#! /bin/bash set -o pipefail CWD=$PWD SRC_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null && pwd )" IGZIP="$SRC_DIR/igzip $@" TEST_DIR="/tmp/igzip_cli_test_$$/" TEST_FILE=$SRC_DIR/igzip DIFF="diff -q" mkdir -p $TEST_DIR cd $TEST_DIR cleanup () { cd $CWD rm -rf $TEST_DIR exit $1 } clear_dir () { cd /tmp/ rm -rf $TEST_DIR mkdir -p $TEST_DIR cd $TEST_DIR } pass_check() { if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "\e[1;32mPass\e[0;39m: " $2 else echo -e "\e[1;31mFail\e[0;39m: " $2 cleanup 1 fi } fail_check() { if [ $1 -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "\e[1;32mPass\e[0;39m: " $2 else echo -e "\e[1;31mFail\e[0;39m: " $2 cleanup 1 fi } file1=tmp file2=jnk file3=blah bad_file=not_a_file dir=this_is_a_directory default_suffix=".gz" ds=$default_suffix gzip_standard_suffixes=(".gz" ".z") bad_suffix=".bad" custom_suffix=".custom" # Test basic compression and decompression ret=0 cp $TEST_FILE $file1 $IGZIP $file1 && rm $file1 || ret=1 for suffix in ${gzip_standard_suffixes[@]}; do if [ "$ds" != "$suffix" ]; then cp -u $file1$ds $file1$suffix fi $IGZIP -d $file1$suffix && $DIFF $file1 $TEST_FILE || ret=1 rm $file1 done pass_check $ret "Basic compression and decompression" clear_dir # Test piping cat $TEST_FILE | $IGZIP | $IGZIP -d | $DIFF $TEST_FILE - || ret=1 cat $TEST_FILE | $IGZIP - | $IGZIP -d - | $DIFF $TEST_FILE - || ret=1 pass_check $ret "Piping compression and decompression" #Test outifle options $IGZIP $TEST_FILE -o $file2$ds && $IGZIP $file2$ds -d -o $file1 && \ test -f $file2$ds && test -f $file1 && $DIFF $TEST_FILE $file1 pass_check $? "Setting outfile name" clear_dir # Not a file test ret=0 $IGZIP $bad_file &> /dev/null && ret=1 test -f $bad_file$ds && ret=1 pass_check $ret "Bad file" clear_dir # Multiple files cp $TEST_FILE $file1 && cp $TEST_FILE $file2 && cp $TEST_FILE $file3 && \ $IGZIP $file1 $file2 $file3 && rm $file1 && rm $file2 && rm $file3 && \ $IGZIP -d $file1$ds $file2$ds $file3$ds && \ $DIFF $TEST_FILE $file1 && $DIFF $TEST_FILE $file2 && $DIFF $TEST_FILE $file3 pass_check $? "Multiple files compression and decompression" clear_dir # Multiple files, one doesn't exist ret=0 cp $TEST_FILE $file1 && cp $TEST_FILE $file2 || ret=1 $IGZIP $file1 $bad_file $file2 &> /dev/null && ret=1 rm $file1 && rm $file2 || ret=1 $IGZIP -d $file1$ds $bad_file$ds $file2$ds &> /dev/null && ret=1 $DIFF $TEST_FILE $file1 && $DIFF $TEST_FILE $file2 || ret=1 pass_check $ret "Multiple files with a bad file" clear_dir # Custom suffix test cp $TEST_FILE $file1 && $IGZIP -S $custom_suffix $file1 && rm $file1 && \ $IGZIP -d -S $custom_suffix $file1$custom_suffix && $DIFF $TEST_FILE $file1 pass_check $? "Custom suffix" # Bad suffix test ret=0 cp $TEST_FILE $file1 && $IGZIP -S $bad_suffix $file1 && rm $file1 || ret=1 $IGZIP -d $file1$custom_suffix &> /dev/null && ret=1 pass_check $ret "Bad suffix" clear_dir # Remove file test ret=0 cp $TEST_FILE $file1 && $IGZIP --rm $file1 || ret=1 test -f $file1 && ret=1 $IGZIP --rm -d $file1$ds || ret=1 test -f $file1$ds && ret=1 pass_check $ret "Remove file" clear_dir # Pass a directory negative test ret=0 mkdir -p $dir || ret=0 $IGZIP $dir &> /dev/null && ret=1 clear_dir mkdir -p $dir$ds || ret=1 $IGZIP -d $dir &> /dev/null && ret=1 pass_check $ret "Compress/Decompress Directory without -r" clear_dir # Write permissions test cp $TEST_FILE $file1 chmod 400 $file1 chmod 500 $TEST_DIR $IGZIP $file1 &> /dev/null fail_check $? "don't have write permissions" chmod -R 700 $TEST_DIR clear_dir # Read permissions test cp $TEST_FILE $file1 chmod 000 $file1 $IGZIP $file1 &> /dev/null fail_check $? "don't have read permissions" clear_dir # File overwrite test -f ret=0 cp $TEST_FILE $file1 && touch $file1$ds || ret=1 yes | $IGZIP $file1 &> /dev/null && ret=1 $IGZIP -f $file1 &> /dev/null && cp $file1$ds $file1 || ret=1 yes | $IGZIP -d $file1 &> /dev/null && ret=1 $IGZIP -df $file1$ds &> /dev/null && $DIFF $TEST_FILE $file1 || ret=1 pass_check $ret "Existing file overwrite only with force" clear_dir # Quiet suppresses interactivity ret=0 cp $TEST_FILE $file1 && touch $file1$ds || ret=1 $IGZIP -q $file1 &> /dev/null && ret=1 $IGZIP -dq $file1 &> /dev/null && ret=1 pass_check $ret "Quiet will not overwrite" clear_dir # Input file and output file cannot be the same ret=0 cp $TEST_FILE $file1 && $IGZIP $file1 -o $file1 &> /dev/null && ret=1 $DIFF $TEST_FILE $file1 &> /dev/null || ret=1 pass_check $ret "No in place compression" clear_dir # Input file and output file cannot be the same ret=0 cp $TEST_FILE $file1 && $IGZIP $file1 -o $file1$ds &> /dev/null || ret=1 $IGZIP -do $file1 $file1 &> /dev/null && ret=1 $DIFF $TEST_FILE $file1 &> /dev/null || ret=1 pass_check $ret "No in place decompression" clear_dir ret=0 $IGZIP -n $TEST_FILE -o $file1$ds && $IGZIP -Nd $file1$ds && $DIFF $file1 $TEST_FILE || ret=1 pass_check $ret "Decompress name with no-name info" clear_dir ret=0 cp -p $TEST_FILE $file1 && sleep 1 &&\ $IGZIP -N $file1 -o $file1$ds && $IGZIP -Nfqd $file1$ds || ret=1 TIME_ORIG=$(stat --printf=\("%Y\n"\) $TEST_FILE) TIME_NEW=$(stat --printf=\("%Y\n"\) $file1) if [ "$TIME_ORIG" != "$TIME_NEW" ] ; then ret=1 fi pass_check $ret "Decompress with name info" clear_dir ret=0 cp -p $TEST_FILE $file1 && touch $file2\\ $IGZIP $file1 -o $file1$ds || ret=1 $IGZIP -t $file1$ds || ret=1 $IGZIP -t $file2 &> /dev/null && ret=1 cp $file1$ds $file2 && $IGZIP -t $file1$ds || ret=1 truncate -s -1 $file1$ds $IGZIP -t $file1$ds &> /dev/null && ret=1 pass_check $ret "Test test" clear_dir # Large stream test with threading if enabled ret=0 (for i in `seq 100`; do cat $TEST_FILE ; done) | $IGZIP -c -T 4 | $IGZIP -t || ret=1 pass_check $ret "Large stream test" # Large stream tests with decompression and threading if enabled if command -V md5sum >/dev/null 2>&1 && command -V dd >/dev/null 2>&1; then ret=0 dd if=<(for i in `seq 1000`; do cat $TEST_FILE; done) iflag=fullblock bs=1M count=201 2> out.stder | tee >(md5sum > out.sum1) \ | $IGZIP -c -T 4 | $IGZIP -d | md5sum > out.sum2 \ && $DIFF out.sum1 out.sum2 || ret=1 pass_check $ret "Large stream compresss test" clear_dir if test -e /dev/urandom; then ret=0 dd if=/dev/urandom iflag=fullblock bs=1M count=200 2> out.stder | tee >(md5sum > out.sum3) \ | $IGZIP -c -T 2 | $IGZIP -d | md5sum > out.sum4 \ && $DIFF out.sum3 out.sum4 || ret=1 pass_check $ret "Large stream random data test" clear_dir fi fi echo "Passed all cli checks" cleanup 0