#!/usr/bin/env perl # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # use 5.10.0; use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions); use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday); use lib '../../lib/perl/lib'; use lib 'gen-perl'; use Thrift; use Thrift::BinaryProtocol; use Thrift::BufferedTransport; use Thrift::FramedTransport; use Thrift::MultiplexedProtocol; use Thrift::SSLSocket; use Thrift::Socket; use Thrift::UnixSocket; use ThriftTest::SecondService; use ThriftTest::ThriftTest; use ThriftTest::Types; $|++; sub usage { print <<"EOF"; Usage: $0 [OPTIONS] Options: (default) --ca CA to validate server with. --cert Certificate to use. Required if using --ssl. --ciphers Acceptable cipher list. --domain-socket Use a unix domain socket. --help Show usage. --key Certificate key. Required if using --ssl. --port 9090 Port to use. --protocol {binary} binary Protocol to use. --ssl If present, use SSL. --transport {buffered|framed} buffered Transport to use. EOF } my %opts = ( 'port' => 9090, 'protocol' => 'binary', 'transport' => 'buffered' ); GetOptions(\%opts, qw ( ca=s cert=s ciphers=s key=s domain-socket=s help host=s port=i protocol=s ssl transport=s )) || exit 1; if ($opts{help}) { usage(); exit 0; } my $socket = undef; if ($opts{'domain-socket'}) { $socket = Thrift::UnixSocket->new($opts{'domain-socket'}); } elsif ($opts{ssl}) { $socket = Thrift::SSLSocket->new(\%opts); } else { $socket = Thrift::Socket->new($opts{host}, $opts{port}); } my $transport; if ($opts{transport} eq 'buffered') { $transport = Thrift::BufferedTransport->new($socket, 1024, 1024); } elsif ($opts{transport} eq 'framed') { $transport = Thrift::FramedTransport->new($socket); } else { usage(); exit 1; } my $protocol; my $protocol2; if ($opts{protocol} eq 'binary' || $opts{protocol} eq 'multi') { $protocol = Thrift::BinaryProtocol->new($transport); } else { usage(); exit 1; } my $secondService = undef; if (index($opts{protocol}, 'multi') == 0) { $protocol2 = Thrift::MultiplexedProtocol->new($protocol, 'SecondService'); $protocol = Thrift::MultiplexedProtocol->new($protocol, 'ThriftTest'); $secondService = ThriftTest::SecondServiceClient->new($protocol2); } my $testClient = ThriftTest::ThriftTestClient->new($protocol); eval { $transport->open(); }; if($@){ die(Dumper($@)); } use constant ERR_BASETYPES => 1; use constant ERR_STRUCTS => 2; use constant ERR_CONTAINERS => 4; use constant ERR_EXCEPTIONS => 8; use constant ERR_PROTOCOL => 16; use constant ERR_UNKNOWN => 64; my $start = gettimeofday(); # # VOID TEST # print('testVoid()'); $testClient->testVoid(); print(" = void\n"); # # STRING TEST # print('testString("Test")'); my $s = $testClient->testString('Test'); print(qq| = "$s"\n|); exit(ERR_BASETYPES) if ($s ne 'Test'); # # MULTIPLEXED TEST # if (index($opts{protocol}, 'multi') == 0) { print('secondtestString("Test2")'); $s = $secondService->secondtestString('Test2'); print(qq| = "$s"\n|); exit(ERR_PROTOCOL) if ($s ne 'testString("Test2")'); } # # BOOL TEST # print('testBool(1)'); my $t = $testClient->testBool(1); print(" = $t\n"); exit(ERR_BASETYPES) if ($t ne 1); print('testBool(0)'); my $f = $testClient->testBool(0); print(" = $f\n"); exit(ERR_BASETYPES) if ($f ne q||); # # BYTE TEST # print('testByte(1)'); my $u8 = $testClient->testByte(1); print(" = $u8\n"); # # I32 TEST # print('testI32(-1)'); my $i32 = $testClient->testI32(-1); print(" = $i32\n"); exit(ERR_BASETYPES) if ($i32 ne -1); # # I64 TEST # print('testI64(-34359738368)'); my $i64 = $testClient->testI64(-34359738368); print(" = $i64\n"); exit(ERR_BASETYPES) if ($i64 ne -34359738368); # # DOUBLE TEST # print('testDouble(-852.234234234)'); my $dub = $testClient->testDouble(-852.234234234); print(" = $dub\n"); exit(ERR_BASETYPES) if ($dub ne -852.234234234); # # BINARY TEST --- TODO # # # STRUCT TEST # print('testStruct({"Zero", 1, -3, -5})'); my $out = ThriftTest::Xtruct->new(); $out->string_thing('Zero'); $out->byte_thing(1); $out->i32_thing(-3); $out->i64_thing(-5); my $in = $testClient->testStruct($out); print(' = {"'.$in->string_thing.'", '. $in->byte_thing.', '. $in->i32_thing.', '. $in->i64_thing."}\n"); # # NESTED STRUCT TEST # print('testNest({1, {"Zero", 1, -3, -5}, 5}'); my $out2 = ThriftTest::Xtruct2->new(); $out2->byte_thing(1); $out2->struct_thing($out); $out2->i32_thing(5); my $in2 = $testClient->testNest($out2); $in = $in2->struct_thing; print(' = {'.$in2->byte_thing.', {"'. $in->string_thing.'", '. $in->byte_thing.', '. $in->i32_thing.', '. $in->i64_thing.'}, '. $in2->i32_thing."}\n"); # # MAP TEST # my $mapout = {}; for (my $i = 0; $i < 5; ++$i) { $mapout->{$i} = $i-10; } print('testMap({'); my $first = 1; while( my($key,$val) = each %$mapout) { if ($first) { $first = 0; } else { print(', '); } print("$key => $val"); } print('})'); my $mapin = $testClient->testMap($mapout); print(' = {'); $first = 1; while( my($key,$val) = each %$mapin){ if ($first) { $first = 0; } else { print(', '); } print("$key => $val"); } print("}\n"); # # SET TEST # my $setout = []; for (my $i = -2; $i < 3; ++$i) { push(@$setout, $i); } print('testSet({'.join(',',@$setout).'})'); my $setin = $testClient->testSet($setout); print(' = {'.join(',',@$setout)."}\n"); # # LIST TEST # my $listout = []; for (my $i = -2; $i < 3; ++$i) { push(@$listout, $i); } print('testList({'.join(',',@$listout).'})'); my $listin = $testClient->testList($listout); print(' = {'.join(',',@$listin)."}\n"); # # ENUM TEST # print('testEnum(ONE)'); my $ret = $testClient->testEnum(ThriftTest::Numberz::ONE); print(" = $ret\n"); print('testEnum(TWO)'); $ret = $testClient->testEnum(ThriftTest::Numberz::TWO); print(" = $ret\n"); print('testEnum(THREE)'); $ret = $testClient->testEnum(ThriftTest::Numberz::THREE); print(" = $ret\n"); print('testEnum(FIVE)'); $ret = $testClient->testEnum(ThriftTest::Numberz::FIVE); print(" = $ret\n"); print('testEnum(EIGHT)'); $ret = $testClient->testEnum(ThriftTest::Numberz::EIGHT); print(" = $ret\n"); # # TYPEDEF TEST # print('testTypedef(309858235082523)'); my $uid = $testClient->testTypedef(309858235082523); print(" = $uid\n"); # # NESTED MAP TEST # print('testMapMap(1)'); my $mm = $testClient->testMapMap(1); print(' = {'); while( my ($key,$val) = each %$mm) { print("$key => {"); while( my($k2,$v2) = each %$val) { print("$k2 => $v2, "); } print('}, '); } print("}\n"); # # INSANITY TEST # my $insane = ThriftTest::Insanity->new(); $insane->{userMap}->{ThriftTest::Numberz::FIVE} = 5000; my $truck = ThriftTest::Xtruct->new(); $truck->string_thing('Hello2'); $truck->byte_thing(2); $truck->i32_thing(2); $truck->i64_thing(2); my $truck2 = ThriftTest::Xtruct->new(); $truck2->string_thing('Goodbye4'); $truck2->byte_thing(4); $truck2->i32_thing(4); $truck2->i64_thing(4); push(@{$insane->{xtructs}}, $truck); push(@{$insane->{xtructs}}, $truck2); print('testInsanity()'); my $whoa = $testClient->testInsanity($insane); print(' = {'); while( my ($key,$val) = each %$whoa) { print("$key => {"); while( my($k2,$v2) = each %$val) { print("$k2 => {"); my $userMap = $v2->{userMap}; print('{'); if (ref($userMap) eq 'HASH') { while( my($k3,$v3) = each %$userMap) { print("$k3 => $v3, "); } } print('}, '); my $xtructs = $v2->{xtructs}; print('{'); if (ref($xtructs) eq 'ARRAY') { foreach my $x (@$xtructs) { print('{"'.$x->{string_thing}.'", '. $x->{byte_thing}.', '.$x->{i32_thing}.', '.$x->{i64_thing}.'}, '); } } print('}'); print('}, '); } print('}, '); } print("}\n"); # # EXCEPTION TEST # print(q|testException('Xception')|); eval { $testClient->testException('Xception'); print(" void\nFAILURE\n"); }; if($@ && $@->UNIVERSAL::isa('ThriftTest::Xception')) { print(' caught xception '.$@->{errorCode}.': '.$@->{message}."\n"); } # # Normal tests done. # my $stop = gettimeofday(); my $elp = sprintf('%d',1000*($stop - $start), 0); print("Total time: $elp ms\n"); # # Extraneous "I don't trust PHP to pack/unpack integer" tests # # Max I32 my $num = 2**30 + 2**30 - 1; my $num2 = $testClient->testI32($num); if ($num != $num2) { print "Missed max32 $num = $num2\n"; } # Min I32 $num = 0 - 2**31; $num2 = $testClient->testI32($num); if ($num != $num2) { print "Missed min32 $num = $num2\n"; } # Max Number I can get out of my perl $num = 2**40; $num2 = $testClient->testI64($num); if ($num != $num2) { print "Missed max64 $num = $num2\n"; } # Max Number I can get out of my perl $num = 0 - 2**40; $num2 = $testClient->testI64($num); if ($num != $num2) { print "Missed min64 $num = $num2\n"; } $transport->close();