// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) 2014 Cloudwatt * Copyright (C) 2014 Red Hat * * Author: Loic Dachary * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * */ #include #include #include "include/str_map.h" #include "common/debug.h" #include "crush/CrushWrapper.h" #include "osd/osd_types.h" #include "include/stringify.h" #include "erasure-code/ErasureCodePlugin.h" #include "json_spirit/json_spirit_writer.h" #include "ErasureCodeLrc.h" #define dout_context g_ceph_context #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_osd #undef dout_prefix #define dout_prefix _prefix(_dout) using namespace std; using namespace ceph; static ostream& _prefix(std::ostream* _dout) { return *_dout << "ErasureCodeLrc: "; } int ErasureCodeLrc::create_rule(const string &name, CrushWrapper &crush, ostream *ss) const { if (crush.rule_exists(name)) { *ss << "rule " << name << " exists"; return -EEXIST; } if (!crush.name_exists(rule_root)) { *ss << "root item " << rule_root << " does not exist"; return -ENOENT; } int root = crush.get_item_id(rule_root); if (rule_device_class.size()) { if (!crush.class_exists(rule_device_class)) { *ss << "device class " << rule_device_class << " does not exist"; return -ENOENT; } int c = crush.get_class_id(rule_device_class); if (crush.class_bucket.count(root) == 0 || crush.class_bucket[root].count(c) == 0) { *ss << "root item " << rule_root << " has no devices with class " << rule_device_class; return -EINVAL; } root = crush.class_bucket[root][c]; } int rno = 0; for (rno = 0; rno < crush.get_max_rules(); rno++) { if (!crush.rule_exists(rno) && !crush.ruleset_exists(rno)) break; } int steps = 4 + rule_steps.size(); int min_rep = 3; int max_rep = get_chunk_count(); int ret; ret = crush.add_rule(rno, steps, pg_pool_t::TYPE_ERASURE, min_rep, max_rep); ceph_assert(ret == rno); int step = 0; ret = crush.set_rule_step(rno, step++, CRUSH_RULE_SET_CHOOSELEAF_TRIES, 5, 0); ceph_assert(ret == 0); ret = crush.set_rule_step(rno, step++, CRUSH_RULE_SET_CHOOSE_TRIES, 100, 0); ceph_assert(ret == 0); ret = crush.set_rule_step(rno, step++, CRUSH_RULE_TAKE, root, 0); ceph_assert(ret == 0); // [ [ "choose", "rack", 2 ], // [ "chooseleaf", "host", 5 ] ] for (vector::const_iterator i = rule_steps.begin(); i != rule_steps.end(); ++i) { int op = i->op == "chooseleaf" ? CRUSH_RULE_CHOOSELEAF_INDEP : CRUSH_RULE_CHOOSE_INDEP; int type = crush.get_type_id(i->type); if (type < 0) { *ss << "unknown crush type " << i->type; return -EINVAL; } ret = crush.set_rule_step(rno, step++, op, i->n, type); ceph_assert(ret == 0); } ret = crush.set_rule_step(rno, step++, CRUSH_RULE_EMIT, 0, 0); ceph_assert(ret == 0); crush.set_rule_name(rno, name); return rno; } int ErasureCodeLrc::layers_description(const ErasureCodeProfile &profile, json_spirit::mArray *description, ostream *ss) const { if (profile.count("layers") == 0) { *ss << "could not find 'layers' in " << profile << std::endl; return ERROR_LRC_DESCRIPTION; } string str = profile.find("layers")->second; try { json_spirit::mValue json; json_spirit::read_or_throw(str, json); if (json.type() != json_spirit::array_type) { *ss << "layers='" << str << "' must be a JSON array but is of type " << json.type() << " instead" << std::endl; return ERROR_LRC_ARRAY; } *description = json.get_array(); } catch (json_spirit::Error_position &e) { *ss << "failed to parse layers='" << str << "'" << " at line " << e.line_ << ", column " << e.column_ << " : " << e.reason_ << std::endl; return ERROR_LRC_PARSE_JSON; } return 0; } int ErasureCodeLrc::layers_parse(const string &description_string, json_spirit::mArray description, ostream *ss) { int position = 0; for (vector::iterator i = description.begin(); i != description.end(); ++i, position++) { if (i->type() != json_spirit::array_type) { stringstream json_string; json_spirit::write(*i, json_string); *ss << "each element of the array " << description_string << " must be a JSON array but " << json_string.str() << " at position " << position << " is of type " << i->type() << " instead" << std::endl; return ERROR_LRC_ARRAY; } json_spirit::mArray layer_json = i->get_array(); ErasureCodeProfile profile; int index = 0; for (vector::iterator j = layer_json.begin(); j != layer_json.end(); ++j, ++index) { if (index == 0) { if (j->type() != json_spirit::str_type) { stringstream element; json_spirit::write(*j, element); *ss << "the first element of the entry " << element.str() << " (first is zero) " << position << " in " << description_string << " is of type " << (*j).type() << " instead of string" << std::endl; return ERROR_LRC_STR; } layers.push_back(Layer(j->get_str())); Layer &layer = layers.back(); layer.chunks_map = j->get_str(); } else if(index == 1) { Layer &layer = layers.back(); if (j->type() != json_spirit::str_type && j->type() != json_spirit::obj_type) { stringstream element; json_spirit::write(*j, element); *ss << "the second element of the entry " << element.str() << " (first is zero) " << position << " in " << description_string << " is of type " << (*j).type() << " instead of string or object" << std::endl; return ERROR_LRC_CONFIG_OPTIONS; } if (j->type() == json_spirit::str_type) { int err = get_json_str_map(j->get_str(), *ss, &layer.profile); if (err) return err; } else if (j->type() == json_spirit::obj_type) { json_spirit::mObject o = j->get_obj(); for (map::iterator i = o.begin(); i != o.end(); ++i) { layer.profile[i->first] = i->second.get_str(); } } } else { // ignore trailing elements } } } return 0; } int ErasureCodeLrc::layers_init(ostream *ss) { ErasureCodePluginRegistry ®istry = ErasureCodePluginRegistry::instance(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < layers.size(); i++) { Layer &layer = layers[i]; int position = 0; for(std::string::iterator it = layer.chunks_map.begin(); it != layer.chunks_map.end(); ++it) { if (*it == 'D') layer.data.push_back(position); if (*it == 'c') layer.coding.push_back(position); if (*it == 'c' || *it == 'D') layer.chunks_as_set.insert(position); position++; } layer.chunks = layer.data; layer.chunks.insert(layer.chunks.end(), layer.coding.begin(), layer.coding.end()); if (layer.profile.find("k") == layer.profile.end()) layer.profile["k"] = stringify(layer.data.size()); if (layer.profile.find("m") == layer.profile.end()) layer.profile["m"] = stringify(layer.coding.size()); if (layer.profile.find("plugin") == layer.profile.end()) layer.profile["plugin"] = "jerasure"; if (layer.profile.find("technique") == layer.profile.end()) layer.profile["technique"] = "reed_sol_van"; int err = registry.factory(layer.profile["plugin"], directory, layer.profile, &layer.erasure_code, ss); if (err) return err; } return 0; } int ErasureCodeLrc::layers_sanity_checks(const string &description_string, ostream *ss) const { int position = 0; if (layers.size() < 1) { *ss << "layers parameter has " << layers.size() << " which is less than the minimum of one. " << description_string << std::endl; return ERROR_LRC_LAYERS_COUNT; } for (vector::const_iterator layer = layers.begin(); layer != layers.end(); ++layer) { if (chunk_count != layer->chunks_map.length()) { *ss << "the first element of the array at position " << position << " (starting from zero) " << " is the string '" << layer->chunks_map << " found in the layers parameter " << description_string << ". It is expected to be " << chunk_count << " characters long but is " << layer->chunks_map.length() << " characters long instead " << std::endl; return ERROR_LRC_MAPPING_SIZE; } } return 0; } int ErasureCodeLrc::parse(ErasureCodeProfile &profile, ostream *ss) { int r = ErasureCode::parse(profile, ss); if (r) return r; return parse_rule(profile, ss); } const string ErasureCodeLrc::DEFAULT_KML("-1"); int ErasureCodeLrc::parse_kml(ErasureCodeProfile &profile, ostream *ss) { int err = ErasureCode::parse(profile, ss); const int DEFAULT_INT = -1; int k, m, l; err |= to_int("k", profile, &k, DEFAULT_KML, ss); err |= to_int("m", profile, &m, DEFAULT_KML, ss); err |= to_int("l", profile, &l, DEFAULT_KML, ss); if (k == DEFAULT_INT && m == DEFAULT_INT && l == DEFAULT_INT) return err; if ((k != DEFAULT_INT || m != DEFAULT_INT || l != DEFAULT_INT) && (k == DEFAULT_INT || m == DEFAULT_INT || l == DEFAULT_INT)) { *ss << "All of k, m, l must be set or none of them in " << profile << std::endl; return ERROR_LRC_ALL_OR_NOTHING; } const char *generated[] = { "mapping", "layers", "crush-steps" }; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (profile.count(generated[i])) { *ss << "The " << generated[i] << " parameter cannot be set " << "when k, m, l are set in " << profile << std::endl; return ERROR_LRC_GENERATED; } } if (l == 0 || (k + m) % l) { *ss << "k + m must be a multiple of l in " << profile << std::endl; return ERROR_LRC_K_M_MODULO; } int local_group_count = (k + m) / l; if (k % local_group_count) { *ss << "k must be a multiple of (k + m) / l in " << profile << std::endl; return ERROR_LRC_K_MODULO; } if (m % local_group_count) { *ss << "m must be a multiple of (k + m) / l in " << profile << std::endl; return ERROR_LRC_M_MODULO; } string mapping; for (int i = 0; i < local_group_count; i++) { mapping += string(k / local_group_count, 'D') + string(m / local_group_count, '_') + "_"; } profile["mapping"] = mapping; string layers = "[ "; // global layer layers += " [ \""; for (int i = 0; i < local_group_count; i++) { layers += string(k / local_group_count, 'D') + string(m / local_group_count, 'c') + "_"; } layers += "\", \"\" ],"; // local layers for (int i = 0; i < local_group_count; i++) { layers += " [ \""; for (int j = 0; j < local_group_count; j++) { if (i == j) layers += string(l, 'D') + "c"; else layers += string(l + 1, '_'); } layers += "\", \"\" ],"; } profile["layers"] = layers + "]"; ErasureCodeProfile::const_iterator parameter; string rule_locality; parameter = profile.find("crush-locality"); if (parameter != profile.end()) rule_locality = parameter->second; string rule_failure_domain = "host"; parameter = profile.find("crush-failure-domain"); if (parameter != profile.end()) rule_failure_domain = parameter->second; if (rule_locality != "") { rule_steps.clear(); rule_steps.push_back(Step("choose", rule_locality, local_group_count)); rule_steps.push_back(Step("chooseleaf", rule_failure_domain, l + 1)); } else if (rule_failure_domain != "") { rule_steps.clear(); rule_steps.push_back(Step("chooseleaf", rule_failure_domain, 0)); } return err; } int ErasureCodeLrc::parse_rule(ErasureCodeProfile &profile, ostream *ss) { int err = 0; err |= to_string("crush-root", profile, &rule_root, "default", ss); err |= to_string("crush-device-class", profile, &rule_device_class, "", ss); if (profile.count("crush-steps") != 0) { rule_steps.clear(); string str = profile.find("crush-steps")->second; json_spirit::mArray description; try { json_spirit::mValue json; json_spirit::read_or_throw(str, json); if (json.type() != json_spirit::array_type) { *ss << "crush-steps='" << str << "' must be a JSON array but is of type " << json.type() << " instead" << std::endl; return ERROR_LRC_ARRAY; } description = json.get_array(); } catch (json_spirit::Error_position &e) { *ss << "failed to parse crush-steps='" << str << "'" << " at line " << e.line_ << ", column " << e.column_ << " : " << e.reason_ << std::endl; return ERROR_LRC_PARSE_JSON; } int position = 0; for (vector::iterator i = description.begin(); i != description.end(); ++i, position++) { if (i->type() != json_spirit::array_type) { stringstream json_string; json_spirit::write(*i, json_string); *ss << "element of the array " << str << " must be a JSON array but " << json_string.str() << " at position " << position << " is of type " << i->type() << " instead" << std::endl; return ERROR_LRC_ARRAY; } int r = parse_rule_step(str, i->get_array(), ss); if (r) return r; } } return 0; } int ErasureCodeLrc::parse_rule_step(const string &description_string, json_spirit::mArray description, ostream *ss) { stringstream json_string; json_spirit::write(description, json_string); string op; string type; int n = 0; int position = 0; for (vector::iterator i = description.begin(); i != description.end(); ++i, position++) { if ((position == 0 || position == 1) && i->type() != json_spirit::str_type) { *ss << "element " << position << " of the array " << json_string.str() << " found in " << description_string << " must be a JSON string but is of type " << i->type() << " instead" << std::endl; return position == 0 ? ERROR_LRC_RULE_OP : ERROR_LRC_RULE_TYPE; } if (position == 2 && i->type() != json_spirit::int_type) { *ss << "element " << position << " of the array " << json_string.str() << " found in " << description_string << " must be a JSON int but is of type " << i->type() << " instead" << std::endl; return ERROR_LRC_RULE_N; } if (position == 0) op = i->get_str(); if (position == 1) type = i->get_str(); if (position == 2) n = i->get_int(); } rule_steps.push_back(Step(op, type, n)); return 0; } int ErasureCodeLrc::init(ErasureCodeProfile &profile, ostream *ss) { int r; r = parse_kml(profile, ss); if (r) return r; r = parse(profile, ss); if (r) return r; json_spirit::mArray description; r = layers_description(profile, &description, ss); if (r) return r; string description_string = profile.find("layers")->second; dout(10) << "init(" << description_string << ")" << dendl; r = layers_parse(description_string, description, ss); if (r) return r; r = layers_init(ss); if (r) return r; if (profile.count("mapping") == 0) { *ss << "the 'mapping' profile is missing from " << profile; return ERROR_LRC_MAPPING; } string mapping = profile.find("mapping")->second; data_chunk_count = count(begin(mapping), end(mapping), 'D'); chunk_count = mapping.length(); r = layers_sanity_checks(description_string, ss); if (r) return r; // // When initialized with kml, the profile parameters // that were generated should not be stored because // they would otherwise be exposed to the caller. // if (profile.find("l") != profile.end() && profile.find("l")->second != DEFAULT_KML) { profile.erase("mapping"); profile.erase("layers"); } ErasureCode::init(profile, ss); return 0; } set ErasureCodeLrc::get_erasures(const set &want, const set &available) const { set result; set_difference(want.begin(), want.end(), available.begin(), available.end(), inserter(result, result.end())); return result; } unsigned int ErasureCodeLrc::get_chunk_size(unsigned int object_size) const { return layers.front().erasure_code->get_chunk_size(object_size); } void p(const set &s) { cerr << s; } // for gdb int ErasureCodeLrc::_minimum_to_decode(const set &want_to_read, const set &available_chunks, set *minimum) { dout(20) << __func__ << " want_to_read " << want_to_read << " available_chunks " << available_chunks << dendl; { set erasures_total; set erasures_not_recovered; set erasures_want; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < get_chunk_count(); ++i) { if (available_chunks.count(i) == 0) { erasures_total.insert(i); erasures_not_recovered.insert(i); if (want_to_read.count(i) != 0) erasures_want.insert(i); } } // // Case 1: // // When no chunk is missing there is no need to read more than what // is wanted. // if (erasures_want.empty()) { *minimum = want_to_read; dout(20) << __func__ << " minimum == want_to_read == " << want_to_read << dendl; return 0; } // // Case 2: // // Try to recover erasures with as few chunks as possible. // for (vector::reverse_iterator i = layers.rbegin(); i != layers.rend(); ++i) { // // If this layer has no chunk that we want, skip it. // set layer_want; set_intersection(want_to_read.begin(), want_to_read.end(), i->chunks_as_set.begin(), i->chunks_as_set.end(), inserter(layer_want, layer_want.end())); if (layer_want.empty()) continue; // // Are some of the chunks we want missing ? // set layer_erasures; set_intersection(layer_want.begin(), layer_want.end(), erasures_want.begin(), erasures_want.end(), inserter(layer_erasures, layer_erasures.end())); set layer_minimum; if (layer_erasures.empty()) { // // The chunks we want are available, this is the minimum we need // to read. // layer_minimum = layer_want; } else { set erasures; set_intersection(i->chunks_as_set.begin(), i->chunks_as_set.end(), erasures_not_recovered.begin(), erasures_not_recovered.end(), inserter(erasures, erasures.end())); if (erasures.size() > i->erasure_code->get_coding_chunk_count()) { // // There are too many erasures for this layer to recover: skip // it and hope that an upper layer will be do better. // continue; } else { // // Get all available chunks in that layer to recover the // missing one(s). // set_difference(i->chunks_as_set.begin(), i->chunks_as_set.end(), erasures_not_recovered.begin(), erasures_not_recovered.end(), inserter(layer_minimum, layer_minimum.end())); // // Chunks recovered by this layer are removed from the list of // erasures so that upper levels do not attempt to recover // them. // for (set::const_iterator j = erasures.begin(); j != erasures.end(); ++j) { erasures_not_recovered.erase(*j); erasures_want.erase(*j); } } } minimum->insert(layer_minimum.begin(), layer_minimum.end()); } if (erasures_want.empty()) { minimum->insert(want_to_read.begin(), want_to_read.end()); for (set::const_iterator i = erasures_total.begin(); i != erasures_total.end(); ++i) { if (minimum->count(*i)) minimum->erase(*i); } dout(20) << __func__ << " minimum = " << *minimum << dendl; return 0; } } { // // Case 3: // // The previous strategy failed to recover from all erasures. // // Try to recover as many chunks as possible, even from layers // that do not contain chunks that we want, in the hope that it // will help the upper layers. // set erasures_total; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < get_chunk_count(); ++i) { if (available_chunks.count(i) == 0) erasures_total.insert(i); } for (vector::reverse_iterator i = layers.rbegin(); i != layers.rend(); ++i) { set layer_erasures; set_intersection(i->chunks_as_set.begin(), i->chunks_as_set.end(), erasures_total.begin(), erasures_total.end(), inserter(layer_erasures, layer_erasures.end())); // // If this layer has no erasure, skip it // if (layer_erasures.empty()) continue; if (layer_erasures.size() > 0 && layer_erasures.size() <= i->erasure_code->get_coding_chunk_count()) { // // chunks recovered by this layer are removed from the list of // erasures so that upper levels know they can rely on their // availability // for (set::const_iterator j = layer_erasures.begin(); j != layer_erasures.end(); ++j) { erasures_total.erase(*j); } } } if (erasures_total.empty()) { // // Do not try to be smart about what chunks are necessary to // recover, use all available chunks. // *minimum = available_chunks; dout(20) << __func__ << " minimum == available_chunks == " << available_chunks << dendl; return 0; } } derr << __func__ << " not enough chunks in " << available_chunks << " to read " << want_to_read << dendl; return -EIO; } int ErasureCodeLrc::encode_chunks(const set &want_to_encode, map *encoded) { unsigned int top = layers.size(); for (vector::reverse_iterator i = layers.rbegin(); i != layers.rend(); ++i) { --top; if (includes(i->chunks_as_set.begin(), i->chunks_as_set.end(), want_to_encode.begin(), want_to_encode.end())) break; } for (unsigned int i = top; i < layers.size(); ++i) { const Layer &layer = layers[i]; set layer_want_to_encode; map layer_encoded; int j = 0; for (const auto& c : layer.chunks) { std::swap(layer_encoded[j], (*encoded)[c]); if (want_to_encode.find(c) != want_to_encode.end()) layer_want_to_encode.insert(j); j++; } int err = layer.erasure_code->encode_chunks(layer_want_to_encode, &layer_encoded); j = 0; for (const auto& c : layer.chunks) { std::swap(layer_encoded[j++], (*encoded)[c]); } if (err) { derr << __func__ << " layer " << layer.chunks_map << " failed with " << err << " trying to encode " << layer_want_to_encode << dendl; return err; } } return 0; } int ErasureCodeLrc::decode_chunks(const set &want_to_read, const map &chunks, map *decoded) { set available_chunks; set erasures; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < get_chunk_count(); ++i) { if (chunks.count(i) != 0) available_chunks.insert(i); else erasures.insert(i); } set want_to_read_erasures; for (vector::reverse_iterator layer = layers.rbegin(); layer != layers.rend(); ++layer) { set layer_erasures; set_intersection(layer->chunks_as_set.begin(), layer->chunks_as_set.end(), erasures.begin(), erasures.end(), inserter(layer_erasures, layer_erasures.end())); if (layer_erasures.size() > layer->erasure_code->get_coding_chunk_count()) { // skip because there are too many erasures for this layer to recover } else if(layer_erasures.size() == 0) { // skip because all chunks are already available } else { set layer_want_to_read; map layer_chunks; map layer_decoded; int j = 0; for (vector::const_iterator c = layer->chunks.begin(); c != layer->chunks.end(); ++c) { // // Pick chunks from *decoded* instead of *chunks* to re-use // chunks recovered by previous layers. In other words // *chunks* does not change but *decoded* gradually improves // as more layers recover from erasures. // if (erasures.count(*c) == 0) layer_chunks[j] = (*decoded)[*c]; if (want_to_read.count(*c) != 0) layer_want_to_read.insert(j); layer_decoded[j] = (*decoded)[*c]; ++j; } int err = layer->erasure_code->decode_chunks(layer_want_to_read, layer_chunks, &layer_decoded); if (err) { derr << __func__ << " layer " << layer->chunks_map << " failed with " << err << " trying to decode " << layer_want_to_read << " with " << available_chunks << dendl; return err; } j = 0; for (vector::const_iterator c = layer->chunks.begin(); c != layer->chunks.end(); ++c) { (*decoded)[*c] = layer_decoded[j]; ++j; erasures.erase(*c); } want_to_read_erasures.clear(); set_intersection(erasures.begin(), erasures.end(), want_to_read.begin(), want_to_read.end(), inserter(want_to_read_erasures, want_to_read_erasures.end())); if (want_to_read_erasures.size() == 0) break; } } if (want_to_read_erasures.size() > 0) { derr << __func__ << " want to read " << want_to_read << " with available_chunks = " << available_chunks << " end up being unable to read " << want_to_read_erasures << dendl; return -EIO; } else { return 0; } }