// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. See file COPYING. * */ #include "acconfig.h" #include "mds/CInode.h" #include "mds/CDir.h" #include "mds/MDSRank.h" #include "mds/MDCache.h" #include "osdc/Objecter.h" #include "OpenFileTable.h" #include "common/config.h" #include "common/errno.h" enum { l_oft_first = 1000000, l_oft_omap_total_objs, l_oft_omap_total_kv_pairs, l_oft_omap_total_updates, l_oft_omap_total_removes, l_oft_last }; #define dout_context g_ceph_context #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_mds #undef dout_prefix #define dout_prefix _prefix(_dout, mds) static ostream& _prefix(std::ostream *_dout, MDSRank *mds) { return *_dout << "mds." << mds->get_nodeid() << ".openfiles "; } OpenFileTable::OpenFileTable(MDSRank *m) : mds(m) { PerfCountersBuilder b(mds->cct, "oft", l_oft_first, l_oft_last); b.add_u64(l_oft_omap_total_objs, "omap_total_objs"); b.add_u64(l_oft_omap_total_kv_pairs, "omap_total_kv_pairs"); b.add_u64(l_oft_omap_total_updates, "omap_total_updates"); b.add_u64(l_oft_omap_total_removes, "omap_total_removes"); logger.reset(b.create_perf_counters()); mds->cct->get_perfcounters_collection()->add(logger.get()); logger->set(l_oft_omap_total_objs, 0); logger->set(l_oft_omap_total_kv_pairs, 0); logger->set(l_oft_omap_total_updates, 0); logger->set(l_oft_omap_total_removes, 0); } OpenFileTable::~OpenFileTable() { if (logger) { mds->cct->get_perfcounters_collection()->remove(logger.get()); } } void OpenFileTable::get_ref(CInode *in, frag_t fg) { do { auto p = anchor_map.find(in->ino()); if (!in->is_dir()) { ceph_assert(fg == -1U); ceph_assert(p == anchor_map.end()); } if (p != anchor_map.end()) { ceph_assert(in->state_test(CInode::STATE_TRACKEDBYOFT)); ceph_assert(p->second.nref > 0); p->second.nref++; if (fg != -1U) { auto ret = p->second.frags.insert(fg); ceph_assert(ret.second); dirty_items.emplace(in->ino(), (int)DIRTY_UNDEF); } break; } CDentry *dn = in->get_parent_dn(); CInode *pin = dn ? dn->get_dir()->get_inode() : nullptr; auto ret = anchor_map.emplace(std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(in->ino()), std::forward_as_tuple(in->ino(), (pin ? pin->ino() : inodeno_t(0)), (dn ? dn->get_name() : string()), in->d_type(), 1)); ceph_assert(ret.second == true); in->state_set(CInode::STATE_TRACKEDBYOFT); if (fg != -1U) ret.first->second.frags.insert(fg); auto ret1 = dirty_items.emplace(in->ino(), (int)DIRTY_NEW); if (!ret1.second) { int omap_idx = ret1.first->second; ceph_assert(omap_idx >= 0); ret.first->second.omap_idx = omap_idx; } in = pin; fg = -1U; } while (in); } void OpenFileTable::put_ref(CInode *in, frag_t fg) { do { ceph_assert(in->state_test(CInode::STATE_TRACKEDBYOFT)); auto p = anchor_map.find(in->ino()); ceph_assert(p != anchor_map.end()); ceph_assert(p->second.nref > 0); if (!in->is_dir()) { ceph_assert(fg == -1U); ceph_assert(p->second.nref == 1); } if (p->second.nref > 1) { p->second.nref--; if (fg != -1U) { auto ret = p->second.frags.erase(fg); ceph_assert(ret); dirty_items.emplace(in->ino(), (int)DIRTY_UNDEF); } break; } CDentry *dn = in->get_parent_dn(); CInode *pin = dn ? dn->get_dir()->get_inode() : nullptr; if (dn) { ceph_assert(p->second.dirino == pin->ino()); ceph_assert(p->second.d_name == dn->get_name()); } else { ceph_assert(p->second.dirino == inodeno_t(0)); ceph_assert(p->second.d_name == ""); } if (fg != -1U) { ceph_assert(p->second.frags.size() == 1); ceph_assert(*p->second.frags.begin() == fg); } int omap_idx = p->second.omap_idx; anchor_map.erase(p); in->state_clear(CInode::STATE_TRACKEDBYOFT); auto ret = dirty_items.emplace(in->ino(), omap_idx); if (!ret.second) { if (ret.first->second == DIRTY_NEW) { ceph_assert(omap_idx < 0); dirty_items.erase(ret.first); } else { ceph_assert(omap_idx >= 0); ret.first->second = omap_idx; } } in = pin; fg = -1U; } while (in); } void OpenFileTable::add_inode(CInode *in) { dout(10) << __func__ << " " << *in << dendl; get_ref(in); } void OpenFileTable::remove_inode(CInode *in) { dout(10) << __func__ << " " << *in << dendl; put_ref(in); } void OpenFileTable::add_dirfrag(CDir *dir) { dout(10) << __func__ << " " << *dir << dendl; ceph_assert(!dir->state_test(CDir::STATE_TRACKEDBYOFT)); dir->state_set(CDir::STATE_TRACKEDBYOFT); get_ref(dir->get_inode(), dir->get_frag()); } void OpenFileTable::remove_dirfrag(CDir *dir) { dout(10) << __func__ << " " << *dir << dendl; ceph_assert(dir->state_test(CDir::STATE_TRACKEDBYOFT)); dir->state_clear(CDir::STATE_TRACKEDBYOFT); put_ref(dir->get_inode(), dir->get_frag()); } void OpenFileTable::notify_link(CInode *in) { dout(10) << __func__ << " " << *in << dendl; auto p = anchor_map.find(in->ino()); ceph_assert(p != anchor_map.end()); ceph_assert(p->second.nref > 0); ceph_assert(p->second.dirino == inodeno_t(0)); ceph_assert(p->second.d_name == ""); CDentry *dn = in->get_parent_dn(); CInode *pin = dn->get_dir()->get_inode(); p->second.dirino = pin->ino(); p->second.d_name = dn->get_name(); dirty_items.emplace(in->ino(), (int)DIRTY_UNDEF); get_ref(pin); } void OpenFileTable::notify_unlink(CInode *in) { dout(10) << __func__ << " " << *in << dendl; auto p = anchor_map.find(in->ino()); ceph_assert(p != anchor_map.end()); ceph_assert(p->second.nref > 0); CDentry *dn = in->get_parent_dn(); CInode *pin = dn->get_dir()->get_inode(); ceph_assert(p->second.dirino == pin->ino()); ceph_assert(p->second.d_name == dn->get_name()); p->second.dirino = inodeno_t(0); p->second.d_name = ""; dirty_items.emplace(in->ino(), (int)DIRTY_UNDEF); put_ref(pin); } object_t OpenFileTable::get_object_name(unsigned idx) const { char s[30]; snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "mds%d_openfiles.%x", int(mds->get_nodeid()), idx); return object_t(s); } void OpenFileTable::_encode_header(bufferlist &bl, int j_state) { std::string_view magic = CEPH_FS_ONDISK_MAGIC; encode(magic, bl); ENCODE_START(1, 1, bl); encode(omap_version, bl); encode(omap_num_objs, bl); encode((__u8)j_state, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } class C_IO_OFT_Save : public MDSIOContextBase { protected: OpenFileTable *oft; uint64_t log_seq; MDSContext *fin; MDSRank *get_mds() override { return oft->mds; } public: C_IO_OFT_Save(OpenFileTable *t, uint64_t s, MDSContext *c) : oft(t), log_seq(s), fin(c) {} void finish(int r) { oft->_commit_finish(r, log_seq, fin); } void print(ostream& out) const override { out << "openfiles_save"; } }; void OpenFileTable::_commit_finish(int r, uint64_t log_seq, MDSContext *fin) { dout(10) << __func__ << " log_seq " << log_seq << " committed_log_seq " << committed_log_seq << " committing_log_seq " << committing_log_seq << dendl; if (r < 0) { mds->handle_write_error(r); return; } ceph_assert(log_seq == committing_log_seq); ceph_assert(log_seq >= committed_log_seq); committed_log_seq = log_seq; num_pending_commit--; if (fin) fin->complete(r); } class C_IO_OFT_Journal : public MDSIOContextBase { protected: OpenFileTable *oft; uint64_t log_seq; MDSContext *fin; std::map > ops_map; MDSRank *get_mds() override { return oft->mds; } public: C_IO_OFT_Journal(OpenFileTable *t, uint64_t s, MDSContext *c, std::map >& ops) : oft(t), log_seq(s), fin(c) { ops_map.swap(ops); } void finish(int r) { oft->_journal_finish(r, log_seq, fin, ops_map); } void print(ostream& out) const override { out << "openfiles_journal"; } }; void OpenFileTable::_journal_finish(int r, uint64_t log_seq, MDSContext *c, std::map >& ops_map) { dout(10) << __func__ << " log_seq " << log_seq << dendl; if (r < 0) { mds->handle_write_error(r); return; } C_GatherBuilder gather(g_ceph_context, new C_OnFinisher(new C_IO_OFT_Save(this, log_seq, c), mds->finisher)); SnapContext snapc; object_locator_t oloc(mds->get_metadata_pool()); for (auto& [idx, vops] : ops_map) { object_t oid = get_object_name(idx); for (auto& op : vops) { mds->objecter->mutate(oid, oloc, op, snapc, ceph::real_clock::now(), 0, gather.new_sub()); } } gather.activate(); journal_state = JOURNAL_NONE; return; } void OpenFileTable::commit(MDSContext *c, uint64_t log_seq, int op_prio) { dout(10) << __func__ << " log_seq " << log_seq << " committing_log_seq:" << committing_log_seq << dendl; ceph_assert(num_pending_commit == 0); num_pending_commit++; ceph_assert(log_seq >= committing_log_seq); committing_log_seq = log_seq; omap_version++; C_GatherBuilder gather(g_ceph_context); SnapContext snapc; object_locator_t oloc(mds->get_metadata_pool()); const unsigned max_write_size = mds->mdcache->max_dir_commit_size; struct omap_update_ctl { unsigned write_size = 0; unsigned journal_idx = 0; bool clear = false; std::map to_update, journaled_update; std::set to_remove, journaled_remove; }; std::vector omap_updates(omap_num_objs); using ceph::encode; auto journal_func = [&](unsigned idx) { auto& ctl = omap_updates.at(idx); ObjectOperation op; op.priority = op_prio; if (ctl.clear) { ctl.clear = false; op.omap_clear(); op.set_last_op_flags(CEPH_OSD_OP_FLAG_FAILOK); } if (ctl.journal_idx == 0) { if (journal_state == JOURNAL_NONE) journal_state = JOURNAL_START; else ceph_assert(journal_state == JOURNAL_START); bufferlist header; _encode_header(header, journal_state); op.omap_set_header(header); } bufferlist bl; encode(omap_version, bl); encode(ctl.to_update, bl); encode(ctl.to_remove, bl); char key[32]; snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "_journal.%x", ctl.journal_idx++); std::map tmp_map; tmp_map[key].swap(bl); op.omap_set(tmp_map); object_t oid = get_object_name(idx); mds->objecter->mutate(oid, oloc, op, snapc, ceph::real_clock::now(), 0, gather.new_sub()); #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_MAP_SPLICING ctl.journaled_update.merge(ctl.to_update); ctl.journaled_remove.merge(ctl.to_remove); #else ctl.journaled_update.insert(make_move_iterator(begin(ctl.to_update)), make_move_iterator(end(ctl.to_update))); ctl.journaled_remove.insert(make_move_iterator(begin(ctl.to_remove)), make_move_iterator(end(ctl.to_remove))); #endif ctl.to_update.clear(); ctl.to_remove.clear(); }; std::map > ops_map; auto create_op_func = [&](unsigned idx, bool update_header) { auto& ctl = omap_updates.at(idx); auto& op_vec = ops_map[idx]; op_vec.resize(op_vec.size() + 1); ObjectOperation& op = op_vec.back(); op.priority = op_prio; if (ctl.clear) { ctl.clear = false; op.omap_clear(); op.set_last_op_flags(CEPH_OSD_OP_FLAG_FAILOK); } if (update_header) { bufferlist header; _encode_header(header, journal_state); op.omap_set_header(header); } if (!ctl.to_update.empty()) { op.omap_set(ctl.to_update); ctl.to_update.clear(); } if (!ctl.to_remove.empty()) { op.omap_rm_keys(ctl.to_remove); ctl.to_remove.clear(); } }; auto submit_ops_func = [&]() { gather.set_finisher(new C_OnFinisher(new C_IO_OFT_Save(this, log_seq, c), mds->finisher)); for (auto& [idx, vops] : ops_map) { object_t oid = get_object_name(idx); for (auto& op : vops) { mds->objecter->mutate(oid, oloc, op, snapc, ceph::real_clock::now(), 0, gather.new_sub()); } } gather.activate(); }; bool first_commit = !loaded_anchor_map.empty(); unsigned first_free_idx = 0; unsigned old_num_objs = omap_num_objs; if (omap_num_objs == 0) { omap_num_objs = 1; omap_num_items.resize(omap_num_objs); omap_updates.resize(omap_num_objs); omap_updates.back().clear = true; } for (auto& [ino, state] : dirty_items) { auto p = anchor_map.find(ino); if (first_commit) { auto q = loaded_anchor_map.find(ino); if (q != loaded_anchor_map.end()) { ceph_assert(p != anchor_map.end()); p->second.omap_idx = q->second.omap_idx; bool same = (p->second == q->second); loaded_anchor_map.erase(q); if (same) continue; } } char key[32]; int len = snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%llx", (unsigned long long)ino.val); int omap_idx; if (p != anchor_map.end()) { omap_idx = p->second.omap_idx; if (omap_idx < 0) { ceph_assert(state == DIRTY_NEW); // find omap object to store the key for (unsigned i = first_free_idx; i < omap_num_objs; i++) { if (omap_num_items[i] < MAX_ITEMS_PER_OBJ) { omap_idx = i; break; } } if (omap_idx < 0) { ++omap_num_objs; ceph_assert(omap_num_objs <= MAX_OBJECTS); omap_num_items.resize(omap_num_objs); omap_updates.resize(omap_num_objs); omap_updates.back().clear = true; omap_idx = omap_num_objs - 1; } first_free_idx = omap_idx; p->second.omap_idx = omap_idx; ++omap_num_items[omap_idx]; } } else { omap_idx = state; unsigned& count = omap_num_items.at(omap_idx); ceph_assert(count > 0); --count; if ((unsigned)omap_idx < first_free_idx && count < MAX_ITEMS_PER_OBJ) first_free_idx = omap_idx; } auto& ctl = omap_updates.at(omap_idx); if (ctl.write_size >= max_write_size) { journal_func(omap_idx); ctl.write_size = 0; } if (p != anchor_map.end()) { bufferlist bl; encode(p->second, bl); encode((__u32)0, bl); // frags set was encoded here ctl.write_size += bl.length() + len + 2 * sizeof(__u32); ctl.to_update[key].swap(bl); } else { ctl.write_size += len + sizeof(__u32); ctl.to_remove.emplace(key); } } dirty_items.clear(); if (first_commit) { for (auto& [ino, anchor] : loaded_anchor_map) { char key[32]; int len = snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%llx", (unsigned long long)ino.val); int omap_idx = anchor.omap_idx; unsigned& count = omap_num_items.at(omap_idx); ceph_assert(count > 0); --count; auto& ctl = omap_updates.at(omap_idx); if (ctl.write_size >= max_write_size) { journal_func(omap_idx); ctl.write_size = 0; } ctl.write_size += len + sizeof(__u32); ctl.to_remove.emplace(key); } loaded_anchor_map.clear(); } size_t total_items = 0; { unsigned used_objs = 1; std::vector objs_to_write; bool journaled = false; for (unsigned i = 0; i < omap_num_objs; i++) { total_items += omap_num_items[i]; if (omap_updates[i].journal_idx) journaled = true; else if (omap_updates[i].write_size) objs_to_write.push_back(i); if (omap_num_items[i] > 0) used_objs = i + 1; } ceph_assert(total_items == anchor_map.size()); // adjust omap object count if (used_objs < omap_num_objs) { omap_num_objs = used_objs; omap_num_items.resize(omap_num_objs); } // skip journal if only one osd request is required and object count // does not change. if (!journaled && old_num_objs == omap_num_objs && objs_to_write.size() <= 1) { ceph_assert(journal_state == JOURNAL_NONE); ceph_assert(!gather.has_subs()); unsigned omap_idx = objs_to_write.empty() ? 0 : objs_to_write.front(); create_op_func(omap_idx, true); submit_ops_func(); return; } } for (unsigned omap_idx = 0; omap_idx < omap_updates.size(); omap_idx++) { auto& ctl = omap_updates[omap_idx]; if (ctl.write_size > 0) { journal_func(omap_idx); ctl.write_size = 0; } } if (journal_state == JOURNAL_START) { ceph_assert(gather.has_subs()); journal_state = JOURNAL_FINISH; } else { // only object count changes ceph_assert(journal_state == JOURNAL_NONE); ceph_assert(!gather.has_subs()); } uint64_t total_updates = 0; uint64_t total_removes = 0; for (unsigned omap_idx = 0; omap_idx < omap_updates.size(); omap_idx++) { auto& ctl = omap_updates[omap_idx]; ceph_assert(ctl.to_update.empty() && ctl.to_remove.empty()); if (ctl.journal_idx == 0) ceph_assert(ctl.journaled_update.empty() && ctl.journaled_remove.empty()); bool first = true; for (auto& it : ctl.journaled_update) { if (ctl.write_size >= max_write_size) { create_op_func(omap_idx, first); ctl.write_size = 0; first = false; } ctl.write_size += it.first.length() + it.second.length() + 2 * sizeof(__u32); ctl.to_update[it.first].swap(it.second); total_updates++; } for (auto& key : ctl.journaled_remove) { if (ctl.write_size >= max_write_size) { create_op_func(omap_idx, first); ctl.write_size = 0; first = false; } ctl.write_size += key.length() + sizeof(__u32); ctl.to_remove.emplace(key); total_removes++; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < ctl.journal_idx; ++i) { char key[32]; snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "_journal.%x", i); ctl.to_remove.emplace(key); } // update first object's omap header if object count changes if (ctl.clear || ctl.journal_idx > 0 || (omap_idx == 0 && old_num_objs != omap_num_objs)) create_op_func(omap_idx, first); } ceph_assert(!ops_map.empty()); if (journal_state == JOURNAL_FINISH) { gather.set_finisher(new C_OnFinisher(new C_IO_OFT_Journal(this, log_seq, c, ops_map), mds->finisher)); gather.activate(); } else { submit_ops_func(); } logger->set(l_oft_omap_total_objs, omap_num_objs); logger->set(l_oft_omap_total_kv_pairs, total_items); logger->inc(l_oft_omap_total_updates, total_updates); logger->inc(l_oft_omap_total_removes, total_removes); } class C_IO_OFT_Load : public MDSIOContextBase { protected: OpenFileTable *oft; MDSRank *get_mds() override { return oft->mds; } public: int header_r = 0; //< Return value from OMAP header read int values_r = 0; //< Return value from OMAP value read bufferlist header_bl; std::map values; unsigned index; bool first; bool more = false; C_IO_OFT_Load(OpenFileTable *t, unsigned i, bool f) : oft(t), index(i), first(f) {} void finish(int r) override { oft->_load_finish(r, header_r, values_r, index, first, more, header_bl, values); } void print(ostream& out) const override { out << "openfiles_load"; } }; class C_IO_OFT_Recover : public MDSIOContextBase { protected: OpenFileTable *oft; MDSRank *get_mds() override { return oft->mds; } public: C_IO_OFT_Recover(OpenFileTable *t) : oft(t) {} void finish(int r) override { oft->_recover_finish(r); } void print(ostream& out) const override { out << "openfiles_recover"; } }; void OpenFileTable::_recover_finish(int r) { if (r < 0) { derr << __func__ << " got " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl; _reset_states(); } else { dout(10) << __func__ << ": load complete" << dendl; } journal_state = JOURNAL_NONE; load_done = true; finish_contexts(g_ceph_context, waiting_for_load); waiting_for_load.clear(); } void OpenFileTable::_read_omap_values(const std::string& key, unsigned idx, bool first) { object_t oid = get_object_name(idx); dout(10) << __func__ << ": load from '" << oid << ":" << key << "'" << dendl; object_locator_t oloc(mds->get_metadata_pool()); C_IO_OFT_Load *c = new C_IO_OFT_Load(this, idx, first); ObjectOperation op; if (first) op.omap_get_header(&c->header_bl, &c->header_r); op.omap_get_vals(key, "", uint64_t(-1), &c->values, &c->more, &c->values_r); mds->objecter->read(oid, oloc, op, CEPH_NOSNAP, nullptr, 0, new C_OnFinisher(c, mds->finisher)); } void OpenFileTable::_load_finish(int op_r, int header_r, int values_r, unsigned idx, bool first, bool more, bufferlist &header_bl, std::map &values) { using ceph::decode; int err = -CEPHFS_EINVAL; auto decode_func = [this](unsigned idx, inodeno_t ino, bufferlist &bl) { auto p = bl.cbegin(); size_t count = loaded_anchor_map.size(); auto it = loaded_anchor_map.emplace_hint(loaded_anchor_map.end(), std::piecewise_construct, std::make_tuple(ino), std::make_tuple()); RecoveredAnchor& anchor = it->second; decode(anchor, p); frag_vec_t frags; // unused decode(frags, p); ceph_assert(ino == anchor.ino); anchor.omap_idx = idx; anchor.auth = MDS_RANK_NONE; if (loaded_anchor_map.size() > count) ++omap_num_items[idx]; }; if (op_r < 0) { derr << __func__ << " got " << cpp_strerror(op_r) << dendl; err = op_r; goto out; } try { if (first) { auto p = header_bl.cbegin(); string magic; version_t version; unsigned num_objs; __u8 jstate; if (header_bl.length() == 13) { // obsolete format. decode(version, p); decode(num_objs, p); decode(jstate, p); } else { decode(magic, p); if (magic != CEPH_FS_ONDISK_MAGIC) { CachedStackStringStream css; *css << "invalid magic '" << magic << "'"; throw buffer::malformed_input(css->str()); } DECODE_START(1, p); decode(version, p); decode(num_objs, p); decode(jstate, p); DECODE_FINISH(p); } if (num_objs > MAX_OBJECTS) { CachedStackStringStream css; *css << "invalid object count '" << num_objs << "'"; throw buffer::malformed_input(css->str()); } if (jstate > JOURNAL_FINISH) { CachedStackStringStream css; *css << "invalid journal state '" << jstate << "'"; throw buffer::malformed_input(css->str()); } if (version > omap_version) { omap_version = version; omap_num_objs = num_objs; omap_num_items.resize(omap_num_objs); journal_state = jstate; } else if (version == omap_version) { ceph_assert(omap_num_objs == num_objs); if (jstate > journal_state) journal_state = jstate; } } for (auto& it : values) { if (it.first.compare(0, 9, "_journal.") == 0) { if (idx >= loaded_journals.size()) loaded_journals.resize(idx + 1); if (journal_state == JOURNAL_FINISH) { loaded_journals[idx][it.first].swap(it.second); } else { // incomplete journal loaded_journals[idx][it.first].length(); } continue; } inodeno_t ino; sscanf(it.first.c_str(), "%llx", (unsigned long long*)&ino.val); decode_func(idx, ino, it.second); } } catch (buffer::error &e) { derr << __func__ << ": corrupted header/values: " << e.what() << dendl; goto out; } if (more || idx + 1 < omap_num_objs) { // Issue another read if we're not at the end of the omap std::string last_key; if (more) last_key = values.rbegin()->first; else idx++; _read_omap_values(last_key, idx, !more); return; } // replay journal if (loaded_journals.size() > 0) { dout(10) << __func__ << ": recover journal" << dendl; C_GatherBuilder gather(g_ceph_context, new C_OnFinisher(new C_IO_OFT_Recover(this), mds->finisher)); object_locator_t oloc(mds->get_metadata_pool()); SnapContext snapc; for (unsigned omap_idx = 0; omap_idx < loaded_journals.size(); omap_idx++) { auto& loaded_journal = loaded_journals[omap_idx]; std::vector op_vec; try { for (auto& it : loaded_journal) { if (journal_state != JOURNAL_FINISH) continue; auto p = it.second.cbegin(); version_t version; std::map to_update; std::set to_remove; decode(version, p); if (version != omap_version) continue; decode(to_update, p); decode(to_remove, p); it.second.clear(); for (auto& q : to_update) { inodeno_t ino; sscanf(q.first.c_str(), "%llx", (unsigned long long*)&ino.val); decode_func(omap_idx, ino, q.second); } for (auto& q : to_remove) { inodeno_t ino; sscanf(q.c_str(), "%llx",(unsigned long long*)&ino.val); ceph_assert(ino.val > 0); if (loaded_anchor_map.erase(ino)) { unsigned& count = omap_num_items[omap_idx]; ceph_assert(count > 0); --count; } } op_vec.resize(op_vec.size() + 1); ObjectOperation& op = op_vec.back(); op.priority = CEPH_MSG_PRIO_HIGH; if (!to_update.empty()) op.omap_set(to_update); if (!to_remove.empty()) op.omap_rm_keys(to_remove); } } catch (buffer::error &e) { derr << __func__ << ": corrupted journal: " << e.what() << dendl; goto out; } op_vec.resize(op_vec.size() + 1); ObjectOperation& op = op_vec.back(); { bufferlist header; if (journal_state == JOURNAL_FINISH) _encode_header(header, JOURNAL_FINISH); else _encode_header(header, JOURNAL_NONE); op.omap_set_header(header); } { // remove journal std::set to_remove; for (auto &it : loaded_journal) to_remove.emplace(it.first); op.omap_rm_keys(to_remove); } loaded_journal.clear(); object_t oid = get_object_name(omap_idx); for (auto& op : op_vec) { mds->objecter->mutate(oid, oloc, op, snapc, ceph::real_clock::now(), 0, gather.new_sub()); } } gather.activate(); return; } journal_state = JOURNAL_NONE; err = 0; dout(10) << __func__ << ": load complete" << dendl; out: if (err < 0) _reset_states(); load_done = true; finish_contexts(g_ceph_context, waiting_for_load); waiting_for_load.clear(); } void OpenFileTable::load(MDSContext *onload) { dout(10) << __func__ << dendl; ceph_assert(!load_done); if (onload) waiting_for_load.push_back(onload); _read_omap_values("", 0, true); } void OpenFileTable::_get_ancestors(const Anchor& parent, vector& ancestors, mds_rank_t& auth_hint) { inodeno_t dirino = parent.dirino; std::string_view d_name = parent.d_name; bool first = true; ancestors.clear(); while (true) { ancestors.push_back(inode_backpointer_t(dirino, string{d_name}, 0)); auto p = loaded_anchor_map.find(dirino); if (p == loaded_anchor_map.end()) break; if (first) auth_hint = p->second.auth; dirino = p->second.dirino; d_name = p->second.d_name; if (dirino == inodeno_t(0)) break; first = false; } } class C_OFT_OpenInoFinish: public MDSContext { OpenFileTable *oft; inodeno_t ino; MDSRank *get_mds() override { return oft->mds; } public: C_OFT_OpenInoFinish(OpenFileTable *t, inodeno_t i) : oft(t), ino(i) {} void finish(int r) override { oft->_open_ino_finish(ino, r); } }; void OpenFileTable::_open_ino_finish(inodeno_t ino, int r) { if (prefetch_state == DIR_INODES && r >= 0 && ino != inodeno_t(0)) { auto p = loaded_anchor_map.find(ino); ceph_assert(p != loaded_anchor_map.end()); p->second.auth = mds_rank_t(r); } if (r != mds->get_nodeid()) mds->mdcache->rejoin_prefetch_ino_finish(ino, r); num_opening_inodes--; if (num_opening_inodes == 0) { if (prefetch_state == DIR_INODES) { if (g_conf().get_val("mds_oft_prefetch_dirfrags")) { prefetch_state = DIRFRAGS; _prefetch_dirfrags(); } else { prefetch_state = FILE_INODES; _prefetch_inodes(); } } else if (prefetch_state == FILE_INODES) { prefetch_state = DONE; logseg_destroyed_inos.clear(); destroyed_inos_set.clear(); finish_contexts(g_ceph_context, waiting_for_prefetch); waiting_for_prefetch.clear(); } else { ceph_abort(); } } } void OpenFileTable::_prefetch_dirfrags() { dout(10) << __func__ << dendl; ceph_assert(prefetch_state == DIRFRAGS); MDCache *mdcache = mds->mdcache; std::vector fetch_queue; for (auto& [ino, anchor] : loaded_anchor_map) { if (anchor.frags.empty()) continue; CInode *diri = mdcache->get_inode(ino); if (!diri) continue; if (!diri->is_dir()) { dout(10) << " " << *diri << " is not dir" << dendl; continue; } if (diri->state_test(CInode::STATE_REJOINUNDEF)) continue; for (auto& fg: anchor.frags) { CDir *dir = diri->get_dirfrag(fg); if (dir) { if (dir->is_auth() && !dir->is_complete()) fetch_queue.push_back(dir); } else { frag_vec_t leaves; diri->dirfragtree.get_leaves_under(fg, leaves); for (auto& leaf : leaves) { if (diri->is_auth()) { dir = diri->get_or_open_dirfrag(mdcache, leaf); } else { dir = diri->get_dirfrag(leaf); } if (dir && dir->is_auth() && !dir->is_complete()) fetch_queue.push_back(dir); } } } } MDSGatherBuilder gather(g_ceph_context); int num_opening_dirfrags = 0; for (const auto& dir : fetch_queue) { if (dir->state_test(CDir::STATE_REJOINUNDEF)) ceph_assert(dir->get_inode()->dirfragtree.is_leaf(dir->get_frag())); dir->fetch(gather.new_sub()); if (!(++num_opening_dirfrags % mds->heartbeat_reset_grace())) mds->heartbeat_reset(); } auto finish_func = [this](int r) { prefetch_state = FILE_INODES; _prefetch_inodes(); }; if (gather.has_subs()) { gather.set_finisher( new MDSInternalContextWrapper(mds, new LambdaContext(std::move(finish_func)))); gather.activate(); } else { finish_func(0); } } void OpenFileTable::_prefetch_inodes() { dout(10) << __func__ << " state " << prefetch_state << dendl; ceph_assert(!num_opening_inodes); num_opening_inodes = 1; int64_t pool; if (prefetch_state == DIR_INODES) pool = mds->get_metadata_pool(); else if (prefetch_state == FILE_INODES) pool = mds->mdsmap->get_first_data_pool(); else ceph_abort(); MDCache *mdcache = mds->mdcache; if (destroyed_inos_set.empty()) { for (auto& it : logseg_destroyed_inos) destroyed_inos_set.insert(it.second.begin(), it.second.end()); } for (auto& [ino, anchor] : loaded_anchor_map) { if (destroyed_inos_set.count(ino)) continue; if (anchor.d_type == DT_DIR) { if (prefetch_state != DIR_INODES) continue; if (MDS_INO_IS_MDSDIR(ino)) { anchor.auth = MDS_INO_MDSDIR_OWNER(ino); continue; } if (MDS_INO_IS_STRAY(ino)) { anchor.auth = MDS_INO_STRAY_OWNER(ino); continue; } } else { if (prefetch_state != FILE_INODES) continue; // load all file inodes for MDCache::identify_files_to_recover() } CInode *in = mdcache->get_inode(ino); if (in) continue; num_opening_inodes++; auto fin = new C_OFT_OpenInoFinish(this, ino); if (anchor.dirino != inodeno_t(0)) { vector ancestors; mds_rank_t auth_hint = MDS_RANK_NONE; _get_ancestors(anchor, ancestors, auth_hint); mdcache->open_ino(ino, pool, fin, false, false, &ancestors, auth_hint); } else { mdcache->open_ino(ino, pool, fin, false); } if (!(num_opening_inodes % mds->heartbeat_reset_grace())) mds->heartbeat_reset(); } _open_ino_finish(inodeno_t(0), 0); } bool OpenFileTable::prefetch_inodes() { dout(10) << __func__ << dendl; ceph_assert(!prefetch_state); prefetch_state = DIR_INODES; if (!load_done) { wait_for_load( new MDSInternalContextWrapper(mds, new LambdaContext([this](int r) { _prefetch_inodes(); }) ) ); return true; } _prefetch_inodes(); return !is_prefetched(); } bool OpenFileTable::should_log_open(CInode *in) { if (in->state_test(CInode::STATE_TRACKEDBYOFT)) { // inode just journaled if (in->last_journaled >= committing_log_seq) return false; // item not dirty. it means the item has already been saved auto p = dirty_items.find(in->ino()); if (p == dirty_items.end()) return false; } return true; } void OpenFileTable::note_destroyed_inos(uint64_t seq, const vector& inos) { auto& vec = logseg_destroyed_inos[seq]; vec.insert(vec.end(), inos.begin(), inos.end()); } void OpenFileTable::trim_destroyed_inos(uint64_t seq) { auto p = logseg_destroyed_inos.begin(); while (p != logseg_destroyed_inos.end()) { if (p->first >= seq) break; logseg_destroyed_inos.erase(p++); } }