addPsr4('', $GEN_DIR); } else { $loader = new ThriftClassLoader(); $loader->registerDefinition('ThriftTest', $GEN_DIR); $loader->register(); } /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /** Include the Thrift base */ /** Include the protocols */ use Thrift\Protocol\TBinaryProtocol; use Thrift\Protocol\TBinaryProtocolAccelerated; use Thrift\Protocol\TCompactProtocol; use Thrift\Protocol\TJSONProtocol; /** Include the socket layer */ use Thrift\Transport\TSocket; use Thrift\Transport\TSocketPool; /** Include the socket layer */ use Thrift\Transport\TFramedTransport; use Thrift\Transport\TBufferedTransport; function makeProtocol($transport, $PROTO) { if ($PROTO == 'binary') { return new TBinaryProtocol($transport); } else if ($PROTO == 'compact') { return new TCompactProtocol($transport); } else if ($PROTO == 'json') { return new TJSONProtocol($transport); } else if ($PROTO == 'accel') { if (!function_exists('thrift_protocol_write_binary')) { echo "Acceleration extension is not loaded\n"; exit(1); } return new TBinaryProtocolAccelerated($transport); } echo "--protocol must be one of {binary|compact|json|accel}\n"; exit(1); } $host = 'localhost'; $port = 9090; if ($argc > 1) { $host = $argv[0]; } if ($argc > 2) { $host = $argv[1]; } foreach ($argv as $arg) { if (substr($arg, 0, 7) == '--port=') { $port = substr($arg, 7); } else if (substr($arg, 0, 12) == '--transport=') { $MODE = substr($arg, 12); } else if (substr($arg, 0, 11) == '--protocol=') { $PROTO = substr($arg, 11); } } $hosts = array('localhost'); $socket = new TSocket($host, $port); $socket = new TSocketPool($hosts, $port); $socket->setDebug(TRUE); if ($MODE == 'inline') { $transport = $socket; $testClient = new \ThriftTest\ThriftTestClient($transport); } else if ($MODE == 'framed') { $framedSocket = new TFramedTransport($socket); $transport = $framedSocket; $protocol = makeProtocol($transport, $PROTO); $testClient = new \ThriftTest\ThriftTestClient($protocol); } else { $bufferedSocket = new TBufferedTransport($socket, 1024, 1024); $transport = $bufferedSocket; $protocol = makeProtocol($transport, $PROTO); $testClient = new \ThriftTest\ThriftTestClient($protocol); } $transport->open(); $start = microtime(true); define('ERR_BASETYPES', 1); define('ERR_STRUCTS', 2); define('ERR_CONTAINERS', 4); define('ERR_EXCEPTIONS', 8); define('ERR_UNKNOWN', 64); $exitcode = 0; /** * VOID TEST */ print_r("testVoid()"); $testClient->testVoid(); print_r(" = void\n"); function roundtrip($testClient, $method, $value) { global $exitcode; print_r("$method($value)"); $ret = $testClient->$method($value); print_r(" = \"$ret\"\n"); if ($value !== $ret) { print_r("*** FAILED ***\n"); $exitcode |= ERR_BASETYPES; } } /** * STRING TEST */ roundtrip($testClient, 'testString', "Test"); /** * BOOL TEST */ roundtrip($testClient, 'testBool', true); roundtrip($testClient, 'testBool', false); /** * BYTE TEST */ roundtrip($testClient, 'testByte', 1); roundtrip($testClient, 'testByte', -1); roundtrip($testClient, 'testByte', 127); roundtrip($testClient, 'testByte', -128); /** * I32 TEST */ roundtrip($testClient, 'testI32', -1); /** * I64 TEST */ roundtrip($testClient, 'testI64', 0); roundtrip($testClient, 'testI64', 1); roundtrip($testClient, 'testI64', -1); roundtrip($testClient, 'testI64', -34359738368); /** * DOUBLE TEST */ roundtrip($testClient, 'testDouble', -852.234234234); /** * BINARY TEST -- TODO */ /** * STRUCT TEST */ print_r("testStruct({\"Zero\", 1, -3, -5})"); $out = new \ThriftTest\Xtruct(); $out->string_thing = "Zero"; $out->byte_thing = 1; $out->i32_thing = -3; $out->i64_thing = -5; $in = $testClient->testStruct($out); print_r(" = {\"".$in->string_thing."\", ". $in->byte_thing.", ". $in->i32_thing.", ". $in->i64_thing."}\n"); if ($in != $out) { echo "**FAILED**\n"; $exitcode |= ERR_STRUCTS; } /** * NESTED STRUCT TEST */ print_r("testNest({1, {\"Zero\", 1, -3, -5}), 5}"); $out2 = new \ThriftTest\Xtruct2(); $out2->byte_thing = 1; $out2->struct_thing = $out; $out2->i32_thing = 5; $in2 = $testClient->testNest($out2); $in = $in2->struct_thing; print_r(" = {".$in2->byte_thing.", {\"". $in->string_thing."\", ". $in->byte_thing.", ". $in->i32_thing.", ". $in->i64_thing."}, ". $in2->i32_thing."}\n"); if ($in2 != $out2) { echo "**FAILED**\n"; $exitcode |= ERR_STRUCTS; } /** * MAP TEST */ $mapout = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 5; ++$i) { $mapout[$i] = $i-10; } print_r("testMap({"); $first = true; foreach ($mapout as $key => $val) { if ($first) { $first = false; } else { print_r(", "); } print_r("$key => $val"); } print_r("})"); $mapin = $testClient->testMap($mapout); print_r(" = {"); $first = true; foreach ($mapin as $key => $val) { if ($first) { $first = false; } else { print_r(", "); } print_r("$key => $val"); } print_r("}\n"); if ($mapin != $mapout) { echo "**FAILED**\n"; $exitcode |= ERR_CONTAINERS; } $mapout = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { $mapout["key$i"] = "val$i"; } print_r('testStringMap({'); $first = true; foreach ($mapout as $key => $val) { if ($first) { $first = false; } else { print_r(", "); } print_r("\"$key\" => \"$val\""); } print_r("})"); $mapin = $testClient->testStringMap($mapout); print_r(" = {"); $first = true; foreach ($mapin as $key => $val) { if ($first) { $first = false; } else { print_r(", "); } print_r("\"$key\" => \"$val\""); } print_r("}\n"); ksort($mapin); if ($mapin != $mapout) { echo "**FAILED**\n"; $exitcode |= ERR_CONTAINERS; } /** * SET TEST */ $setout = array();; for ($i = -2; $i < 3; ++$i) { $setout[$i]= true; } print_r("testSet({"); echo implode(',', array_keys($setout)); print_r("})"); $setin = $testClient->testSet($setout); print_r(" = {"); echo implode(', ', array_keys($setin)); print_r("}\n"); // Order of keys in set does not matter ksort($setin); if ($setout !== $setin) { echo "**FAILED**\n"; $exitcode |= ERR_CONTAINERS; } // Regression test for corrupted array if ($setin[2] !== $setout[2] || is_int($setin[2])) { echo "**FAILED**\n"; $exitcode |= ERR_CONTAINERS; } /** * LIST TEST */ $listout = array(); for ($i = -2; $i < 3; ++$i) { $listout []= $i; } print_r("testList({"); $first = true; foreach ($listout as $val) { if ($first) { $first = false; } else { print_r(", "); } print_r($val); } print_r("})"); $listin = $testClient->testList($listout); print_r(" = {"); $first = true; foreach ($listin as $val) { if ($first) { $first = false; } else { print_r(", "); } print_r($val); } print_r("}\n"); if ($listin !== $listout) { echo "**FAILED**\n"; $exitcode |= ERR_CONTAINERS; } /** * ENUM TEST */ print_r("testEnum(ONE)"); $ret = $testClient->testEnum(\ThriftTest\Numberz::ONE); print_r(" = $ret\n"); if ($ret != \ThriftTest\Numberz::ONE) { echo "**FAILED**\n"; $exitcode |= ERR_STRUCTS; } print_r("testEnum(TWO)"); $ret = $testClient->testEnum(\ThriftTest\Numberz::TWO); print_r(" = $ret\n"); if ($ret != \ThriftTest\Numberz::TWO) { echo "**FAILED**\n"; $exitcode |= ERR_STRUCTS; } print_r("testEnum(THREE)"); $ret = $testClient->testEnum(\ThriftTest\Numberz::THREE); print_r(" = $ret\n"); if ($ret != \ThriftTest\Numberz::THREE) { echo "**FAILED**\n"; $exitcode |= ERR_STRUCTS; } print_r("testEnum(FIVE)"); $ret = $testClient->testEnum(\ThriftTest\Numberz::FIVE); print_r(" = $ret\n"); if ($ret != \ThriftTest\Numberz::FIVE) { echo "**FAILED**\n"; $exitcode |= ERR_STRUCTS; } print_r("testEnum(EIGHT)"); $ret = $testClient->testEnum(\ThriftTest\Numberz::EIGHT); print_r(" = $ret\n"); if ($ret != \ThriftTest\Numberz::EIGHT) { echo "**FAILED**\n"; $exitcode |= ERR_STRUCTS; } /** * TYPEDEF TEST */ print_r("testTypedef(309858235082523)"); $uid = $testClient->testTypedef(309858235082523); print_r(" = $uid\n"); if ($uid !== 309858235082523) { echo "**FAILED**\n"; $exitcode |= ERR_STRUCTS; } /** * NESTED MAP TEST */ print_r("testMapMap(1)"); $mm = $testClient->testMapMap(1); print_r(" = {"); foreach ($mm as $key => $val) { print_r("$key => {"); foreach ($val as $k2 => $v2) { print_r("$k2 => $v2, "); } print_r("}, "); } print_r("}\n"); $expected_mm = [ -4 => [-4 => -4, -3 => -3, -2 => -2, -1 => -1], 4 => [4 => 4, 3 => 3, 2 => 2, 1 => 1], ]; if ($mm != $expected_mm) { echo "**FAILED**\n"; $exitcode |= ERR_CONTAINERS; } /** * INSANITY TEST */ $insane = new \ThriftTest\Insanity(); $insane->userMap[\ThriftTest\Numberz::FIVE] = 5000; $truck = new \ThriftTest\Xtruct(); $truck->string_thing = "Truck"; $truck->byte_thing = 8; $truck->i32_thing = 8; $truck->i64_thing = 8; $insane->xtructs []= $truck; print_r("testInsanity()"); $whoa = $testClient->testInsanity($insane); print_r(" = {"); foreach ($whoa as $key => $val) { print_r("$key => {"); foreach ($val as $k2 => $v2) { print_r("$k2 => {"); $userMap = $v2->userMap; print_r("{"); if (is_array($userMap)) { foreach ($userMap as $k3 => $v3) { print_r("$k3 => $v3, "); } } print_r("}, "); $xtructs = $v2->xtructs; print_r("{"); if (is_array($xtructs)) { foreach ($xtructs as $x) { print_r("{\"".$x->string_thing."\", ". $x->byte_thing.", ".$x->i32_thing.", ".$x->i64_thing."}, "); } } print_r("}"); print_r("}, "); } print_r("}, "); } print_r("}\n"); /** * EXCEPTION TEST */ print_r("testException('Xception')"); try { $testClient->testException('Xception'); print_r(" void\nFAILURE\n"); $exitcode |= ERR_EXCEPTIONS; } catch (\ThriftTest\Xception $x) { print_r(' caught xception '.$x->errorCode.': '.$x->message."\n"); } // Regression test for THRIFT-4263 print_r("testBinarySerializer_Deserialize('foo')"); try { \Thrift\Serializer\TBinarySerializer::deserialize(base64_decode('foo'), \ThriftTest\Xtruct2::class); echo "**FAILED**\n"; $exitcode |= ERR_STRUCTS; } catch (\Thrift\Exception\TTransportException $happy_exception) { // We expected this due to binary data of base64_decode('foo') is less then 4 // bytes and it tries to find thrift version number in the transport by // reading i32() at the beginning. Casting to string validates that // exception is still accessible in memory and not corrupted. Without patch, // PHP will error log that the exception doesn't have any tostring method, // which is a lie due to corrupted memory. for($i=99; $i > 0; $i--) { (string)$happy_exception; } print_r(" SUCCESS\n"); } /** * Normal tests done. */ $stop = microtime(true); $elp = round(1000*($stop - $start), 0); print_r("Total time: $elp ms\n"); /** * Extraneous "I don't trust PHP to pack/unpack integer" tests */ if ($protocol instanceof TBinaryProtocolAccelerated) { // Regression check: check that method name is not double-freed // Method name should not be an interned string. $method_name = "Void"; $method_name = "test$method_name"; $seqid = 0; $args = new \ThriftTest\ThriftTest_testVoid_args(); thrift_protocol_write_binary($protocol, $method_name, \Thrift\Type\TMessageType::CALL, $args, $seqid, $protocol->isStrictWrite()); $testClient->recv_testVoid(); } // Max I32 $num = pow(2, 30) + (pow(2, 30) - 1); roundtrip($testClient, 'testI32', $num); // Min I32 $num = 0 - pow(2, 31); roundtrip($testClient, 'testI32', $num); // Max I64 $num = pow(2, 62) + (pow(2, 62) - 1); roundtrip($testClient, 'testI64', $num); // Min I64 $num = 0 - pow(2, 62) - pow(2, 62); roundtrip($testClient, 'testI64', $num); $transport->close(); exit($exitcode);