#!/usr/bin/env bash # version 2021-02-04 # IMPORTANT: affects order produced by 'sort' and 'ceph-diff-sorted' # relies on this ordering export LC_ALL=C out_dir="." temp_file=/tmp/temp.$$ timestamp=$(date -u +%Y%m%d%H%M%S) lspools_err="${out_dir}/lspools-${timestamp}.error" rados_out="${out_dir}/rados-${timestamp}.intermediate" rados_odd="${out_dir}/rados-${timestamp}.issues" rados_err="${out_dir}/rados-${timestamp}.error" rgwadmin_out="${out_dir}/radosgw-admin-${timestamp}.intermediate" rgwadmin_err="${out_dir}/radosgw-admin-${timestamp}.error" delta_out="${out_dir}/orphan-list-${timestamp}.out" error_out() { echo "An error was encountered while running '$1'. Aborting." if [ $# -gt 2 ] ;then echo "Error: $3" fi if [ $# -gt 1 ] ;then echo "Review file '$2' for details." fi echo "***" echo "*** WARNING: The results are incomplete. Do not use! ***" echo "***" exit 1 } prompt_pool() { # note: all prompts go to stderr so stdout contains just the result >&2 echo "Available pools:" rados lspools >"$temp_file" 2>"$lspools_err" if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] ;then error_out "rados lspools" "$lspools_err" fi >&2 sed 's/^/ /' "$temp_file" # list pools and indent >&2 printf "Which pool do you want to search for orphans (for multiple, use space-separated list)? " local mypool read mypool echo $mypool } if [ $# -eq 0 ] ;then pool="$(prompt_pool)" else pool="$*" fi echo "Pool is \"$pool\"." echo "Note: output files produced will be tagged with the current timestamp -- ${timestamp}." echo "running 'rados ls' at $(date)" # since --format is not specified, plain should be used rm -f "$rados_out" &> /dev/null for mypool in $pool ; do echo "running 'rados ls' on pool ${mypool}." rados ls --pool="$mypool" --all >>"$rados_out" 2>"$rados_err" if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] ;then error_out "rados ls" "$rados_err" fi done # NOTE: Each entry (line of output) of `rados ls --all` should be in # one of four formats depending on whether or not an entry has a # namespace and/or locator: # # oid # oidlocator # namespaceoid # namespaceoidlocator # # Any occurrences of the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th (i.e., existence of # namespace and/or locator) should cause the create of the "odd" file # and an explanation in the output, and those entries will not be # retained, and therefore they will not be called out as orphans. They # will need special handling by the end-user as we do not expect # namespaces or locators. # check for namespaces -- any line that does not begin with a tab # indicates a namespace; add those to "odd" file and set flag; note: # this also picks up entries with namespace and locator grep --text $'^[^\t]' "$rados_out" >"$rados_odd" if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -eq 0 ] ;then namespace_found=1 fi # check for locators (w/o namespace); we idenitfy them by skipping # past the empty namespace (i.e., one TAB), skipping past the oid, # then looking for a TAB; note we use egrep to get the '+' character # and the $ in front of the ' allows the \t to be interpreted as a TAB egrep --text $'^\t[[:graph:]]+\t' "$rados_out" >>"$rados_odd" if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -eq 0 ] ;then locator_found=1 fi # extract the entries that are just oids (i.e., no namespace or # locator) for further processing; only look at lines that begin with # a TAB and do not contain a second TAB, and then grab everything # after the initial TAB grep --text $'^\t' "$rados_out" | grep --text -v $'^\t.*\t' | sed -E 's/^\t//' >"$temp_file" mv -f "$temp_file" "$rados_out" sort -u "$rados_out" >"$temp_file" mv -f "$temp_file" "$rados_out" echo "running 'radosgw-admin bucket radoslist' at $(date)" radosgw-admin bucket radoslist >"$rgwadmin_out" 2>"$rgwadmin_err" if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] ;then error_out "radosgw-admin radoslist" "$rgwadmin_err" fi sort -u "$rgwadmin_out" >"$temp_file" mv -f "$temp_file" "$rgwadmin_out" echo "computing delta at $(date)" ceph-diff-sorted "$rados_out" "$rgwadmin_out" | grep --text "^<" | sed 's/^< *//' >"$delta_out" # use PIPESTATUS to get at exit status of first process in above pipe; # 0 means same, 1 means different, >1 means error if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -gt 1 ] ;then error_out "ceph-diff-sorted" fi found=$(wc -l < "$delta_out") possible=$(wc -l < "$rados_out") percentage=0 if [ $possible -ne 0 ] ;then percentage=$(expr 100 \* $found / $possible) fi echo "$found potential orphans found out of a possible $possible (${percentage}%)." echo "The results can be found in '${delta_out}'." echo " Intermediate files are '${rados_out}' and '${rgwadmin_out}'." if [ -n "$namespace_found" -o -n "$locator_found" ] ;then echo " Note: 'rados ls' found entries that might be in a namespace or might" echo " have a locator; see '${rados_odd}' for those entries." fi echo "***" echo "*** WARNING: This is EXPERIMENTAL code and the results should be used" echo "*** only with CAUTION!" echo "***" echo "Done at $(date)."