(* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. *) unit TestClient; {$I ../src/Thrift.Defines.inc} {.$DEFINE StressTest} // activate to stress-test the server with frequent connects/disconnects {.$DEFINE PerfTest} // activate the performance test {$DEFINE Exceptions} // activate the exceptions test (or disable while debugging) {$if CompilerVersion >= 28} {$DEFINE SupportsAsync} {$ifend} {$WARN SYMBOL_PLATFORM OFF} // Win32Check interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Math, ComObj, ActiveX, {$IFDEF SupportsAsync} System.Threading, {$ENDIF} DateUtils, Generics.Collections, TestConstants, ConsoleHelper, PerfTests, Thrift, Thrift.Protocol.Compact, Thrift.Protocol.JSON, Thrift.Protocol, Thrift.Transport.Pipes, Thrift.Transport.WinHTTP, Thrift.Transport.MsxmlHTTP, Thrift.Transport, Thrift.Stream, Thrift.Test, Thrift.WinHTTP, Thrift.Utils, Thrift.Collections; type TThreadConsole = class private FThread : TThread; public procedure Write( const S : string); procedure WriteLine( const S : string); constructor Create( AThread: TThread); end; TTestSetup = record protType : TKnownProtocol; endpoint : TEndpointTransport; layered : TLayeredTransports; useSSL : Boolean; // include where appropriate (TLayeredTransport?) host : string; port : Integer; sPipeName : string; hAnonRead, hAnonWrite : THandle; end; TClientThread = class( TThread ) private type TTestGroup = ( test_Unknown, test_BaseTypes, test_Structs, test_Containers, test_Exceptions // new values here ); TTestGroups = set of TTestGroup; TTestSize = ( Empty, // Edge case: the zero-length empty binary Normal, // Fairly small array of usual size (256 bytes) ByteArrayTest, // THRIFT-4454 Large writes/reads may cause range check errors in debug mode PipeWriteLimit, // THRIFT-4372 Pipe write operations across a network are limited to 65,535 bytes per write. TwentyMB // that's quite a bit of data ); private FSetup : TTestSetup; FTransport : ITransport; FProtocol : IProtocol; FNumIteration : Integer; FConsole : TThreadConsole; // test reporting, will be refactored out into separate class later FTestGroup : string; FCurrentTest : TTestGroup; FSuccesses : Integer; FErrors : TStringList; FFailed : TTestGroups; FExecuted : TTestGroups; procedure StartTestGroup( const aGroup : string; const aTest : TTestGroup); procedure Expect( aTestResult : Boolean; const aTestInfo : string); procedure ReportResults; function CalculateExitCode : Byte; procedure ClientTest; {$IFDEF SupportsAsync} procedure ClientAsyncTest; {$ENDIF} procedure InitializeProtocolTransportStack; procedure ShutdownProtocolTransportStack; function InitializeHttpTransport( const aTimeoutSetting : Integer) : IHTTPClient; procedure JSONProtocolReadWriteTest; function PrepareBinaryData( aRandomDist : Boolean; aSize : TTestSize) : TBytes; {$IFDEF StressTest} procedure StressTest(const client : TThriftTest.Iface); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF Win64} procedure UseInterlockedExchangeAdd64; {$ENDIF} protected procedure Execute; override; public constructor Create( const aSetup : TTestSetup; const aNumIteration: Integer); destructor Destroy; override; end; TTestClient = class private class var FNumIteration : Integer; FNumThread : Integer; class procedure PrintCmdLineHelp; class procedure InvalidArgs; public class function Execute( const args: array of string) : Byte; end; implementation const EXITCODE_SUCCESS = $00; // no errors bits set // EXITCODE_FAILBIT_BASETYPES = $01; EXITCODE_FAILBIT_STRUCTS = $02; EXITCODE_FAILBIT_CONTAINERS = $04; EXITCODE_FAILBIT_EXCEPTIONS = $08; MAP_FAILURES_TO_EXITCODE_BITS : array[TClientThread.TTestGroup] of Byte = ( EXITCODE_SUCCESS, // no bits here EXITCODE_FAILBIT_BASETYPES, EXITCODE_FAILBIT_STRUCTS, EXITCODE_FAILBIT_CONTAINERS, EXITCODE_FAILBIT_EXCEPTIONS ); function BoolToString( b : Boolean) : string; // overrides global BoolToString() begin if b then result := 'true' else result := 'false'; end; // not available in all versions, so make sure we have this one imported function IsDebuggerPresent: BOOL; stdcall; external KERNEL32 name 'IsDebuggerPresent'; { TTestClient } class procedure TTestClient.PrintCmdLineHelp; const HELPTEXT = ' [options]'#10 + #10 + 'Allowed options:'#10 + ' -h [ --help ] produce help message'#10 + ' --host arg (=localhost) Host to connect'#10 + ' --port arg (=9090) Port number to connect'#10 + ' --domain-socket arg Domain Socket (e.g. /tmp/ThriftTest.thrift),'#10 + ' instead of host and port'#10 + ' --named-pipe arg Windows Named Pipe (e.g. MyThriftPipe)'#10 + ' --anon-pipes hRead hWrite Windows Anonymous Pipes pair (handles)'#10 + ' --transport arg (=sockets) Transport: buffered, framed, http, winhttp'#10 + ' --protocol arg (=binary) Protocol: binary, compact, json'#10 + ' --ssl Encrypted Transport using SSL'#10 + ' -n [ --testloops ] arg (=1) Number of Tests'#10 + ' -t [ --threads ] arg (=1) Number of Test threads'#10 + ' --performance Run the built-in performance test (no other arguments)'#10 ; begin Writeln( ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(ParamStr(0)),'') + HELPTEXT); end; class procedure TTestClient.InvalidArgs; begin Console.WriteLine( 'Invalid args.'); Console.WriteLine( ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(ParamStr(0)),'') + ' -h for more information'); Abort; end; class function TTestClient.Execute(const args: array of string) : Byte; var i : Integer; threadExitCode : Byte; s : string; threads : array of TThread; dtStart : TDateTime; test : Integer; thread : TThread; setup : TTestSetup; begin // init record with setup do begin protType := prot_Binary; endpoint := trns_Sockets; layered := []; useSSL := FALSE; host := 'localhost'; port := 9090; sPipeName := ''; hAnonRead := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; hAnonWrite := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; end; try i := 0; while ( i < Length(args) ) do begin s := args[i]; Inc( i); if (s = '-h') or (s = '--help') then begin // -h [ --help ] produce help message PrintCmdLineHelp; result := $FF; // all tests failed Exit; end else if s = '--host' then begin // --host arg (=localhost) Host to connect setup.host := args[i]; Inc( i); end else if s = '--port' then begin // --port arg (=9090) Port number to connect s := args[i]; Inc( i); setup.port := StrToIntDef(s,0); if setup.port <= 0 then InvalidArgs; end else if s = '--domain-socket' then begin // --domain-socket arg Domain Socket (e.g. /tmp/ThriftTest.thrift), instead of host and port raise Exception.Create('domain-socket not supported'); end else if s = '--named-pipe' then begin // --named-pipe arg Windows Named Pipe (e.g. MyThriftPipe) setup.endpoint := trns_NamedPipes; setup.sPipeName := args[i]; Inc( i); Console.WriteLine('Using named pipe ('+setup.sPipeName+')'); end else if s = '--anon-pipes' then begin // --anon-pipes hRead hWrite Windows Anonymous Pipes pair (handles) setup.endpoint := trns_AnonPipes; setup.hAnonRead := THandle( StrToIntDef( args[i], Integer(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE))); Inc( i); setup.hAnonWrite := THandle( StrToIntDef( args[i], Integer(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE))); Inc( i); Console.WriteLine('Using anonymous pipes ('+IntToStr(Integer(setup.hAnonRead))+' and '+IntToStr(Integer(setup.hAnonWrite))+')'); end else if s = '--transport' then begin // --transport arg (=sockets) Transport: buffered, framed, http, winhttp, evhttp s := args[i]; Inc( i); if s = 'buffered' then Include( setup.layered, trns_Buffered) else if s = 'framed' then Include( setup.layered, trns_Framed) else if s = 'http' then setup.endpoint := trns_MsXmlHttp else if s = 'winhttp' then setup.endpoint := trns_WinHttp else if s = 'evhttp' then setup.endpoint := trns_EvHttp // recognized, but not supported else InvalidArgs; end else if s = '--protocol' then begin // --protocol arg (=binary) Protocol: binary, compact, json s := args[i]; Inc( i); if s = 'binary' then setup.protType := prot_Binary else if s = 'compact' then setup.protType := prot_Compact else if s = 'json' then setup.protType := prot_JSON else InvalidArgs; end else if s = '--ssl' then begin // --ssl Encrypted Transport using SSL setup.useSSL := TRUE; end else if (s = '-n') or (s = '--testloops') then begin // -n [ --testloops ] arg (=1) Number of Tests FNumIteration := StrToIntDef( args[i], 0); Inc( i); if FNumIteration <= 0 then InvalidArgs; end else if (s = '-t') or (s = '--threads') then begin // -t [ --threads ] arg (=1) Number of Test threads FNumThread := StrToIntDef( args[i], 0); Inc( i); if FNumThread <= 0 then InvalidArgs; end else if (s = '--performance') then begin result := TPerformanceTests.Execute; Exit; end else begin InvalidArgs; end; end; // In the anonymous pipes mode the client is launched by the test server // -> behave nicely and allow for attaching a debugger to this process if (setup.endpoint = trns_AnonPipes) and not IsDebuggerPresent then MessageBox( 0, 'Attach Debugger and/or click OK to continue.', 'Thrift TestClient (Delphi)', MB_OK or MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); SetLength( threads, FNumThread); dtStart := Now; // layered transports are not really meant to be stacked upon each other if (trns_Framed in setup.layered) then begin Console.WriteLine('Using framed transport'); end else if (trns_Buffered in setup.layered) then begin Console.WriteLine('Using buffered transport'); end; Console.WriteLine(THRIFT_PROTOCOLS[setup.protType]+' protocol'); for test := 0 to FNumThread - 1 do begin thread := TClientThread.Create( setup, FNumIteration); threads[test] := thread; thread.Start; end; result := 0; for test := 0 to FNumThread - 1 do begin threadExitCode := threads[test].WaitFor; result := result or threadExitCode; threads[test].Free; threads[test] := nil; end; Console.Write('Total time: ' + IntToStr( MilliSecondsBetween(Now, dtStart))); except on E: EAbort do raise; on E: Exception do begin Console.WriteLine( E.Message + #10 + E.StackTrace); raise; end; end; Console.WriteLine(''); Console.WriteLine('done!'); end; { TClientThread } procedure TClientThread.ClientTest; var client : TThriftTest.Iface; s : string; i8 : ShortInt; i32 : Integer; i64 : Int64; binOut,binIn : TBytes; dub : Double; o : IXtruct; o2 : IXtruct2; i : IXtruct; i2 : IXtruct2; mapout : IThriftDictionary; mapin : IThriftDictionary; strmapout : IThriftDictionary; strmapin : IThriftDictionary; j : Integer; first : Boolean; key : Integer; strkey : string; listout : IThriftList; listin : IThriftList; setout : IHashSet; setin : IHashSet; ret : TNumberz; uid : Int64; mm : IThriftDictionary>; pos : IThriftDictionary; neg : IThriftDictionary; m2 : IThriftDictionary; k2 : Integer; insane : IInsanity; truck : IXtruct; whoa : IThriftDictionary>; key64 : Int64; val : IThriftDictionary; k2_2 : TNumberz; k3 : TNumberz; v2 : IInsanity; userMap : IThriftDictionary; xtructs : IThriftList; x : IXtruct; arg0 : ShortInt; arg1 : Integer; arg2 : Int64; arg3 : IThriftDictionary; arg4 : TNumberz; arg5 : Int64; {$IFDEF PerfTest} StartTick : Cardinal; k : Integer; {$ENDIF} hello, goodbye : IXtruct; crazy : IInsanity; looney : IInsanity; first_map : IThriftDictionary; second_map : IThriftDictionary; pair : TPair; testsize : TTestSize; begin client := TThriftTest.TClient.Create( FProtocol); FTransport.Open; {$IFDEF StressTest} StressTest( client); {$ENDIF StressTest} {$IFDEF Exceptions} // in-depth exception test // (1) do we get an exception at all? // (2) do we get the right exception? // (3) does the exception contain the expected data? StartTestGroup( 'testException', test_Exceptions); // case 1: exception type declared in IDL at the function call try client.testException('Xception'); Expect( FALSE, 'testException(''Xception''): must trow an exception'); except on e:TXception do begin Expect( e.ErrorCode = 1001, 'error code'); Expect( e.Message_ = 'Xception', 'error message'); Console.WriteLine( ' = ' + IntToStr(e.ErrorCode) + ', ' + e.Message_ ); end; on e:TTransportException do Expect( FALSE, 'Unexpected : "'+e.ToString+'"'); on e:Exception do Expect( FALSE, 'Unexpected exception "'+e.ClassName+'": '+e.Message); end; // case 2: exception type NOT declared in IDL at the function call // this will close the connection try client.testException('TException'); Expect( FALSE, 'testException(''TException''): must trow an exception'); except on e:TTransportException do begin Console.WriteLine( e.ClassName+' = '+e.Message); // this is what we get end; on e:TApplicationException do begin Console.WriteLine( e.ClassName+' = '+e.Message); // this is what we get end; on e:TException do Expect( FALSE, 'Unexpected exception "'+e.ClassName+'": '+e.Message); on e:Exception do Expect( FALSE, 'Unexpected exception "'+e.ClassName+'": '+e.Message); end; if FTransport.IsOpen then FTransport.Close; FTransport.Open; // re-open connection, server has already closed // case 3: no exception try client.testException('something'); Expect( TRUE, 'testException(''something''): must not trow an exception'); except on e:TTransportException do Expect( FALSE, 'Unexpected : "'+e.ToString+'"'); on e:Exception do Expect( FALSE, 'Unexpected exception "'+e.ClassName+'": '+e.Message); end; {$ENDIF Exceptions} // simple things StartTestGroup( 'simple Thrift calls', test_BaseTypes); client.testVoid(); Expect( TRUE, 'testVoid()'); // success := no exception s := BoolToString( client.testBool(TRUE)); Expect( s = BoolToString(TRUE), 'testBool(TRUE) = '+s); s := BoolToString( client.testBool(FALSE)); Expect( s = BoolToString(FALSE), 'testBool(FALSE) = '+s); s := client.testString('Test'); Expect( s = 'Test', 'testString(''Test'') = "'+s+'"'); s := client.testString(''); // empty string Expect( s = '', 'testString('''') = "'+s+'"'); s := client.testString(HUGE_TEST_STRING); Expect( length(s) = length(HUGE_TEST_STRING), 'testString( length(HUGE_TEST_STRING) = '+IntToStr(Length(HUGE_TEST_STRING))+') ' +'=> length(result) = '+IntToStr(Length(s))); i8 := client.testByte(1); Expect( i8 = 1, 'testByte(1) = ' + IntToStr( i8 )); i32 := client.testI32(-1); Expect( i32 = -1, 'testI32(-1) = ' + IntToStr(i32)); Console.WriteLine('testI64(-34359738368)'); i64 := client.testI64(-34359738368); Expect( i64 = -34359738368, 'testI64(-34359738368) = ' + IntToStr( i64)); // random binary small for testsize := Low(TTestSize) to High(TTestSize) do begin binOut := PrepareBinaryData( TRUE, testsize); Console.WriteLine('testBinary('+IntToStr(Length(binOut))+' bytes)'); try binIn := client.testBinary(binOut); Expect( Length(binOut) = Length(binIn), 'testBinary('+IntToStr(Length(binOut))+' bytes): '+IntToStr(Length(binIn))+' bytes received'); i32 := Min( Length(binOut), Length(binIn)); Expect( CompareMem( binOut, binIn, i32), 'testBinary('+IntToStr(Length(binOut))+' bytes): validating received data'); except on e:TApplicationException do Console.WriteLine('testBinary(): '+e.Message); on e:Exception do Expect( FALSE, 'testBinary(): Unexpected exception "'+e.ClassName+'": '+e.Message); end; end; Console.WriteLine('testDouble(5.325098235)'); dub := client.testDouble(5.325098235); Expect( abs(dub-5.325098235) < 1e-14, 'testDouble(5.325098235) = ' + FloatToStr( dub)); // structs StartTestGroup( 'testStruct', test_Structs); Console.WriteLine('testStruct({''Zero'', 1, -3, -5})'); o := TXtructImpl.Create; o.String_thing := 'Zero'; o.Byte_thing := 1; o.I32_thing := -3; o.I64_thing := -5; i := client.testStruct(o); Expect( i.String_thing = 'Zero', 'i.String_thing = "'+i.String_thing+'"'); Expect( i.Byte_thing = 1, 'i.Byte_thing = '+IntToStr(i.Byte_thing)); Expect( i.I32_thing = -3, 'i.I32_thing = '+IntToStr(i.I32_thing)); Expect( i.I64_thing = -5, 'i.I64_thing = '+IntToStr(i.I64_thing)); Expect( i.__isset_String_thing, 'i.__isset_String_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_String_thing)); Expect( i.__isset_Byte_thing, 'i.__isset_Byte_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_Byte_thing)); Expect( i.__isset_I32_thing, 'i.__isset_I32_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_I32_thing)); Expect( i.__isset_I64_thing, 'i.__isset_I64_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_I64_thing)); // nested structs StartTestGroup( 'testNest', test_Structs); Console.WriteLine('testNest({1, {''Zero'', 1, -3, -5}, 5})'); o2 := TXtruct2Impl.Create; o2.Byte_thing := 1; o2.Struct_thing := o; o2.I32_thing := 5; i2 := client.testNest(o2); i := i2.Struct_thing; Expect( i.String_thing = 'Zero', 'i.String_thing = "'+i.String_thing+'"'); Expect( i.Byte_thing = 1, 'i.Byte_thing = '+IntToStr(i.Byte_thing)); Expect( i.I32_thing = -3, 'i.I32_thing = '+IntToStr(i.I32_thing)); Expect( i.I64_thing = -5, 'i.I64_thing = '+IntToStr(i.I64_thing)); Expect( i2.Byte_thing = 1, 'i2.Byte_thing = '+IntToStr(i2.Byte_thing)); Expect( i2.I32_thing = 5, 'i2.I32_thing = '+IntToStr(i2.I32_thing)); Expect( i.__isset_String_thing, 'i.__isset_String_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_String_thing)); Expect( i.__isset_Byte_thing, 'i.__isset_Byte_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_Byte_thing)); Expect( i.__isset_I32_thing, 'i.__isset_I32_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_I32_thing)); Expect( i.__isset_I64_thing, 'i.__isset_I64_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_I64_thing)); Expect( i2.__isset_Byte_thing, 'i2.__isset_Byte_thing'); Expect( i2.__isset_I32_thing, 'i2.__isset_I32_thing'); // map: A map of strictly unique keys to values. // Translates to an STL map, Java HashMap, PHP associative array, Python/Ruby dictionary, etc. StartTestGroup( 'testMap', test_Containers); mapout := TThriftDictionaryImpl.Create; for j := 0 to 4 do begin mapout.AddOrSetValue( j, j - 10); end; Console.Write('testMap({'); first := True; for key in mapout.Keys do begin if first then first := False else Console.Write( ', ' ); Console.Write( IntToStr( key) + ' => ' + IntToStr( mapout[key])); end; Console.WriteLine('})'); mapin := client.testMap( mapout ); Expect( mapin.Count = mapout.Count, 'testMap: mapin.Count = mapout.Count'); for j := 0 to 4 do begin Expect( mapout.ContainsKey(j), 'testMap: mapout.ContainsKey('+IntToStr(j)+') = '+BoolToString(mapout.ContainsKey(j))); end; for key in mapin.Keys do begin Expect( mapin[key] = mapout[key], 'testMap: '+IntToStr(key) + ' => ' + IntToStr( mapin[key])); Expect( mapin[key] = key - 10, 'testMap: mapin['+IntToStr(key)+'] = '+IntToStr( mapin[key])); end; // map: A map of strictly unique keys to values. // Translates to an STL map, Java HashMap, PHP associative array, Python/Ruby dictionary, etc. StartTestGroup( 'testStringMap', test_Containers); strmapout := TThriftDictionaryImpl.Create; for j := 0 to 4 do begin strmapout.AddOrSetValue( IntToStr(j), IntToStr(j - 10)); end; Console.Write('testStringMap({'); first := True; for strkey in strmapout.Keys do begin if first then first := False else Console.Write( ', ' ); Console.Write( strkey + ' => ' + strmapout[strkey]); end; Console.WriteLine('})'); strmapin := client.testStringMap( strmapout ); Expect( strmapin.Count = strmapout.Count, 'testStringMap: strmapin.Count = strmapout.Count'); for j := 0 to 4 do begin Expect( strmapout.ContainsKey(IntToStr(j)), 'testStringMap: strmapout.ContainsKey('+IntToStr(j)+') = ' + BoolToString(strmapout.ContainsKey(IntToStr(j)))); end; for strkey in strmapin.Keys do begin Expect( strmapin[strkey] = strmapout[strkey], 'testStringMap: '+strkey + ' => ' + strmapin[strkey]); Expect( strmapin[strkey] = IntToStr( StrToInt(strkey) - 10), 'testStringMap: strmapin['+strkey+'] = '+strmapin[strkey]); end; // set: An unordered set of unique elements. // Translates to an STL set, Java HashSet, set in Python, etc. // Note: PHP does not support sets, so it is treated similar to a List StartTestGroup( 'testSet', test_Containers); setout := THashSetImpl.Create; for j := -2 to 2 do begin setout.Add( j ); end; Console.Write('testSet({'); first := True; for j in setout do begin if first then first := False else Console.Write(', '); Console.Write(IntToStr( j)); end; Console.WriteLine('})'); setin := client.testSet(setout); Expect( setin.Count = setout.Count, 'testSet: setin.Count = setout.Count'); Expect( setin.Count = 5, 'testSet: setin.Count = '+IntToStr(setin.Count)); for j := -2 to 2 do // unordered, we can't rely on the order => test for known elements only begin Expect( setin.Contains(j), 'testSet: setin.Contains('+IntToStr(j)+') => '+BoolToString(setin.Contains(j))); end; // list: An ordered list of elements. // Translates to an STL vector, Java ArrayList, native arrays in scripting languages, etc. StartTestGroup( 'testList', test_Containers); listout := TThriftListImpl.Create; listout.Add( +1); listout.Add( -2); listout.Add( +3); listout.Add( -4); listout.Add( 0); Console.Write('testList({'); first := True; for j in listout do begin if first then first := False else Console.Write(', '); Console.Write(IntToStr( j)); end; Console.WriteLine('})'); listin := client.testList(listout); Expect( listin.Count = listout.Count, 'testList: listin.Count = listout.Count'); Expect( listin.Count = 5, 'testList: listin.Count = '+IntToStr(listin.Count)); Expect( listin[0] = +1, 'listin[0] = '+IntToStr( listin[0])); Expect( listin[1] = -2, 'listin[1] = '+IntToStr( listin[1])); Expect( listin[2] = +3, 'listin[2] = '+IntToStr( listin[2])); Expect( listin[3] = -4, 'listin[3] = '+IntToStr( listin[3])); Expect( listin[4] = 0, 'listin[4] = '+IntToStr( listin[4])); // enums ret := client.testEnum(TNumberz.ONE); Expect( ret = TNumberz.ONE, 'testEnum(ONE) = '+IntToStr(Ord(ret))); ret := client.testEnum(TNumberz.TWO); Expect( ret = TNumberz.TWO, 'testEnum(TWO) = '+IntToStr(Ord(ret))); ret := client.testEnum(TNumberz.THREE); Expect( ret = TNumberz.THREE, 'testEnum(THREE) = '+IntToStr(Ord(ret))); ret := client.testEnum(TNumberz.FIVE); Expect( ret = TNumberz.FIVE, 'testEnum(FIVE) = '+IntToStr(Ord(ret))); ret := client.testEnum(TNumberz.EIGHT); Expect( ret = TNumberz.EIGHT, 'testEnum(EIGHT) = '+IntToStr(Ord(ret))); // typedef uid := client.testTypedef(309858235082523); Expect( uid = 309858235082523, 'testTypedef(309858235082523) = '+IntToStr(uid)); // maps of maps StartTestGroup( 'testMapMap(1)', test_Containers); mm := client.testMapMap(1); Console.Write(' = {'); for key in mm.Keys do begin Console.Write( IntToStr( key) + ' => {'); m2 := mm[key]; for k2 in m2.Keys do begin Console.Write( IntToStr( k2) + ' => ' + IntToStr( m2[k2]) + ', '); end; Console.Write('}, '); end; Console.WriteLine('}'); // verify result data Expect( mm.Count = 2, 'mm.Count = '+IntToStr(mm.Count)); pos := mm[4]; neg := mm[-4]; for j := 1 to 4 do begin Expect( pos[j] = j, 'pos[j] = '+IntToStr(pos[j])); Expect( neg[-j] = -j, 'neg[-j] = '+IntToStr(neg[-j])); end; // insanity StartTestGroup( 'testInsanity', test_Structs); insane := TInsanityImpl.Create; insane.UserMap := TThriftDictionaryImpl.Create; insane.UserMap.AddOrSetValue( TNumberz.FIVE, 5000); truck := TXtructImpl.Create; truck.String_thing := 'Truck'; truck.Byte_thing := -8; // byte is signed truck.I32_thing := 32; truck.I64_thing := 64; insane.Xtructs := TThriftListImpl.Create; insane.Xtructs.Add( truck ); whoa := client.testInsanity( insane ); Console.Write(' = {'); for key64 in whoa.Keys do begin val := whoa[key64]; Console.Write( IntToStr( key64) + ' => {'); for k2_2 in val.Keys do begin v2 := val[k2_2]; Console.Write( IntToStr( Integer( k2_2)) + ' => {'); userMap := v2.UserMap; Console.Write('{'); if userMap <> nil then begin for k3 in userMap.Keys do begin Console.Write( IntToStr( Integer( k3)) + ' => ' + IntToStr( userMap[k3]) + ', '); end; end else begin Console.Write('null'); end; Console.Write('}, '); xtructs := v2.Xtructs; Console.Write('{'); if xtructs <> nil then begin for x in xtructs do begin Console.Write('{"' + x.String_thing + '", ' + IntToStr( x.Byte_thing) + ', ' + IntToStr( x.I32_thing) + ', ' + IntToStr( x.I32_thing) + '}, '); end; end else begin Console.Write('null'); end; Console.Write('}'); Console.Write('}, '); end; Console.Write('}, '); end; Console.WriteLine('}'); (** * So you think you've got this all worked, out eh? * * Creates a the returned map with these values and prints it out: * { 1 => { 2 => argument, * 3 => argument, * }, * 2 => { 6 => , }, * } * @return map> - a map with the above values *) // verify result data Expect( whoa.Count = 2, 'whoa.Count = '+IntToStr(whoa.Count)); // first_map := whoa[1]; second_map := whoa[2]; Expect( first_map.Count = 2, 'first_map.Count = '+IntToStr(first_map.Count)); Expect( second_map.Count = 1, 'second_map.Count = '+IntToStr(second_map.Count)); // looney := second_map[TNumberz.SIX]; Expect( Assigned(looney), 'Assigned(looney) = '+BoolToString(Assigned(looney))); Expect( not looney.__isset_UserMap, 'looney.__isset_UserMap = '+BoolToString(looney.__isset_UserMap)); Expect( not looney.__isset_Xtructs, 'looney.__isset_Xtructs = '+BoolToString(looney.__isset_Xtructs)); // for ret in [TNumberz.TWO, TNumberz.THREE] do begin crazy := first_map[ret]; Console.WriteLine('first_map['+intToStr(Ord(ret))+']'); Expect( crazy.__isset_UserMap, 'crazy.__isset_UserMap = '+BoolToString(crazy.__isset_UserMap)); Expect( crazy.__isset_Xtructs, 'crazy.__isset_Xtructs = '+BoolToString(crazy.__isset_Xtructs)); Expect( crazy.UserMap.Count = insane.UserMap.Count, 'crazy.UserMap.Count = '+IntToStr(crazy.UserMap.Count)); for pair in insane.UserMap do begin Expect( crazy.UserMap[pair.Key] = pair.Value, 'crazy.UserMap['+IntToStr(Ord(pair.key))+'] = '+IntToStr(crazy.UserMap[pair.Key])); end; Expect( crazy.Xtructs.Count = insane.Xtructs.Count, 'crazy.Xtructs.Count = '+IntToStr(crazy.Xtructs.Count)); for arg0 := 0 to insane.Xtructs.Count-1 do begin hello := insane.Xtructs[arg0]; goodbye := crazy.Xtructs[arg0]; Expect( goodbye.String_thing = hello.String_thing, 'goodbye.String_thing = '+goodbye.String_thing); Expect( goodbye.Byte_thing = hello.Byte_thing, 'goodbye.Byte_thing = '+IntToStr(goodbye.Byte_thing)); Expect( goodbye.I32_thing = hello.I32_thing, 'goodbye.I32_thing = '+IntToStr(goodbye.I32_thing)); Expect( goodbye.I64_thing = hello.I64_thing, 'goodbye.I64_thing = '+IntToStr(goodbye.I64_thing)); end; end; // multi args StartTestGroup( 'testMulti', test_BaseTypes); arg0 := 1; arg1 := 2; arg2 := High(Int64); arg3 := TThriftDictionaryImpl.Create; arg3.AddOrSetValue( 1, 'one'); arg4 := TNumberz.FIVE; arg5 := 5000000; Console.WriteLine('Test Multi(' + IntToStr( arg0) + ',' + IntToStr( arg1) + ',' + IntToStr( arg2) + ',' + arg3.ToString + ',' + IntToStr( Integer( arg4)) + ',' + IntToStr( arg5) + ')'); i := client.testMulti( arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); Expect( i.String_thing = 'Hello2', 'testMulti: i.String_thing = "'+i.String_thing+'"'); Expect( i.Byte_thing = arg0, 'testMulti: i.Byte_thing = '+IntToStr(i.Byte_thing)); Expect( i.I32_thing = arg1, 'testMulti: i.I32_thing = '+IntToStr(i.I32_thing)); Expect( i.I64_thing = arg2, 'testMulti: i.I64_thing = '+IntToStr(i.I64_thing)); Expect( i.__isset_String_thing, 'testMulti: i.__isset_String_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_String_thing)); Expect( i.__isset_Byte_thing, 'testMulti: i.__isset_Byte_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_Byte_thing)); Expect( i.__isset_I32_thing, 'testMulti: i.__isset_I32_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_I32_thing)); Expect( i.__isset_I64_thing, 'testMulti: i.__isset_I64_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_I64_thing)); // multi exception StartTestGroup( 'testMultiException(1)', test_Exceptions); try i := client.testMultiException( 'need more pizza', 'run out of beer'); Expect( i.String_thing = 'run out of beer', 'i.String_thing = "' +i.String_thing+ '"'); Expect( i.__isset_String_thing, 'i.__isset_String_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_String_thing)); { this is not necessarily true, these fields are default-serialized Expect( not i.__isset_Byte_thing, 'i.__isset_Byte_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_Byte_thing)); Expect( not i.__isset_I32_thing, 'i.__isset_I32_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_I32_thing)); Expect( not i.__isset_I64_thing, 'i.__isset_I64_thing = '+BoolToString(i.__isset_I64_thing)); } except on e:Exception do Expect( FALSE, 'Unexpected exception "'+e.ClassName+'": '+e.Message); end; StartTestGroup( 'testMultiException(Xception)', test_Exceptions); try i := client.testMultiException( 'Xception', 'second test'); Expect( FALSE, 'testMultiException(''Xception''): must trow an exception'); except on x:TXception do begin Expect( x.__isset_ErrorCode, 'x.__isset_ErrorCode = '+BoolToString(x.__isset_ErrorCode)); Expect( x.__isset_Message_, 'x.__isset_Message_ = '+BoolToString(x.__isset_Message_)); Expect( x.ErrorCode = 1001, 'x.ErrorCode = '+IntToStr(x.ErrorCode)); Expect( x.Message_ = 'This is an Xception', 'x.Message = "'+x.Message_+'"'); end; on e:Exception do Expect( FALSE, 'Unexpected exception "'+e.ClassName+'": '+e.Message); end; StartTestGroup( 'testMultiException(Xception2)', test_Exceptions); try i := client.testMultiException( 'Xception2', 'third test'); Expect( FALSE, 'testMultiException(''Xception2''): must trow an exception'); except on x:TXception2 do begin Expect( x.__isset_ErrorCode, 'x.__isset_ErrorCode = '+BoolToString(x.__isset_ErrorCode)); Expect( x.__isset_Struct_thing, 'x.__isset_Struct_thing = '+BoolToString(x.__isset_Struct_thing)); Expect( x.ErrorCode = 2002, 'x.ErrorCode = '+IntToStr(x.ErrorCode)); Expect( x.Struct_thing.String_thing = 'This is an Xception2', 'x.Struct_thing.String_thing = "'+x.Struct_thing.String_thing+'"'); Expect( x.Struct_thing.__isset_String_thing, 'x.Struct_thing.__isset_String_thing = '+BoolToString(x.Struct_thing.__isset_String_thing)); { this is not necessarily true, these fields are default-serialized Expect( not x.Struct_thing.__isset_Byte_thing, 'x.Struct_thing.__isset_Byte_thing = '+BoolToString(x.Struct_thing.__isset_Byte_thing)); Expect( not x.Struct_thing.__isset_I32_thing, 'x.Struct_thing.__isset_I32_thing = '+BoolToString(x.Struct_thing.__isset_I32_thing)); Expect( not x.Struct_thing.__isset_I64_thing, 'x.Struct_thing.__isset_I64_thing = '+BoolToString(x.Struct_thing.__isset_I64_thing)); } end; on e:Exception do Expect( FALSE, 'Unexpected exception "'+e.ClassName+'": '+e.Message); end; // oneway functions StartTestGroup( 'Test Oneway(1)', test_Unknown); client.testOneway(1); Expect( TRUE, 'Test Oneway(1)'); // success := no exception // call time {$IFDEF PerfTest} StartTestGroup( 'Test Calltime()'); StartTick := GetTickCount; for k := 0 to 1000 - 1 do begin client.testVoid(); end; Console.WriteLine(' = ' + FloatToStr( (GetTickCount - StartTick) / 1000 ) + ' ms a testVoid() call' ); {$ENDIF PerfTest} // no more tests here StartTestGroup( '', test_Unknown); end; {$IFDEF SupportsAsync} procedure TClientThread.ClientAsyncTest; var client : TThriftTest.IAsync; s : string; i8 : ShortInt; begin StartTestGroup( 'Async Tests', test_Unknown); client := TThriftTest.TClient.Create( FProtocol); FTransport.Open; // oneway void functions client.testOnewayAsync(1).Wait; Expect( TRUE, 'Test Oneway(1)'); // success := no exception // normal functions s := client.testStringAsync(HUGE_TEST_STRING).Value; Expect( length(s) = length(HUGE_TEST_STRING), 'testString( length(HUGE_TEST_STRING) = '+IntToStr(Length(HUGE_TEST_STRING))+') ' +'=> length(result) = '+IntToStr(Length(s))); i8 := client.testByte(1).Value; Expect( i8 = 1, 'testByte(1) = ' + IntToStr( i8 )); end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF StressTest} procedure TClientThread.StressTest(const client : TThriftTest.Iface); begin while TRUE do begin try if not FTransport.IsOpen then FTransport.Open; // re-open connection, server has already closed try client.testString('Test'); Write('.'); finally if FTransport.IsOpen then FTransport.Close; end; except on e:Exception do Writeln(#10+e.message); end; end; end; {$ENDIF} function TClientThread.PrepareBinaryData( aRandomDist : Boolean; aSize : TTestSize) : TBytes; var i : Integer; begin case aSize of Empty : SetLength( result, 0); Normal : SetLength( result, $100); ByteArrayTest : SetLength( result, SizeOf(TByteArray) + 128); PipeWriteLimit : SetLength( result, 65535 + 128); TwentyMB : SetLength( result, 20 * 1024 * 1024); else raise EArgumentException.Create('aSize'); end; ASSERT( Low(result) = 0); if Length(result) = 0 then Exit; // linear distribution, unless random is requested if not aRandomDist then begin for i := Low(result) to High(result) do begin result[i] := i mod $100; end; Exit; end; // random distribution of all 256 values FillChar( result[0], Length(result) * SizeOf(result[0]), $0); for i := Low(result) to High(result) do begin result[i] := Byte( Random($100)); end; end; {$IFDEF Win64} procedure TClientThread.UseInterlockedExchangeAdd64; var a,b : Int64; begin a := 1; b := 2; Thrift.Utils.InterlockedExchangeAdd64( a,b); Expect( a = 3, 'InterlockedExchangeAdd64'); end; {$ENDIF} procedure TClientThread.JSONProtocolReadWriteTest; // Tests only then read/write procedures of the JSON protocol // All tests succeed, if we can read what we wrote before // Note that passing this test does not imply, that our JSON is really compatible to what // other clients or servers expect as the real JSON. This is beyond the scope of this test. var prot : IProtocol; stm : TStringStream; list : TThriftList; binary, binRead, emptyBinary : TBytes; i,iErr : Integer; const TEST_SHORT = ShortInt( $FE); TEST_SMALL = SmallInt( $FEDC); TEST_LONG = LongInt( $FEDCBA98); TEST_I64 = Int64( $FEDCBA9876543210); TEST_DOUBLE = -1.234e-56; DELTA_DOUBLE = TEST_DOUBLE * 1e-14; TEST_STRING = 'abc-'#$00E4#$00f6#$00fc; // german umlauts (en-us: "funny chars") // Test THRIFT-2336 and THRIFT-3404 with U+1D11E (G Clef symbol) and 'Русское Название'; G_CLEF_AND_CYRILLIC_TEXT = #$1d11e' '#$0420#$0443#$0441#$0441#$043a#$043e#$0435' '#$041d#$0430#$0437#$0432#$0430#$043d#$0438#$0435; G_CLEF_AND_CYRILLIC_JSON = '"\ud834\udd1e \u0420\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0435 \u041d\u0430\u0437\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435"'; // test both possible solidus encodings SOLIDUS_JSON_DATA = '"one/two\/three"'; SOLIDUS_EXCPECTED = 'one/two/three'; begin stm := TStringStream.Create; try StartTestGroup( 'JsonProtocolTest', test_Unknown); // prepare binary data binary := PrepareBinaryData( FALSE, Normal); SetLength( emptyBinary, 0); // empty binary data block // output setup prot := TJSONProtocolImpl.Create( TStreamTransportImpl.Create( nil, TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Create( stm, FALSE))); // write Init( list, TType.String_, 9); prot.WriteListBegin( list); prot.WriteBool( TRUE); prot.WriteBool( FALSE); prot.WriteByte( TEST_SHORT); prot.WriteI16( TEST_SMALL); prot.WriteI32( TEST_LONG); prot.WriteI64( TEST_I64); prot.WriteDouble( TEST_DOUBLE); prot.WriteString( TEST_STRING); prot.WriteBinary( binary); prot.WriteString( ''); // empty string prot.WriteBinary( emptyBinary); // empty binary data block prot.WriteListEnd; // input setup Expect( stm.Position = stm.Size, 'Stream position/length after write'); stm.Position := 0; prot := TJSONProtocolImpl.Create( TStreamTransportImpl.Create( TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Create( stm, FALSE), nil)); // read and compare list := prot.ReadListBegin; Expect( list.ElementType = TType.String_, 'list element type'); Expect( list.Count = 9, 'list element count'); Expect( prot.ReadBool, 'WriteBool/ReadBool: TRUE'); Expect( not prot.ReadBool, 'WriteBool/ReadBool: FALSE'); Expect( prot.ReadByte = TEST_SHORT, 'WriteByte/ReadByte'); Expect( prot.ReadI16 = TEST_SMALL, 'WriteI16/ReadI16'); Expect( prot.ReadI32 = TEST_LONG, 'WriteI32/ReadI32'); Expect( prot.ReadI64 = TEST_I64, 'WriteI64/ReadI64'); Expect( abs(prot.ReadDouble-TEST_DOUBLE) < abs(DELTA_DOUBLE), 'WriteDouble/ReadDouble'); Expect( prot.ReadString = TEST_STRING, 'WriteString/ReadString'); binRead := prot.ReadBinary; Expect( Length(prot.ReadString) = 0, 'WriteString/ReadString (empty string)'); Expect( Length(prot.ReadBinary) = 0, 'empty WriteBinary/ReadBinary (empty data block)'); prot.ReadListEnd; // test binary data Expect( Length(binary) = Length(binRead), 'Binary data length check'); iErr := -1; for i := Low(binary) to High(binary) do begin if binary[i] <> binRead[i] then begin iErr := i; Break; end; end; if iErr < 0 then Expect( TRUE, 'Binary data check ('+IntToStr(Length(binary))+' Bytes)') else Expect( FALSE, 'Binary data check at offset '+IntToStr(iErr)); Expect( stm.Position = stm.Size, 'Stream position after read'); // Solidus can be encoded in two ways. Make sure we can read both stm.Position := 0; stm.Size := 0; stm.WriteString(SOLIDUS_JSON_DATA); stm.Position := 0; prot := TJSONProtocolImpl.Create( TStreamTransportImpl.Create( TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Create( stm, FALSE), nil)); Expect( prot.ReadString = SOLIDUS_EXCPECTED, 'Solidus encoding'); // Widechars should work too. Do they? // After writing, we ensure that we are able to read it back // We can't assume hex-encoding, since (nearly) any Unicode char is valid JSON stm.Position := 0; stm.Size := 0; prot := TJSONProtocolImpl.Create( TStreamTransportImpl.Create( nil, TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Create( stm, FALSE))); prot.WriteString( G_CLEF_AND_CYRILLIC_TEXT); stm.Position := 0; prot := TJSONProtocolImpl.Create( TStreamTransportImpl.Create( TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Create( stm, FALSE), nil)); Expect( prot.ReadString = G_CLEF_AND_CYRILLIC_TEXT, 'Writing JSON with chars > 8 bit'); // Widechars should work with hex-encoding too. Do they? stm.Position := 0; stm.Size := 0; stm.WriteString( G_CLEF_AND_CYRILLIC_JSON); stm.Position := 0; prot := TJSONProtocolImpl.Create( TStreamTransportImpl.Create( TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Create( stm, FALSE), nil)); Expect( prot.ReadString = G_CLEF_AND_CYRILLIC_TEXT, 'Reading JSON with chars > 8 bit'); finally stm.Free; prot := nil; //-> Release StartTestGroup( '', test_Unknown); // no more tests here end; end; procedure TClientThread.StartTestGroup( const aGroup : string; const aTest : TTestGroup); begin FTestGroup := aGroup; FCurrentTest := aTest; Include( FExecuted, aTest); if FTestGroup <> '' then begin Console.WriteLine(''); Console.WriteLine( aGroup+' tests'); Console.WriteLine( StringOfChar('-',60)); end; end; procedure TClientThread.Expect( aTestResult : Boolean; const aTestInfo : string); begin if aTestResult then begin Inc(FSuccesses); Console.WriteLine( aTestInfo+': passed'); end else begin FErrors.Add( FTestGroup+': '+aTestInfo); Include( FFailed, FCurrentTest); Console.WriteLine( aTestInfo+': *** FAILED ***'); // We have a failed test! // -> issue DebugBreak ONLY if a debugger is attached, // -> unhandled DebugBreaks would cause Windows to terminate the app otherwise if IsDebuggerPresent then {$IFDEF CPUX64} DebugBreak {$ELSE} asm int 3 end {$ENDIF}; end; end; procedure TClientThread.ReportResults; var nTotal : Integer; sLine : string; begin // prevent us from stupid DIV/0 errors nTotal := FSuccesses + FErrors.Count; if nTotal = 0 then begin Console.WriteLine('No results logged'); Exit; end; Console.WriteLine(''); Console.WriteLine( StringOfChar('=',60)); Console.WriteLine( IntToStr(nTotal)+' tests performed'); Console.WriteLine( IntToStr(FSuccesses)+' tests succeeded ('+IntToStr(round(100*FSuccesses/nTotal))+'%)'); Console.WriteLine( IntToStr(FErrors.Count)+' tests failed ('+IntToStr(round(100*FErrors.Count/nTotal))+'%)'); Console.WriteLine( StringOfChar('=',60)); if FErrors.Count > 0 then begin Console.WriteLine('FAILED TESTS:'); for sLine in FErrors do Console.WriteLine('- '+sLine); Console.WriteLine( StringOfChar('=',60)); InterlockedIncrement( ExitCode); // return <> 0 on errors end; Console.WriteLine(''); end; function TClientThread.CalculateExitCode : Byte; var test : TTestGroup; begin result := EXITCODE_SUCCESS; for test := Low(TTestGroup) to High(TTestGroup) do begin if (test in FFailed) or not (test in FExecuted) then result := result or MAP_FAILURES_TO_EXITCODE_BITS[test]; end; end; constructor TClientThread.Create( const aSetup : TTestSetup; const aNumIteration: Integer); begin FSetup := aSetup; FNumIteration := ANumIteration; FConsole := TThreadConsole.Create( Self ); FCurrentTest := test_Unknown; // error list: keep correct order, allow for duplicates FErrors := TStringList.Create; FErrors.Sorted := FALSE; FErrors.Duplicates := dupAccept; inherited Create( TRUE); end; destructor TClientThread.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil( FConsole); FreeAndNil( FErrors); inherited; end; procedure TClientThread.Execute; var i : Integer; begin // perform all tests try {$IFDEF Win64} UseInterlockedExchangeAdd64; {$ENDIF} JSONProtocolReadWriteTest; // must be run in the context of the thread InitializeProtocolTransportStack; try for i := 0 to FNumIteration - 1 do begin ClientTest; {$IFDEF SupportsAsync} ClientAsyncTest; {$ENDIF} end; // report the outcome ReportResults; SetReturnValue( CalculateExitCode); finally ShutdownProtocolTransportStack; end; except on e:Exception do Expect( FALSE, 'unexpected exception: "'+e.message+'"'); end; end; function TClientThread.InitializeHttpTransport( const aTimeoutSetting : Integer) : IHTTPClient; var sUrl : string; comps : URL_COMPONENTS; dwChars : DWORD; begin ASSERT( FSetup.endpoint in [trns_MsxmlHttp, trns_WinHttp]); if FSetup.useSSL then sUrl := 'https://' else sUrl := 'http://'; sUrl := sUrl + FSetup.host; // add the port number if necessary and at the right place FillChar( comps, SizeOf(comps), 0); comps.dwStructSize := SizeOf(comps); comps.dwSchemeLength := MAXINT; comps.dwHostNameLength := MAXINT; comps.dwUserNameLength := MAXINT; comps.dwPasswordLength := MAXINT; comps.dwUrlPathLength := MAXINT; comps.dwExtraInfoLength := MAXINT; Win32Check( WinHttpCrackUrl( PChar(sUrl), Length(sUrl), 0, comps)); case FSetup.port of 80 : if FSetup.useSSL then comps.nPort := FSetup.port; 443 : if not FSetup.useSSL then comps.nPort := FSetup.port; else if FSetup.port > 0 then comps.nPort := FSetup.port; end; dwChars := Length(sUrl) + 64; SetLength( sUrl, dwChars); Win32Check( WinHttpCreateUrl( comps, 0, @sUrl[1], dwChars)); SetLength( sUrl, dwChars); Console.WriteLine('Target URL: '+sUrl); case FSetup.endpoint of trns_MsxmlHttp : result := TMsxmlHTTPClientImpl.Create( sUrl); trns_WinHttp : result := TWinHTTPClientImpl.Create( sUrl); else raise Exception.Create(ENDPOINT_TRANSPORTS[FSetup.endpoint]+' unhandled case'); end; result.DnsResolveTimeout := aTimeoutSetting; result.ConnectionTimeout := aTimeoutSetting; result.SendTimeout := aTimeoutSetting; result.ReadTimeout := aTimeoutSetting; end; procedure TClientThread.InitializeProtocolTransportStack; var streamtrans : IStreamTransport; canSSL : Boolean; const DEBUG_TIMEOUT = 30 * 1000; RELEASE_TIMEOUT = DEFAULT_THRIFT_TIMEOUT; PIPE_TIMEOUT = RELEASE_TIMEOUT; HTTP_TIMEOUTS = 10 * 1000; begin // needed for HTTP clients as they utilize the MSXML COM components OleCheck( CoInitialize( nil)); canSSL := FALSE; case FSetup.endpoint of trns_Sockets: begin Console.WriteLine('Using sockets ('+FSetup.host+' port '+IntToStr(FSetup.port)+')'); streamtrans := TSocketImpl.Create( FSetup.host, FSetup.port ); FTransport := streamtrans; end; trns_MsxmlHttp, trns_WinHttp: begin Console.WriteLine('Using HTTPClient'); FTransport := InitializeHttpTransport( HTTP_TIMEOUTS); canSSL := TRUE; end; trns_EvHttp: begin raise Exception.Create(ENDPOINT_TRANSPORTS[FSetup.endpoint]+' transport not implemented'); end; trns_NamedPipes: begin streamtrans := TNamedPipeTransportClientEndImpl.Create( FSetup.sPipeName, 0, nil, PIPE_TIMEOUT, PIPE_TIMEOUT); FTransport := streamtrans; end; trns_AnonPipes: begin streamtrans := TAnonymousPipeTransportImpl.Create( FSetup.hAnonRead, FSetup.hAnonWrite, FALSE); FTransport := streamtrans; end; else raise Exception.Create('Unhandled endpoint transport'); end; ASSERT( FTransport <> nil); // layered transports are not really meant to be stacked upon each other if (trns_Framed in FSetup.layered) then begin FTransport := TFramedTransportImpl.Create( FTransport); end else if (trns_Buffered in FSetup.layered) and (streamtrans <> nil) then begin FTransport := TBufferedTransportImpl.Create( streamtrans, 32); // small buffer to test read() end; if FSetup.useSSL and not canSSL then begin raise Exception.Create('SSL/TLS not implemented'); end; // create protocol instance, default to BinaryProtocol case FSetup.protType of prot_Binary : FProtocol := TBinaryProtocolImpl.Create( FTransport, BINARY_STRICT_READ, BINARY_STRICT_WRITE); prot_JSON : FProtocol := TJSONProtocolImpl.Create( FTransport); prot_Compact : FProtocol := TCompactProtocolImpl.Create( FTransport); else raise Exception.Create('Unhandled protocol'); end; ASSERT( (FTransport <> nil) and (FProtocol <> nil)); end; procedure TClientThread.ShutdownProtocolTransportStack; begin try FProtocol := nil; if FTransport <> nil then begin FTransport.Close; FTransport := nil; end; finally CoUninitialize; end; end; { TThreadConsole } constructor TThreadConsole.Create(AThread: TThread); begin inherited Create; FThread := AThread; end; procedure TThreadConsole.Write(const S: string); var proc : TThreadProcedure; begin proc := procedure begin Console.Write( S ); end; TThread.Synchronize( FThread, proc); end; procedure TThreadConsole.WriteLine(const S: string); var proc : TThreadProcedure; begin proc := procedure begin Console.WriteLine( S ); end; TThread.Synchronize( FThread, proc); end; initialization begin TTestClient.FNumIteration := 1; TTestClient.FNumThread := 1; end; end.