, target_ptr_val jne _main_loop _last_eight: ; load plaintext movdqu xmm1, [ptr_plaintext+16*0] movdqu xmm2, [ptr_plaintext+16*1] movdqu xmm3, [ptr_plaintext+16*2] movdqu xmm4, [ptr_plaintext+16*3] movdqu xmm5, [ptr_plaintext+16*4] movdqu xmm6, [ptr_plaintext+16*5] movdqu xmm7, [ptr_plaintext+16*6] movdqu xmm8, [ptr_plaintext+16*7] encrypt_by_eight xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, [TW+16*7], xmm0, 1 ; store ciphertext movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*0], xmm1 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*1], xmm2 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*2], xmm3 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*3], xmm4 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*4], xmm5 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*5], xmm6 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*6], xmm7 and N_val, 15 ; N_val = N_val mod 16 je _done _steal_cipher: ; start cipher stealing ; generate next Tweak value xor ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b_temp shl twtempl, 1 adc twtemph, twtemph cmovc ghash_poly_8b_temp, ghash_poly_8b xor twtempl, ghash_poly_8b_temp mov [TW], twtempl mov [TW + 8], twtemph movdqa xmm2, xmm8 ; shift xmm8 to the left by 16-N_val bytes lea twtempl, [pshufb_shf_table] movdqu xmm0, [twtempl+N_val] pshufb xmm8, xmm0 movdqu xmm3, [ptr_plaintext + 112 + N_val] ; state register is temporarily xmm3 to eliminate a move movdqu [ptr_ciphertext + 112 + N_val], xmm8 ; shift xmm3 to the right by 16-N_val bytes lea twtempl, [pshufb_shf_table +16] sub twtempl, N_val movdqu xmm0, [twtempl] pxor xmm0, [mask1] pshufb xmm3, xmm0 pblendvb xmm3, xmm2 ;xmm0 is implicit ; xor Tweak value movdqa xmm8, [TW] pxor xmm8, xmm3 ; state register is xmm8, instead of a move from xmm3 to xmm8, destination register of pxor instruction is swapped ;encrypt last block with cipher stealing pxor xmm8, [keys] ; ARK aesenc xmm8, [keys + 16*1] ; round 1 aesenc xmm8, [keys + 16*2] ; round 2 aesenc xmm8, [keys + 16*3] ; round 3 aesenc xmm8, [keys + 16*4] ; round 4 aesenc xmm8, [keys + 16*5] ; round 5 aesenc xmm8, [keys + 16*6] ; round 6 aesenc xmm8, [keys + 16*7] ; round 7 aesenc xmm8, [keys + 16*8] ; round 8 aesenc xmm8, [keys + 16*9] ; round 9 aesenc xmm8, [keys + 16*10] ; round 9 aesenc xmm8, [keys + 16*11] ; round 9 aesenc xmm8, [keys + 16*12] ; round 9 aesenc xmm8, [keys + 16*13] ; round 9 aesenclast xmm8, [keys + 16*14] ; round 10 ; xor Tweak value pxor xmm8, [TW] _done: ; store last ciphertext value movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*7], xmm8 _ret_: mov rbx, [_gpr + 8*0] %ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__, win64 mov rdi, [_gpr + 8*1] mov rsi, [_gpr + 8*2] movdqa xmm6, [_xmm + 16*0] movdqa xmm7, [_xmm + 16*1] movdqa xmm8, [_xmm + 16*2] movdqa xmm9, [_xmm + 16*3] movdqa xmm10, [_xmm + 16*4] movdqa xmm11, [_xmm + 16*5] movdqa xmm12, [_xmm + 16*6] movdqa xmm13, [_xmm + 16*7] movdqa xmm14, [_xmm + 16*8] movdqa xmm15, [_xmm + 16*9] %endif add rsp, VARIABLE_OFFSET ret _less_than_128_bytes: cmp N_val, 16 jb _ret_ mov tmp1, N_val and tmp1, (7 << 4) cmp tmp1, (6 << 4) je _num_blocks_is_6 cmp tmp1, (5 << 4) je _num_blocks_is_5 cmp tmp1, (4 << 4) je _num_blocks_is_4 cmp tmp1, (3 << 4) je _num_blocks_is_3 cmp tmp1, (2 << 4) je _num_blocks_is_2 cmp tmp1, (1 << 4) je _num_blocks_is_1 _num_blocks_is_7: initialize xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, 7 sub ptr_plaintext, 16*1 encrypt_initial xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, xmm0, 7, 1 ; store ciphertext movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*0], xmm1 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*1], xmm2 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*2], xmm3 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*3], xmm4 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*4], xmm5 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*5], xmm6 sub ptr_ciphertext, 16*1 movdqa xmm8, xmm7 and N_val, 15 ; N_val = N_val mod 16 je _done jmp _steal_cipher _num_blocks_is_6: initialize xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, 6 sub ptr_plaintext, 16*2 encrypt_initial xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, xmm0, 6, 1 ; store ciphertext movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*0], xmm1 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*1], xmm2 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*2], xmm3 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*3], xmm4 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*4], xmm5 sub ptr_ciphertext, 16*2 movdqa xmm8, xmm6 and N_val, 15 ; N_val = N_val mod 16 je _done jmp _steal_cipher _num_blocks_is_5: initialize xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, 5 sub ptr_plaintext, 16*3 encrypt_initial xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, xmm0, 5, 1 ; store ciphertext movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*0], xmm1 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*1], xmm2 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*2], xmm3 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*3], xmm4 sub ptr_ciphertext, 16*3 movdqa xmm8, xmm5 and N_val, 15 ; N_val = N_val mod 16 je _done jmp _steal_cipher _num_blocks_is_4: initialize xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, 4 sub ptr_plaintext, 16*4 encrypt_initial xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, xmm0, 4, 1 ; store ciphertext movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*0], xmm1 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*1], xmm2 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*2], xmm3 sub ptr_ciphertext, 16*4 movdqa xmm8, xmm4 and N_val, 15 ; N_val = N_val mod 16 je _done jmp _steal_cipher _num_blocks_is_3: initialize xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, 3 sub ptr_plaintext, 16*5 encrypt_initial xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, xmm0, 3, 1 ; store ciphertext movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*0], xmm1 movdqu [ptr_ciphertext+16*1], xmm2 sub ptr_ciphertext, 16*5 movdqa xmm8, xmm3 and N_val, 15 ; N_val = N_val mod 16 je _done jmp _steal_cipher _num_blocks_is_2: initialize xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, 2 sub ptr_plaintext, 16*6 encrypt_initial xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, xmm0, 2, 1 ; store ciphertext movdqu [ptr_ciphertext], xmm1 sub ptr_ciphertext, 16*6 movdqa xmm8, xmm2 and N_val, 15 ; N_val = N_val mod 16 je _done jmp _steal_cipher _num_blocks_is_1: initialize xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, 1 sub ptr_plaintext, 16*7 encrypt_initial xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9, xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, xmm0, 1, 1 ; store ciphertext sub ptr_ciphertext, 16*7 movdqa xmm8, xmm1 and N_val, 15 ; N_val = N_val mod 16 je _done jmp _steal_cipher section .data align 16 pshufb_shf_table: ; use these values for shift constants for the pshufb instruction ; different alignments result in values as shown: ; dq 0x8887868584838281, 0x008f8e8d8c8b8a89 ; shl 15 (16-1) / shr1 ; dq 0x8988878685848382, 0x01008f8e8d8c8b8a ; shl 14 (16-3) / shr2 ; dq 0x8a89888786858483, 0x0201008f8e8d8c8b ; shl 13 (16-4) / shr3 ; dq 0x8b8a898887868584, 0x030201008f8e8d8c ; shl 12 (16-4) / shr4 ; dq 0x8c8b8a8988878685, 0x04030201008f8e8d ; shl 11 (16-5) / shr5 ; dq 0x8d8c8b8a89888786, 0x0504030201008f8e ; shl 10 (16-6) / shr6 ; dq 0x8e8d8c8b8a898887, 0x060504030201008f ; shl 9 (16-7) / shr7 ; dq 0x8f8e8d8c8b8a8988, 0x0706050403020100 ; shl 8 (16-8) / shr8 ; dq 0x008f8e8d8c8b8a89, 0x0807060504030201 ; shl 7 (16-9) / shr9 ; dq 0x01008f8e8d8c8b8a, 0x0908070605040302 ; shl 6 (16-10) / shr10 ; dq 0x0201008f8e8d8c8b, 0x0a09080706050403 ; shl 5 (16-11) / shr11 ; dq 0x030201008f8e8d8c, 0x0b0a090807060504 ; shl 4 (16-12) / shr12 ; dq 0x04030201008f8e8d, 0x0c0b0a0908070605 ; shl 3 (16-13) / shr13 ; dq 0x0504030201008f8e, 0x0d0c0b0a09080706 ; shl 2 (16-14) / shr14 ; dq 0x060504030201008f, 0x0e0d0c0b0a090807 ; shl 1 (16-15) / shr15 dq 0x8786858483828100, 0x8f8e8d8c8b8a8988 dq 0x0706050403020100, 0x000e0d0c0b0a0908 mask1: dq 0x8080808080808080, 0x8080808080808080