// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab ft=cpp /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. See file COPYING. * */ #include #include "include/rados/librados.hpp" #include "librados/librados_asio.h" #include "rgw_aio.h" namespace rgw { namespace { void cb(librados::completion_t, void* arg); struct state { Aio* aio; librados::AioCompletion* c; state(Aio* aio, AioResult& r) : aio(aio), c(librados::Rados::aio_create_completion(&r, &cb)) {} }; void cb(librados::completion_t, void* arg) { static_assert(sizeof(AioResult::user_data) >= sizeof(state)); static_assert(std::is_trivially_destructible_v); auto& r = *(static_cast(arg)); auto s = reinterpret_cast(&r.user_data); r.result = s->c->get_return_value(); s->c->release(); s->aio->put(r); } template Aio::OpFunc aio_abstract(Op&& op) { return [op = std::move(op)] (Aio* aio, AioResult& r) mutable { constexpr bool read = std::is_same_v, librados::ObjectReadOperation>; auto s = new (&r.user_data) state(aio, r); if constexpr (read) { r.result = r.obj.aio_operate(s->c, &op, &r.data); } else { r.result = r.obj.aio_operate(s->c, &op); } if (r.result < 0) { s->c->release(); aio->put(r); } }; } struct Handler { Aio* throttle = nullptr; AioResult& r; // write callback void operator()(boost::system::error_code ec) const { r.result = -ec.value(); throttle->put(r); } // read callback void operator()(boost::system::error_code ec, bufferlist bl) const { r.result = -ec.value(); r.data = std::move(bl); throttle->put(r); } }; template Aio::OpFunc aio_abstract(Op&& op, boost::asio::io_context& context, yield_context yield) { return [op = std::move(op), &context, yield] (Aio* aio, AioResult& r) mutable { // arrange for the completion Handler to run on the yield_context's strand // executor so it can safely call back into Aio without locking using namespace boost::asio; async_completion init(yield); auto ex = get_associated_executor(init.completion_handler); auto& ref = r.obj.get_ref(); librados::async_operate(context, ref.pool.ioctx(), ref.obj.oid, &op, 0, bind_executor(ex, Handler{aio, r})); }; } template Aio::OpFunc aio_abstract(Op&& op, optional_yield y) { static_assert(std::is_base_of_v>); static_assert(!std::is_lvalue_reference_v); static_assert(!std::is_const_v); if (y) { return aio_abstract(std::forward(op), y.get_io_context(), y.get_yield_context()); } return aio_abstract(std::forward(op)); } } // anonymous namespace Aio::OpFunc Aio::librados_op(librados::ObjectReadOperation&& op, optional_yield y) { return aio_abstract(std::move(op), y); } Aio::OpFunc Aio::librados_op(librados::ObjectWriteOperation&& op, optional_yield y) { return aio_abstract(std::move(op), y); } } // namespace rgw