import hashlib import json import logging import uuid from collections import defaultdict from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, List, cast, Dict, Any, Union, Tuple, Iterator, \ DefaultDict from cephadm import remotes try: import remoto import execnet.gateway_bootstrap except ImportError: remoto = None from ceph.deployment import inventory from ceph.deployment.drive_group import DriveGroupSpec from ceph.deployment.service_spec import ServiceSpec, CustomContainerSpec, PlacementSpec from ceph.utils import str_to_datetime, datetime_now import orchestrator from orchestrator import OrchestratorError, set_exception_subject, OrchestratorEvent, \ DaemonDescriptionStatus, daemon_type_to_service from import CephadmDaemonDeploySpec from cephadm.schedule import HostAssignment from cephadm.autotune import MemoryAutotuner from cephadm.utils import forall_hosts, cephadmNoImage, is_repo_digest, \ CephadmNoImage, CEPH_TYPES, ContainerInspectInfo from mgr_module import MonCommandFailed from mgr_util import format_bytes from . import utils if TYPE_CHECKING: from cephadm.module import CephadmOrchestrator from remoto.backends import BaseConnection logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) REQUIRES_POST_ACTIONS = ['grafana', 'iscsi', 'prometheus', 'alertmanager', 'rgw'] class CephadmServe: """ This module contains functions that are executed in the serve() thread. Thus they don't block the CLI. Please see the `Note regarding network calls from CLI handlers` chapter in the cephadm developer guide. On the other hand, These function should *not* be called form CLI handlers, to avoid blocking the CLI """ def __init__(self, mgr: "CephadmOrchestrator"): self.mgr: "CephadmOrchestrator" = mgr self.log = logger def serve(self) -> None: """ The main loop of cephadm. A command handler will typically change the declarative state of cephadm. This loop will then attempt to apply this new state. """ self.log.debug("serve starting") self.mgr.config_checker.load_network_config() while self.log.debug("serve loop start") try: self.convert_tags_to_repo_digest() # refresh daemons self.log.debug('refreshing hosts and daemons') self._refresh_hosts_and_daemons() self._check_for_strays() self._update_paused_health() if self.mgr.need_connect_dashboard_rgw and self.mgr.config_dashboard: self.mgr.need_connect_dashboard_rgw = False if 'dashboard' in self.mgr.get('mgr_map')['modules']:'Checking dashboard <-> RGW credentials') self.mgr.remote('dashboard', 'set_rgw_credentials') if not self.mgr.paused: self.mgr.to_remove_osds.process_removal_queue() self.mgr.migration.migrate() if self.mgr.migration.is_migration_ongoing(): continue if self._apply_all_services(): continue # did something, refresh self._check_daemons() self._purge_deleted_services() self._check_for_moved_osds() if self.mgr.upgrade.continue_upgrade(): continue except OrchestratorError as e: if e.event_subject: self.log.debug("serve loop sleep") self._serve_sleep() self.log.debug("serve loop wake") self.log.debug("serve exit") def _serve_sleep(self) -> None: sleep_interval = max( 30, min( self.mgr.host_check_interval, self.mgr.facts_cache_timeout, self.mgr.daemon_cache_timeout, self.mgr.device_cache_timeout, ) ) self.log.debug('Sleeping for %d seconds', sleep_interval) self.mgr.event.wait(sleep_interval) self.mgr.event.clear() def _update_paused_health(self) -> None: self.log.debug('_update_paused_health') if self.mgr.paused: self.mgr.set_health_warning('CEPHADM_PAUSED', 'cephadm background work is paused', 1, ["'ceph orch resume' to resume"]) else: self.mgr.remove_health_warning('CEPHADM_PAUSED') def _autotune_host_memory(self, host: str) -> None: total_mem = self.mgr.cache.get_facts(host).get('memory_total_kb', 0) if not total_mem: val = None else: total_mem *= 1024 # kb -> bytes total_mem *= self.mgr.autotune_memory_target_ratio a = MemoryAutotuner( daemons=self.mgr.cache.get_daemons_by_host(host), config_get=self.mgr.get_foreign_ceph_option, total_mem=total_mem, ) val, osds = a.tune() any_changed = False for o in osds: if self.mgr.get_foreign_ceph_option(o, 'osd_memory_target') != val: self.mgr.check_mon_command({ 'prefix': 'config rm', 'who': o, 'name': 'osd_memory_target', }) any_changed = True if val is not None: if any_changed: f'Adjusting osd_memory_target on {host} to {format_bytes(val, 6)}' ) ret, out, err = self.mgr.mon_command({ 'prefix': 'config set', 'who': f'osd/host:{host.split(".")[0]}', 'name': 'osd_memory_target', 'value': str(val), }) if ret: self.log.warning( f'Unable to set osd_memory_target on {host} to {val}: {err}' ) else: # if osd memory autotuning is off, we don't want to remove these config # options as users may be using them. Since there is no way to set autotuning # on/off at a host level, best we can do is check if it is globally on. if self.mgr.get_foreign_ceph_option('osd', 'osd_memory_target_autotune'): self.mgr.check_mon_command({ 'prefix': 'config rm', 'who': f'osd/host:{host.split(".")[0]}', 'name': 'osd_memory_target', }) self.mgr.cache.update_autotune(host) def _refresh_hosts_and_daemons(self) -> None: self.log.debug('_refresh_hosts_and_daemons') bad_hosts = [] failures = [] if self.mgr.manage_etc_ceph_ceph_conf or self.mgr.keys.keys: client_files = self._calc_client_files() else: client_files = {} @forall_hosts def refresh(host: str) -> None: # skip hosts that are in maintenance - they could be powered off if self.mgr.inventory._inventory[host].get("status", "").lower() == "maintenance": return if self.mgr.cache.host_needs_check(host): r = self._check_host(host) if r is not None: bad_hosts.append(r) if self.mgr.cache.host_needs_daemon_refresh(host): self.log.debug('refreshing %s daemons' % host) r = self._refresh_host_daemons(host) if r: failures.append(r) if self.mgr.cache.host_needs_registry_login(host) and self.mgr.get_store('registry_credentials'): self.log.debug(f"Logging `{host}` into custom registry") r = self._registry_login( host, json.loads(str(self.mgr.get_store('registry_credentials')))) if r: bad_hosts.append(r) if self.mgr.cache.host_needs_device_refresh(host): self.log.debug('refreshing %s devices' % host) r = self._refresh_host_devices(host) if r: failures.append(r) if self.mgr.cache.host_needs_facts_refresh(host): self.log.debug(('Refreshing %s facts' % host)) r = self._refresh_facts(host) if r: failures.append(r) if self.mgr.cache.host_needs_osdspec_preview_refresh(host): self.log.debug(f"refreshing OSDSpec previews for {host}") r = self._refresh_host_osdspec_previews(host) if r: failures.append(r) if ( self.mgr.cache.host_needs_autotune_memory(host) and not self.mgr.inventory.has_label(host, '_no_autotune_memory') ): self.log.debug(f"autotuning memory for {host}") self._autotune_host_memory(host) self._write_client_files(client_files, host) refresh(self.mgr.cache.get_hosts()) self.mgr.config_checker.run_checks() for k in [ 'CEPHADM_HOST_CHECK_FAILED', 'CEPHADM_FAILED_DAEMON', 'CEPHADM_REFRESH_FAILED', ]: self.mgr.remove_health_warning(k) if bad_hosts: self.mgr.set_health_warning('CEPHADM_HOST_CHECK_FAILED', f'{len(bad_hosts)} hosts fail cephadm check', len(bad_hosts), bad_hosts) if failures: self.mgr.set_health_warning('CEPHADM_REFRESH_FAILED', 'failed to probe daemons or devices', len(failures), failures) failed_daemons = [] for dd in self.mgr.cache.get_daemons(): if dd.status is not None and dd.status == DaemonDescriptionStatus.error: failed_daemons.append('daemon %s on %s is in %s state' % (, dd.hostname, dd.status_desc )) if failed_daemons: self.mgr.set_health_warning('CEPHADM_FAILED_DAEMON', f'{len(failed_daemons)} failed cephadm daemon(s)', len(failed_daemons), failed_daemons) def _check_host(self, host: str) -> Optional[str]: if host not in self.mgr.inventory: return None self.log.debug(' checking %s' % host) try: addr = self.mgr.inventory.get_addr(host) if host in self.mgr.inventory else host out, err, code = self._run_cephadm( host, cephadmNoImage, 'check-host', [], error_ok=True, no_fsid=True) self.mgr.cache.update_last_host_check(host) self.mgr.cache.save_host(host) if code: self.log.debug(' host %s (%s) failed check' % (host, addr)) if self.mgr.warn_on_failed_host_check: return 'host %s (%s) failed check: %s' % (host, addr, err) else: self.log.debug(' host %s (%s) ok' % (host, addr)) except Exception as e: self.log.debug(' host %s (%s) failed check' % (host, addr)) return 'host %s (%s) failed check: %s' % (host, addr, e) return None def _refresh_host_daemons(self, host: str) -> Optional[str]: try: ls = self._run_cephadm_json(host, 'mon', 'ls', [], no_fsid=True) except OrchestratorError as e: return str(e) dm = {} for d in ls: if not d['style'].startswith('cephadm'): continue if d['fsid'] != self.mgr._cluster_fsid: continue if '.' not in d['name']: continue sd = orchestrator.DaemonDescription() sd.last_refresh = datetime_now() for k in ['created', 'started', 'last_configured', 'last_deployed']: v = d.get(k, None) if v: setattr(sd, k, str_to_datetime(d[k])) sd.daemon_type = d['name'].split('.')[0] if sd.daemon_type not in orchestrator.KNOWN_DAEMON_TYPES: logger.warning(f"Found unknown daemon type {sd.daemon_type} on host {host}") continue sd.daemon_id = '.'.join(d['name'].split('.')[1:]) sd.hostname = host sd.container_id = d.get('container_id') if sd.container_id: # shorten the hash sd.container_id = sd.container_id[0:12] sd.container_image_name = d.get('container_image_name') sd.container_image_id = d.get('container_image_id') sd.container_image_digests = d.get('container_image_digests') sd.memory_usage = d.get('memory_usage') sd.memory_request = d.get('memory_request') sd.memory_limit = d.get('memory_limit') sd.cpu_percentage = d.get('cpu_percentage') sd._service_name = d.get('service_name') sd.deployed_by = d.get('deployed_by') sd.version = d.get('version') sd.ports = d.get('ports') sd.ip = d.get('ip') sd.rank = int(d['rank']) if d.get('rank') is not None else None sd.rank_generation = int(d['rank_generation']) if d.get( 'rank_generation') is not None else None sd.extra_container_args = d.get('extra_container_args') if 'state' in d: sd.status_desc = d['state'] sd.status = { 'running': DaemonDescriptionStatus.running, 'stopped': DaemonDescriptionStatus.stopped, 'error': DaemonDescriptionStatus.error, 'unknown': DaemonDescriptionStatus.error, }[d['state']] else: sd.status_desc = 'unknown' sd.status = None dm[] = sd self.log.debug('Refreshed host %s daemons (%d)' % (host, len(dm))) self.mgr.cache.update_host_daemons(host, dm) self.mgr.cache.save_host(host) return None def _refresh_facts(self, host: str) -> Optional[str]: try: val = self._run_cephadm_json(host, cephadmNoImage, 'gather-facts', [], no_fsid=True) except OrchestratorError as e: return str(e) self.mgr.cache.update_host_facts(host, val) return None def _refresh_host_devices(self, host: str) -> Optional[str]: with_lsm = self.mgr.device_enhanced_scan inventory_args = ['--', 'inventory', '--format=json-pretty', '--filter-for-batch'] if with_lsm: inventory_args.insert(-1, "--with-lsm") try: try: devices = self._run_cephadm_json(host, 'osd', 'ceph-volume', inventory_args) except OrchestratorError as e: if 'unrecognized arguments: --filter-for-batch' in str(e): rerun_args = inventory_args.copy() rerun_args.remove('--filter-for-batch') devices = self._run_cephadm_json(host, 'osd', 'ceph-volume', rerun_args) else: raise networks = self._run_cephadm_json(host, 'mon', 'list-networks', [], no_fsid=True) except OrchestratorError as e: return str(e) self.log.debug('Refreshed host %s devices (%d) networks (%s)' % ( host, len(devices), len(networks))) ret = inventory.Devices.from_json(devices) self.mgr.cache.update_host_devices_networks(host, ret.devices, networks) self.update_osdspec_previews(host) self.mgr.cache.save_host(host) return None def _refresh_host_osdspec_previews(self, host: str) -> Optional[str]: self.update_osdspec_previews(host) self.mgr.cache.save_host(host) self.log.debug(f'Refreshed OSDSpec previews for host <{host}>') return None def update_osdspec_previews(self, search_host: str = '') -> None: # Set global 'pending' flag for host self.mgr.cache.loading_osdspec_preview.add(search_host) previews = [] # query OSDSpecs for host and generate/get the preview # There can be multiple previews for one host due to multiple OSDSpecs. previews.extend(self.mgr.osd_service.get_previews(search_host)) self.log.debug(f'Loading OSDSpec previews to HostCache for host <{search_host}>') self.mgr.cache.osdspec_previews[search_host] = previews # Unset global 'pending' flag for host self.mgr.cache.loading_osdspec_preview.remove(search_host) def _check_for_strays(self) -> None: self.log.debug('_check_for_strays') for k in ['CEPHADM_STRAY_HOST', 'CEPHADM_STRAY_DAEMON']: self.mgr.remove_health_warning(k) if self.mgr.warn_on_stray_hosts or self.mgr.warn_on_stray_daemons: ls = self.mgr.list_servers() self.log.debug(ls) managed = self.mgr.cache.get_daemon_names() host_detail = [] # type: List[str] host_num_daemons = 0 daemon_detail = [] # type: List[str] for item in ls: host = item.get('hostname') assert isinstance(host, str) daemons = item.get('services') # misnomer! assert isinstance(daemons, list) missing_names = [] for s in daemons: daemon_id = s.get('id') assert daemon_id name = '%s.%s' % (s.get('type'), daemon_id) if s.get('type') in ['rbd-mirror', 'cephfs-mirror', 'rgw', 'rgw-nfs']: metadata = self.mgr.get_metadata( cast(str, s.get('type')), daemon_id, {}) assert metadata is not None try: if s.get('type') == 'rgw-nfs': # name = metadata['id'][:-4] else: name = '%s.%s' % (s.get('type'), metadata['id']) except (KeyError, TypeError): self.log.debug( "Failed to find daemon id for %s service %s" % ( s.get('type'), s.get('id') ) ) if s.get('type') == 'tcmu-runner': # because we don't track tcmu-runner daemons in the host cache # and don't have a way to check if the daemon is part of iscsi service # we assume that all tcmu-runner daemons are managed by cephadm managed.append(name) if host not in self.mgr.inventory: missing_names.append(name) host_num_daemons += 1 if name not in managed: daemon_detail.append( 'stray daemon %s on host %s not managed by cephadm' % (name, host)) if missing_names: host_detail.append( 'stray host %s has %d stray daemons: %s' % ( host, len(missing_names), missing_names)) if self.mgr.warn_on_stray_hosts and host_detail: self.mgr.set_health_warning( 'CEPHADM_STRAY_HOST', f'{len(host_detail)} stray host(s) with {host_num_daemons} daemon(s) not managed by cephadm', len(host_detail), host_detail) if self.mgr.warn_on_stray_daemons and daemon_detail: self.mgr.set_health_warning( 'CEPHADM_STRAY_DAEMON', f'{len(daemon_detail)} stray daemon(s) not managed by cephadm', len(daemon_detail), daemon_detail) def _check_for_moved_osds(self) -> None: self.log.debug('_check_for_moved_osds') all_osds: DefaultDict[int, List[orchestrator.DaemonDescription]] = defaultdict(list) for dd in self.mgr.cache.get_daemons_by_type('osd'): assert dd.daemon_id all_osds[int(dd.daemon_id)].append(dd) for osd_id, dds in all_osds.items(): if len(dds) <= 1: continue running = [dd for dd in dds if dd.status == DaemonDescriptionStatus.running] error = [dd for dd in dds if dd.status == DaemonDescriptionStatus.error] msg = f'Found duplicate OSDs: {", ".join(str(dd) for dd in dds)}' if len(running) != 1: continue osd = self.mgr.get_osd_by_id(osd_id) if not osd or not osd['up']: continue for e in error: assert e.hostname try: self._remove_daemon(, e.hostname, no_post_remove=True), 'INFO', f"Removed duplicated daemon on host '{e.hostname}'") except OrchestratorError as ex: logger.exception(f'failed to remove duplicated daemon {e}') def _apply_all_services(self) -> bool: self.log.debug('_apply_all_services') r = False specs = [] # type: List[ServiceSpec] for sn, spec in self.mgr.spec_store.active_specs.items(): specs.append(spec) for name in ['CEPHADM_APPLY_SPEC_FAIL', 'CEPHADM_DAEMON_PLACE_FAIL']: self.mgr.remove_health_warning(name) self.mgr.apply_spec_fails = [] for spec in specs: try: if self._apply_service(spec): r = True except Exception as e: msg = f'Failed to apply {spec.service_name()} spec {spec}: {str(e)}' self.log.exception(msg), 'ERROR', 'Failed to apply: ' + str(e)) self.mgr.apply_spec_fails.append((spec.service_name(), str(e))) warnings = [] for x in self.mgr.apply_spec_fails: warnings.append(f'{x[0]}: {x[1]}') self.mgr.set_health_warning('CEPHADM_APPLY_SPEC_FAIL', f"Failed to apply {len(self.mgr.apply_spec_fails)} service(s): {','.join(x[0] for x in self.mgr.apply_spec_fails)}", len(self.mgr.apply_spec_fails), warnings) self.mgr.update_watched_hosts() return r def _apply_service_config(self, spec: ServiceSpec) -> None: if spec.config: section = utils.name_to_config_section(spec.service_name()) for name in ['CEPHADM_INVALID_CONFIG_OPTION', 'CEPHADM_FAILED_SET_OPTION']: self.mgr.remove_health_warning(name) invalid_config_options = [] options_failed_to_set = [] for k, v in spec.config.items(): try: current = self.mgr.get_foreign_ceph_option(section, k) except KeyError: msg = f'Ignoring invalid {spec.service_name()} config option {k}' self.log.warning(msg) spec, OrchestratorEvent.ERROR, f'Invalid config option {k}' ) invalid_config_options.append(msg) continue if current != v: self.log.debug(f'setting [{section}] {k} = {v}') try: self.mgr.check_mon_command({ 'prefix': 'config set', 'name': k, 'value': str(v), 'who': section, }) except MonCommandFailed as e: msg = f'Failed to set {spec.service_name()} option {k}: {e}' self.log.warning(msg) options_failed_to_set.append(msg) if invalid_config_options: self.mgr.set_health_warning('CEPHADM_INVALID_CONFIG_OPTION', f'Ignoring {len(invalid_config_options)} invalid config option(s)', len(invalid_config_options), invalid_config_options) if options_failed_to_set: self.mgr.set_health_warning('CEPHADM_FAILED_SET_OPTION', f'Failed to set {len(options_failed_to_set)} option(s)', len(options_failed_to_set), options_failed_to_set) def _apply_service(self, spec: ServiceSpec) -> bool: """ Schedule a service. Deploy new daemons or remove old ones, depending on the target label and count specified in the placement. """ self.mgr.migration.verify_no_migration() service_type = spec.service_type service_name = spec.service_name() if spec.unmanaged: self.log.debug('Skipping unmanaged service %s' % service_name) return False if spec.preview_only: self.log.debug('Skipping preview_only service %s' % service_name) return False self.log.debug('Applying service %s spec' % service_name) self._apply_service_config(spec) if service_type == 'osd': self.mgr.osd_service.create_from_spec(cast(DriveGroupSpec, spec)) # TODO: return True would result in a busy loop # can't know if daemon count changed; create_from_spec doesn't # return a solid indication return False svc = self.mgr.cephadm_services[service_type] daemons = self.mgr.cache.get_daemons_by_service(service_name) public_networks: List[str] = [] if service_type == 'mon': out = str(self.mgr.get_foreign_ceph_option('mon', 'public_network')) if '/' in out: public_networks = [x.strip() for x in out.split(',')] self.log.debug('mon public_network(s) is %s' % public_networks) def matches_network(host): # type: (str) -> bool # make sure we have 1 or more IPs for any of those networks on that # host for network in public_networks: if len(self.mgr.cache.networks[host].get(network, [])) > 0: return True f"Filtered out host {host}: does not belong to mon public_network" f" ({','.join(public_networks)})" ) return False rank_map = None if svc.ranked(): rank_map = self.mgr.spec_store[spec.service_name()].rank_map or {} ha = HostAssignment( spec=spec, hosts=self.mgr._schedulable_hosts(), unreachable_hosts=self.mgr._unreachable_hosts(), daemons=daemons, networks=self.mgr.cache.networks, filter_new_host=( matches_network if service_type == 'mon' else None ), allow_colo=svc.allow_colo(), primary_daemon_type=svc.primary_daemon_type(), per_host_daemon_type=svc.per_host_daemon_type(), rank_map=rank_map, ) try: all_slots, slots_to_add, daemons_to_remove = daemons_to_remove = [d for d in daemons_to_remove if (d.hostname and self.mgr.inventory._inventory[d.hostname].get( 'status', '').lower() not in ['maintenance', 'offline'] and d.hostname not in self.mgr.offline_hosts)] self.log.debug('Add %s, remove %s' % (slots_to_add, daemons_to_remove)) except OrchestratorError as e: msg = f'Failed to apply {spec.service_name()} spec {spec}: {str(e)}' self.log.error(msg), 'ERROR', 'Failed to apply: ' + str(e)) self.mgr.apply_spec_fails.append((spec.service_name(), str(e))) warnings = [] for x in self.mgr.apply_spec_fails: warnings.append(f'{x[0]}: {x[1]}') self.mgr.set_health_warning('CEPHADM_APPLY_SPEC_FAIL', f"Failed to apply {len(self.mgr.apply_spec_fails)} service(s): {','.join(x[0] for x in self.mgr.apply_spec_fails)}", len(self.mgr.apply_spec_fails), warnings) return False r = None # sanity check final_count = len(daemons) + len(slots_to_add) - len(daemons_to_remove) if service_type in ['mon', 'mgr'] and final_count < 1: self.log.debug('cannot scale mon|mgr below 1)') return False # progress progress_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) delta: List[str] = [] if slots_to_add: delta += [f'+{len(slots_to_add)}'] if daemons_to_remove: delta += [f'-{len(daemons_to_remove)}'] progress_title = f'Updating {spec.service_name()} deployment ({" ".join(delta)} -> {len(all_slots)})' progress_total = len(slots_to_add) + len(daemons_to_remove) progress_done = 0 def update_progress() -> None: self.mgr.remote( 'progress', 'update', progress_id, ev_msg=progress_title, ev_progress=(progress_done / progress_total), add_to_ceph_s=True, ) if progress_total: update_progress() # add any? did_config = False self.log.debug('Hosts that will receive new daemons: %s' % slots_to_add) self.log.debug('Daemons that will be removed: %s' % daemons_to_remove) try: # assign names for i in range(len(slots_to_add)): slot = slots_to_add[i] slot = slot.assign_name(self.mgr.get_unique_name( slot.daemon_type, slot.hostname, [d for d in daemons if d not in daemons_to_remove], prefix=spec.service_id,, rank=slot.rank, rank_generation=slot.rank_generation, )) slots_to_add[i] = slot if rank_map is not None: assert slot.rank is not None assert slot.rank_generation is not None assert rank_map[slot.rank][slot.rank_generation] is None rank_map[slot.rank][slot.rank_generation] = if rank_map: # record the rank_map before we make changes so that if we fail the # next mgr will clean up. self.mgr.spec_store.save_rank_map(spec.service_name(), rank_map) # remove daemons now, since we are going to fence them anyway for d in daemons_to_remove: assert d.hostname is not None self._remove_daemon(, d.hostname) daemons_to_remove = [] # fence them svc.fence_old_ranks(spec, rank_map, len(all_slots)) # create daemons daemon_place_fails = [] for slot in slots_to_add: # first remove daemon with conflicting port or name? if slot.ports or in [ for d in daemons_to_remove]: for d in daemons_to_remove: if ( d.hostname != slot.hostname or not (set(d.ports or []) & set(slot.ports)) or (d.ip and slot.ip and d.ip != slot.ip) and != ): continue if != f'Removing {} before deploying to {slot} to avoid a port or conflict' ) # NOTE: we don't check ok-to-stop here to avoid starvation if # there is only 1 gateway. self._remove_daemon(, d.hostname) daemons_to_remove.remove(d) progress_done += 1 break # deploy new daemon daemon_id = if not did_config: svc.config(spec) did_config = True daemon_spec = svc.make_daemon_spec( slot.hostname, daemon_id,, spec, daemon_type=slot.daemon_type, ports=slot.ports, ip=slot.ip, rank=slot.rank, rank_generation=slot.rank_generation, ) self.log.debug('Placing %s.%s on host %s' % ( slot.daemon_type, daemon_id, slot.hostname)) try: daemon_spec = svc.prepare_create(daemon_spec) self._create_daemon(daemon_spec) r = True progress_done += 1 update_progress() except (RuntimeError, OrchestratorError) as e: msg = (f"Failed while placing {slot.daemon_type}.{daemon_id} " f"on {slot.hostname}: {e}"), 'ERROR', msg) self.mgr.log.error(msg) daemon_place_fails.append(msg) # only return "no change" if no one else has already succeeded. # later successes will also change to True if r is None: r = False progress_done += 1 update_progress() continue # add to daemon list so next name(s) will also be unique sd = orchestrator.DaemonDescription( hostname=slot.hostname, daemon_type=slot.daemon_type, daemon_id=daemon_id, ) daemons.append(sd) if daemon_place_fails: self.mgr.set_health_warning('CEPHADM_DAEMON_PLACE_FAIL', f'Failed to place {len(daemon_place_fails)} daemon(s)', len(daemon_place_fails), daemon_place_fails) if service_type == 'mgr': active_mgr = svc.get_active_daemon(self.mgr.cache.get_daemons_by_type('mgr')) if active_mgr.daemon_id in [d.daemon_id for d in daemons_to_remove]: # We can't just remove the active mgr like any other daemon. # Need to fail over later so it can be removed on next pass. # This can be accomplished by scheduling a restart of the active mgr. self.mgr._schedule_daemon_action(, 'restart') # remove any? def _ok_to_stop(remove_daemons: List[orchestrator.DaemonDescription]) -> bool: daemon_ids = [d.daemon_id for d in remove_daemons] assert None not in daemon_ids # setting force flag retains previous behavior r = svc.ok_to_stop(cast(List[str], daemon_ids), force=True) return not r.retval while daemons_to_remove and not _ok_to_stop(daemons_to_remove): # let's find a subset that is ok-to-stop daemons_to_remove.pop() for d in daemons_to_remove: r = True assert d.hostname is not None self._remove_daemon(, d.hostname) progress_done += 1 update_progress() self.mgr.remote('progress', 'complete', progress_id) except Exception as e: self.mgr.remote('progress', 'fail', progress_id, str(e)) raise if r is None: r = False return r def _check_daemons(self) -> None: self.log.debug('_check_daemons') daemons = self.mgr.cache.get_daemons() daemons_post: Dict[str, List[orchestrator.DaemonDescription]] = defaultdict(list) for dd in daemons: # orphan? spec = self.mgr.spec_store.active_specs.get(dd.service_name(), None) assert dd.hostname is not None assert dd.daemon_type is not None assert dd.daemon_id is not None if not spec and dd.daemon_type not in ['mon', 'mgr', 'osd']: # (mon and mgr specs should always exist; osds aren't matched # to a service spec)'Removing orphan daemon %s...' % self._remove_daemon(, dd.hostname) # ignore unmanaged services if spec and spec.unmanaged: continue # ignore daemons for deleted services if dd.service_name() in self.mgr.spec_store.spec_deleted: continue # These daemon types require additional configs after creation if dd.daemon_type in REQUIRES_POST_ACTIONS: daemons_post[dd.daemon_type].append(dd) if self.mgr.cephadm_services[daemon_type_to_service(dd.daemon_type)].get_active_daemon( self.mgr.cache.get_daemons_by_service(dd.service_name())).daemon_id == dd.daemon_id: dd.is_active = True else: dd.is_active = False deps = self.mgr._calc_daemon_deps(spec, dd.daemon_type, dd.daemon_id) last_deps, last_config = self.mgr.cache.get_daemon_last_config_deps( dd.hostname, if last_deps is None: last_deps = [] action = self.mgr.cache.get_scheduled_daemon_action(dd.hostname, if not last_config:'Reconfiguring %s (unknown last config time)...' % ( action = 'reconfig' elif last_deps != deps: self.log.debug('%s deps %s -> %s' % (, last_deps, deps))'Reconfiguring %s (dependencies changed)...' % ( action = 'reconfig' elif spec is not None and hasattr(spec, 'extra_container_args') and dd.extra_container_args != spec.extra_container_args: self.log.debug( f'{} container cli args {dd.extra_container_args} -> {spec.extra_container_args}')'Redeploying {}, (container cli args changed) . . .') dd.extra_container_args = spec.extra_container_args action = 'redeploy' elif self.mgr.last_monmap and \ self.mgr.last_monmap > last_config and \ dd.daemon_type in CEPH_TYPES:'Reconfiguring %s (monmap changed)...' % action = 'reconfig' elif self.mgr.extra_ceph_conf_is_newer(last_config) and \ dd.daemon_type in CEPH_TYPES:'Reconfiguring %s (extra config changed)...' % action = 'reconfig' if action: if self.mgr.cache.get_scheduled_daemon_action(dd.hostname, == 'redeploy' \ and action == 'reconfig': action = 'redeploy' try: daemon_spec = CephadmDaemonDeploySpec.from_daemon_description(dd) self.mgr._daemon_action(daemon_spec, action=action) if self.mgr.cache.rm_scheduled_daemon_action(dd.hostname, self.mgr.cache.save_host(dd.hostname) except OrchestratorError as e: if dd.daemon_type in daemons_post: del daemons_post[dd.daemon_type] # continue... except Exception as e:, e) if dd.daemon_type in daemons_post: del daemons_post[dd.daemon_type] # continue... # do daemon post actions for daemon_type, daemon_descs in daemons_post.items(): run_post = False for d in daemon_descs: if in self.mgr.requires_post_actions: self.mgr.requires_post_actions.remove( run_post = True if run_post: self.mgr._get_cephadm_service(daemon_type_to_service( daemon_type)).daemon_check_post(daemon_descs) def _purge_deleted_services(self) -> None: self.log.debug('_purge_deleted_services') existing_services = self.mgr.spec_store.all_specs.items() for service_name, spec in list(existing_services): if service_name not in self.mgr.spec_store.spec_deleted: continue if self.mgr.cache.get_daemons_by_service(service_name): continue if spec.service_type in ['mon', 'mgr']: continue'Purge service {service_name}') self.mgr.cephadm_services[spec.service_type].purge(service_name) self.mgr.spec_store.finally_rm(service_name) def convert_tags_to_repo_digest(self) -> None: if not self.mgr.use_repo_digest: return settings = self.mgr.upgrade.get_distinct_container_image_settings() digests: Dict[str, ContainerInspectInfo] = {} for container_image_ref in set(settings.values()): if not is_repo_digest(container_image_ref): image_info = self._get_container_image_info(container_image_ref) if image_info.repo_digests: # FIXME: we assume the first digest here is the best assert is_repo_digest(image_info.repo_digests[0]), image_info digests[container_image_ref] = image_info for entity, container_image_ref in settings.items(): if not is_repo_digest(container_image_ref): image_info = digests[container_image_ref] if image_info.repo_digests: # FIXME: we assume the first digest here is the best self.mgr.set_container_image(entity, image_info.repo_digests[0]) def _calc_client_files(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[int, int, int, bytes, str]]]: # host -> path -> (mode, uid, gid, content, digest) client_files: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[int, int, int, bytes, str]]] = {} # ceph.conf config = self.mgr.get_minimal_ceph_conf().encode('utf-8') config_digest = ''.join('%02x' % c for c in hashlib.sha256(config).digest()) if self.mgr.manage_etc_ceph_ceph_conf: try: pspec = PlacementSpec.from_string(self.mgr.manage_etc_ceph_ceph_conf_hosts) ha = HostAssignment( spec=ServiceSpec('mon', placement=pspec), hosts=self.mgr._schedulable_hosts(), unreachable_hosts=self.mgr._unreachable_hosts(), daemons=[], networks=self.mgr.cache.networks, ) all_slots, _, _ = for host in {s.hostname for s in all_slots}: if host not in client_files: client_files[host] = {} client_files[host]['/etc/ceph/ceph.conf'] = ( 0o644, 0, 0, bytes(config), str(config_digest) ) except Exception as e: self.mgr.log.warning( f'unable to calc conf hosts: {self.mgr.manage_etc_ceph_ceph_conf_hosts}: {e}') # client keyrings for ks in self.mgr.keys.keys.values(): try: ret, keyring, err = self.mgr.mon_command({ 'prefix': 'auth get', 'entity': ks.entity, }) if ret: self.log.warning(f'unable to fetch keyring for {ks.entity}') continue digest = ''.join('%02x' % c for c in hashlib.sha256( keyring.encode('utf-8')).digest()) ha = HostAssignment( spec=ServiceSpec('mon', placement=ks.placement), hosts=self.mgr._schedulable_hosts(), unreachable_hosts=self.mgr._unreachable_hosts(), daemons=[], networks=self.mgr.cache.networks, ) all_slots, _, _ = for host in {s.hostname for s in all_slots}: if host not in client_files: client_files[host] = {} client_files[host]['/etc/ceph/ceph.conf'] = ( 0o644, 0, 0, bytes(config), str(config_digest) ) client_files[host][ks.path] = ( ks.mode, ks.uid, ks.gid, keyring.encode('utf-8'), digest ) except Exception as e: self.log.warning( f'unable to calc client keyring {ks.entity} placement {ks.placement}: {e}') return client_files def _write_client_files(self, client_files: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[int, int, int, bytes, str]]], host: str) -> None: updated_files = False old_files = self.mgr.cache.get_host_client_files(host).copy() for path, m in client_files.get(host, {}).items(): mode, uid, gid, content, digest = m if path in old_files: match = old_files[path] == (digest, mode, uid, gid) del old_files[path] if match: continue'Updating {host}:{path}') self._write_remote_file(host, path, content, mode, uid, gid) self.mgr.cache.update_client_file(host, path, digest, mode, uid, gid) updated_files = True for path in old_files.keys(): if path == '/etc/ceph/ceph.conf': continue'Removing {host}:{path}') with self._remote_connection(host) as tpl: conn, connr = tpl out, err, code = remoto.process.check( conn, ['rm', '-f', path]) updated_files = True self.mgr.cache.removed_client_file(host, path) if updated_files: self.mgr.cache.save_host(host) def _create_daemon(self, daemon_spec: CephadmDaemonDeploySpec, reconfig: bool = False, osd_uuid_map: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> str: with set_exception_subject('service', orchestrator.DaemonDescription( daemon_type=daemon_spec.daemon_type, daemon_id=daemon_spec.daemon_id,, ).service_id(), overwrite=True): try: image = '' start_time = datetime_now() ports: List[int] = daemon_spec.ports if daemon_spec.ports else [] if daemon_spec.daemon_type == 'container': spec = cast(CustomContainerSpec, self.mgr.spec_store[daemon_spec.service_name].spec) image = spec.image if spec.ports: ports.extend(spec.ports) if daemon_spec.daemon_type == 'cephadm-exporter': if not reconfig: assert self._deploy_cephadm_binary( # TCP port to open in the host firewall if len(ports) > 0: daemon_spec.extra_args.extend([ '--tcp-ports', ' '.join(map(str, ports)) ]) # osd deployments needs an --osd-uuid arg if daemon_spec.daemon_type == 'osd': if not osd_uuid_map: osd_uuid_map = self.mgr.get_osd_uuid_map() osd_uuid = osd_uuid_map.get(daemon_spec.daemon_id) if not osd_uuid: raise OrchestratorError('osd.%s not in osdmap' % daemon_spec.daemon_id) daemon_spec.extra_args.extend(['--osd-fsid', osd_uuid]) if reconfig: daemon_spec.extra_args.append('--reconfig') if self.mgr.allow_ptrace: daemon_spec.extra_args.append('--allow-ptrace') try: eca = daemon_spec.extra_container_args if eca: for a in eca: daemon_spec.extra_args.append(f'--extra-container-args={a}') except AttributeError: eca = None if self.mgr.cache.host_needs_registry_login( and self.mgr.registry_url: self._registry_login(, json.loads(str(self.mgr.get_store('registry_credentials'))))'%s daemon %s on %s' % ( 'Reconfiguring' if reconfig else 'Deploying',, out, err, code = self._run_cephadm(,, 'deploy', [ '--name',, '--meta-json', json.dumps({ 'service_name': daemon_spec.service_name, 'ports': daemon_spec.ports, 'ip': daemon_spec.ip, 'deployed_by': self.mgr.get_active_mgr_digests(), 'rank': daemon_spec.rank, 'rank_generation': daemon_spec.rank_generation, 'extra_container_args': eca }), '--config-json', '-', ] + daemon_spec.extra_args, stdin=json.dumps(daemon_spec.final_config), image=image, ) # refresh daemon state? (ceph daemon reconfig does not need it) if not reconfig or daemon_spec.daemon_type not in CEPH_TYPES: if not code and in self.mgr.cache.daemons: # prime cached service state with what we (should have) # just created sd = daemon_spec.to_daemon_description( DaemonDescriptionStatus.starting, 'starting') self.mgr.cache.add_daemon(, sd) if daemon_spec.daemon_type in REQUIRES_POST_ACTIONS: self.mgr.requires_post_actions.add( self.mgr.cache.invalidate_host_daemons( self.mgr.cache.update_daemon_config_deps(,, daemon_spec.deps, start_time) self.mgr.cache.save_host( msg = "{} {} on host '{}'".format( 'Reconfigured' if reconfig else 'Deployed',, if not code:, OrchestratorEvent.INFO, msg) else: what = 'reconfigure' if reconfig else 'deploy', OrchestratorEvent.ERROR, f'Failed to {what}: {err}') return msg except OrchestratorError: redeploy = in self.mgr.cache.get_daemon_names() if not reconfig and not redeploy: # we have to clean up the daemon. E.g. keyrings. servict_type = daemon_type_to_service(daemon_spec.daemon_type) dd = daemon_spec.to_daemon_description(DaemonDescriptionStatus.error, 'failed') self.mgr.cephadm_services[servict_type].post_remove(dd, is_failed_deploy=True) raise def _remove_daemon(self, name: str, host: str, no_post_remove: bool = False) -> str: """ Remove a daemon """ (daemon_type, daemon_id) = name.split('.', 1) daemon = orchestrator.DaemonDescription( daemon_type=daemon_type, daemon_id=daemon_id, hostname=host) with set_exception_subject('service', daemon.service_id(), overwrite=True): self.mgr.cephadm_services[daemon_type_to_service(daemon_type)].pre_remove(daemon) # NOTE: we are passing the 'force' flag here, which means # we can delete a mon instances data. dd = self.mgr.cache.get_daemon(daemon.daemon_name) if dd.ports: args = ['--name', name, '--force', '--tcp-ports', ' '.join(map(str, dd.ports))] else: args = ['--name', name, '--force']'Removing daemon %s from %s -- ports %s' % (name, host, dd.ports)) out, err, code = self._run_cephadm( host, name, 'rm-daemon', args) if not code: # remove item from cache self.mgr.cache.rm_daemon(host, name) self.mgr.cache.invalidate_host_daemons(host) if not no_post_remove: self.mgr.cephadm_services[daemon_type_to_service( daemon_type)].post_remove(daemon, is_failed_deploy=False) return "Removed {} from host '{}'".format(name, host) def _run_cephadm_json(self, host: str, entity: Union[CephadmNoImage, str], command: str, args: List[str], no_fsid: Optional[bool] = False, image: Optional[str] = "", ) -> Any: try: out, err, code = self._run_cephadm( host, entity, command, args, no_fsid=no_fsid, image=image) if code: raise OrchestratorError(f'host {host} `cephadm {command}` returned {code}: {err}') except Exception as e: raise OrchestratorError(f'host {host} `cephadm {command}` failed: {e}') try: return json.loads(''.join(out)) except (ValueError, KeyError): msg = f'host {host} `cephadm {command}` failed: Cannot decode JSON' self.log.exception(f'{msg}: {"".join(out)}') raise OrchestratorError(msg) def _run_cephadm(self, host: str, entity: Union[CephadmNoImage, str], command: str, args: List[str], addr: Optional[str] = "", stdin: Optional[str] = "", no_fsid: Optional[bool] = False, error_ok: Optional[bool] = False, image: Optional[str] = "", env_vars: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str], int]: """ Run cephadm on the remote host with the given command + args Important: You probably don't want to run _run_cephadm from CLI handlers :env_vars: in format -> [KEY=VALUE, ..] """ self.log.debug(f"_run_cephadm : command = {command}") self.log.debug(f"_run_cephadm : args = {args}") bypass_image = ('cephadm-exporter',) with self._remote_connection(host, addr) as tpl: conn, connr = tpl assert image or entity # Skip the image check for daemons deployed that are not ceph containers if not str(entity).startswith(bypass_image): if not image and entity is not cephadmNoImage: image = self.mgr._get_container_image(entity) final_args = [] # global args if env_vars: for env_var_pair in env_vars: final_args.extend(['--env', env_var_pair]) if image: final_args.extend(['--image', image]) if not self.mgr.container_init: final_args += ['--no-container-init'] # subcommand final_args.append(command) # subcommand args if not no_fsid: final_args += ['--fsid', self.mgr._cluster_fsid] final_args += args # exec self.log.debug('args: %s' % (' '.join(final_args))) if self.mgr.mode == 'root': if stdin: self.log.debug('stdin: %s' % stdin) try: # if host has gone offline this is likely where we'll fail first python = connr.choose_python() except RuntimeError as e: self.mgr.offline_hosts.add(host) self.mgr._reset_con(host) if error_ok: return [], [str(e)], 1 raise if not python: raise RuntimeError( 'unable to find python on %s (tried %s in %s)' % ( host, remotes.PYTHONS, remotes.PATH)) try: out, err, code = remoto.process.check( conn, [python, self.mgr.cephadm_binary_path] + final_args, stdin=stdin.encode('utf-8') if stdin is not None else None) if code == 2: out_ls, err_ls, code_ls = remoto.process.check( conn, ['ls', self.mgr.cephadm_binary_path]) if code_ls == 2: self._deploy_cephadm_binary_conn(conn, host) out, err, code = remoto.process.check( conn, [python, self.mgr.cephadm_binary_path] + final_args, stdin=stdin.encode('utf-8') if stdin is not None else None) except RuntimeError as e: self.mgr._reset_con(host) if error_ok: return [], [str(e)], 1 raise elif self.mgr.mode == 'cephadm-package': try: out, err, code = remoto.process.check( conn, ['sudo', '/usr/bin/cephadm'] + final_args, stdin=stdin) except RuntimeError as e: self.mgr._reset_con(host) if error_ok: return [], [str(e)], 1 raise else: assert False, 'unsupported mode' self.log.debug('code: %d' % code) if out: self.log.debug('out: %s' % '\n'.join(out)) if err: self.log.debug('err: %s' % '\n'.join(err)) if code and not error_ok: raise OrchestratorError( 'cephadm exited with an error code: %d, stderr:%s' % ( code, '\n'.join(err))) return out, err, code def _get_container_image_info(self, image_name: str) -> ContainerInspectInfo: # pick a random host... host = None for host_name in self.mgr.inventory.keys(): host = host_name break if not host: raise OrchestratorError('no hosts defined') if self.mgr.cache.host_needs_registry_login(host) and self.mgr.registry_url: self._registry_login(host, json.loads(str(self.mgr.get_store('registry_credentials')))) pullargs: List[str] = [] if self.mgr.registry_insecure: pullargs.append("--insecure") j = self._run_cephadm_json(host, '', 'pull', pullargs, image=image_name, no_fsid=True) r = ContainerInspectInfo( j['image_id'], j.get('ceph_version'), j.get('repo_digests') ) self.log.debug(f'image {image_name} -> {r}') return r # function responsible for logging single host into custom registry def _registry_login(self, host: str, registry_json: Dict[str, str]) -> Optional[str]: self.log.debug( f"Attempting to log host {host} into custom registry @ {registry_json['url']}") # want to pass info over stdin rather than through normal list of args out, err, code = self._run_cephadm( host, 'mon', 'registry-login', ['--registry-json', '-'], stdin=json.dumps(registry_json), error_ok=True) if code: return f"Host {host} failed to login to {registry_json['url']} as {registry_json['username']} with given password" return None def _deploy_cephadm_binary(self, host: str) -> None: # Use tee (from coreutils) to create a copy of cephadm on the target machine"Deploying cephadm binary to {host}") with self._remote_connection(host) as tpl: conn, _connr = tpl return self._deploy_cephadm_binary_conn(conn, host) def _deploy_cephadm_binary_conn(self, conn: "BaseConnection", host: str) -> None: _out, _err, code = remoto.process.check( conn, ['mkdir', '-p', f'/var/lib/ceph/{self.mgr._cluster_fsid}']) if code: msg = f"Unable to deploy the cephadm binary to {host}: {_err}" self.log.warning(msg) raise OrchestratorError(msg) _out, _err, code = remoto.process.check( conn, ['tee', '-', self.mgr.cephadm_binary_path], stdin=self.mgr._cephadm.encode('utf-8')) if code: msg = f"Unable to deploy the cephadm binary to {host}: {_err}" self.log.warning(msg) raise OrchestratorError(msg) def _write_remote_file(self, host: str, path: str, content: bytes, mode: int, uid: int, gid: int) -> None: with self._remote_connection(host) as tpl: conn, connr = tpl try: errmsg = connr.write_file(path, content, mode, uid, gid) if errmsg is not None: raise OrchestratorError(errmsg) except Exception as e: msg = f"Unable to write {host}:{path}: {e}" self.log.warning(msg) raise OrchestratorError(msg) @contextmanager def _remote_connection(self, host: str, addr: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Iterator[Tuple["BaseConnection", Any]]: if not addr and host in self.mgr.inventory: addr = self.mgr.inventory.get_addr(host) self.mgr.offline_hosts_remove(host) try: try: if not addr: raise OrchestratorError("host address is empty") conn, connr = self.mgr._get_connection(addr) except OSError as e: self.mgr._reset_con(host) msg = f"Can't communicate with remote host `{addr}`, possibly because python3 is not installed there: {str(e)}" raise execnet.gateway_bootstrap.HostNotFound(msg) yield (conn, connr) except execnet.gateway_bootstrap.HostNotFound as e: # this is a misleading exception as it seems to be thrown for # any sort of connection failure, even those having nothing to # do with "host not found" (e.g., ssh key permission denied). self.mgr.offline_hosts.add(host) self.mgr._reset_con(host) user = self.mgr.ssh_user if self.mgr.mode == 'root' else 'cephadm' if str(e).startswith("Can't communicate"): msg = str(e) else: msg = f'''Failed to connect to {host} ({addr}). Please make sure that the host is reachable and accepts connections using the cephadm SSH key To add the cephadm SSH key to the host: > ceph cephadm get-pub-key > ~/ > ssh-copy-id -f -i ~/ {user}@{addr} To check that the host is reachable open a new shell with the --no-hosts flag: > cephadm shell --no-hosts Then run the following: > ceph cephadm get-ssh-config > ssh_config > ceph config-key get mgr/cephadm/ssh_identity_key > ~/cephadm_private_key > chmod 0600 ~/cephadm_private_key > ssh -F ssh_config -i ~/cephadm_private_key {user}@{addr}''' raise OrchestratorError(msg) from e except Exception as ex: self.log.exception(ex) raise