// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab #pragma once #include #include #include "rgw_op.h" #include "rgw_pubsub.h" // make sure that endpoint is a valid URL // make sure that if user/password are passed inside URL, it is over secure connection // update rgw_pubsub_sub_dest to indicate that a password is stored in the URL bool validate_and_update_endpoint_secret(rgw_pubsub_sub_dest& dest, CephContext *cct, const RGWEnv& env); // create a topic class RGWPSCreateTopicOp : public RGWDefaultResponseOp { protected: std::optional ps; std::string topic_name; rgw_pubsub_sub_dest dest; std::string topic_arn; std::string opaque_data; virtual int get_params() = 0; public: int verify_permission(optional_yield) override { return 0; } void pre_exec() override { rgw_bucket_object_pre_exec(s); } void execute(optional_yield) override; const char* name() const override { return "pubsub_topic_create"; } RGWOpType get_type() override { return RGW_OP_PUBSUB_TOPIC_CREATE; } uint32_t op_mask() override { return RGW_OP_TYPE_WRITE; } }; // list all topics class RGWPSListTopicsOp : public RGWOp { protected: std::optional ps; rgw_pubsub_topics result; public: int verify_permission(optional_yield) override { return 0; } void pre_exec() override { rgw_bucket_object_pre_exec(s); } void execute(optional_yield) override; const char* name() const override { return "pubsub_topics_list"; } RGWOpType get_type() override { return RGW_OP_PUBSUB_TOPICS_LIST; } uint32_t op_mask() override { return RGW_OP_TYPE_READ; } }; // get topic information class RGWPSGetTopicOp : public RGWOp { protected: std::string topic_name; std::optional ps; rgw_pubsub_topic_subs result; virtual int get_params() = 0; public: int verify_permission(optional_yield y) override { return 0; } void pre_exec() override { rgw_bucket_object_pre_exec(s); } void execute(optional_yield y) override; const char* name() const override { return "pubsub_topic_get"; } RGWOpType get_type() override { return RGW_OP_PUBSUB_TOPIC_GET; } uint32_t op_mask() override { return RGW_OP_TYPE_READ; } }; // delete a topic class RGWPSDeleteTopicOp : public RGWDefaultResponseOp { protected: string topic_name; std::optional ps; virtual int get_params() = 0; public: int verify_permission(optional_yield) override { return 0; } void pre_exec() override { rgw_bucket_object_pre_exec(s); } void execute(optional_yield y) override; const char* name() const override { return "pubsub_topic_delete"; } RGWOpType get_type() override { return RGW_OP_PUBSUB_TOPIC_DELETE; } uint32_t op_mask() override { return RGW_OP_TYPE_DELETE; } }; // create a subscription class RGWPSCreateSubOp : public RGWDefaultResponseOp { protected: std::string sub_name; std::string topic_name; std::optional ps; rgw_pubsub_sub_dest dest; virtual int get_params() = 0; public: int verify_permission(optional_yield) override { return 0; } void pre_exec() override { rgw_bucket_object_pre_exec(s); } void execute(optional_yield y) override; const char* name() const override { return "pubsub_subscription_create"; } RGWOpType get_type() override { return RGW_OP_PUBSUB_SUB_CREATE; } uint32_t op_mask() override { return RGW_OP_TYPE_WRITE; } }; // get subscription information (including push-endpoint if exist) class RGWPSGetSubOp : public RGWOp { protected: std::string sub_name; std::optional ps; rgw_pubsub_sub_config result; virtual int get_params() = 0; public: int verify_permission(optional_yield) override { return 0; } void pre_exec() override { rgw_bucket_object_pre_exec(s); } void execute(optional_yield y) override; const char* name() const override { return "pubsub_subscription_get"; } RGWOpType get_type() override { return RGW_OP_PUBSUB_SUB_GET; } uint32_t op_mask() override { return RGW_OP_TYPE_READ; } }; // delete subscription class RGWPSDeleteSubOp : public RGWDefaultResponseOp { protected: std::string sub_name; std::string topic_name; std::optional ps; virtual int get_params() = 0; public: int verify_permission(optional_yield) override { return 0; } void pre_exec() override { rgw_bucket_object_pre_exec(s); } void execute(optional_yield y) override; const char* name() const override { return "pubsub_subscription_delete"; } RGWOpType get_type() override { return RGW_OP_PUBSUB_SUB_DELETE; } uint32_t op_mask() override { return RGW_OP_TYPE_DELETE; } }; // acking of an event class RGWPSAckSubEventOp : public RGWDefaultResponseOp { protected: std::string sub_name; std::string event_id; std::optional ps; virtual int get_params() = 0; public: RGWPSAckSubEventOp() {} int verify_permission(optional_yield) override { return 0; } void pre_exec() override { rgw_bucket_object_pre_exec(s); } void execute(optional_yield y) override; const char* name() const override { return "pubsub_subscription_ack"; } RGWOpType get_type() override { return RGW_OP_PUBSUB_SUB_ACK; } uint32_t op_mask() override { return RGW_OP_TYPE_WRITE; } }; // fetching events from a subscription // dpending on whether the subscription was created via s3 compliant API or not // the matching events will be returned class RGWPSPullSubEventsOp : public RGWOp { protected: int max_entries{0}; std::string sub_name; std::string marker; std::optional ps; RGWPubSub::SubRef sub; virtual int get_params() = 0; public: RGWPSPullSubEventsOp() {} int verify_permission(optional_yield) override { return 0; } void pre_exec() override { rgw_bucket_object_pre_exec(s); } void execute(optional_yield y) override; const char* name() const override { return "pubsub_subscription_pull"; } RGWOpType get_type() override { return RGW_OP_PUBSUB_SUB_PULL; } uint32_t op_mask() override { return RGW_OP_TYPE_READ; } }; // notification creation class RGWPSCreateNotifOp : public RGWDefaultResponseOp { protected: std::optional ps; string bucket_name; RGWBucketInfo bucket_info; virtual int get_params() = 0; public: int verify_permission(optional_yield y) override; void pre_exec() override { rgw_bucket_object_pre_exec(s); } RGWOpType get_type() override { return RGW_OP_PUBSUB_NOTIF_CREATE; } uint32_t op_mask() override { return RGW_OP_TYPE_WRITE; } }; // delete a notification class RGWPSDeleteNotifOp : public RGWDefaultResponseOp { protected: std::optional ps; std::string bucket_name; RGWBucketInfo bucket_info; virtual int get_params() = 0; public: int verify_permission(optional_yield y) override; void pre_exec() override { rgw_bucket_object_pre_exec(s); } RGWOpType get_type() override { return RGW_OP_PUBSUB_NOTIF_DELETE; } uint32_t op_mask() override { return RGW_OP_TYPE_DELETE; } }; // get topics/notifications on a bucket class RGWPSListNotifsOp : public RGWOp { protected: std::string bucket_name; RGWBucketInfo bucket_info; std::optional ps; virtual int get_params() = 0; public: int verify_permission(optional_yield y) override; void pre_exec() override { rgw_bucket_object_pre_exec(s); } RGWOpType get_type() override { return RGW_OP_PUBSUB_NOTIF_LIST; } uint32_t op_mask() override { return RGW_OP_TYPE_READ; } };